The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1086: ] Immortal Golden Body Part 5

[Chapter 1086] Fifth indestructible golden body (4 more, plus)

Xuantian's expression was suddenly taken aback. ()

There is actually the fifth level of cultivation method for the immortal body, so here is it?

Temple of Heaven!

Xuantian reacted in an instant, and his gaze suddenly turned to the side. Sure enough, there was a white jade statue standing upright, which was the emperor's heavenly punishment.

Since in the depths of the ancient battlefield of Shenzhou, Xuantian has entered the temple of heaven once among the ancient miracles, and has never entered again.

Unexpectedly, today was on the ninth floor of the Conferred God Pagoda, and he would come in again.

Since this side is the Temple of Heaven, there is the fifth level of undead cultivation method inside, then, behind the dark little door on the other side, it should be the Hell Devil's Hole.

Xuantian's eyes lit up, and there should be the fifth level of Immortal Golden Body cultivation method.

Xuantian had cultivated the fourth level of the Immortal Golden Body in the emperor realm. Now he has become an emperor and can practice the fifth level.

The first weight is the ten fingers, the second weight is the arms, the third weight is the legs, and the fourth weight is the predecessor. For every weight of the immortal golden body, the golden body covers more.

According to Xuantian’s estimation, the fifth level of this immortal golden body should cover the back. Except for the head, the whole body is covered by the golden body. Then Xuantian’s defensive power will be extremely strong, even if it is a tall one. The emperors of four or five realms could hardly break his defense.

Xuantian hurriedly took a look at the Temple of Heaven, and it was no different from what he had seen before, except that the cultivation technique of the immortal body had changed, which was the fifth level.

The immortal body couldn't cultivate, Xuantian quickly withdrew from the heaven temple and headed to the dark small door opposite.

Recalling that when I was in the Demon Realm, there was the Hell Demon Cave with the inheritance of the indestructible golden body. It was in the temple of the Demon Clan, but the Demon Clan could not enter. Maybe the Heaven Temple and the Hell Demon Cave here are the same, and most people cannot enter it. .

Qin Undead's fifth immortal body may have been obtained here.

Xuantian passed through the small dark door unobstructed, and it was completely dark inside. After Xuantian adjusted to the dark light, he looked around for a while, and it turned out that it was a **** hole.

The statue of the Underworld Emperor Jizo and the statue of the God Emperor Tianxing are placed in the same position. The two statues have the same aura of disdain for the world.

Xuantian's gaze only glanced at the statue of Emperor Underworld, and then fell on the lettering on the wall next to it.

The fifth level of the immortal golden body-the back body is immortal.

The first few handwritings are relatively huge, and the latter are smaller, with more than two thousand characters. They are the fifth level of cultivation technique.

With the fifth level of the immortal golden body, you can cultivate to Dzogchen in the mortal world, and you don't have to worry about it later.

The sixth level of the immortal golden body corresponds to the **** level, and you can only practice after becoming a god.

Thinking of this, Xuantian was shocked, the immortal golden body is the supreme supernatural power handed down by the Emperor Underworld, will he fly to the underworld after practicing?

However, Xuantian is already riding a tiger. He has already practiced the first four levels. Hearing the words left by the Emperor Underworld, it seems that once he has cultivated the Immortal Golden Body, he cannot stop. Xuantian still doesn't know what it will be if he stops and does not practice. Consequences, but if the Underworld Emperor Jizo is brought out, it must not be a good thing.

Since it is necessary to cultivate, and the effect of this immortal golden body on Xuantian is also very great, there is no doubt about it, and it is here to cultivate the immortal golden body to the fifth level.

"No matter what method the Emperor Underworld uses, as long as you collect the Jiuding and master the power of the Jiuding, you will surpass the gods and kings of the heavens. At that time, even the Emperor underworld may not be able to win you. What is the harm of the immortal golden body? , Jiuding's power can also be dissipated." Jianzhu knew Xuantian's worries and spoke to the latter.

Xuantian nodded secretly, then sat down in the seat of the Hell Demon Cave, and carefully watched the fifth level of the cultivation technique of the Immortal Golden Body. As always, before practicing, Xuantian must first understand the technique and deduce it in his heart until he is proficient. If you go to practice again, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

After watching for more than an hour, Xuantian completely imprinted the tactics in his memory, and then, after three full days, Xuantian completely comprehended the tactics, and after another seven days, Xuantian didn’t keep in mind. The deduction, mastered every step of cultivation.

On the eleventh day, Xuantian began to cultivate the fifth level of the indestructible golden body. Sure enough, luck rushed into the acupoints, and it was done in one go. Xuantian's cultivation was very smooth, and the flesh and blood of his back quickly transformed into a golden body during cultivation.

The time was hurried, ten days, and in a blink of an eye, the fifth level of the immortal golden body, which may take a month or two to be cultivated in the hard practice of death, Xuan Tian only took ten days to complete it.

Adding the previous ten days, a total of one month has not been used.

Xuantian revolves indestructible golden body, the whole person except the head, all turned into pure gold.

The fourth level of the indestructible golden body, Xuantian can hardly shake the emperor-level gods when it runs. Now the fifth level of cultivation, not only the scope of the golden body is larger, but the defense of the golden body is also stronger.

It is hard to imagine how strong Xuantian's golden body will be now.

I'm afraid, standing there still, the attack of the four-star emperor will hardly break the defense of the golden body.

Without the fifth level of cultivation, Xuantian still has weaknesses behind him. Facing a powerful opponent, he still needs to rely on the Holy Cauldron for defense.

