The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1065: 】Fight against evil masters

[Chapter 1065] Fierce battle against evil masters (1 more)

The emperors who entered the Forbidden Soul Palace basically turned around and left, and were extremely jealous of the imprisoned souls in the Forbidden Soul Palace. ()

However, at this time, someone walked into the Piandian, showing that they also have a need for the imprisoned soul, and the person who comes will certainly not fear the imprisoned soul.

It is enough to prove that the strength of the comer is not weak.

Xuantian's brows wrinkled slightly. These souls have a huge effect on Jian Chou's injury recovery, and they are now at the critical time of devouring, so they can't be disturbed by others.

Although there are a lot of imprisoned souls in this side hall, more than 90% of the souls have been swallowed by the sword idiot, but what is really important is these 7th-level extreme souls, swallowing one, than swallowing ten 7th-level peak souls They are all effective, compared to the souls of the initial stage of the seventh stage, it is even more comparable to devour a hundred souls.

Although sword infatuation has recovered, the effect is not great. If all the souls of the 7th limit are swallowed, then sword infatuation can not only recover to a certain degree, but even the strength can be restored. To the realm of a three-star or even a four-star emperor.

When I was turning my mind, the footsteps accelerated, and the organs in the corridor had already been activated because of Xuantian's entry, and those who came knew that Piandian had entered.

Soon, three people ran out of the corridor.

The head of the person was a skinny 60-year-old man wearing a black robe, holding a black bone stick in his hand, a skull at the tip, and two ghost fires floating in his empty eyes.

This old man is a three-star emperor.

Beside him, there are two two-star emperors on the left and the right, both wearing black robes, but they are not holding bone sticks, but two black flags.

The black energy surged on the black flag, and if there was a stern sound, it seemed that **** was connected to the flag.

At first sight, the three emperors were the kind of people who often deal with ghosts and ghosts, no wonder the instructions in the Forbidden Soul Palace did not scare them.

Perhaps, they regarded the sealed souls in the Forbidden Soul Palace as treasures.

Sure enough, as soon as the three emperors arrived in the partial hall, their eyes saw the hundreds of seventh-order peaks and extreme souls floating in the void, which became extremely shiny.

The three cultivated treasures and swallowed souls with ghosts. There are so many seventh-tier peaks and extreme souls here, which are enough to increase the power of the treasures in their hands. Moreover, the cultivation of the two two-star emperors will definitely break through to the three-star emperor. The realm of the person.

The three-star emperor also has the hope of breaking through to the four-star emperor.

For the three of them, the soul in this Forbidden Soul Palace is not only a treasure, but also a huge treasure.

In normal times, how can three people get so many souls of three-star emperors?

"Three, the souls here have been collected by my friends, you need souls, please go to the other two partial halls." Xuantian's voice sounded in the hall.

As soon as the three emperors came in, they found Xuantian, but they didn’t take it too seriously. Xuantian was nothing but a quasi emperor. For the emperor, it was not worth mentioning, just because Xuantian appeared here. In the Soul Palace, the three emperors paid a little attention.

What really caught the attention of the three emperors was naturally the pitch-black vortex above the temple. There was a powerful swallowing force emanating from the pitch-black vortex, restraining all the souls in the temple, slowly moving towards the pitch-black vortex. Pulled away.


There was a martial soul of the seventh-order peak, suddenly unable to withstand the swallowing power, and rushed into the pitch-black whirlpool in a flash, and then there was no sound.


The skinny old man with a bone stick in his hand laughed suddenly. The laughter was as harsh as iron scraping bones. He pointed to the floating soul in the hall and said: "Boy, you open your eyes and talk nonsense. Isn't this still confiscated? The items in the Chiyang Emperor's mansion They are all unowned. Since these souls have not yet been collected, then those who see it have a share. Divide the souls here into four, and the three of us will get three of them."

As soon as the voice fell, the thin old man lifted the bone stick in his hand, and in an instant there was a black aura with countless skulls, and he bit at the restrained seventh-order ultimate soul.

The other two two-star emperors also started at the same time.

The black flag shook, and the gloomy wind raged in an instant, the ghosts cried and howled, and the black air billowed like wolf smoke, instantly rushing out from the two black flags, there were countless resentful spirits screaming in the black air.

However, these two two-star emperors did not collect the bound souls. One of the two black qi rushed to the Xuantian not far away, and the other rushed directly to the dark vortex above the temple. .

The skinny old man said it well, and those who saw it had a share, so that Xuantian felt that although the three of them were robbing them, they were still reasonable people.

But secretly, he had already instructed the two two-star emperors to **** the souls in the **** and attract Xuan Tian's attention, then immediately attacked Xuan Tian, ​​and at the same time crushed the pitch black vortex.

As a result, Xuantian died, the dark whirlpool was destroyed, and all the souls in the temple naturally belonged to the three of them.

However, Xuantian has fought and killed for more than 10 years on the road of martial arts. What kind of people have never met. Although these three are all hundreds of years old monsters, they can't lie to him.

At the moment when the three emperors started their hands, Xuantian's entire aura exploded in an instant, and the sharp aura roused all directions, cutting all the imperial prestige into pieces.

