The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1064: Sword infatuated swallowing emperor soul

[Chapter 1064] Sword infatuation swallows the emperor soul (2 more)

Xuantian pointed out one after another pointing to the sword gang, and broke the groove seal on the wall one by one. The seventh-order souls in the seal emerged one by one, but they were quickly swallowed by the sword idiot. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

After breaking through dozens of groove seals in a row, the souls that came out were all in the early stage of the seventh stage. The soul of the early stage of the seventh stage is not necessarily the emperor. The soul of the quasi-emperor has also reached the level of the early stage of the seventh stage. It can be seen that this seal In the partial hall of the seventh-order soul, the soul of the early seventh-order soul should account for the vast majority.

As the souls of the early stage of the seventh stage were swallowed by the sword idiot one after another, the sword idiot's injuries recovered, and the swallowing power gradually increased.

At the beginning, the souls of the initial stage of the seventh stage could still struggle to resist, but after the sword infatuation swallowed dozens of the souls of the initial stage of the seventh stage, he almost came out of the jade pot and was sucked by the pitch black vortex. The slightest pause.

When Xuantian broke the seal of the sixty-third groove, suddenly, a powerful aura radiated from the broken jade jar.

Three inches tall figure suddenly rushed out.

The auras of these three souls are stronger than all the souls in front of them. They are the cultivation base of the seventh-order peak. They should be the souls of the two-star emperor, and they were also the two-star emperor of the three martial souls, and their strength should not be weak.

Sure enough, the devouring power of the sword idiot had a much smaller effect on these three souls than when it swallowed the souls of the initial stage of the seventh stage.

After being affected by the swallowing force, the three souls suddenly shook, and the figure flying towards the pitch black whirlpool stopped suddenly.

"Who dares to train me, I and him desperately......!" The three souls said at the same time, it was indeed the same person.

"It has been more than three thousand years. Although you have been sealed, once the seal is broken, the power of the years will fall on you. You won't live long, so let's turn it into my nourishment!" There was the voice of a sword idiot.

No one can stop the power of time.

The souls of these seals can remain indestructible when there are some strange secret restrictions, but once the seal is broken, they will soon die under the power of the years, unless they can find a suitable body in a very short time.

"More than three thousand years?" The three souls let out a cry of exclamation, but then even they were unwilling to shout, "I, Zhao Qiuhen, a magnificent imperial prince, a brilliant genius, and more than nine hundred years of life. Will die like this, I want the flesh, boy, give your flesh to this prince...!"

The three souls roared and rushed towards the only person in the temple.

This one turned out to be the prince of the Great Zhao Empire more than 3,000 years ago, with a lifespan of more than 900 years, proving that he was very young when he was killed by the Chiyang Sword Emperor, and may be a genius of enchanting.

However, there were many premature deaths on the way of genius, this was obviously a prince with poor luck, who died at the hands of Emperor Chiyang.

Compared to a demigod, all imperial princes are like ants, and they have no scruples.

"Come in--!"

Seeing these three souls rushing towards Xuantian, the pitch-black whirlpool suddenly let out a loud shout.

Suddenly, the three souls shook violently, and could no longer control themselves. They turned into three streams of light and were sucked in by the pitch-black vortex.

"Dabu, Dabu, the soul of the seventh stage peak, one is better than ten souls of the initial stage of the seventh stage." Jianchi's cheerful voice came from the pitch black vortex.

Xuantian kept making moves, and once again flew out one after another with the sword light.

One after another, the seventh-order souls were swallowed by the sword idiot, and time was fast. In a short while, the sword idiot had swallowed the seventh-order souls in more than a hundred grooves.

Among them, there are three grooves that come out of the soul of the seventh-order peak.

This greatly restored Jianzhu's divine mind.

When Xuantian broke through the 172nd groove, an aura that was ten times stronger than the seventh-order peak soul rushed out, and for the first time a seventh-order limit soul appeared.

This is a sword soul, only one, but it is very condensed, extremely white, like white jade.

As soon as this sword soul appeared, it rushed out more than ten meters and hit the seal in another groove.

Bang, the light curtain's seal was broken, and another powerful aura radiated out, and two martial arts rushed out of the broken jade pot, both of which were the seventh-order limit.

The soul of the seventh-order limit is almost unaffected by the attraction of that pitch black whirlpool.

"Come in--"

The sword idiot's loud shout came out from the pitch black whirlpool.

However, these seventh-order extreme sword souls and martial souls only flicked, and did not fly to the dark vortex, but separated in an instant, and broke the three groove seals in the distance at the same time.

Three powerful breaths appeared again.

The souls of the seventh-tier limit suddenly increased to ten, belonging to six three-star emperors.

Xuantian frowned, and the situation was a little out of control. The souls of these seventh-tier extremes moved quickly, breaking the groove seals one after another, and inside were the souls of the three-star emperor, which were released one by one.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of souls of the Samsung Emperor appeared.

It seems that these seven-tier extreme souls know that a single force is weak, and once the seal is broken, the other seals are quickly broken.

Soon, it seemed that all seventh-order extreme souls were released, and they began to break the seal of the seventh-order peak soul, and then, they broke the seal of the seventh-stage early soul.

The entire hall suddenly danced like locusts. The seal of more than 800 grooves was broken in a very short time. Some grooves only had one soul, some had two, and some had three. This The souls in the side hall suddenly became more than a thousand.

"Sword infatuation, this is terrible...!" Xuantian spoke to Sword Infatuation.

