The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1073: ] Is it really him?

[Chapter 1073] Is it really him? (2 more)

Faced with the unabashed murderous aura of the three of them, Xuantian also sneered and said, "It's not always certain who is looking for death. (

With Xuantian's current strength, there is no need to pretend to be a grandson in front of anyone.

Although Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin belonged to the three empires, they thought they were superior, and looked at Xuantian like ants.

In Xuantian's eyes, the three of them are not as good as a weed.

I want to grab his things, hehe..., the consequences are quite serious.

Zhao Yan, who was already furious, started to smoke even more at the moment. His killing intent on Xuantian had reached a critical point, and he shouted:

"This kid is so bored, I'll kill him--!"

As soon as he spoke, a moon-white long sword appeared in Zhao Yan's hand, a medium-sized imperial soldier.

The emperor's long sword was shining brightly in an instant, bursting out a bright sword light, dazzling white like a moon, traversing the void, and pierced in front of Xuantian in an instant.

The sword pierced out, and the temperature in the hall dropped suddenly, as if a layer of hoarfrost formed in the air, and as the white sword light split into two, two waves of Qi were produced, and it burst into all directions in an instant.

The top emperor-level sword skill of the Zhao family-Mingyue points lightsaber.

This is a kind of swordsmanship that is extremely yin to cold and fast. Originally, yin and cold air can make the opponent's reaction slow. Coupled with this extremely fast sword speed, once the sword is moved, it is too late to dodge even the teleportation. Being an emperor will also be in danger of life and death.

Zhao Yan was angry about the Emperor Zhun, but he didn't take it too seriously. Although he displayed top emperor-level sword skills, his moves were ordinary ‘frost moon breaking through the sky’.

Shuangyue Breaking the Sky is only the first type of the bright moon splitting lightsaber, but its power is not weak, and it can be used against ordinary three-star emperors, but it is a little weak when used against Xuantian.

In the face of Zhao Yan's sword, Xuantian did not evade or retreat, but stared. The whole person was thunder and lightning, and the fierce breath broke out in an instant, causing the air in the entire hall to roll.

Originally, the air in the palace was frosty, and was divided into two by Zhao Yan's sword, but was strangled by this ferocious aura, and suddenly became confused.

Thor Fist!

The arms, legs, and predecessor under Xuantian's clothes all turned into gold, and a punch was blasted out, and the endless thunder and lightning condensed on the arm, especially where the fist, the thunder and lightning gathered into a light, a dazzling white. Boom.

Behind Xuantian, a phantom of Thunder God appeared in an instant, followed by Xuantian's punch, blasted out.


With a loud explosion, the Emperor's sword in Zhao Yan's hand immediately pierced Xuantian's electric fist.

In an instant, a wave of horror spread at the point of the sword and the fist, spreading to all directions.

Xuantian actually dared to directly resist Zhao Yan's sword physically. Not to mention that Zhao Yan, Qin Fei, and Qi Jin were shocked. Even Duanmuying, who had already fought with Xuan Yi and knew the power of the Xuantian sword formation was terrifying, also It was taken aback.

How sharp and sturdy the emperor-level magic weapon is, and Zhao Yan's sword has also used the top emperor-level swordsmanship, which has increased its attack power countless times.

This sword pierced out, even if it was the same emperor-level **** soldier, without the powerful Gang Yuan blessing, it could be broken into two pieces by Zhao Yan.

However, the result was that the four of them were very surprised. In the explosion sound, Xuantian's arm was not abolished. Instead, the emperor-level **** soldier bent and then bounced straight.

Zhao Yan felt a terrifying force surging, and the Emperor-level sword in his hand almost flew away.


Under the force of the huge counter-shock, Zhao Yan pulled back ten steps in a row before stopping. The blood in his body was surging, and his mouth was gasping. Although the sword did not injure him, it also caused him to eat. A big loss.

Qin Fei and Qi Jin were stunned. They never expected this result. Although Zhao Yan underestimated the enemy, his shot was equivalent to an ordinary three-star emperor's blow. The quasi emperor actually blocked the blow with his body? And will Zhao Yan counter-shake ten steps?

Even the son of God cannot reach this point.

Although Duanmuying had seen Xuantian's combat power, she was also amazed by the strength of Xuantian's body.

Zhao Yan, who retreated, was also shocked, but more angry.

As the imperial clan, in front of the other three empires, he was repelled by a quasi-emperor. Zhao Yan felt that not only he lost his face, but even the Zhao Empire was disgraced.


A horrible breath surging out of Zhao Yan's body, this time, he has come up with real skills.

"The second style of the bright moon lightsaber-the moon penetrates the sky."

With a loud shout, Zhao Yan's sharp aura was raised to the extreme, and a powerful sword technique was displayed.

In the dark, this sword seemed to seduce the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and the top of the palace above suddenly turned into a vast expanse of sky with a crescent moon hanging high.

No, at first glance it looks like a crescent moon is hanging high, but in fact it is the crescent moon coming from outside the sky and traversing the void at a terrifying speed, and it fell to the ground.

A light flashed in Xuan Tian's hand, and an emperor-level sword appeared. The Tianxuan Emperor Sword was the top emperor-level sword, two grades higher than the one in Zhao Yan's hand.

