The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1042: 】Return to Emperor Danyuan Mansion

【Chapter 1042】Return to Emperor Danyuan's Mansion (4 more)

Everyone in the cauldron, except Xuantian, Tianji Cudgel, and Long Ziyan, had never seen the emperor. Even the three of Xuantian had not personally experienced the power of the emperor. ()

But Bharatsa, the combat power is stronger than the two-star emperor, what a terrifying power that is, naturally everyone is shocked.

However, even though Xuantian vomited blood, his internal organs were injured a little. To him as the emperor, it was only a minor injury, not much.

Now that everyone has entered the sacred cauldron, Xuantian is not worried at all. He only needs to use the door of the space, and he will appear more than two million miles away with a swish. Even if the Brahwa is chasing like a shadow, Xuantian is not afraid of being caught He caught up.

Sikongding was the emperor's **** son, much more terrifying than Brahwa, and he could not catch up with Xuantian.

The current situation is dangerous. If you stay for a moment, you may die. Just after Xuantian recovered from the shock, the door of space in his heart moved and stepped out.

After a blink of an eye, Xuantian completed one step, his expression was shocked, he just felt that the void was like iron, and he failed to teleport successfully.

He had felt this situation in the blood spirit madness formation, and before he became the emperor, because the void was imprisoned.

However, what kind of imprisonment can even imprison the function of the Void Sacred Cauldron to travel through the void?

In an instant, Xuantian understood that there was a huge umbrella floating above the saint cauldron.

This is a huge black umbrella, and the area covered by it is tens of miles in radius, which is even bigger than the holy tripod.


Bo Luo Su let out a loud laugh, merged into the void, and stepped dozens of miles, and soon came outside the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, and said loudly: "Xuan Tian, ​​Ben Mingzi's Tian Luo Jedi Umbrella is a huge treasure that confines the void. , Even if the two-star emperor is enveloped by the Heavenly Jedi Umbrella, he cannot teleport. If you want to teleport and escape, you will be disappointed, hahaha...!"

Behind Boluosu, Tuwancheng and Gong Lonely also flew towards the saint cauldron quickly, but the speed of the two was obviously slower than that of Boluosu.

In the tripod, Xuantian frowned. This Tianluo Jedi umbrella must be a rare treasure. As a Mingzi, Boluosu really has a lot of heritage.

This time, being imprisoned in the void, unable to teleport, this is facing real danger.

"I'll deal with him, Xuantian, you take them away!" Tianji stick said, rushing out of the sacred cauldron of the wind.

"Be careful, sir!" Xuantian shouted, and everyone else also spoke.

As soon as Boluo Su arrived outside the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, the Heavenly Mystery Cudgel rushed out of the Sacred Cauldron.

He glanced at the secret stick, and saw that it was only an eighth-level emperor, and Bharatanatyam was completely ignored. The palm behind him slapped a dozen palms at Bharatanaty.

"The Mirror of Time -!" The celestial cudgel hand raised, and the celestial mirror flew out in an instant, emitting a dazzling light, and instantly swept both him and Bharatanatyam.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The heavenly secret stick and the Bharatanatyam disappeared instantly, together with the heavenly mirror, disappeared without a trace.

In the mirror of time, the Heavenly Secret Stick and the Bharatanatyam are separated by a mask, and are located in the chaotic void.

"Where is this place?" Bo Luo Su looked surprised and roared.

The secret stick smiled slightly and ignored it.

"Hundred-armed Minggong, Shura's palm, shattering the void, breaking the eye barrier, breaking--!"

Brahma screamed, and in an instant hundreds of giant hands slashed in all directions behind him, and the entire space trembled violently.


The figures of Boluo Su and the Tianji Cudgel disappeared, and Xuantian knew that there was not much time, and urged the holy cauldron to fly away quickly.

The Tianluo Destiny Umbrella lost control of Bharat, and did not move with the saint cauldron.

Bo Luo Su suddenly disappeared, which surprised Tu Wancheng and Gong Lonely Sage. However, they believed that Bo Luo Su, as the underworld, would definitely be fine. Seeing the holy cauldron rush across the void, the two shouted at the same time: "Stop!"

While they were talking, the two shot instantly, two giant Gang Yuan hands stretched out for dozens of miles, and they grabbed the Sacred Cauldron.

In the sacred cauldron, ten attacks rushed out in an instant, and the two giant Gang Yuan hands were shattered in an instant.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan, as well as the righteous way, the monster clan's strong blow, Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng could stop them.

Soon, the holy cauldron flew out of the envelope of the Tianluo Jedi Umbrella, and Xuantian flew out from the holy cauldron, and disappeared with the holy cauldron who swished away, teleporting more than two million miles in an instant, and fleeing far away.

Xuantian had just teleported, and under the Tianluo Jedi umbrella, the void exploded with a bang, the figure of Bharatara appeared, the mirror of time was broken open by Bharatara, and the mirror of the sky was also revealed.

However, Boluo Sa only broke half of the time mirror, and the heavenly secret stick was still in the heavenly mirror.

The celestial mirror flew through the air, but was imprisoned by the Shura Jedi Umbrella, unable to teleport, Boluo stretched out a giant hand and immediately grabbed the celestial mirror.

Buluosa swept across all directions, and Xuantian and Shengding had half shadows, and their expressions were furious.

Shengding, what he wants is Shengding, this broken mirror caught it, there is a fart!