The sword idiot's voice was directly transmitted into Xuan Tian's mind, and he did not panic too much: "These stupid misfortunes, if only to break the seal of the seventh-order limit soul, with my current recovery power, it is not enough to swallow them all and return It was really troublesome, but they released all their souls, hehe..., these souls at the beginning of the seventh stage and the peak of the seventh stage are my big tonic, I swallowed them, and the power of recovery became stronger. Naturally, you can swallow all the 7th-order extreme souls. Now the scene is a bit chaotic. Take care of yourself."

As the sword idiot spoke, there were a large number of seventh-stage early stage souls, flying quickly into the dark whirlpool uncontrollably.

As for the soul of the seventh-order peak, it is also difficult to move due to the huge swallowing power, only the soul of the seventh-order limit can still act under this swallowing power.

At this moment, Xuantian, as the only stranger here, all the seventh-order limit souls, all flew towards Xuantian.

Xuantian's figure retreated and guarded the exit. Suddenly, the lightning flashed from his body, and a soul flew out of his eyebrows, also carrying the thunder and lightning, it was the lightning soul, holding a thunder and lightning sword, and stood in front of Xuantian.

In the blink of an eye, the Thunder Soul Spirit grew up a lot, turning into a height of more than three feet, with a loud shout, the thunder and lightning sword in his hand swept towards those seventh-order limit souls.

The soul is a higher level of spiritual form than the soul, and it has an absolute restraint effect. In particular, Xuantian's Thunder soul is the early stage of the eighth stage, and the ghost is also afraid of thunder and lightning.

Therefore, even though there were dozens or nearly a hundred of Tier 7 Ultimate Souls that rushed up, seeing the Thunder Sword swept by the Thunder Soul, they all turned around in fright.

Xuantian guarded the exit, all souls were afraid of Xuantian's Thunder Primordial Spirit, and did not dare to come over, and the pitch-black vortex swallowed the souls of the early stage of the seventh stage quickly.

In the blink of an eye, there were 20 or 30 fewer souls in the initial stage of the seventh stage, and another 20 or 30 fewer souls in the blink of an eye.

In just a few breaths, more than a hundred souls of the initial stage of the seventh stage were swallowed by the sword idiot.

This swallowing speed made all the souls feel terrified. The souls of the seventh-order limit communicate with each other, knowing that they will be swallowed by the dark vortex if they stay, and they are discussing the attack on Xuantian.

Even the primordial spirit in the early stage of the eighth stage, they have to fight for it.

Seeing that these souls were no longer afraid of his Thunder Primordial Spirit, they rushed over again, the light in Xuantian's eyebrows flashed, and the two Primordial Spirits rushed out again.

One is the flame primordial god, and the other is the chaos primordial god, both in the early stage of the eighth stage, holding the sword of flame and the sword of chaos.

The three primordial spirits, the Primordial Primordial Chaos is located in the middle, the most powerful, the Primordial Flame and the Primordial Thunder are located on the left and right, while waving the long sword in their hands.

In an instant, the light of chaos shone, lightning flashed, and flames flew.

When the three primordial souls of the eighth stage of the initial stage attacked at the same time, the rushing seventh-order extreme soul stopped again, and there was a sense of horror in his eyes.

Obviously, he was afraid and shocked that Xuantian, the quasi-emperor, actually possessed three primordial spirits of the eighth stage.

After such a delay, another hundred souls of the initial stage of the seventh stage were swallowed by the sword idiot.

At this moment, Jianzhu's divine consciousness had recovered to a certain speed, and the power of devouring became stronger and stronger, even the soul of the seventh-order pinnacle could not hold its body, and flew into the dark whirlpool.

"Come in—! Come in all—!"

The comfortable voice of the sword idiot has almost a soul-stimulating effect, which greatly reduces the resistance of all souls, rushing into the pitch-black vortex.

"Can't wait any longer, fight with this kid...!"


Many souls of the 7th limit exclaimed once again and rushed towards Xuantian.

This time, no matter how dangerous Xuantian was, they would rush forward, because the dark whirlpool behind was even more dangerous.


Suddenly, a shocking sound radiated from the pitch-black vortex, and a circular ripple appeared in the air, spreading to all directions in an instant, sweeping all the souls in the hall, including the three souls of Xuantian. Inside.

Even Xuan Tian felt the three primordial spirits tremble, and felt like flying into the dark whirlpool. He bit his tongue, raised his spirits, and retracted the three primordial spirits into the center of his eyebrows.

And the souls of the seventh-order limit, under the shock, were also pulled by the force of swallowing to fly into the pitch-black whirlpool.

However, their strength is indeed strong, and they reacted quickly, struggling desperately.

At this moment all the souls of the initial stage of the seventh stage were swallowed cleanly by the sword madness, leaving only the souls of the seventh stage extreme, and a part of the souls of the seventh stage peak.

The situation seemed to be confined to a stalemate, these souls could not struggle to get out, but Jianlun couldn't swallow them for a while.

However, the sword mad had swallowed so many souls and had not yet digested it. After a while, the sword mad's power became stronger and stronger, and it would definitely swallow all the souls.


At this moment, there were footsteps coming from the corridor.

(There will be two changes today. Go to the lighthouse and come back tomorrow night. I will keep two changes every day for these two days.

I have decided to hold a banquet at the lighthouse on the 24th of next month. I will book the banquet tomorrow, and also book a hotel to entertain the author friends who come that day.

Please continue to support the recommendation ticket. After returning from the lighthouse, the chocolate will increase even more. )


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