The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1074: 】I am Yingyue

[Chapter 1074] I am Yingyue (1 more)

Xuantian knew that Shengding would cause him a lot of trouble in Jianzhou. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

Although it is said that the emperors with four or more stars have basically gone to the outer starry sky, there may not be one or two of the major empires to suppress the national fortune.

Before becoming emperor, Xuantian couldn't compete with the four-star emperor, so he always tried not to use the holy cauldron.

However, at this moment, he was facing the attack of the three powerhouses Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin. His two fists were hard to beat by four hands, but he had to use the Holy Cauldron to defend.

Originally, although Xuantian was angry, he had not yet taken the lives of all three of them, but the three forced him to take out the sacred cauldrons, but Xuantian was truly murderous.

Even if it was Duan Muying, Xuantian wanted to capture her, and waited for the emperor to let her go, so as not to leak the news of the saint ding.

After becoming emperor, Jianzhou is so big that Xuantian can swim freely. Unless an emperor with more than five stars returns, no one can threaten Xuantian.

What's more, when Xuantian became emperor, the sacred cauldron of Primordial Chaos had the function of a door to the void, allowing Xuantian to cross millions of miles in the void. When Emperor Xuantian became emperor, I don’t know what new functions would be available. Heaven's life-saving ability, even an emperor with seven or more stars could hardly kill him.

At that time, Xuantian didn't care whether the news of the Holy Cauldron was spread.

There are many emperors in Jianzhou. There are even emperors with seven or more stars in the major empires. They know much more about the God Realm than in other areas. Naturally, they know the news that the Son of God descended to the Mortal Realm to search for the Holy Cauldron.

The eyes of Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin were all red when they saw the Chaos Sacred Ding.

Especially Qin Fei, because of the **** son Qin Shiyu, he knew a lot about Xuantian. He knew that Xuantian had not only the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, but also other Sacred Cauldrons. He thought of encountering him at this moment. If he could obtain the Sacred Cauldron. , Qin Shiyu, the **** son of his ancestor-uncle generation, must have taken him with admiration and helped him rise to a god.

As a descendant of the Qin clan, Qin Fei naturally knows how abnormal his ancestor Qin is not dead. Even in the God Realm, he became the supreme one in just a few hundred years, and he soared to a **** with the King of Undead. Shelter, you can walk sideways in the God Realm, and your future life will be truly beautiful.

call out--

call out--

Two dazzling sword lights were split from the sword formation and the saint cauldron respectively.

In an instant, Xuantian exerted his combat power to the limit, not only destroying the Great Zhoutian Stars Sword Formation, but also performing the second form of the Supreme Sword Art-Jian Dang Tiandi.

The attack power of the two sword lights is very scary, although the sword array lightsaber is better, but the sword moves that Xuantian directly displays are not weak.

The move of Jian Dang Tiandi still attacked Zhao Yan, and the sword array lightsaber directly smashed into the huge green wood, fighting hard with Qin Fei.

As for Qi Jin, Xuantian ignored his attacks. Even if he used the sword formation to perform sword moves at the same time, he could only deal with Qin Fei and Zhao Yan.

Because of this, Xuantian used the sacred cauldron to defend. Although his indestructible golden body's defensive power was terrifying, the golden body did not cover the whole body. Moreover, under the attack of Qin Fei and Zhao Yan, he relied on gold. If you carry it hard, you may not be able to carry it.

boom! boom! boom!

Three explosions sounded almost at the same time.

Zhao Yan's move of'moon piercing the sky' was broken by Xuantian's'Sword Dang Tiandi'. Although the two major sword moves are from the second style of top emperor swordsmanship, Xuantian's Gang Yuan is strong. , Is not inferior to Zhao Yan, the profound understanding is even more superior. Therefore, the swordsmanship of the same level is naturally better than Xuantian.

With the explosion, Zhao Yan vomited blood again and retreated.

Another explosion sound was when the sword array lightsaber collided with the giant wood that Qin Fei had attacked.

Although this Aoki Divine Art is also an emperor-level martial arts, it was created after Qin Undying became a god. If he didn't have much time and didn't perfect the Aoki Divine Art, the Aoki Divine Art was definitely more than the top emperor-level martial arts.

Even so, there is a trace of divinity in the Aoki Divine Art, and it is more powerful than the general emperor-level martial arts. The Aoki seems to be just a giant tree condensed by Gang Yuan, but it is extremely strong. Not weaker than the emperor-level gods.

In the explosion sound, the sword array lightsaber split the cyan giant wood, but the powerful reaction force also shook the sword array lightsaber to pieces.

Qin Fei's strength turned out to be a bit stronger than that of Duan Muying, and he was equal to the strength of Xuantian's sword formation.

Of course, this was also because Xuantian was distracted to deal with Zhao Yan. If Xuantian fights alone with Qin Fei, Xuantian will destroy the sword formation wholeheartedly, and Qin Fei may not be able to stop them all.

The third explosion sound, it was not the sword Gang attacked by Qi Jin that hit the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, but a green leaf sword light that suddenly came across the sky, banging on the sword Gang attacked by Qi Jin. With a sound, both were broken.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin all retreated at the same time, forming a defensive formation, with a shocked look.

"Duanmuying, what do you mean!" Qi Jin shouted.

It was Duanmuying who broke his sword Gang attack just now.

At the moment, Qin Fei and Zhao Yan's attention was also on Duanmuying, glaring at him.