"Master Mingzi, Xuantian teleported away...!" Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng flew over and shouted.

"Huh--!" Bo Luo Su snorted angrily, and said, "Let everyone in the entire Demon Sect look for Xuantian's whereabouts, and at the same time there was news that Xuantian did not show up for a day, Ben Mingzi killed a hundred A righteous human warrior, until he shows up."

"Yes, Master Mingzi." Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng clasped their fists and nodded.

Boluosu looked at the two and said, "You have summoned me over, and you have done a great job. Ben Mingzi has brought you the emperor's spirit pill to reward you. You can help Ben Mingzi to open the channel of the devil. You will have whatever you want in the future. ."

Tu Wancheng and Gong Lonely were overjoyed, and they knelt down in the void, and said excitedly: "Thank you Mingzi, thank you Mingzi——!"


Xuantian quickly left the Heavenly Demon Continent with a step of more than two million miles and headed west.

In Yunzhou, there is no better place to find a safe place than Emperor Danyuan's Mansion.

Now that Boluosu came to Yunzhou, no matter whether it was the right way or the demon race, nowhere was safe. Only the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, even Boluosu could not enter strongly.

Even if Boluosu had the strength to break into the Danyuan Emperor's mansion, there was a treasure boy guarding the Danyuan Emperor's mansion.

Yibao Boy, the strength of the Samsung Sword Emperor, is definitely better than Bolu Su.

Leapfrogging challenges between emperors is more difficult than the emperor. As a quasi-emperor, Boluo Su is able to defeat the two-star emperor. Xuantian does not believe that he will have the strength to defeat the three-star emperor.

Xuantian's speed was so fast that he reached the northwest area of ​​Yunzhou and arrived at the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion in just a few dozen steps.

As the owner of the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, Xuantian passed the outer formation unimpeded and arrived on the island.

This island is safe, there are formations outside, and the real Danyuan Emperor's mansion in the middle of the island also has formations. It is impossible for Xuantian to keep them in the sacred space, so he released them on the island.

"Where is this place?" As soon as they appeared, the strong people asked curiously.

Xuantian said: "Emperor Danyuan's mansion, this is my territory, Bharatanatyam cannot enter."

The strong men of the right way and the monster race are all shocked. The Emperor Danyuan’s mansion is famous in Yunzhou. No one has ever heard of it. This is a forbidden place. Even the emperor broke in and failed to get any benefits. The emperor must come in. After losing his life, Xuantian came in unexpectedly, saying that this was his site.

Seeing everyone's surprise, Xuantian nodded slightly, and said, "I am a disciple of Emperor Danyuan Sword, and I have obtained the inheritance of his old man. There is a great friend in there. I will invite him to see if he can be invited. Dealing with Bharatanatyam, but hope is not great. If you don’t move, I’ll have to stay here for a while. I’ll quickly cultivate to the seventh-level emperor, and then I can take the Danyuan Emperor’s Mansion to walk. Come with me to deal with Bharatanatyam."

A disciple of Emperor Danyuan Sword?

Is there a strong man here who can deal with Bharatanatyam?

The strong man of the right way monster clan was stunned.

Xuantian didn't tell them much, walked up to Long Ziyan, and said, "Ziyan, you should stay here first. I haven't completely controlled the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion. You can't enter the mansion inside. Wait until I become The seventh-level emperor can completely control it."

Long Ziyan nodded, and said: "Go, I will practice cultivation on the island. Although the husband said that Mingzi can't help him, we should save him as soon as possible. You can cultivate with peace of mind."

Xuantian nodded, patted Long Ziyan's arm, and then flew towards the imperial palace in the center of the island.

Just outside the imperial mansion, a dark-skinned, about eleven or twelve-year-old black-clothed youth walked out of the imperial mansion and bowed to Xuantian: "New master, you are back!"

Xuantian nodded and said: "Yibao, now the new master has encountered a powerful enemy, can you help me deal with him?"

The boy Yibao shook his head unchangingly, and said, "I can't leave the imperial palace for half a step before the new master has completely refined the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion."

Xuantian sighed a little regretfully, but he had actually thought of this promise.

The only way now is to cultivate to the seventh-level emperor, and then refine into a six-turn sword pill, refine the third letter symbol, and completely control the pill yuan emperor's mansion, and then you can take the pill yuan emperor's mansion and walk the world with you. The boy can also come out of the imperial palace.

With the fighting power of Even if Xuantian becomes a seventh-level emperor and refines a six-turn sword pill, he will not be an opponent. The only hope is to get Yibao boy on, and Yibao boy is just a puppet. It just has the strength of the Samsung Sword Emperor, not the Samsung Emperor, and can appear anywhere.

"Is there any way to make a rapid breakthrough?" Xuantian guessed in his heart.

"Xuantian, aren't there four quasi emperors in your thunder sacred cauldron?" Jian Chi Transmission reminded.

"Four quasi emperors?" Xuan Tian's heart moved, "Jianchi, you mean I use Yin Ming Dafa to directly absorb their cultivation base and turn it into used? Didn't you say that forcing others' cultivation base is bad for me? "

Jian Chi transmitted the sound: "At this time, at that time, you can only use this quick method to quickly improve your cultivation base. The big deal, after reaching the seventh-level emperor, you will press the cultivation base and slow down the pace of cultivation. Work harder on the gang yuan in your body."

ek chocolate says

Fourth update, make up the second update yesterday. . . . .


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