The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1088: 】7 Turn Purple Pill

[Chapter 1088] Seven Turns Purple Pill (2 more)

Empress Xuantian had tried it once, but failed to break the seal of the partial hall that imprisoned the soul of the eighth rank. ()

Now Xuan Tian had obtained half of the Xuanyuan sword. Although his attack power remained unchanged, the Xuanyuan Broken Sword's sharpness was much stronger than that of the Profound Sky Emperor's sword. In terms of destructive power, it was several times higher than the Profound Sky Emperor's sword.

Originally, Xuantian was not far from breaking the seal of this partial hall, this time, it would surely be broken.

Water, fire, wind and thunder——!

Xuantian immediately used the strongest sword technique he had understood. With a wave of Xuanyuan Broken Sword, with countless rays of light, it condensed into an incomparably bright sword light that slammed on the seal of the gate.


A huge explosion sounded, and the sealed light curtain shook violently, then moved to both sides and quickly dissipated.

Sure enough, the seal was broken.

If the side hall on the left is the same, after the seal, it is a corridor.

Xuantian used the sacred cauldron to protect his body and used the same method to break through the organ attack in the corridor, then blasted through the door on the other side of the corridor, and came to the side hall that sealed the eighth-order soul.

There are also grooves on the wall in the side hall, the number is about one-third of the left side hall.

There is a jade jar in each groove, and the soul is sealed inside.

The sword idiot's figure flashed, saying: "The power of the eighth-stage soul is too strong. If all the souls here come out, it will be difficult for me to swallow it, even if it is swallowed, it will be difficult to digest. , I have enough power to refine the Chi Yang Dao Divine Sense, then my strength will be restored a lot, and I may reach the level of a five-star emperor."

Xuantian nodded.

Jian Chi pointed to the top row of grooves on the right wall and said, "The souls in that row of grooves are all at the beginning of the eighth stage. You open ten jade jars."

After the words fell, the sword idiot rose into the sky and turned into a dark vortex, ready to swallow it.


Xuantian pierced ten swords in a row and made them in one go. In an instant, the seals on the ten grooves were broken, the jade pot was shattered, and nearly twenty souls rushed out.

All are the souls of the early eighth stage.


A strange loud shout came out from the pitch-black whirlpool, and all the eighth rank souls were shocked.

Sword infatuation swallowed a lot of souls, his injuries recovered, and the effect of drinking this sound was much stronger than when he sealed the partial hall of the seventh-order soul last time.

All the eighth-order souls heard the sound and all rushed towards the pitch black whirlpool.

The pitch-black vortex quickly turned and displayed, bringing a gust of wind, and also flew to the eighth-order souls, swept past, and quickly swallowed completely.

In an instant, the pitch black vortex turned into a stream of light, which directly shot into Xuanyuan Broken Sword.

"These eighth-tier soul energy is surging. I need ten days to refine. The top of this tower seems to contain all kinds of powers of profound meaning. You can hurry up and learn about it. Perhaps, the effect of understanding the profound meaning here is better than the tenth. The layers are even better." Jianzhu's voice came into his mind.

On the ninth level of the Conferred God Pagoda, you can quickly comprehend one kind of profound power, and on the tenth floor, you can quickly comprehend three kinds of profound power.

Xuantian did not reach the tenth floor, but came to the top of the tower. If there is also the effect of quickly comprehending the power of the profound meaning, then he can raise the profound meaning of the earth to the eighth peak, so that he can refine it into a seven-turn sword pill. Up.

Jian Chi was silent, it seemed that he had concentrated on refining those rank 8 souls, refining these, and there was a stronger demigod spirit for him to refining, and it would take a while.

Xuantian looked around for a while, and there was nothing, sitting on the ground, comprehending the profound meaning.

Sure enough, when Xuantian felt carefully, he discovered that the power of the profound meaning here was very strong and varied.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin, yang, wind, thunder, light, shadow... and so on, there are all kinds of profound powers.

Xuantian was taken aback for a moment, and then there was another surprise: "At the top of the tower, isn't it possible to quickly comprehend all the power of the profound meaning?"

I carefully recalled the experience of Xuantian going to the tower, except that he did not enter the tenth floor, everything was normal.

However, only the tenth level can be engraved and left on the list of deities, indicating the potential to become gods.

Xuantian couldn't help wondering: "I didn't enter the tenth floor. Doesn't it mean that I don't have the potential to become a god? However, I ran to the top of a tower higher than the tenth floor. What does this mean?"

"By the way...! I am lack of trees in the five elements and cannot become a god. It seems that I have the power to enter the tenth level, but there is no possibility of becoming a god, so I can't enter."

"But, when I got to the top of the tower, it proved that I have a higher potential than Qin Undead. As long as I obtain the wood holy cauldron in the future and refine it into a ninth-grade spiritual body, I will have the potential to become a god. One day, I will surpass Qin Undead. !"

Thinking of this, Xuan Tian's heart suddenly felt much better.

Qin Undead is one of the most venerables in the God Realm, the famous Undead King. Although Xuantian has the ambition to kill him, he has to admit that Qin Undead is very powerful and a terrifying opponent.

