The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1094: 】Get the Holy Tripod of Earth

[Chapter 1094] Obtaining the Holy Cauldron of Earth (2 more)

He was only about fifty years old, and in a blink of an eye, he became three hundred and seventy-nine years old. ()

The age difference between them is nearly 330 years.

As an emperor, a thousand years of life, a loss of several years, is nothing, even decades, not too much.

However, in a blink of an eye, the loss of three hundred and thirty years of life, I am afraid that every emperor will feel fear.

How many three hundred and thirty years can there be in a thousand years?

The immortal body is indeed powerful. Although Xuantian used the force of death to break Qin Shiyu's body every time he attacked, every time Qin Shiyu healed his injuries and reunited his body, he was safe and sound.

However, the power of death is obviously domineering. Although Qin Shiyu was not killed directly after being resolved by the power of death, his lifespan was severely damaged as he suffered more and more injuries from the power of death. , Is passing by at an extremely fast speed.

Although the battle was fierce, the time for the two to fight was not long, because the two fights very fast, so it took dozens of rounds.

Counting them, the number of times the two played against each other did not exceed fifty times, and Qin Shiyu was attacked by the force of death less than fifty times.

However, Shouyuan lost about three hundred and thirty years.

Every time he was attacked by Xuantian, Qin Shiyu lost six or seven years of life, and his life was rapidly withering.

At this moment, Qin Shiyu panicked.

Since coming to the mortal world, Qin Shiyu never thought that he would die, because as the son of the undead king, it was almost impossible. Even if he wanted to die, he couldn't die.

Qin Shiyu's worst plan was to make a trip to the mortal world in vain, but by chance, he killed a genius in the mortal world who had obtained the sacred pot of earth and obtained a sacred pot.

Being able to find a sacred cauldron is a great credit after returning to the gods.

However, given the opportunity to find more sacred cauldrons, Qin Shiyu would naturally not give up. Thinking of bringing a few holy cauldrons back to the realm of the gods, what a scenery it would be, would be greatly appreciated and cultivated by his father.

With the help of the Immortal King, he might surpass all his elder brothers in the future and become a generation of God King, Qin Shiyu's heart is extremely excited.

However, at this moment, Qin Shiyu's belief in immortality was finally shaken.

Although he can't kill him, he has a limited lifespan. When his life is exhausted, no amount of undead power in his body will work.

And now, his longevity is rapidly consuming. If this continues, it will take less than half an hour for his thousand-year longevity to be completely vanished, and he is naturally dying.

In Qin Shiyu’s frightening time, the dazzling purple sword glow with a touch of dead gray, once again split his body in half, even, because of Qin Shiyu’s shock, Xuantian sword light twisted his body even more. The fragments.

The more damage Qin Shiyu's body was, the more troublesome it would be to recover his undead power. Because of the existence of the power of death, although Qin Shiyu could not die for a while, his lifespan consumption was accelerating.

Qin Shiyu's minced meat and blood quickly flew to the distance and reunited to form. His eyes were full of horror, his figure was like electricity, and he quickly backed away, never daring to fight Xuantian again.

"Haha...! Qin Shiyu, aren't you the son of a god? What about your courage? Do you think you can escape from my palm!"

Xuantian laughed, then his tone changed, and he shouted: "Qin is not dead, you can be optimistic, see how Lao Tzu breaks your immortality, today your son's life is just interest, one day, I will come to find You, calculate the ledger...!"

Although Qin Shiyu's speed is fast, Xuantian has a sacred cauldron of wind, and he travels in the wind, flying at almost twice the speed of Qin Shiyu. In the blink of an eye, Xuantian chased behind Qin Shiyu.

call out--

The purple sword light cut through the void and smashed Qin Shiyu's body again. The holy soil armor was shattered. The sword light broke through Qin Shiyu's body, and the dead gray instantly penetrated into his body.

Qin Shiyu swept his dantian, there were a few more age marks, and he was frightened, beyond words.


Now Qin Shiyu had only one thought in his heart, quickly fleeing this area, escaped from the confinement void, and then teleported to escape.

Xuantian has become a terrifying existence in Qin Shiyu’s heart. He no longer dared to conspiracy against Xuantian’s sacred cauldron, and live with the earth’s holy cauldron, and then fly into a god. This is Qin Shiyu’s future goal. .

It's a pity that it is too late to change the goal. Whether it is the enmity between the two, Qin Shiyu has a holy cauldron on him, in short, Xuantian cannot spare his life.

Qin Shiyu's speed was not as fast as Xuantian. He was chased and killed by Xuantian. The holy soil armor was shattered time and time again. His body was continuously attacked by the force of death. His life was fast passing by, and soon his appearance was in his forties. Look like.

The battle on Long Ziyan's side was over, and the little tiger was fierce and devoured more than a hundred emperors of the other side. Some emperors wanted to escape their souls, but they were also swallowed up by the sword idiot.

Now this person, one mind and one demon, is also watching Xuantian's pursuit of Qin Shiyu from a distance.

Xuantian and Qin Shiyu had already left the ancient conferred tower thousands of miles away, but even so, Qin Shiyu still had no hope of escape. There were five sacred cauldrons on Xuantian's body, and the range of imprisoning the void was within a thousand miles of his center. .

