The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1044: 】1 Treasure Boy Shows Power

[Chapter 1044] Yibao Boy Shows Power (1 more)

Tianmo Continent, Momen headquarters. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

In a huge palace, Mingzi Brasara sat high on the throne.

Below the throne, there are Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng standing on the left and the other on the right. In the hall below, there are the five magic gate quasi-emperors, the Blood Spirit Dragon, Chi Yanfeng, Chi Yuchen, Yan Dingyi, and Fan Yun, and a large number of them. Demon King.

All the magic sect powerhouses looked at the Mingzi Brasara on the throne with extremely respectful expressions.

This is indeed a respect from the heart.

As soon as Mingzi Boluosuo arrived in Yunzhou, the Yunzhou Demon Sect received great benefits.

Especially the two top quasi-emperors, Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng, were rewarded with the Spirit Pill of Chengdi by Mingzi Boluosu. In just three months, the two of them were reborn, made breakthroughs, and became emperors.

Shouyuan has grown from five hundred years to one thousand years.

Ascending into a **** is too far away for the warriors of Yunzhou. The life span of an emperor is a dream dream of all the warriors of Yunzhou.

In the entire Yunzhou area, the number of emperors who have appeared in tens of thousands of years has not exceeded the number of ten fingers. There have never been two emperors in the same period, but now, Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng are both emperors. Not excited, looking at Mingzi Boluo, the respectful expression comes from the heart.

Although the Demon Sect lost five quasi-emperors, a quasi-emperor’s corpse puppet, and a genius and enchanting evildoer Tu Shaoyuan whose combat power is comparable to that of the quasi-emperor, two more emperors, in terms of relative gains , That kind of effort is totally worth it.

The emperor is too rare, even if it is Tu Shaoyuan, the most enchanting genius in the history of the Demon Sect, no one dares to pack a ticket that he will become an emperor in the future.

Now that Tu Wancheng and Gong Lone Sage have both become emperors, of course, the gain is greater than the effort. It takes so much power and loses so many powerful people to summon Bharat. Everything is worth it.

This year is 10008 years after the ancient times. Eight years have passed since the age of ten thousand years of great prosperity after the ancient times. The martial artists from all over the sword world have made great progress in their cultivation.

Because of this, Tu Wancheng and Gong Lonely were able to pass through the emperor's spirit pill, and both become emperors. If they had the emperor's spirit pill before the age of ten thousand years, even if they had the emperor's spirit pill, it would not be against the luck of heaven and earth, and it would be impossible for them to become emperors at the same time.

Mingzi Brasuo glanced across the powerhouses of the Demon Sect, and said: "Can you find the whereabouts of Xuantian?"

"Master Mingzi, Xuantian seems to have disappeared, and he has not appeared anywhere in Yunzhou. There is no news so far...!" Tu Wancheng bowed his fists and said respectfully.

Since Tu Wancheng received the favor of Mingzi Boluosu and became a one-star emperor, he has become more and more respectful to Mingzi Boluosu.

Bo Luo Suo's eyebrows wrinkled. This is not the first time that Xuantian was asked about the news. For more than three months, I had asked about Xuantian's whereabouts almost every day, but there was no news, Bo Luo Su changed to a few days. ask.

Xuantian was practicing in retreat in the Danyuan Emperor's mansion, and he has not shown up, and the people with him also retreat on the island to practice. Of course, there is no news.

"Master Mingzi, Xuantian is terrified of you. He must be afraid of your prestige and has escaped from the Yunzhou area."

Gong Gusheng also clasped his fists and bowed respectfully, "Those quasi-emperors of the right way, the demon race, and the ninth-level emperor should have been taken away by him, otherwise, in the past three months, we have swept the power of the right way and the demon race. , Killing hundreds of warriors every day, and tens of thousands of people have been killed so far, but none of these people have come out. They should not be in this area."

Because the right way, the quasi-emperor of the demon clan, and the ninth-level emperor were not there. In the past three months or so, the powerful demon sect swept across the entire Yunzhou area, and many powerful forces of the right way and the demon clan were destroyed, and hundreds of emperors Captured alive, the king is millions.

More than three months ago, in the mountains in the center of the magic castle, only tens of thousands of kings were bleeded and tortured. Now they are millions of kings. The real wailing is everywhere, and the blood flows into rivers. Even the kings are counted. Hundreds of people were tortured into a human form.

The entire magic castle was shrouded in a strong resentment.

Although Boluosuo was not happy, he was helpless. Without Xuantian's news, the Yunzhou area was so vast that he could not find it blindly. If Xuantian was no longer in the Yunzhou area, it would be impossible to find it.

For Xuantian, what Boluo Su really cares about is the holy cauldron on his body. As for Xuantian's fate, it is purely his personal resentment, which cannot be compared with the importance of the holy cauldron.

After a while, Boluo Suo's brows stretched out and said, "Continue to search hard. If you don't find Xuantian, you will never give up."

"Yes, Master Mingzi." All the demon masters responded in unison.

Boluosuo's gaze fell on Tu Wancheng and Gong Lonely Saint, and said: "You two come with me. After so long preparations, today we are going to work hard to open the Demon Realm passage."

The Chengdi Ling Pill is no ordinary goods, no matter where it is, it is an extremely valuable and priceless treasure.

The reason why Mingzi Boluosuo brought two to reward Tuwan City and Gong Lonely Sage, naturally it is impossible to reward them because of their merits, but to open the channel of the devil world. Boluosu needs the help of two emperors.

