The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1068: 】 Domineering Xuantian

[Chapter 1068] The domineering Xuantian (2 more)

Yesterday, outside the imperial palace, Lu Tianxiong did not do anything. It was not because Xuantian showed strong combat power, but because there were so many emperors at that time. He didn't want to be too strong before the imperial palace was opened to cause all the emperors. Dissatisfied. ()

Although Xuantian blasted the two-star emperor for more than ten miles with a single punch, his combat power was shocking, but he could not enter Lu Tianxiong's eyes.

The two-star emperor who was bombarded had a low combat power in the same realm, and Lu Tianxiong, whose strength was comparable to that of Huanghuo County King, had the highest combat power among the three-star emperors. With a single punch, he could easily blast the two-star emperor for dozens of miles, causing him to be severely injured in an instant. Naturally, Lu Tianxiong didn't care about the punch Xuan Tian showed.

As the overlord of Huanghuo County, Lu Tianxiong's dominance, and the emperors of Huanghuo County are well known, so when he smiled at Xuantian yesterday, so many emperors secretly changed color for Xuantian.

Before the opening of the imperial mansion, Lu Tianxiong did not act on Xuantian, but it does not mean that this matter is over. The emperor of Huanghuo County knows that Lu Tianxiong will repay him, and those who are hated by him will definitely not get any benefits. In the imperial palace space, Lu Tianxiong would definitely take action against Xuantian.

After entering the imperial mansion space, Lu Tianxiong had a murderous intent on Xuantian, but after passing through the chaotic space, the emperors appeared in different positions. At that time, he did not see Xuantian.

Compared to the treasures in the Emperor's Mansion, Xuantian's fate was not worth mentioning, so Lu Tianxiong did not go to find Xuantian, and planned to go to Xuantian to settle accounts after harvesting the treasures in the Emperor's Mansion space.

What surprised Lu Tianxiong was that he did not take the initiative to find Xuan Tian, ​​but Xuan Tian sent him to the door.

What do you say?

There is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there is no way to hell...

In Lu Tianxiong's view, Xuantian came here, completely seeking his own way of death. It seems that he has the will of his own to let this young man who does not know the height of the sky die in his hands.

Xuantian walked into the hall, glanced in all directions, and then fell on the six people. The six people attacked together. The power was very powerful. No wonder he could break through the three in such a short time after entering the imperial palace space. The seal of a treasure house.

Although compared to Xuantian, this speed is reasonably slow, but compared to other teams, it is definitely very fast.

Seeing Xuantian coming in, the attacks of the six emperors stopped, their eyes focused on Xuantian.

Lu Tianxiong waved his hand and said: "You continue to attack, don't stop, this little bit of trouble will come and clean him up."

While talking, Lu Tianxiong's murderous blast stared at Xuantian, and he was not afraid that Xuantian would run away when he heard it. He could not teleport in the space of the Emperor Mansion. Even flying was extremely difficult. He was very confident, even now. Tian turned around and fled, he could also catch up quickly, beheading Xuantian in this medicine palace.

Xuantian met Lu Tianxiong’s gaze, and did not show the latter’s anticipated horror. Instead, he calmly walked towards the latter, stretched out a finger, and pointed at Lu Tianxiong’s voice in a firm tone: "Lu Tian Xiong, he slapped himself ten times, and then took them out of the medicine hall, and never appeared in my field of vision again. The grievances between us were wiped out."

Xuantian's performance has changed from his former harmony, becoming extremely tough and domineering.

For someone like Lu Tianxiong who dared to get in touch with his wife, if Xuantian was still polite and kind, he would not take Long Ziyan too seriously.

Xuantian is extremely domineering and tough in this regard. It is still light to let Lu Tianxiong slap himself ten times. If Xuantian is allowed to come by himself, he will have to beat Lu Tianxiong into a pig head, or even kill him. .

Hearing the words, Lu Tianxiong's eyes immediately glared, and his hair stood up like a wild lion with angry hair.

The other five emperors also widened their eyes and stopped attacking the seal, but they were not angry, but dumbfounded, almost bursting their eyes.

They felt the pressure of a terrifying force, and their breathing became serious in an instant.

No one has ever dared to say such things to Lu Tianxiong, not to mention his strength, even his status as an emperor-level pill pharmacist, even the emperor of the Great Qin Empire treated him politely.

However, today there was a quasi-emperor who pointed to his face to his face and asked him to slap himself ten times, and then-go?

The five emperors knew that Lu Tianxiong was very angry and the consequences were terrible.

Of course, Lu Tianxiong had a murderous intent on Xuantian early in the morning, and no matter how angry he was now, the biggest consequence was only to kill Xuantian.

It seems that nothing has changed.

A violent aura radiated from Lu Tianxiong's body. In the blink of an eye, Lu Tianxiong raised his strength to the limit. His body trembled slightly, and anger rushed out of his seven orifices, with a wave of anger. Green smoke.

The so-called being so angry that Qiqiao produces smoke should be the image of Lu Tianxiong at this moment.

"Small things!"

These three words came out from between Lu Tianxiong’s teeth one by one, staring at Xuantian like a sword: “Today I will break your body to pieces, draw your soul and refine your soul, so that you can’t survive or die. , In this imperial palace space, no one can save you!"

