The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1043: 】6 Turn Lan Dan

[Chapter 1043] Six-turn Landan (5 more, make up)

Xuantian thinks about it, what is more important now than saving the secret stick?

To save the Heavenly Mystery Cudgel, you must quickly improve your cultivation level, become a seventh-level emperor, refine a six-turn sword pill, and then refine the Pill Yuan Emperor's Mansion, so that a powerful thug, Yibao Boy, can appear by his side at any time. ()

As soon as his mind turned, Xuantian made a decision.

Entering the emperor's palace, Xuantian took out the sacred cauldron of thunder and stood in the hall, his body flashed and entered the sacred cauldron of thunder.

There were violent thunder and lightning everywhere in the thunder sacred cauldron, and the electric wire was like a net, which severely suppressed the four demon quasi-emperors Yan Elai, Yin Jiankun, Xuexiexin, and Tu Zexiong, and confined them like a shackle, preventing them from moving.

With Xuantian's thoughts, all the thunder and lightning on Tu Zexiong's body disappeared, and he suddenly escaped from pain, which gave Tu Zexiong a wonderful feeling of going from **** to heaven in an instant.

This feeling is almost exhausting, as if something is leaving the body.

After several breaths, Tu Zexiong was shocked and his heart was shocked.

It seems that something is leaving the body, but something is indeed leaving the body. He found that the gang yuan in the body is leaking out, and the life potential and cultivation base are sucked by a force of suction without knowing it. gone.

At first, the suction was still very soft, so he didn't feel too strong, but now the suction is getting stronger and stronger, and he feels the Gang Yuan in his body rushing out almost like a river.

In front of Tu Zexiong, Xuantian is performing Yinming Dafa. His left hand is forward, and his palm produces huge suction. The air in front of him flows backwards, forming a funnel-like inverted vortex. Tu Zexiong's gang yuan, life potential, cultivation base, and crazy Xiang Xuan The sky rushes.

As the quasi-emperor of the Demon Sect, Tu Zexiong naturally knew the Yin Ming Dafa, which was the unique knowledge of the Demon Underworld Clan. In the sword world, many Demon Dao martial artists had practiced, but very few were proficient in this skill.

Yin Ming Dafa absorbs the power of others and turns it into use. Even in the magic way, this is an extremely frightening exercise that everyone should avoid.

Now, seeing Xuantian using Yin Ming Dafa to absorb his own Gang Yuan and cultivation base, Tu Zexiong was simply frightened.

He knows what this means. Once he exhausts his cultivation base, his realm continues to decrease, and his life potential continues to decrease. Once he falls into the emperor realm, he is immediately killed.

The emperor has a life span of five hundred years, and the king has a life span of only two hundred years. Most of the quasi-emperors and quasi-emperors of the magic gate are more than two hundred years old. Once they are exhausted and fall to the state of the king, they must be a dead word.

However, fear returned to fear, and Tu Zexiong couldn't change it at all. He was severely injured and suppressed by the lightning wire. Facing Xuantian's Yin Ming Dafa, he had no resistance at all.

Now the Gang Yuan, life potential, and cultivation base are rapidly losing, and he can't control it at all.

Unless Shenming comes to rescue him, sooner or later his cultivation will be absorbed by Xuantian.

The Yinming Dafa that Xuantian is currently using is of the emperor level, and he has cultivated to a very high level, absorbing the cultivation of others very quickly.

Even though Tu Zexiong was a quasi emperor, with strong vitality, strong Gang Yuan, and advanced cultivation, he could not withstand the absorption of Xuantian. In just half a day, Tu Zexiong's cultivation was absorbed by Xuantian, and his cultivation was followed. The quasi emperor fell all the way, and finally fell into the emperor's state, and died.

Xuantian is now the cultivation base of a sixth-level emperor, but his combat power is strong, and his Gang Yuan is strong. Compared with the quasi emperor, he is far superior. It is not enough to absorb the cultivation of a quasi emperor. Breakthrough, even, both are insufficient.

But it’s okay, two can’t do three, three can’t do four, a total of four demon quasi emperors were captured by Xuan Tian, ​​of which Yan Elai and Yin Jiankun are the best among quasi emperors, and one can top Two.

No matter how strong Xuantian’s strength is, and no matter how much accumulation he needs, he has already cultivated for a period of time in the realm of the sixth-level emperor, and has been consolidated. If he absorbs the cultivation base of the four magic gate quasi-emperors, the cultivation base will definitely increase. A realm.

After another half day, Xuantian absorbed the blood evil heart's cultivation base, and still did not break through, but he obviously felt that he was about to reach the peak of the sixth-level emperor.

On the second day, Xuantian absorbed Yin Jiankun's cultivation base. Yin Jiankun's skill alone was enough to compare with Tu Zexiong and Xuexiexin. Xuantian absorbed the cultivation level for a whole day.

Right now, Xuantian felt his body was about to burst like a ball, very sufficient, his cultivation had reached the limit of a sixth-level emperor, and he was about to break through.

This shocked Xuantian's spirit, and it seemed that it would be the next day to break through the seventh-level emperor.

Sure enough, on the third day, it took a long time for Xuantian to absorb Yan Elai's cultivation base, and he successfully broke through and became a seventh-level emperor.

Becoming a seventh-level emperor, not to mention that you can practice the Sixth Rank Sword Pill, it is only the power of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, that is also the rapid increase in strength.

A sixth-level emperor, Xuantian can control the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Array with the Nine Sword Arrays overlapping, and can control the Sword Array with the Ten Sword Arrays to make a desperate blow in a short time.

Now that his cultivation base has broken through, he can easily control the overlapping sword formations with ten sword formations.

