The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1066: 】Recovered Sword Fool

[Chapter 1066] The restored sword idiot (2 more)


A loud and loud noise sounded in the hall. ()

The sword array lightsaber collided with the Skeleton Hades Wangui Seal in the void, like time freezes, both of them stopped instantly.

However, the various streams of light radiating from the collision point proved that there was a fierce collision between the two at this moment.

A circular wave centered on the collision point, spread to all directions in an instant, shaking the entire hall space in the blink of an eye.

The pitch-black vortex above the center of the hall did not move at all, but the bound souls were shocked. Affected by the aftermath of the attack, their resistance was greatly reduced. All the souls of the 7th peak were inhaled in an instant. In the dark whirlpool.

Those seventh-order extreme souls also changed their speed like a snail crawling, and instantly accelerated towards the pitch-black vortex.

The skinny old man, and the two two-star emperors, the color of horror in their eyes at this moment has turned into horror.

Xuantian's strength was far more terrifying than they had imagined.

Among the three-star emperors, the skinny old man was originally a fairly strong combat power. Using the emperor's method to fight his life, all the three-star emperors had to retreat.

Now the wedge-thin old man is using the emperor's method to work hard, and there are two two-star emperors to help each other, the same is fighting, the three of them work together, I am afraid that even the genius sent by the four imperial clans, the three-star emperor The ultimate combat power, then we must temporarily avoid the edge.

However, such a terrifying attack was resisted by a quasi emperor.

Moreover, the sword array lightsaber was extremely bright, and its attack power was undiminished, and there was no sign of abating.

The three people on the side of the skinny old man felt very strenuous. It seemed that an unstoppable mountain was falling down, trying to bury them all.


The first one who couldn't bear it was the two-star emperor who had already been injured by Xuantian. He immediately sprayed blood and flew backwards again, hitting the wall behind.

The marriage of the Forbidden Soul Palace is very strong. They fought fiercely in the temple, and they could not destroy the Forbidden Soul Palace. The two-star emperor hit the wall and did not knock the wall down. Instead, he felt a huge reaction force from The upload from the wall shocked him and was seriously injured.

A two-star emperor was injured and retreated. His power in the Skeleton Hades Wangui Seal instantly withdrew, causing the Wangui Seal, which was already at a disadvantage, to click suddenly.

Under the attack of the sword array lightsaber, Wan Gui Yin had already split a gap.


Another person vomited blood and flew back. The injured two-star emperor withdrew his strength, and the extra sword formation power was taken by another two-star emperor. He who had already reached the limit point was naturally shaken by the terrifying power. He vomited blood and retreated.


With a burst of sound, the Skeleton Hades and Ghost King Yin was split by the sword array lightsaber in an instant, and fell to pieces in a blink of an eye.

After removing the power of the two two-star emperors, the skinny old man was finally unable to withstand the attack power of the sword array lightsaber, he also spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body retreated a dozen steps back.


The skinny old man was recently injured, his backing body just stopped, and his body flashed in an instant, rushing out of the hall.

At this moment, the result of the battle is already obvious. The three of them are not enemies of Xuantian. There is only one dead end in the palace. The skinny old man left behind the two two-star emperors and flees alone.

"Huh--! Old dog, at this point, can you still escape!"

Xuantian snorted coldly, knotted his hands, and suddenly pointed at the thin old man. In an instant, a sword array lightsaber slashed towards the entrance of the corridor.

The speed of the sword array lightsaber was too fast, and the thin old man had just rushed to the entrance of the corridor, and the sword array lightsaber struck at the same time.

The skinny old man looked shocked, the sword array lightsaber reflected in his eyes, and it was in front of him in an instant. He couldn't avoid it, and he waved the bone stick in his hand.


With a bang, the bone stick instantly split into two.

The attack of the sword array lightsaber was so terrible, even if the bone rod was an emperor-class treasure, it was cut in half instantly.

After breaking the bone stick, the remaining sword light continued to slash forward, cutting an inch deep scar on the skinny old man, from shoulder to leg, a long line.

The body of the skinny old man was shot back by the powerful force.

boom! boom! ...

The two two-star emperors also fled towards the entrance of the corridor, but they were half a beat slower than the skinny old man, and the skinny old man who had just shot backwards hit him.

The three collided indiscriminately, Xuantian's hand sword changed, and the force of the sword formation once again blasted towards the three emperors.


In a blink, Xuantian connected the nine seals and split out nine lightsabers.

In the fearful gaze of the three emperors, the nine lightsabers instantly smashed the black flags that were blocked on both sides into shatters. Then, the bodies of the three emperors were also chopped into several pieces by the nine lightsabers, and all died.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three rays of light rushed out from the broken corpse. These three people devoured their souls and practiced, and their souls were not weak. When their bodies were beheaded, they could remain indestructible, rushing toward the entrance of the corridor.

