The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1087: 】Half Xuanyuan Sword

[Chapter 1087] Half of Xuanyuan Sword (1 more)

In an instant, the entire ninth floor of the Conferred God Pagoda was full of sword lights, chaotic sword lights, thunder sword lights, wind sword lights, flame sword lights, water sword lights... all appeared. ()

All the sword lights seem to be separated, but they are closely connected, and their strengths complement each other, attacking and defending.

This sword was cast out, and the formation of eleven lights and shadows suddenly collapsed.

Among all the sword beams, one of them was the most shining, and that was the one directly cut out of the Emperor Xuantian sword in Xuan Tian's hand.

At this moment, Xuantian's aura was sharp, and his whole person was like a giant sword of nothingness, coming forward through the air, and the Emperor's Heavenly Sword in his hand carried an incomparable dazzling sword light, cutting down at eleven lights and shadows.


Finally, the collapsed formation was shattered in an instant, with eleven lights and shadows, retreating quickly.

Two of them retreated a bit more slowly, and they were directly struck by Xuantian's sword light, and they suddenly disappeared into light and rain.

Two of the eleven lights and shadows were lost and their power was greatly reduced.

Xuantian no longer used his exquisite swordsmanship and peerless ultimate move, the Emperor Tianxuan sword in his hand carried the thunder sword aura and directly killed the nine lights.

Just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, with a wave of the Profound Sky Emperor's sword, a light and shadow were instantly split into pieces by the sword light.

In just a few breaths, all the light and shadow disappeared under Xuantian's sword.

The mysterious weather converged, the sword energy dissipated, and the surrounding void became calm.

Xuantian's sword light did not cause any damage on the ninth floor of the Conferred God Pagoda, and all the eleven lights and shadows turned into rain and disappeared, leaving no trace.

Everything is business as usual.

It seems just a phantom.

But Xuan Tian knew clearly in his heart that the number of those lights and shadows was eleven, which could only be encountered on the tenth floor of the Conferred God Pagoda.

"Should I have reached the tenth floor, am I?" Xuantian couldn't help but guess.

The space on the first eight floors was exactly the same, which had to make Xuan Tian suspect that the ninth and tenth floors might be the same.

However, if this is really the tenth floor, then he just defeated eleven light and shadow joint forces, wouldn't he be able to reach the eleventh floor?

Generally speaking, the first eight floors of the ancient pagoda of the Conferred Gods know more than the emperors, and fewer have rushed into the ninth and tenth floors. They are all contemporary peerless figures. Take it out and talk about it, so although there are not a few emperors who have broken into the tenth floor over the endless years, most people basically don't know the specifics of the tenth floor.

Xuantian thought for a while, but felt wrong again.

If there is the eleventh floor, such an important matter, it should have been spread long ago, and it is impossible to be silent.

Suddenly Xuantian's eyes lit up, and he looked around again, saying in his heart: "This is still the ninth floor."

On the tenth floor of the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda, you can engrave and leave your name, but there is no writing on the wall here.

Xuantian walked to the wall, took out the Emperor Profound Sky sword, and scratched it against the wall. There was no mark left, let alone the lettering.

If this is the ninth floor, then it is weird. Why can't it reach the tenth floor after defeating ten lights and shadows?

Except for the two doors leading to the Temple of Heaven and the Hell Demon Cave, there is only one aperture that resembles a teleportation array, which should be the road to the tenth floor, and it is impossible to go wrong.

With such a big and bright aperture in this empty room, it is impossible not to see the strong who have come in for countless years through the ages.

Xuantian decided in his heart that those ancient emperors who went to the tenth floor must have passed through this aperture, but he didn't understand why he couldn't make it.

Xuantian's gaze continued to fall on the corner of the aperture, and he walked over.

He runs an indestructible golden body, and his vigorous Gang Yuan forms a shield to protect his body. After learning the lessons of the first two times, Xuantian will enter the aperture for the third time and has to guard carefully.

"I want to see how long you can repel me and will there be twelve lights and shadows this time...!" Xuantian said in his heart.

After a brief pause in front of the aperture, Xuantian took a step and walked into the aperture.


Xuantian was surprised, this time there was no such huge thrust that sent him flying, instead, the surrounding void twisted and rotated.

This teleportation array is activated.

"Could it be that the rumors are untrue. It takes two waves of tests to go from the ninth floor to the tenth floor?" Xuantian guessed in his heart, but he wondered: "But eleven lights and shadows are joined together, and the combat power is comparable to the peak of the four-star emperor. Are there so many one-star emperors that can be defeated?"

Although Xuantian could defeat him, he had five sacred cauldrons in his body, and he didn't believe that others could defeat the four-star peak emperor.

Soon, the answer was revealed.

The rotating void around Xuantian calmed down. He was already on the ground, and there was an open space in front of him. When he looked up, it was an endless sky.


He looked at the suspicions around him and was shocked that he had actually reached the top of the ancient tower of Fengshen.

In the endless years, I have never heard of anyone who has been to the top of the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda.

The ancient pagoda of the Conferred Gods cannot fly within a hundred miles, and the demigods will have to go strangely when they come. The entire ancient pagoda is more than a thousand meters high, and the tower is hexagonal, smooth, without any unevenness. Not going up.

However, Xuantian has now reached the top of the tower.


At this moment, Jian Chi's excited and excited voice suddenly sounded in Xuantian's mind.

