The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1095: 】One moment four years

[Chapter 1095] Four years in a flash (3 more, plus)

Looking at the sacred pot of earth in his hand, Xuantian's face showed a cheerful smile. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

Of the nine sacred cauldrons, Xuantian has now obtained six of them, nine out of six, and two-thirds have fallen into the hands of Xuantian.

The six sacred cauldrons are: Chaos cauldron, water cauldron, fire cauldron, wind cauldron, thunder cauldron, and earth cauldron.

In addition, it is known that the wooden sacred cauldron is located on Sikongding, and there is no news for the two saints of Yin and Yang.

Long Ziyan, Jianzhu, and Xiaohu soon came to Xuantian.

Looking at the earth sacred cauldron in Xuantian's hand, Jian Chi showed a relieved smile. The young man in front of him already had six sacred cauldrons, and he was getting closer and closer to the goal of collecting nine sacred cauldrons.

Without saying much, Jian Mo turned into a streamer and flew into Xuanyuan Broken Sword.

Xiaohu's body quickly became smaller and fell on Xuantian's shoulder.

"Huh...! Huh...!" Xiaohu's voice was joyous, rubbing Xuantian's face.

Although it could not speak, as a divine beast, with extremely high intelligence, it was natural to know that Qin Shiyu was a **** son, and it was extremely difficult to kill a cultivating immortal body, but Xuantian killed Qin Shiyu and Xiaohu appeared very excited.

Xuantian touched Xiaohu's head, his eyes fell on Long Ziyan, and said, "Ziyan, are you okay?"

Long Ziyan smiled and shook her head, and said, "I have nothing, but Xiaohu has suffered a lot of injuries. Fortunately, you came in time. If it is a few days later, Xiaohu and I will not be able to hold on."

"Huh...!" Little Tiger raised his head, extremely proud.

"Thank you, Xiaohu!" Xuantian shook his shoulders, thanking Xiaohu.

Long Ziyan didn't receive too many attacks in the formation, and Xiaohu took all the main attacks.

"Brother Tian, ​​you crossed two realms and killed the son of God Qin Shiyu. I am afraid that this matter will spread throughout Jianzhou soon. By then, you will be famous in the world. No matter which empire is the emperor, I am afraid Will listen to it."

Long Ziyan smiled slightly, and then said with some doubts: "Brother Tian, ​​haven't you left a name on the tenth floor? Why has your name never appeared on the list of gods."

"I didn't enter the tenth floor, I went directly to the top of the tower from the ninth floor...!"

Xuantian will briefly talk about the things in the ancient pagoda of Conferred God, saying: "With our current strength, no one in Jianzhou should be able to threaten us, even the emperor who came back from the outer starry sky, no Above six stars, we are not our opponents. In this Jianzhou, we can be considered to be able to stand firm, let's go... We have enough emperor-level spirit pills in us, enough for us to cultivate to the limit of three-star emperor. Find a good place and practice hard. After we become the three-star emperor, we will also go to the outer starry sky...!"

Long Ziyan nodded, Xuantian put away the power of the holy cauldron to imprison the void, pulled up Long Ziyan, and instantly teleported to thousands of miles away.

When Xuantian left, the emperor in the distance, as if exploding his nest, suddenly exclaimed again and again.

Qin Shiyu, the **** son of the three-star emperor, was beheaded by the one-star emperor Xuantian and took away the holy cauldron. This incident would definitely spread to the entire Jianzhou Continent at the fastest speed, and even spread to the outer starry sky.

After all, the emperor does not have to go to the outer starry sky after four stars, and there are also emperors who go to the outer starry sky to try their luck.

The sword world is vast and boundless, and the starry sky is endless. Although the heavens and the earth are rare, most places are inaccessible. If you have luck, you will gain.

If there are not enough emperor level spirit pills to cultivate, going to the outer starry sky is undoubtedly the fastest way to improve your cultivation.

Of course, it is also a dangerous way. There are not only humans in the outer space, but also other creatures, such as the monster race. Even the emperor with more than four stars may die in the outer starry sky. Compared with the emperor below four stars, then It is even more dangerous.

Danger can't stop the hearts of some emperors becoming stronger, and some three-star emperors who have heard the news of Xuantian beheading Qin Shiyu will definitely pass the news to the emperors in the outer sky.

This news is undoubtedly equivalent to a blockbuster, which will blow up a huge storm in the entire sword world.

"Xuantian, where are you going?" Jian Chi asked, his voice rang from the Xuanyuan Broken Sword behind Xuantian.

Long Ziyan and Xiaohu both knew the existence of Jianchi, and when Jianchi talked, they would not avoid them.

Xuantian said: "I heard that there is an endless mountain Daze in the north of Jianzhou, named Beishanze, with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, inaccessible to humans, but an invisible monster site. I decided to go there and find a place to live. When we come down, Zi Yan and I are practicing there, and Xiaohu can hunt there."

"Well...! Go there. Since you want to practice, it's best to stay away from the crowd and don't let people know your whereabouts."