The body is destroyed, and the soul can also be reborn. The three emperors are unwilling to let go of a chance to survive.

"Come in--!"

However, in the pitch-black whirlpool at this time, there was a loud shout of sword infatuation.

To deal with the soul, the voice of the sword idiot has a strange magical power.

At this time, all the seventh-order extreme souls have been absorbed by the pitch-black vortex. With the sound of the sword idiot, the pitch-black vortex suddenly spun and accelerated, and the souls of the three emperors turned into three streams of light, and were instantly covered by the pitch-black vortex. Swallowed in.

The three horrified screams stopped abruptly after entering the pitch-black vortex. These three evil emperors wanted to **** the soul of Jianzi, but in the end they dedicated their souls to Jianzi and became the one who recovered his injuries. nourishment.

"Happy--! Really happy--!"

In the pitch-black whirlpool, there was an extremely comfortable voice of sword madness.

Now all the souls have been swallowed by him, and there are also the souls of the three emperors including the skinny old man, and the damage they have suffered is recovering at an extremely fast speed.

Xuantian could feel that Jianzhu's voice had always revealed a kind of weakness, even when he was roaring loudly, but now in his voice, the weakness was gradually disappearing.

In the dark whirlpool, the breath that came out became more and more vast, and gradually strengthened.

Xuantian stood near the entrance of the corridor, guarding against another intrusion, affecting the recovery of Jianlun, but there were not many emperors who were as interested in the sealed soul as the three skinny old men.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, the sword idiot finally digested it. The aura revealed in the pitch-black whirlpool was ten times larger than before, and a terrifying pressure spread from it.

It looks like Emperor Wei, but even worse than Emperor Wei. It seems that Jianzhu's strength has been restored to the level of the emperor, and he himself has the coercion of divine consciousness, which is naturally better than ordinary Emperor Wei.

Seeing that the aura no longer grew, and the fluctuations became stable, Xuantian said with joy: "Sword crazy, this time your injury is recovering pretty well, right!"

The pitch-black vortex turned slower and slower, becoming smaller and smaller, and finally condensed into a ball, and then became bigger and turned into a figure.

This figure is a middle-aged man who is nearly 50 years old, wearing blue clothes, nearly two meters tall, and revealing a sharp aura.

This is the first time Jianzhi has condensed and formed, and it has always been an invisible idea before.

Presumably, this sword is the physical appearance of Jianchi once.

Jian Chi walked over to Xuantian and said, "Fortunately, this time I finally managed to regain my body shape. My strength has returned to the limit of the three-star emperor, and my spirit can be used frequently, but, Compared to my previous peak period, this recovery can only be regarded as a slight end. To truly recover, I must go to the godhead and devour the godhead, and the godhead of the main **** can be completely restored to the peak."

The gods of the gods are divided into lower gods, middle gods, upper gods, main gods, **** kings and other realms. When Jian Chi became the sword spirit of the sword **** king, Xuanyuan sword spirit was the cultivation base of the main god. To fully recover, naturally Devour the godhead of the same cultivation base.

The godhead is an extremely high spiritual form. The spirit first gradually strengthens from an invisible consciousness, then condenses into a soul, strengthens into a soul, and finally reaches the sky in one step, condenses the godhead, and soars into a god.

Xuantian smiled and said, "It's man-made things. When I was a teenager, I thought that the king was the end of martial arts. At that time, my greatest wish was to be able to cultivate success, avenge revenge, and grow up slowly. It’s my dream to become a king. Looking at it now, the dream at that time was so small and pitiful, like a fool. Although I am still very far away from becoming a god, and even more distant from the main **** and **** king, , I believe that one day in the future, I will reach that state and fulfill my Collect Jiuding, avenge the sword **** king, and find enough godheads for the sword idiot to make you complete restore."

Jian Chi smiled happily and said: "When you become the main **** and king, remember now, you will no longer be a foolish boy, but an aspiring young man, haha...Xuantian, I believe you, you I must be able to collect Jiuding. Now that I have recovered from my injury, I can finally help you a lot. I will use my spirit to find out what's in the Imperial Palace space...!"

After saying this, there is an invisible ripple, centered on the sword idiot, radiating to all directions.

This is divine consciousness, not Xuantian’s original spirit divine consciousness, but divine personality divine consciousness. It’s just that the divine character of Jianlun was broken, so divine consciousness is very weak. It can’t be compared to when it was intact, but it’s also better. The primordial spirit is much stronger.

Xuantian's divine mind could not penetrate the seal of the Forbidden Soul Hall or the walls of the Forbidden Soul Hall, while the sword idiot's divine mind penetrated all obstacles unimpededly and spread out in all directions.

Soon, the entire imperial palace space was enveloped by Jianlun's divine mind. Jianlun was like having countless pairs of eyes at the same moment, and he could clearly see the various positions of the imperial palace space.


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