As long as Qin Shiyu was within a thousand miles from Xuantian, he could not use teleport to escape.

With Xuantian twice as fast as Qin Shiyu, the two of them were almost accompanied by shadows. How could Qin Shiyu leave Xuantian thousands of miles away.

This battle is a foregone conclusion.

Countless emperors followed in the footsteps of Xuantian and Qin Shiyu more than a thousand miles away, with shock in their eyes, looking at the escaped Xuantian and Qin Shiyu.

Qin Shiyu's name is extremely resounding in Jianzhou, and he is the most well-deserved first among all the goddess and goddess. Even if Sikongding's cultivation base is higher than him, his aptitude is better than him, his reputation is not comparable to him.

Because Qin Shiyu is the son of Qin Budie, the legendary sword world.

In the eyes of the emperor of the sword world, as the messengers from the gods, each of the gods is a superior existence, especially Qin Shiyu, even more incredible.

Now Qin Shiyu was chased and killed by Xuantian like a bereaved dog, but he didn't even have the hope of escape, which really made the emperors feel incredible.

With Qin Undead’s prestigious reputation, even if there is an emperor in the sword world who can kill Qin Shiyu, he is afraid to do it. Killing the son of the undead king, if luck comes one day, soaring to the gods is not a dead end. what.

However, these are obviously not within Xuantian's consideration. Whether it is to kill Qin Shiyu or not, Xuantian knows that as long as he reaches the God Realm, he will definitely face countless people in the God Realm. At this point, whether he kills or kills the God Child, there will be nothing. change.

That being the case, why should Xuantian care about killing the **** son, even if this is the son of the undead king, he can still kill it.

After repeated attacks, Qin Shiyu grew old. It didn't take long for Qin Shiyu to become more than 50 years old, and soon became more than 60 years old.

It looks more than sixty years old, but the actual age may have been seven or eight hundred years old. The more you get to the back, the faster your appearance will be.


Qin Shiyu, who had grown white hair on his head, roared angrily. No matter how fast he increased his speed to the limit, he couldn't escape Xuantian's attack. He checked his age imprint and he was more than 830 years old. , Can not endure many swords, he will run out of life, and die.

Thinking of death, even if Qin Shiyu was a son of God, he was terrified and yelled: "No--! I don't want to die! Xuantian, don't kill me, I will give you the holy cauldron of earth, don't kill me...! "

Xuantian's attack did not stop, and he shouted: "Qin Budie, have you heard? This is your son, hahaha...!"

God Realm, Immortal Temple.

On the Wangzhang Throne, the Immortal King sat there with his fists clenched, and a flame of almost nothing appeared in his eyes.

An ant dared to provoke him to the King of the Undead. Although the King of the Undead didn't put Xuantian in his eyes, he couldn't stop the anger that poured out in his heart.

There are many sons of the Undead King. He has a long life span of tens of millions of years. It is completely longevity. Qin Shiyu is not dead. He does not care at all. What makes him angry is that when Qin Shiyu dies, the holy cauldron of the earth will also be mysterious God has to go.


Xuantian was in a great mood. He knew that the Immortal King could hear what he said through Qin Shiyu's connection.

Although Xuantian compared to the King of the Undead, it can be said that even ants are difficult to count now, but he knows that he will definitely be angry with the King of the Undead.

As the king of swords, the undead king, one of the main murderers of the sacred cauldron, is Xuantian’s most powerful enemy. Now Xuantian cannot pose a threat to the undead king, but he can get angry. Half-dead, it can be regarded as a bad breath.

Under Xuantian's attack, Qin Shiyu grew older and older, and the horror in his eyes had turned into despair. He hid directly in the Holy Cauldron of Earth, but soon, Xuantian rushed into the Holy Cauldron of Earth.

I don't know how many swords it was. When Xuantian cleaved this sword, Qin Shiyu's body could no longer heal, and the old body was directly torn apart and shattered into pieces.

Blood rushed out, these undead blood lost their lives and could never be reborn.

God son Qin Shiyu is dead.

The undead king's induction of the mortal world through Qin Shiyu ended in an instant.

"Xuantian! I will wait for you in the God Realm...! Waiting for the moment you ascend to the God Realm...!"

A mighty voice suddenly resounded from all directions, seemed to come from the endless void, and seemed to resound directly in my heart.

The Undead King, once again used the supreme power to spread his voice to the mortal sword world.

Under this voice, any emperor felt insignificant, although the voice had no offensive power, but the terrible power made all the emperors unable to lift their heads, and their eyes showed fear.

The master of this voice can kill countless emperors with a single thought.

Xuantian didn't say anything about the voice of the King of the Undead, and with a wave of his palm, he collected all of Qin Shiyu's undead blood.

The blood of the undead was protected by the earth's sacred cauldron and was not absorbed by the heavens and earth. Xuantian collected the undead blood into the chaos sacred cauldron, and his body withdrew from the earth's sacred cauldron. As soon as he lifted his hand, the earth's holy cauldron was in his hands.

Another sacred cauldron was obtained, and Xuantian already had six saints.


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