Jian Mo said: "Although your strength is enough to hold all the emperors below six stars, the sacred cauldron on your body can attract everyone over, maybe a powerful emperor will hear about you. , Deliberately came back from the outer starry sky, especially the Qin family, who suffered such a heavy loss. If you don't go to the outer starry sky to find a powerful emperor to deal with you, it is totally unreasonable. Now you have obtained six sacred cauldrons. You shouldn't have the strength to seize it from him. The yin and yang sacred cauldrons have not fallen yet. What you need to do most is to improve your cultivation base and increase your strength.

The Qin clan even has nine-star emperors, very powerful.

It’s just that the emperors who have reached the nine-star will not be in the sword world, because the sword world will take decades before they have the luck to ascend to gods. The nine-star emperors and demi-god powerhouses generally gather when they have the luck to ascend into gods. In the world, even some eight-star emperors will come to meet chance.

However, the undead king can transmit the voice to the mortal realm. As long as he gives an order, the emperor of the Qin clan, no matter how powerful, will follow his order and return to Jianzhou to kill Xuantian.

Now that Qin Shiyu was killed by Xuantian, and the earth sacred cauldron was in Xuantian's hands, the Immortal King should be very angry, and it is very likely that he would give such an order.

Xuantian obviously wouldn't fight hard with the Daqin imperial clan. Those powerful emperors returned from other mortal realms, or the starry sky beyond the sky, and Xuantian couldn't fight, so they could still hide, just to hide and concentrate on cultivation.

From the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda to Beishanze in the far north of Jianzhou, there are tens of billions of miles apart, but only a short while later, Xuantian arrived.

This Beishanze has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and there are countless monsters, and there is even a monster emperor with seven or more stars inside.

Of course, monsters and humans, emperors with four or more stars, will basically go to the outer starry sky, look for the heavenly materials and earth treasures, continue to practice, they can also ascend.

Therefore, although this is the territory of monsters, Xuantian and Long Ziyan are living in seclusion here, and it is unlikely that they will be dangerous with Xuantian's strength.

The two of them went deep into Beishanze, came to the area dominated by the three-star and four-star monsters, found a valley with particularly strong spiritual energy, and settled down.

Originally there was a three-star demon emperor living in this valley. It was very unlucky. It was easily killed by Xiaohu and became Xiaohu's food.

Little Tiger can cultivate by devouring other monsters, and this is the right place in Beishanze. Xuantian and Long Ziyan's cultivation will naturally not allow Little Tiger to waste time in vain, so Xuantian chose the depths of Beishanze as a place for training.

Xuan Tian was the holy cauldron of the earth, the soul of the condensed earth. On the top of the ancient tower of the gods, Xuantian had already comprehended the mystery of the earth to the peak of the eighth level, which saved a lot of effort in just a few days. , Then successfully condensed into the soul of the earth.

In the center of Xuan Tian's eyebrows, there was a khaki figure, holding a khaki long sword, the soul of the soil.

Six holy tripods, six great souls.

The more primordial spirits, the greater Xuantian's spiritual power, and the deeper the understanding of the sacred cauldron. As the number of sacred cauldrons increases, it is easier for Xuantian to understand the secret of power in the sacred cauldron.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan cultivated in the depths of Beishanze, and Xiaohu became the overlord here. He often went out to hunt and kill the demon emperor for food. The days were plain and dull, like a stream flowing slowly.

Xuantian's life was peaceful. The entire Jianzhou was overturned because he killed Qin Shiyu. After hearing this, every emperor felt incredible.

The immortal emperor more than nine hundred years ago was too amazing, and he continued to soar into the sky when he soared to the realm of the gods. In just a few hundred years, he became the supreme of the gods.

However, his son was actually beheaded in Jianzhou, a place where he used to create legends and myths. Such things that I would not even dare to imagine happened, and that did not shock every emperor. At the same time, it was full of surprise and interest.

The news of the emperor spread very quickly, and soon the entire Jianzhou was discussing such things, from the emperor to the emperor, slowly being known to all the warriors.

Some three-star emperors really brought news to the outer starry sky, and the powerful emperors in the outer starry sky felt incredible.

Knowing that there are a lot of sacred cauldrons on Xuantian, some powerful emperors with intentions have returned to Jianzhou, especially the Daqin clan, and a large number of emperors have returned, including emperors with seven or more stars.

However, when one powerful emperor rushed back to the outer starry sky, Xuantian had already disappeared for a long time. Since that day he killed Qin Shiyu next to the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda, Jianzhou has never heard from him.

Some scholars who are proficient in arithmetic can't calculate Xuantian's deeds.

Xuantian is now carrying six sacred The luck is so terrible, anyone who dares to calculate him will be beaten back by the power of heaven.

Because Xuantian couldn't be found, after a long time, this turbulent matter slowly calmed down.

Some people speculated where Xuantian hid, and others speculated that Xuantian might have left the realm king star and reached the vast sky beyond.

So, after losing patience, the powerful emperors left Jianzhou again.

Even the emperor of the Qin clan, without news from Xuantian, left after two years in the Great Empire.

Time flies in a hurry, spring goes and autumn comes, winter and summer alternate.

In a blink of an eye, Xuantian and Long Ziyan spent four springs and autumns in the depths of Beishanze.

In a blink of an eye, four years later, the two's cultivation base had reached the three-star emperor as early as a year ago, and now they have reached the three-star emperor's limit.


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