Duanmuying, like them, is the identity of the imperial royal family. If they didn't join hands with them to meet Xuantian, it was nothing more than to help Xuantian deal with them. It shocked them and was angry.

Xuantian also looked at Duanmuying in surprise, not knowing why this woman suddenly helped him.

Asking Qijin, Duanmuying remained silent and did not answer. She just gave Xuantian a deep look in her eyes, and then fell on the three of them, their expressions calm but firm.

Obviously, Duanmuying had already made a choice for this battle and stood on Xuantian's side.

"Master Xuan, I am Yingyue...!" When Duanmuying looked at Xuantian just now, Xuantian's voice rang in his mind.

Xuantian's eyes flashed, and a huge wave suddenly rose in his heart.

In his mind, he suddenly remembered the girl who took him to Shenji Ridge and met with Mr. Shenji.

He returned to the Shenzhou area for the first time, and went to the Sun-Daily Continent to search for Yingyue, but at that time learned that Yingyue had been taken away by the godzi Sikongding.

Later, when I saw Sikongding, Xuantian asked the former about Yingyue's whereabouts, but the answer was that he had died, which caused Xuantian to have a terrible killing intent on Sikongding.

However, today the two-star emperor Duanmuying said she is Yingyue?

While shocked in his heart, Xuantian also had doubts. His cultivation speed has already broken the record of one area after another. Now he is the quasi emperor's cultivation base. The only person he sees can absorb the blood of the dragon. Long Ziyan, who can quickly improve her cultivation, surpassed him and became an emperor in advance.

However, Duanmu Ying in front of her, but the two-star emperor, is faster than Long Ziyan?

How can this be?

Yingyue is just a small person in the Shenzhou area. It is reasonable that no one in Jianzhou should know her name, but even if Duanmuying said Yingyue's name, Xuantian felt unbelievable.

Seeing a hint of hesitation in Xuantian's eyes, Duanmuying knew the suspicion in the former's heart, and then transmitted the sound: "Younger Tian, ​​I am indeed Yingyue. You saved me from Lord Zhurri. Later, I and you I went to Shenji Ling together and met Mr. Shenji. From then on, I will never see each other again. I will tell you more about the funeral later."

Hearing Duanmuying talking about the past, Xuantian's trust in her has improved a lot, nodded, and said through the voice: "These three people saw the saint ding, I can't let them leave alive, you help me hold one of them, I will kill the other two."

"it is good!"

Duanmuying nodded and spoke directly, saying ‘good’.

Just as Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin were still guessing what Duanmuying meant when she suddenly said the word ‘good’, when Duanmuying’s voice fell off, she immediately shot.

call out--

With the change of Duanmuying's handprint, a green leaf sword light suddenly appeared, bursting out, and stabbing Qi Jin directly.

"You crazy lady...!" Seeing Duanmuying attacked him again, Qi Jin violently violently yelled.

Angrily, Qi Jin faced Duanmuying's attack and could only resist.

At this moment, Xuantian shot again, a sword formation lightsaber, a move'sword sway the world', Qin Fei and Zhao Yan attacked wildly.

Without Qi Jin, Xuantian had no fear at all with one enemy.

"Boy, you dare to kill us, the anger of the three empires is burning, and no one in the sky or the earth can save you." Zhao Yan shouted.

However, this did not disturb Xuantian's attack at all. Since they were all determined to kill the three people, Xuantian had already put aside the forces behind those three people.

If the three empires were taken into consideration, Xuantian would not do anything before.

"Asshole, my son of the Qin clan will not let you go." Qin Fei also shouted angrily.

boom! boom!

As soon as the voice fell, but two bursts of sound, Zhao Yan vomited blood again and retreated.

Three times in a row, he was shocked to vomit blood. Although the first injury was not serious, but the two consecutive injuries were added to the injury, which also changed Zhao Yan's injury from a minor injury to a serious injury.

As for Qin Fei, he fought against each other with Qingmu magical skill and Xuantian's sword array lightsaber.

Although Xuantian has the advantage now, Zhao Yan may be worried about his life, but Qin Fei is not very worried. Although Xuantian’s combat power is terrible, it is difficult to defeat him, let alone kill him. With his strength, It is not difficult to escape.

As long as you escape back to the Daqin imperial clan and report the news of Xuantian, it is a great achievement.

After changing his mind like this, Qin Fei retreated in his heart, ready to abandon Zhao Yan and Qi Jin and escape alone.


However, this thought was just born, just when the sword formation lightsaber and the cyan giant wood both collapsed, and suddenly there was another silky sword aura that struck it.

As soon as this sword aura came out, the sharp aura caused the entire Red Yang Temple space to begin to shatter layer by layer.


Extremely dangerous!

Qin Fei's face instantly turned pale, astonished.

He couldn't understand why Xuantian could issue another attack in such a fierce battle.

Qin Fei's body exploded, raising his speed to the limit, and even surpassed the limit under the stimulation of the danger of life and death.

However, in front of this silky sword light, Qin Fei was still slow to retreat.


In the blink of an eye, the sword thread slashed Qin Fei's body, and his body instantly split into two in the splash of blood.

(On the last day of the month, ask for a monthly pass. In addition, there will be an outbreak tomorrow. Book a monthly pass with you. The specific number of changes depends on the situation of the monthly pass. It will not be less than five.)


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