"whispering sound--!"

Xuantian sneered disdainfully, and said: "Now it's too late to slap yourself ten times and get out of the medicine hall. If you insist on finding death, you can try it."

The five emperors next to each other looked at each other, their eyes were shocked and horrified, and there was a feeling of disbelief, not understanding why this young man was so confident.

You know, what is in front of him is Lu Tianxiong, an overlord in Huanghuo County, a three-star emperor, and his combat power is on the front line in the same realm.

And this young man is only the quasi-di cultivation base.

He thought that by defeating a two-star emperor, he could be arrogant in front of a three-star emperor?

This is too self-conscious.

In the eyes of the five emperors, although Lu Tianxiong is domineering, this young man is even more domineering than Lu Tianxiong.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you are looking for death!

Lu Tianxiong roared with anger. The anger he had suffered in his entire life was not as much as this time.

While roaring, a crimson long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. In an instant, the long sword was radiant and blazed with a raging flame. In an instant, the sword light burst into Xuantian like fire.

The sword pierced out, and the sound in the entire hall turned into nothingness and returned to silence. The scene in Xuan Tian's eyes was blurred for an instant, as if it was going backwards, only this flame sword light was eternal, moving forward rapidly.

This sword is the strongest sword of the Red Fire God's Mang Sword-Flame Eternity. It is a superb emperor martial arts with amazing power.

Even the same three-star emperor had to retreat from the sword of Lu Tianxiong, otherwise he would be injured.

Lu Tianxiong was so angry that he didn't need to torture Xuantian slowly to death. The only thing he wanted to do now was to slay, slay, slay, and smash..., to smash the nasty little mess in front of him. Only in this way can the flame of anger in his heart calm down, and the stubborn mind can be smoothed.

"This kid is dead......!" The five emperors next to him suddenly felt their hearts.


Facing Lu Tianxiong's sword, Xuantian looked fearless, just let out a cold snort, and the whole person's momentum exploded in an instant.

Lightning, flames, wind, and chaotic air rushed out of him in an instant. At the same time, his arms, legs, and front body under his clothes turned into pure gold, turning the indelible golden body.

In an instant, Xuantian's figure flashed, and the whole person didn't retreat but moved forward, rushing up against the rushing Jian Gang.

As both hands waved, a wind-fire wheel and a thunder and lightning fist gang shot out instantly.

The wind and fire wheel spins rapidly, involving everything around it. The eternal artistic conception of Lu Tianxiong's sword is instantly broken, and the space in the hall becomes normal.


The Thunder God Fist immediately collided with that Jian Gang, making a loud and loud noise.

The sword gang and fist gang cracked layer by layer, and turned into gang awns. In the blink of an eye, the crimson emperor-level sword and the golden fist glowing with electricity blasted together.

Just when Lu Tianxiong and the five emperors thought that Xuantian's fist was about to be smashed by the imperial sword, they only heard a loud bang.

The scarlet imperial soldier suddenly shook, and the straight sword body was bent, and then instantly collapsed straight.

Lu Tianxiong's body followed the emperor soldier's bend, and instantly retreated to the rear, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

But Xuantian's golden fist was safe and sound.

The five emperors who were watching the battle were stunned. How could this be possible? The fist can actually fight against the imperial sword, and it is even better, blasting Lu Tianxiong?

What kind of body is this? Even the ninth-order spiritual body can't be so strong, right?

Just when everyone was shocked, Xuantian's golden fist was retracted, and his two arms were raised to the top of the head in an instant. At the same time, countless sword lights came up with both arms, shot out from the body, and turned into a starry sky above the head. .

Great Zhoutian stars and sword formations are formed.

Lu Tianxiong didn't know what was good or bad, Xuantian was also intent on killing him, and he couldn't keep him.


Xuantian yelled and slashed at Lu Tianxiong with his arms. In an instant, a brilliant lightsaber shot out from the star sword array, slashing vertically.

There is no fancy attack, there is only absolute power. The sharp aura instantly splits the void in front of him. Lu Tianxiong’s clothes were slashed by the sword aura when the sword array lightsaber first appeared. Become crushed.

Facing this sword array, Lu Tianxiong's heart suddenly chilled, and his eyes showed horror. At this moment, he felt the crisis of death.

The five emperors next to him were also instantly horrified. Unexpectedly, Xuantian was not the ultimate combat power just now, and the sword array attack that he was issuing was truly terrifying.

The five emperors knew very well that if the sword formation and lightsaber smashed them, they would definitely die. Therefore, none of the five emperors dared to help Lu Tianxiong.

The world behind Lu Tianxiong changed into a starry sky, with three bright stars hanging high. At this moment, the light of the three stars bloomed, together with the sword light pierced by Lu Tianxiong, piercing the sword array lightsaber.

It is still the eternal flame of this trick, this is the strongest sword among the Scarlet Fire God's Mansions. Lu Tianxiong now uses the emperor's method, and its power is higher than just now.

This is Lu Tianxiong's ultimate combat power, and only with this sword can he break Xuantian's sword formation with one blow.

(For the weak, ask for 1 recommendation ticket. If there are more than 800 recommended tickets today, you will have to work overtime at night. Chapter 4)


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