Without the help of two emperors, with the Brahma's Nona, it was impossible to open the passage from the demon world to the human world.

This time Boluosu was summoned to the sword world Yunzhou. There are already a large number of demon emperors and emperors on the demon world who are ready. As long as Boluosu opens the channel of the demon world, there will be a large number of demon emperors with the demon king army To the sword world Yunzhou.

A demon emperor is already terrifying. There are hundreds of demon emperors, bringing hundreds of thousands or millions of demon emperors to kill. What a powerful force is that?

As long as it is less than Jianzhou in the sword world, it can sweep almost all areas of the world king star.

Finding Xuantian and robbing the sacred cauldron is a major event. It is also a major event to open the Demon Realm passage and let the demon army come to the Sword Realm Yunzhou.

For more than three months, the search for Xuantian has always been done by the blood spirit dragon and other five demon quasi-emperors with the demon sect powerhouse. The two emperors of Boluosa and Tuwancheng and Gonggusheng have always been Busy to open the Demon Realm channel.

The passage of the Demon Realm, connecting the two realms, cannot be opened overnight, but after so long preparations, today, Boluo Su is finally going to complete the passage of the Demon Realm in one go.

Bo Luo Su got up, Tuwan City and Gong Lonely Sage immediately followed, preparing to go to the altar of the basin in the center of the magic castle.

At this moment, a huge bell sounded suddenly.

"Xuantian is here..., Xuantian is coming again...!" In an instant, a demon king rushed in from outside the palace, shouting.

For Xuantian, the Demon King was obviously a little afraid.


He raised his eyebrows at Brahma, who was about to go to the basin in the mountain range. Xuantian disappeared for more than three months without a trace. There was no news. Now, suddenly he came to the Demon Sect headquarters again?

All the magic sect powerhouses, including Zhundi, were shocked when they heard this, obviously beyond their expectations.

However, there is Mingzi Brasara, and even though the powerful demons are surprised, they are not too worried. With Master Mingzi, Xuantian is seeking his own death.

In just over three months, even if Xuantian's strength has improved, it is definitely not the opponent of Mingzi Brasuo, the strong of the magic door has no doubt about the strength of Brasuo.

Except for the Demon Fort, Xuantian, Long Ziyan, and the seven quasi-emperors of the Right Path Demon Race and twelve nine-level emperors. Except for the secret stick, this team has not changed from the personnel who attacked the Demon Gate headquarters last time.

Xuantian's current combat power has been upgraded by a large level, whether it is the Sixth Rank Sword Pill or the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, he can kill the One Star Emperor.

With great strength, and the Emperor Daotian saw through the formation, breaking the formation is simply as powerful as possible.

When Mingzi Brasuo came out with the powerful masters of the Demon Sect, Xuantian had broken through a dozen large formations and rushed into the Demon Fort for more than a hundred miles.

As soon as Brahma came out, his gaze was far away on Xuantian, and like all the magic sect experts, his expression was shocked. Xuantian's cultivation base was already a seventh-level emperor.

In just three months, Xuantian's cultivation level had risen to another level, which really surprised them. If they knew that Xuantian had already become a seventh-level emperor three months ago, they didn't know what to think.

However, even though Xuantian's cultivation level was improved, Boluo Su did not put him in his eyes, and his surprise flashed away, replaced by a strong killing intent.

Xuantian's growth is much faster than that of Bharat Sau. In time, Bharat Sau knows that he will definitely not be able to suppress Xuan Tian, ​​so he must kill Xuan Tian today.

"Xuantian, Ben Mingzi is looking for you, but you are automatically looking for death, I will fulfill you--!"

Brahma yelled loudly and stopped talking. As soon as his voice fell, he merged with the void, and rushed towards Xuantian in a few dozen steps.

Boluo Suo’s body grew in an instant, with hundreds of huge arms growing out of his back. A terrifying aura swept across the nine heavens and ten places. He took out his peak strength as soon as he shot it. He wanted to kill Xuantian quickly without giving Xuantian a breath time.

All the demon masters opened their eyes wide, looking at Xuantian really puzzled, why did Xuantian look for Mingzi Bharat? This is entirely an act of seeking death.


Facing the terrifying aura of Bharatanatyam, Xuantian did not fear at all. Instead, he laughed and said, "Bharatanatyam, I am here to collect your corpse today."

While speaking, Boluo had already reached ten miles in front of Xuantian.

Bang bang bang...

Bo Luo Su looked furious, with hundreds of giant hands behind his back, and patted Xuantian at the same time.

All the giant hands stretched out ten miles in the blink of an eye. Xuantian was as small as an ant under one giant hand, and almost like a dust in front of hundreds of giant hands.

However at this moment, suddenly a black-clothed teenager with a slightly dull face appeared in front of Xuantian.

It is a treasure boy.

Yibao Boy is thin and small, but with sharp aura, he will be out of the sheath like a peerless soldier when he appears. Although there is no flash of light, everyone's eyes blink instinctively, and there seems to be something piercing the eyes.

Huh hoo hoo...

Facing the hundreds of giant hands of Bharatanatyam, Yibao Boy's left hand is on his back, and the **** of his right hand are combined to form a finger sword stroke.

In an instant, the sword shadow was heavy, and a treasure boy drew hundreds of swords.

Each sword gang is dozens of miles long, starting with Yibao Boy, flying in all directions.

In a blink of an eye, Bo Luo Su let out a miserable grunt, blood in the void rained, and hundreds of giant hands retracted like an electric shock. Each giant hand was struck by a sword gang, scarred and bloody.


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