In an instant, thunder and lightning, flames, and violent winds burst out of Xuantian's body. His hands turned forwards and backwards, and a flame came out with a hurricane, instantly turning into a wind and fire wheel.

The wind and fire wheel cut the void, and in an instant it collided with the skeleton black energy emitted by the skinny old man using the bone stick, and instantly inhaled the skeleton black energy into it, smashed into pieces, and burned into nothingness.

In addition, the Wind and Fire Runners cast their momentum unabated, pulling into it the resentful spirit and black energy that a two-star emperor sent to the pitch-black vortex, and it was the same destruction.

As for another two-star emperor’s direct attack on Xuantian, Xuantian kicked it directly, and the thunder exploded, and a thunder **** phantom suddenly appeared behind him, and the powerful thunder and lightning turned into a giant leg and kicked it out. .

Thor legs!


The black energy of the resentful spirit was kicked and exploded in an instant, and the lightning flashed, and all the black energy turned into nothingness, and thunder and lightning had the effect of restraining the Yin spirit.

The Lei Gang's giant legs were violent and fierce. After kicking the resentful spirit black energy, it instantly kicked in front of the two-star emperor who attacked Xuantian.

The two-star emperor's expression was horrified, and he never expected that Xuantian's strength was so terrifying. Not only did he break his attack in an instant, he even counterattacked in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The black banner in his hand shook, and it suddenly became bigger, turning into a black screen and blocking the front.

However, with a burst of noise, the dark scene suddenly shot, and the two-star emperor behind spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body suddenly shot backwards.

"You are looking for death!" Xuantian's cold voice sounded.

The other two silhouettes flashed to the side of the injured Second Star Emperor in an instant, looking at Xuantian with horror, obviously, they far underestimated the strength of this young man.

Although, Xuantian was just a quasi emperor.

The horrified eyes of the skinny old man also revealed a terrifying killing intent.

Only the quasi emperor has such a terrifying combat power.

As people in the evil way, the three of them acted fiercely throughout their lives and will never leave any worries. There are many seventh-tier peaks and extreme soul temptations in front of them, and they have already forged a life and death enmity with this young man, then, the best result , Is to kill this young man.

There is no future trouble, and a lot of seventh-order souls are harvested, which can greatly increase his strength, and even make a breakthrough in his cultivation.

"Only the emperor's cultivation base is so powerful, it really surprised the old man... It seems that you are a real enchanting genius!"

The piercing voice of the skinny old man sounded, "However, young man, the old man has traveled more bridges in his life than you have traveled. There have been more people killed in his life than you have ever seen. Why can you compare with the old man? You may surpass the old man in the future, but unfortunately not now. Since you meet the old man, then you will not have the future. Today is your death date!"

As he spoke, the scene behind the thin old man changed instantly, forming a starry sky with three bright stars hanging above his head.

Employing the emperor's method, it seems to be a real ultimate move.

The other two two-star emperors also used the emperor's method at the same time. As evil people, no matter what they use to bully the small and defeat the less, they only know that Xuantian's combat power is terrible, no matter what they use. Means must kill the latter.

Whoosh whoosh--

At the same moment Xuantian saw this, countless brilliant sword lights flew out of his body and turned into a starry sky, forming the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

The strength of this skinny old man is very powerful, stronger than the average three-star emperor, now desperately, there are two two-star emperors to help, Xuantian also had to pay attention.

The Great Zhoutian Stars Sword Formation is only an imperial-level ultimate sword formation. It does not have much effect against emperors with four stars or more. However, at this stage, it is still possible to kill against three-star emperors, especially Xuantian itself. Strong strength, profound Gang Yuan, profound understanding of the profound meaning, this makes this sword formation in his hands much stronger than in the hands of other quasi-emperor sword formation masters.

"The Skeleton Hades and Ghost Seal——!"

The skinny old man yelled, and in an instant, he made a seal with one hand and lifted the bone stick in his hand.

The other two two-star emperors also waved the black flags in their hands at the same time.

The endless black energy rushed out from the bone stick and the black flag, and at the same time, the stars in the phantom behind them also shot out black light, blending with the black energy.

In that black qi, a skeleton appeared, extremely huge, under a palm, endless ghosts and wraiths appeared in his palm prints, screaming constantly.

The Skeleton Pluto King Ten Thousand Ghosts Seal was placed on top of Xuantian's head in an instant, and he would crush Xuantian to pieces and refine his soul into the Ten Thousand Ghost Seals.

Those ten thousand ghost seals became huge in an instant, and many of the bound souls were involved in them instantly, and their power was shocking.


Xuantian looked With both palms merged on the top of his head, he slashed down and shouted.

A bright lightsaber burst out from the sword formation.

This was his first attack with a sword formation after he became a quasi emperor.

He exerted his power to the extreme, and his terrifying and sharp aura cut the void into pieces.

In an instant, the sword array lightsaber collided with the Skeleton Hades Wangui Yin.

ek chocolate says

The hotel has been booked today, and I didn't return to Shenyang until 5pm.

After dinner, code words immediately, and today there will be two more.

Tomorrow, there will be more chocolates. See how many recommended tickets can be. Tomorrow is Monday. If the recommended tickets can exceed 1,000, four chapters will definitely be offered.


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