"Xuanyuanjian! I sensed Xuanyuanjian, there must be fragments of Xuanyuanjian here, no! More than that, Xuanyuanjian's breath is very strong, there may be a large section of Xuanyuanjian...!"

Xuantian's heart also jumped suddenly. Jian Chi was originally in Xuanyuan Sword, but because of Xuanyuan Sword's break, he fell in Hidden Sword Pool at the Back Mountain of Heavenly Sword Sect.

And Xuantian found a small piece of Xuanyuan sword in the sea of ​​magic mist in the Shenzhou area, the treasure house of the Great Jing Dynasty on Jingxuan Island, and kept it on his back, becoming the residence of the sword idiot.

But Jian Chi said that there is a large section of Xuanyuan Sword here.

Xuantian's gaze swept away in all directions.

The top of this ancient tower of Fengshen is like a hexagon, each side is one hundred feet long, and the edge of the tower top has a barrier about three meters high, like a city wall.

The entire top of the tower looks like a wide square, but this square is in the air several thousand meters above the ground.

Xuantian looked around and saw nothing but endless emptiness, white clouds, and there were few such tall buildings in the holy tower city.

call out--

When Xuantian was observing the top of the tower, there was a black shadow that suddenly sprang out from the Xuanyuan Sword behind him, and flew forward to the left.

That was the figure of Jianchi, who quickly ran out hundreds of meters, Xuantian's eyes fell on Jianchi's feet, where there was a broken sword.

The hilt was still there, and there was about a foot and a half left in the body of the sword, which was almost half of the entire body, which was half longer than the small section of Xuan Tian's body.

Xuantian also ran over quickly, only to see Jian Chi looking at the half of Xuanyuan Sword with a sad look, seeming to be lost in memory.

Sword infatuation turned into a sword spirit of Xuanyuan Sword, accompanied by God King Xuanyuan for hundreds of thousands of years. Now seeing this half of Xuanyuan Sword brings back many memories.

In the old days, the Xuanyuan Sword was a supreme artifact that was famous in the God Realm. However, this half of the Xuanyuan Sword was dim and dull, and looked no different from an ordinary Broken Sword. The divinity in it was almost nothing.

It took more than a dozen breaths before Jianzhu reacted from the memory and said, "Xuantian, with this half of Xuanyuan sword, your destructive power will be doubled, and you should be able to open the Forbidden Soul Palace and seal the eighth rank soul. The side of the palace."

Xuantian was surprised, and said, "Didn't Xuanyuanjian ruin it?"

Sword Infantry said: "It is indeed ruined, without the power of the year, and the divinity in it is completely lost. However, the material is strong, but no sword in the mortal world can compare. Your Sky Profound Emperor Sword is also considered an emperor sword. It’s the best in China, but with this half of the Xuanyuan Sword, you can easily cut the Profound Sky Emperor Sword into two pieces, or even into pieces."

Xuantian was immediately moved: "So strong?"

Jian Mo nodded, and said, "If you don't believe me, try it. Even your golden body may break open."

Xuantian took a deep breath, and this half of Xuanyuan Sword's divinity was lost and bleak, but the thin and dead camel was bigger than a horse. Even if it was like this, it was not comparable to the weapons of the world.

Jian Mo said: "This half of the Xuanyuan sword actually fell on the top of the ancient tower of Fengshen, and only you, a pervert, can come here to get it, otherwise, let it go for endless years, I am afraid that no one can come. At this point, this half of Xuanyuan sword is here and finally turned into nothingness as the endless years pass by."

With a sigh, Jian Chi paused and said, "Xuantian, it seems that you and my master are really predestined. This half of Xuanyuan sword has lost its divinity. You can use it now, unlike the divine tool in the hands of the goddess and goddess. Sex, you can’t use it in the mortal world, you can only use a little auxiliary function. You have this half of Xuanyuan sword, even if it is an emperor with seven stars or more, it will be dangerous if you get close to it. You can rely on this half of Xuanyuan sword. Break through anyone's defenses and slay anyone's body."

Xuantian bent down, grabbed the hilt, and picked up the half of Xuanyuan sword.

As Xuanyuanjian ascended, Xuantian felt a bit tingling in his face and eyes.

Sure enough, it is sharp will automatically exude this sharp aura, surrounded by invisible blades cutting, Xuantian's body is covered with a golden body, unaffected, but close to his face, But it can be sensed.

It is conceivable that if this half of the Xuanyuan Sword was slashed on a person's body, what would be the result, Xuantian couldn't guarantee that his golden body would be able to withstand it, and others would not be able to.

In a close sneak attack, even an emperor with seven or more stars, Xuantian could kill with this half of the Xuanyuan Sword, and his destructive power was extremely powerful.

Sword infatuation said: "Xuanyuan Sword contains my master’s kendo will. You will definitely gain a lot from your comprehension, but now you go to the space of Chiyang Emperor Mansion and open the side hall on the right side of Forbidden Soul Hall. To swallow all eighth rank souls, and then completely refine Chi Yang's divine mind."

After speaking, Jian Chi's body directly entered half of Xuanyuan Sword.

Xuantian took out the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion, entered it with a flash of his body, and soon came to the Forbidden Soul Peak, the Forbidden Soul Palace.

(Monthly pass, monthly pass! Hey...!)


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