The complete Da Zhou Tian Xing Chen Sword Array can counter-slash the emperor, which shows that Xuantian's combat power has increased by a large level. Using the Great Zhou Tian Xing Chen Sword Array, even a one-star emperor can be killed.

Of course, the emperor doesn’t mean that they can be killed by slaying. Their combat power is too strong. Xuantian still needs to comprehend the profound meaning and understand the profound meaning to the limit before they can reach the seventh-level emperor’s cultivation base. Emperor.

Anyway, Xuantian also needs to cultivate the six profound meanings to the limit. In the days to come, he must fully understand the profound meanings.

When the cultivation base broke through to the seventh-level emperor, Xuan Tian no longer absorbed Yan E's cultivation base. With a thunder, he blasted the demon quasi emperor to pieces.

With the cultivation base of the seventh-level emperor, Xuantian can comprehend the profound meaning and the peak of the seventh step. He has absorbed the cultivation base of the four great quasi emperors, and their profound insights have also absorbed a lot. If you don’t need it, Xuantian won’t go. Pay attention to, but transform and absorb what is good for you.

It is impossible to absorb the profound meaning of chaos from the four great quasi emperors, but the five profound meanings of thunder, fire, earth, sun, and wind still have certain gains.

This saved Xuantian a lot of time to comprehend the profound meaning.

Xuantian felt that his Gang Yuan was a bit mottled and messy. This was due to the cultivation of the four great quasi emperors. This had great disadvantages to the subsequent cultivation, and it would take a long time to train. This is exactly Xuantian. As soon as he broke through to the seventh-level emperor, he would no longer absorb the reasons for Yan E's cultivation base. The more he absorbed, the more disorderly the Gang Yuan in his body.

Now Xuantian didn't care about that much, he was single-minded and understood the profound meaning.

Days passed day by day.

Time was like flowing water. In a blink of an eye, more than three months passed, and the time had reached the beginning of August 10008 in the ancient posterior calendar.

Silently, Xuantian spent an important birthday for him in retreat, practicing and comprehending the profound meaning. It has been 30 years since his birth.

This time, because of the idea of ​​saving the heavenly secret stick, Xuantian practiced extremely hard, and the speed of enlightenment of the profound meaning was also exceptionally fast. In more than three months, the six profound meanings of chaos, thunder, fire, wind, sun, and earth Li, have realized the realm of the seventh-order peak.

The six types of profound meanings have been cultivated to the limit, and finally reached the requirements of cultivating the Sixth Rank Sword Pill.

On August 5th, Xuantian took out the middle volume of "Pill Yuan Emperor Sutra", turned the sword pill technique into the sixth turn, and carefully read it again from beginning to end to ensure that the cultivation process was completely clear in his heart, and he started the sixth turn of sword pill. Practice.

The boy Yibao was beside him, looking at Xuantian quietly, with a trace of expression on his dull face. Although he was just a puppet, he also had wisdom. He stayed in Emperor Danyuan’s mansion for more than 18,000 years. The Heavenly Refined Sixth Rank Sword Pill can carry the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion with him, and Yibao Boy can also leave the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion and walk outside.

The red five-turn sword pill gradually melted, and the extremely vigorous Gang Yuan in Xuantian's body slowly compressed into the dantian and began to condense into a new sword pill.

Not long after, a ray of blue light suddenly appeared in Xuantian's dantian. It was an extremely small blue particle, but it revealed the extremely powerful essence of power.

Six turn blue.

This was a sign that the Sixth Rank Sword Pill began to condense.

The time of cultivation always passed unconsciously, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Xuantian's cultivation was very smooth, and the blue particles grew larger and larger, condensing into a sword shape.

Three days later, August 8, at noon.

In the first floor of the imperial mansion, blue light suddenly shone, and a strong blue light radiated from Xuan Tian's body, reflecting Xuan Tian's whole person in blue.

The light blooms and shines outside, this is the performance of the sword pill Dacheng.

The technique of Rank Nine Sword Pill, Rank Six Blue Sword Pill, finally completed.

After ten breaths, the shining blue light disappeared, and Xuantian opened his eyes, revealing an unstoppable excitement in his eyes.

After refining the Sixth Rank Sword Pill, then you can refine the third letter talisman, you can enter the third floor of the Imperial Mansion, and obtain the second volume of the "Pill Yuan Emperor Jing", the seventh and eighth turns of the Nine Turns Sword Pill, The cultivation method of Rank Nine, the entire Danyuan Emperor Mansion, will be completely controlled by Xuantian.

Yibao Boy came over and handed the third letter talisman to Xuantian, obviously he was already prepared.

Xuantian smiled slightly took the letter and began to refine.

Not long after, he succeeded in refining the letter talisman. He had no feelings for the third floor of the imperial mansion, but in an instant he felt connected with the third floor of the imperial mansion. Xuantian could sense the law, from the inside to the three-story palace.

From this moment on, the entire Danyuan Emperor Mansion was completely controlled by Xuantian.

"Congratulations to the master, for successfully refining the letter talisman, from now on, the entire Danyuan Emperor's Mansion is yours." The boy Yibao said respectfully in front of Xuantian, holding his fist and bowing his head.

After completely refining the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, the name of Yibao Boy has been changed, and it is no longer the "new master", but directly called the "master".

It can be seen that Xuan Tian is now officially the descendant of the Danyuan Sword Emperor, who walks the world on behalf of the Danyuan Sword Emperor, and everything left by the Danyuan Sword Emperor belongs to Xuantian.

ek chocolate says

Fifth more. . . . Supplement the second update on September 23. . .


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