The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1067: 】Treasures of the Pill Hall

【Chapter 1067】Treasures of the Pill Palace (1 more)

After a short while, the sword idiot's spiritual thoughts came back and said: "There are still many good things in the Red Sun Emperor's mansion, no wonder these emperors are in a hurry. (

"What is there?" Xuantian asked.

Jian Chi said: "You know the other two halls in this Forbidden Soul Palace, but with your current strength, you can't break the seals of the other two halls. You must become an emperor before you can hope to break the right side hall. The seal of, and the partial hall that seals the soul of the ninth rank, I am afraid that you need to be above the four-star or even the five-star emperor to break open.

In addition to the Forbidden Soul Peak, the other four peaks from near to far are Zangbao Peak, Chiyang Peak, Pill Medicine Peak, and Diwu Peak... Your wife is competing with others for an emperor-class treasure on Zangbao Peak. There is no one there. Can rival her.

Chiyang Peak is the highest peak in the space of the imperial palace. The Chiyang Temple on the mountain is also the former residence of the Chiyang Sword Emperor. It is very empty and has a formation. The powerful of the four imperial families are now trapped in the formation. In the middle of the game, this formation is a bit powerful, my spiritual consciousness has not been fully recovered, and it is difficult to find out for a while.

The elixir peak is naturally the place to store the elixir, which is related to the progress of the emperor’s cultivation. This peak has the largest number of emperors. The emperor hall on the emperor peak is the place where the emperor-level martial arts is stored. There are also many emperors. In contention.

The seals of any temple are very powerful. What is gaining now is only those teams with three-star emperors. Most of the teams are still breaking the seal. Xuantian, you have all your martial arts and treasures. , What is missing is the pill, I think you should go to the peak of pill.

There are many pill rooms there, and there are many imperial-level spirit pills in them, with a total of hundreds of thousands, but for you, the most precious thing is not these pill rooms, but the treasure house where the spirit grass is stored, the total number of spirit herbs. More than the emperor-level spirit pills.

And your Chaos Sacred Cauldron can refine one spiritual grass into two emperor-level spiritual pills. If you harvest the spiritual grass there, it will be enough for you and your wife to cultivate to the three-star emperor limit, and there is still much left...! "

Xuantian nodded, and said, "Okay, then go to Pill Peak."

Emperor-level spirit pills are in short supply. It is possible to get thousands of them at once, but they won't work because there are not so many goods.

And Xuantian cultivation requires a large number of emperor-level spirit pills, at least tens of thousands. There is a treasure house for storing the emperor-level spirit grass in the space of the emperor palace, and Xuantian naturally wants to seize it.

The emperor-level spirit grass in Xuantian's hands can double the effect compared to others. One imperial-level spirit grass can be refined into two emperor-level spirit pills, which is a great treasure for Xuantian.

Jian Chi's figure faded, turned into a light and shadow, and returned to the Xuanyuan sword fragments on the back of Xuantian.

Xuantian quickly left the Soul Forbidden Hall. Since the seals of the other two partial halls were still unbreakable, Xuantian had to wait for his cultivation to be higher in the future before thinking of a solution.

Soon, Xuantian went down to the Forbidden Soul Peak and went straight to the Pill Peak.

Since Jianlun said that Long Ziyan has no rivals in the treasure peak, Xuantian should not worry about her. With Long Ziyan's current strength, it can be compared with Xuantian using the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. No one can pose a threat to her.

Xuantian stepped thirty or forty meters at a fast speed, and within a few moments, he ran for dozens of miles to reach the peak of pill medicine and ascended the mountain.

Like the peak of Forbidden Soul Peak, there is also a palace in the woods here, the size of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

But when Xuantian entered the hall, he found that the pill medicine hall was larger than the soul-forbidden hall.

There is also a stone stele standing in the hall, which reads: Pill Hall, where the pill and grass are stored, on the left, store the emperor-level pill, on the right, store the emperor-level pill, and in the front, store the emperor-level pill.

The side halls on the left and right sides store the emperor-level spirit pills, while the front side hall is stored in the emperor-level spirit grass. Xuantian looked to the left and right. At the gates leading to the side halls on both sides, the seal has been broken by the strong type. Many emperors have entered the two side halls on the left and right. Around that side hall, there are many small alchemy rooms.

"There are fifty pill rooms in each partial hall, and five thousand emperor-level spirit pills in each pill room. The total number of emperor-level spirit pills in the two partial halls is about 500,000. The seal, now only six or seven pill rooms have been broken, and the emperor level spirit pill inside has been broken, but this also made other emperors crazy. They obtained five thousand emperor level spirit pills at once. This is heaven. Big gain."

The sword idiot's voice sounded in Xuantian's mind.

Xuantian could only exchange more than 1,000 emperor-level spirit pills with tens of thousands of catties of bloodline purple gold, and one pill room was only five thousand.

In this pill hall, nearly two hundred emperors gathered, divided into fifty or sixty teams, large and small, scattered in two partial halls, each facing the seal of the pill room, and they were performing fierce attacks.

The total number of emperors who entered the space of the imperial mansion was only more than 600. The number of emperors in this pill hall accounted for almost one-third, and the spirit pill was indeed one of the treasures most loved by the emperor.

Compared with the breakthrough of cultivation base, what powerful emperor-level treasures, the highest martial arts inheritance, are all inferior. Without a strong cultivation base, there are no powerful emperor-level treasures. What is the use of martial arts inheritance? It will only make others jealous, but it will kill your own life.