Now, Xuantian reached the top of the ancient tower of the Conferred Gods, and he felt that the gods were stepping on his feet. He was more confident about collecting Jiuding, fighting against the Immortal King, the God King of the Beginning... and other peak gods in the future.

The powers of the upright at the top of this tower are varied and have everything, it is hard to imagine. If a person understands all the powers of upright, what a scene?

Xuantian just sat quietly, communicating with all kinds of profound powers, and then focused on a kind of profound powers, quickly comprehending.

In less than half a day, the profound meaning of the earth had made a breakthrough, and he had realized the peak of the eighth rank, reaching the limit that Xuantian could bear now.

The seven great powers of chaos, wind, thunder, water, fire, earth, and yang have all reached the eighth peak, and have reached the conditions for cultivating the seven-turn sword pill, but Xuantian is not in a hurry, and still sits quietly. , Comprehend the power of profound meaning.

After half a day or so, Xuantian realized a kind of profound power to the limit.

Sure enough, here you can quickly comprehend the power of profound meaning.

Every half a day, Xuantian would comprehend a new power of profound meaning.

As the days passed, Xuantian’s power of comprehending the profound meaning has never stopped. It seems to be true as the sword idiot said. The types of the comprehensive power of the profound meaning here are not as limited as the ninth and tenth layers. It seems that you can really understand everything. The power of profound meaning.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed. Before and after, Xuantian realized 21 kinds of powers of profound meaning, and all reached his limit.

In addition to the profound powers of chaos, wind, thunder, etc., which had already understood the limit, Xuantian mastered a total of 27 kinds of profound powers.

The five sacred cauldrons in Xuantian's body have been trembling a little recently. Xuantian has almost fully understood the power of the profound meaning, which greatly deepens Xuantian's understanding of the power of the saints.

The faint power that I had previously felt about the saint cauldron seemed to be much clearer.

Life, death, years, time... Although Xuantian hasn't grasped this mysterious power yet, he has begun to feel the attributes of these powers.

It is really hard to imagine. If you have mastered powers such as life and time, you can no longer describe it with fierceness. With only one word, it would be terrible.

Ten days later, Xuantian opened his eyes.

His strength has not increased, although he has mastered all the power of the profound meaning, but can not integrate all the power of the profound meaning.

However, this made his perception of the Tao between the heaven and the earth leaps and bounds, the same cultivation level, but a different vision, and he was able to see the essence of some things clearly.

Jianchi hasn't moved yet. It should have refined all the eighth rank souls by now, but it is not easy to refine that demigod spirit, and it will take some time.

"Here contains all the power of the Profound meaning, if you can continue to cultivate here, it will be fine, you can definitely cultivate all the power of Profound Perfection to Dzogchen!"

"Unfortunately, I can't cultivate here, and I can't keep Ziyan and Xiaohu waiting for me, and even if I have been practicing here, the emperor-level spirit pill can only allow me to cultivate to the level of a three-star emperor. There is no heavenly material and earth treasure. It is difficult to cultivate to the four-star emperor or above."

"The cultivation base of the three-star emperor can't comprehend the power of the profound meaning to Dzogchen, cannot understand the Dzogchen, what is the use of comprehending all the profound meanings, and it does not significantly increase my strength. After refining the sword pill, he left here."


Soon, the rank six blue core in Xuantian's body melted, turned into pure energy, and dispersed in Xuantian's body.

After that, Xuantian compressed the vigorous Gangyuan in his body again, and merged it with the power of the profound meaning. This time, Xuantian incorporated the profound meaning of the earth into it. The seven great powers of the profound meaning merged with the power of the Gangyuan, and then compressed.

Not long after, a purple light flashed in the Xuantian Dantian.

Nine turns of sword pill, six turns blue, seven turns purple.

The purple light spot is the precursor to the condensing of the Seventh Rank Sword Pill.

That little purple light was a tiny purple particle, the predecessor of the Seven Turns Sword Pill.

With the fusion and compression of Gang Yuan and Profound meaning, the purple particles will become larger and larger.

In the end, it will flood the entire Dantian, and then the Seventh Turn Sword Pill will be made.

In the Nine Turns Sword Pill technique, although the practice of each turn is different, they are very similar. The key is that the conditions are harsh. Now that Xuantian has reached the conditions, it is very simple to practice, and everything will come naturally.

Three days later everywhere around the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda, the emperors looked at the top of the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda in surprise, only to see a purple light on the top of the tower, very dazzling.

"What's the situation? The top of the Conferred God Pagoda actually emits purple light?"

"In the endless years, I have never heard of any vision on the top of the tower. It is a place that no one can reach."

"Weird! Weird! I heard that many peerless people have wanted to go to the top of the ancient tower of the gods, but no one has ever succeeded. Even if you build a high platform next to it, if you exceed half of the tower, you will be A powerful force defeated...!"

"There is a purple light on the top of the tower, there must be something, it may be a treasure, but a pity, no one can go up to the top of the tower to have a look!

"The upper part of the ancient tower is blocked by an invisible light curtain, which can only be seen from below, and at the top, no matter what direction or angle it is flying in, the top of the tower cannot be seen. Hey, you can't even see any baby. To...!"



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