Now the weak point is only the head, but the head only accounts for less than one-tenth of the whole body. Xuantian can completely defend the head tightly. In the battle, it is rarely necessary to use the holy cauldron to defend.

The defense of the sacred cauldron is not omnipotent. The opponent can enter the sacred cauldron. No matter how many Xuantian sacred cauldrons, the opponent will break the seals of the sacred cauldron one by one and rush into the cauldron. In the end, there will be an end. In the fifth stage, there is no need to worry about it at all. Let others beat them, and others may not be able to beat them badly.

When Xuantian entered the ancient pagoda, it was mid-December 10011 in the ancient posterior calendar. Twenty days passed in a blink of an eye, and the time came to the new year, January 10012 in the ancient posterior calendar.

Xuantian came out of the Hell Demon Cave and walked towards the aperture leading to the tenth floor.

The vast majority of others rushed into the tower on the same day, even if it took a long time, it would only take two or three days, and the top sky would not exceed ten days, like Xuantian who entered the tower for twenty days without coming out.

Long Ziyan should have finished the battle long ago, already waiting outside the tower.

Xuantian didn't hesitate, walked into the aperture, and had to make it to the tenth floor soon, lest Zi Yan and Xiaohu waited.

Entering the aperture, a huge thrust was suddenly produced, and Xuantian's body suddenly flew out of the aperture like a heavy blow.

On the first nine floors, before entering the next floor, Xuantian would enter a dark space and fight with the light and shadow of the one-star emperor. Now he was bounced back, which surprised Xuantian.

However, Xuantian was feeling the effect of the fifth level of the Immortal Golden Body just now, and his entire body was covered by the Golden Body. Although the thrust was a bit huge, it did not damage Xuantian a bit.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, ten sounds continued, and ten lights and shadows appeared from the aperture, rushing toward Xuantian like lightning.

Every light and shadow used its ultimate move, and ten lights and shadows joined forces to reach the limit of the three-star emperor.

Defeating ten lights and shadows, this is the test leading to the tenth floor.

Xuantian didn't think much, the Emperor Tianxuan sword suddenly appeared in his hand, lightning flashed, and a thunder sword light struck ten lights and shadows.

Although it was only a sword that condensed the profound meaning of thunder, it was so powerful that it was not comparable to a three-star limit. The attack of ten lights and the thunder sword smashed together, and all were shattered.

Xuantian did not retreat half a step, but the ten lights and shadows all took a step back.

"Sword swings the world!"

Xuantian moved forward with a sword, using the second form of the Supreme Sword Art, slicing out a shocking sword.

With this sword cut, even the four-star emperor Qin Nan was defeated. How could these ten lights and shadows be opponents, they all shot backwards in an instant, hitting the wall and shattered.

After solving the test of ten light and shadow, Xuantian continued to walk towards the aperture.

When the heart reaches the tenth level, even if eleven light and shadow team up, the combat power is comparable to the four-star emperor, then he is not afraid.

The three four-star emperors, Qin Nan, Zhao Meng, and Qi Dong, were all defeated by him. From this point of view, he could break the record of the ancient pagoda. A light and shadow are defeated.

If eleven lights and shadows were defeated, what would be the situation? There will be no eleventh floor, right? Xuantian changed his mind.


Xuantian just stepped into the aperture, and another huge thrust blasted at him, and his body exploded back again.

This time the thrust was much greater than before. If he hadn't operated the indestructible golden body, this time he would have suffered serious trauma.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, a series of lights and shadows rushed out of the aperture, eleven in total, forming a large formation, killing Xuan Tian.

Eleven lights and shadows make up the formation, and its power is several times stronger than the ten lights and shadows.

Even for Qin Nan, Zhao Meng, and Qi Dong, Xuantian did not feel the power fluctuations in front of them at this moment.

"What's going on--?" Xuantian was suddenly startled.

He had already heard the news of the Conferred God Ancient Pagoda very clearly. On the ninth floor, defeating ten lights and shadows can enter the tenth floor.

However, the situation he encountered now was completely messed up. He clearly defeated ten lights and shadows, but he couldn't enter the tenth floor. Instead, there were lights and shadows killed out in the teleportation array, and there were still eleven, and the power was doubled.

It’s no wonder that the countless enchanting geniuses whose names remain on the Conferred God List cannot surpass the combined strength of the Eleven Lights and Shadows. The strength of the 11 Lights and Shadows combined is actually so powerful, almost equivalent to the peak of the four-star emperor. Combat power.

"Sword swings the world!"

With a loud shout, Xuantian once again performed the second form of the Supreme Sword Art, slashing at the formation of eleven lights and shadows. UU reading www. uukā


The attacks of the two sides collided with a loud blast, and Xuantian's body retreated three steps in an instant.

But the eleven lights and shadows did not move, forming a formation, and continued to attack Xuantian.

Sure enough, the combined combat power of these eleven lights was a bit higher than Qin Nan.

"Water, fire, wind and thunder!"

Xuantian swordsmanship changed, and he did not use the third formula of the Supreme Sword Art. This formula was very costly to him, and the power was not as powerful as the sword stroke'water, fire, wind and thunder' that Xuantian newly realized.

call! call! call! call! call……

When Xuantian's swordsmanship showed off, the chaotic light burst, lightning and thunder, hurricane roaring, water and fire, all kinds of scenes appeared at the same time.

(4 is smaller, is there a monthly pass?)


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