Xuantian looked into the side hall in front, and the seal at the entrance had also been broken, and it was obvious that someone had entered the treasure house where the emperor-level spirit grass was stored.

"There are a total of six people in the partial hall in front. Hey, Xuantian, the emperor in there has some cause and effect with you." Jian Chi transmitted the sound.

"Oh, who is it?" Xuantian Transmission asked, and at the same time he had already walked to the front side hall.

Jian Zhu said: "Lu Tianxiong!"

In Xuantian's mind, the figure of Lu Tianxiong, the overlord of Wildfire County, appeared, with a slight smile on his mouth.

Before entering the imperial palace, Lu Tianxiong had offended Xuantian a lot, and his words also implied that he would be in the imperial palace and would kill Xuantian.

Because after Xuantian entered the Imperial Palace space, the first place to go was Soul Forbidden Peak, and Lu Tianxiong came to Pill Medicine Peak, so he didn't meet him.

Now, Xuantian wanted to see where the emperor-level spirit grass was stored in this medicine hall, and come face to face with Lu Tianxiong to see what Lu Tianxiong can do with him.

Lu Tianxiong want to meddle in Long Zi Yan Tien in mind, you want to have burst could beat him severely idea of.

Lu Tianxiong is a three-star emperor, as well as an emperor-level pill pharmacist. In the Lingbaoshan of Wildfire City, the people who refine the emperor-level pill are basically Lu Tianxiong. Refining an emperor-level pill, Lu Tian Xiong had to collect half of the profit, so Zhu Li, the principal of Lingbaoshan, was willing to trade with Xuantian at the price of two emperor-level spirit grass equal to an emperor-level emperor pill.

In the past month, Lingbaoshan did not find Lu Tianxiong to refine the emperor-level spirit pill, which caused Lu Tianxiong to lose a lot. If he knew that it was Xuantian who directly traded away the emperor-level spirit grass from Lingbaoshan, he was right. Xuantian will definitely resent even more.

As an emperor-level pill pharmacist, Lu Tianxiong naturally did not go to compete with many emperors for the emperor-level spirit pill. He directly harvested the emperor-level spirit grass, which will soon become valuable imperial-level spirit pills in his hands. .

From a three-star emperor to a four-star emperor, it is a huge hurdle for the spiritual body to rise from the seventh to the eighth level. Even if there is a genius, a lot of emperor-level spirit pills are needed. After years of practice and accumulation, there is Hope of breakthrough.

Lu Tianxiong's heart was very excited, the amount of Emperor Grade Spirit Grass stored in this partial hall was beyond his imagination.

There are a total of fifty treasure houses in this partial hall, and each treasure house has a powerful seal. However, under the attack of six emperors such as Lu Tianxiong, the seals of three treasure houses have been broken by them. In every treasure house, There are more than 10,000 imperial-level spirit grasses.

Now, they have harvested more than 30,000 imperial-level spirit grasses. Compared with Lu Tianxiong, breaking a treasure house is equivalent to breaking two alchemy chambers, and they are naturally happy.

Among the six emperors, there are three one-star, two-star, and three-star emperors, composed of two three-person teams, but the other three-star emperor is obviously familiar with Lu Tianxiong and has a lower status than Lu Tianxiong. After all, he obeyed Lu Tianxiong's orders.

Lu Tianxiong has made plans. He wants to occupy more than 70% of the emperor-level spirit grass in this partial hall, and the other 30% will be harvested by the teams with three-star emperors. As for the teams with only two-star emperors, then Just have fun.

In fact, Lu Tianxiong wanted to occupy all the emperor-level spirit grasses, but he could only think about it. This would cause public anger. If the three-star emperor was dissatisfied, they would unite to deal with him, even if the six of them There are two three-star emperors, it can't compete.

Therefore, Lu Tianxiong reduced his income to 70%, and used the other 30% to win over other teams with three-star emperors. In this way, as long as the three-star emperors did not make trouble, the other emperors would not be able to find any flowers.

The powerhouses of the four great imperial families have all gone to the main hall of the emperor's palace, and then combined with some three-star emperors to collect 70% of the emperor-level spirit grass.

Of course, these are all Lu Tianxiong's plans. Now other teams are still competing for the emperor-level spirit pill in the other two partial halls. For the time being, no other team will come to **** the emperor-level spirit grass from him. , He must break the seal of the treasure house as quickly as possible, and strive to collect more Emperor-level Spirit Grass before other teams come to compete.

However, Lu Tianxiong's wishful thinking obviously failed to start.

When he and several emperors were attacking the fourth treasure Xuantian walked in.

Although they have been attacking the seal, the six emperors including Lu Tianxiong have been paying attention to the movement at the entrance. As soon as Xuantian came in, all six of them noticed.

Seeing the appearance of the visitor clearly, the eyes of the six people all moved, especially Lu Tianxiong and one of the two-star emperors, the changes were particularly dramatic.

The two-star emperor was naturally blasted back more than ten miles by Xuantian's punch. His memory is still fresh. Now that he sees Xuantian, there is a hint of horror in his eyes, but it is more excited. Right beside him, and in the imperial palace space, but not so much scruples, this young man now broke into here, it is no different from looking for death.

As for Lu Tianxiong's eyes, it was pure excitement, and the strong murderous intent was not hidden.

ek chocolate says

First, today's recommendation ticket is really chilling, and the outburst of passion has been blown away.

Hey..., can't you even get a recommendation ticket?


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