"Sword swings the world!"

Xuantian sipped softly, and in an instant, the Profound Sky Emperor's sword in his hand exuded an inexplicable power and slashed at the cut-down crescent moon sword light.

The second type of Supreme Sword Jue-Jian Dang Tiandi.

This is the supreme swordsmanship of Tianchen, the supreme sword of the ancient sword world, and the profound powers of the chaos, thunder, fire, sun, wind, and earth of Xuantian are all integrated in this style of swordsmanship.

A sword move swept the world.

This trick is in the hands of Xuan Tian, ​​and it is more powerful than it was in Tianchen's hands in the past. It is even more powerful when used under the same cultivation level. Tianchen of the same realm does not have the profound meaning that Xuan Tian has understood.

This ‘sword smashing the world’ is very powerful compared to the peak blow of the sword formation, and it is really unstoppable.

In an instant, the crescent moon sword light was cut in half and turned into nothingness, and the starry illusion in the sky was instantly broken.


Once again, Zhao Yan was stunned by the terrifying force and flew away. This time he was traumatized, and he spouted a mouthful of blood in the air.

If Zhao Yan was repelled for the first time, it was because he underestimated the enemy.

The second time he was knocked back, or even wounded, was entirely because his opponent was too strong.

Qin Fei and Qi Jin changed their colors at the same time, looking at Xuantian, horrified, the quasi-emperor who was despised by them in front of them was so powerful.

"His swordsmanship turned out to be so terrifying, even more than the sword formation." Duan Muying looked at the young quasi emperor and exclaimed in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Duanmuying's eyes revealed a slight strangeness, and her thoughts fell into memories.

In that far away place, the man who moved his heart, was also a swordsman and swordsman with superior ability to leapfrog and challenge. He had a lot in common with the young quasi emperor in front of him. However, the repair between the two Because it is a thousand miles away.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The silhouettes of Qin Fei and Qi Jin flashed, and stopped between Zhao Yan and Xuantian.

Although they are in a competitive relationship with each other, at this moment, in the face of Xuantian, they are in a hug. Zhao Yan is defeated, and they cannot let Xuantian take advantage of the situation to chase down.

"This kid's combat power is not a normal abnormality. Let's go together and solve him." Qi Jin said, who has been speaking little.

Although he didn't talk much, the fierceness in his heart was no worse than Qin Fei and Zhao Yan.

"Let's go together, this little mess will be killed today. If he is allowed to leave alive, the three of us will have no face to see people in the future." Zhao Yan got up from the ground and was repelled by Xuantian twice, but he did not feel Fear is more murderous.

Although Xuantian’s combat power was terribly strong, on their side there were Qin Fei and Qi Jin who did not make a move. The combat power of these two people was not below Zhao Yan, or even worse. The three attacked together. A four-star emperor can also fight.

Qin Fei looked at Xuantian, with such terrifying combat power, it reminded him of the person Qin Shiyu, the **** son of the Qin Shihuang clan, once talked about, that was a monster who had killed the **** son.

It seems that he has what the Son of God needs.

After staring at the time for two breaths, Qin Fei burst out three words from his teeth: "Kill him!"

call out--

call out--

With two breaking sounds, Zhao Yan and Qi Jin shot at the same time. Both Jiangangs were as fast as lightning, slashing towards Xuantian from two angles.

The combat power of the two is very terrible, especially Qi Jin, who is a three-star emperor himself, is as strong as Duanmuying, who fought Xuantian before, and slightly better than Zhao Yan.

The two combined a blow, and even Xuantian felt a little pressure. In an instant, countless sword lights rushed out of his body, forming a large Zhoutian star sword formation above his head.

However, the attack Xuantian faced was not the sight of two sword gangs. Suddenly, with a loud bang, Qin Fei shot, and a huge green wood rammed into Xuantian.

The top emperor-level martial arts of the Qin clan—Aoki Magical Art.

This is the supreme martial arts created by the Immortal Emperor before he ascended to a god, and passed on to the descendants of the Qin family.

At that time, the undead emperor had not yet become a **** king, and he couldn't pass down the supreme magical power of the immortal body in his blood, and no one of his descendants could practice it, so he took pains to create the Qingmu divine art.

With the addition of Qin Fei, Xuantian felt even more pressure.

"Today you are all going to die!"

The murderous voice came from Xuantian's mouth, and while talking, a three-legged ancient tripod exuding the light of chaos appeared, covering Xuantian.

At the same time fighting with the three of them, Xuantian was also difficult to fight against, so he had to use the holy cauldron, with holy cauldron defense, plus the benefits of the attack from the Supreme Sword Art and the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Array, even Qin Fei and Zhao Yan Together with Qi Jin, Xuantian also has an advantage.

"Chaos Sacred Cauldron...?"

The expressions of Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin were shocked, especially Qin Fei. The quasi-emperor in front of him turned out to be the enchanting figure mentioned by the **** son Qin Shiyu, because the holy cauldron of Chaos was here. Above that enchanting figure.

In the hall, Duanmu Ying was the most shocking.

Naturally, she also knew the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, and she knew who the Chaos Sacred Cauldron was on. At this moment, the expression in her eyes changed a lot, and she said in shock: "It turned out to be... it was really him!"

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