The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1123: ] Demigod is also a spike

[Chapter 1123] Demigods are also a spike


In Xuantian's mind, he recalled the old face of grandfather Huang Yuancheng. ()

Now, Xuantian still clearly remembers the pain in his heart when he heard the news of grandfather Huang Yuancheng's death. It was an unforgettable pain.

His life was given by grandfather Huang Yuancheng. If it weren't for his youth, grandfather Huang Yuancheng would have blocked a sword for him in the pursuit, and Xuantian would have been dead.

However, Huang Yuancheng saved Xuantian's life, but Xuantian was unable to save Huang Yuancheng.

Now, the people around Xuantian have benefited greatly because of him, and they have all become kings, and because of the large amount of resources, they will at least become emperors or even emperors in the future. Each one has a long life span, and only grandpa Huang Yuancheng, passed away...and never see again...

"Longevity? What I want is not just longevity, but eternal life. If my strength is strong enough, I want to open up a new world, which is an eternal world. People who live there will never die and live forever. I want My relatives and friends all live there, and I will resurrect the dead relatives and friends there... so that they can live forever!"

Xuantian's thoughts were retracted from the memories, and hope and determination were revealed in his eyes, Tao.


Jian Chi sighed, and said: "This kind of thought, every successful martial artist will have it, but unfortunately, eternal life can only be a swan song, can only live forever, even the supreme **** of the gods, the supreme **** king, his life will be exhausted. On that day, I live for tens of millions of years at most. Eternal life is just an unattainable dream. Moreover, people die like a lamp, how can they be resurrected? If they die, they are dead, and they cannot be resurrected...!"

Sword Chi's words made Xuan Tian's eyes darkened slightly, and said: "The **** king can't do it, can't even the **** emperor Ming Emperor do it?"

Jian Chu said: "The **** Emperor Mingdi is just a legend. Even if it is a **** king, it is difficult to see it once in a lifetime. They have existed for endless years. Perhaps they can achieve immortality, but they are only immortal, like What you said, it is impossible to open up an immortal world...!"

"Is it really impossible...?"

Xuantian's voice was a little melancholy, but then his eyes lit up and said: "If I have obtained the Jiuding Sacred Cauldron, how can I realize the power of the Jiuding Sacred Cauldron?"

"Since the ages, in endless years, some people may have obtained the nine sacred cauldrons, but absolutely no one has realized all the power of the sacred cauldrons...!"

The sword idiot's voice became a little excited: "The power of Jiuding is unknown, mysterious, stalwart, and vast... If you can really understand the nine saints, then everything is possible. What you said, maybe It can be done. If so, I also hope that there will be this day. If there is this day, then my greatest hope is that my master can be resurrected. If my master can live again, even if the sword idiot I am completely wiped out, I will also willing……!"

Xuantian smiled slightly, and said: "I will work hard for this day, sword idiot. If I really have that ability, I will definitely resurrect the king of swords. Don't worry, I won't let you die. The Sword God King will live forever in the eternal world together."

As he said, Xuantian shook his head and continued: "Now that these are too far away, I still have three sacred cauldrons missing, and only the wooden sacred cauldron knows whereabouts, the Yin and Yang sacred cauldrons, there is no information. Now, I’ll solve the Qin clan first, and then look for Sikongding, get the wooden sacred cauldron, and then look for the Yin and Yang sacred cauldrons.”

While talking, Xuantian stepped forward.


A ray of light crossed the endless void in an instant, and the distance that Xuantian traveled through the void was almost a hundred times larger than that of the five-star emperor.

He realized the tenth-order Great Perfection of the chaos secret essence, and reached the limit. Shutting through the void can no longer be called a teleport, but a big shift. The average lower **** is not as fast as him.

With just one step, Xuantian crossed tens of billions of miles of void and appeared in front of the capital palace of the Great Qin Empire in the blink of an eye.

This is because Xuantian controls the distance. If he really wants to reach the limit of traveling through the void, in a blink of an eye, Xuantian can reach tens of billions of miles, or even hundreds of billions of miles away, compared to the nine-star emperor and the demigod. How many times faster.

Xuantian came too fast. At this time, Qin Zhengyuan had just received the divine voice from the Undead King in the Great Qin Palace.

Although the strength of the Undead King is very vast, it is not an easy task for the voice to come from the God Realm to the Mortal Realm. For the Undead King, it is also a great consumption, so every time he speaks, he will not speak well. It’s very long and doesn’t say many sentences in a row.

The divine sound passed down by the Immortal King means that Xuantian has left the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda and killed Qi Taijiang and Qin Zhengxing. He is powerful and threatened to go to the Great Qin Palace to destroy the Qin clan and ask Qin Zhengyuan to lead all the nine-star emperors. The demigod is ready to meet the enemy.

As soon as Qin Zhengyuan and the three demigods and thirteen nine-star emperors appeared in the sky above the Great Qin Palace, Xuantian broke through the sky.

At the Daqin Palace, a total of seventeen strongest men looked at the broken void, and a handsome young man walked out of the void, it was Xuantian.

At this time, Xuantian, with all his auras forbearing, looked very ordinary and ordinary, just like an ordinary person, but it can also be said that it is integrated with the heaven and the earth, and it is easy to be ignored.

The capital of Daqin, with a radius of thousands of miles and a population of hundreds of millions, is basically all martial artists, and their cultivation bases are not low.

Attracted by the seventeen terrifying auras, almost all the warriors in Daqin Capital City looked at the Daqin Palace, first falling on the 17 strongest people, and then following their gazes. On Xuantian.

Many warriors revealed surprise in their eyes. It seemed that Xuantian was just an ordinary person, but actually let the seventeen strongest men run out.

Xuantian appeared and shouted: "Today, I, Xuantian, came here to destroy only the Daqin imperial clan and no one else. If I don't want to die in the chaos, I quickly retreat."

The sound was not too loud, but in an instant, there were sound waves spreading to all directions, and in the blink of an eye, it spread thousands of miles away, and the warriors in the entire Daqin capital could clearly hear it.

However, no one retreated after hearing Xuantian's words, instead, many warriors laughed.

What a joke, the Great Qin Empire is the foundation inherited by Qin Undead, and the reputation of Qin Undead reverberates throughout the mortal world. The warriors in the capital of the Great Qin Empire know the deeds of Qin Undead best. Almost every household has erected statues of Qin Undead. , Pay homage.

Not to mention that Qin Undead may have left a solid foundation for the Qin family. It is just the nine-star emperors and demigods who are now in the Great Qin Palace, who can be offended?

Thirteen nine-star emperors, four demigods, this is an extremely terrifying strength, enough to sweep any realm of the mortal world, even in the eighteen holy realms, there are not so many nine-star emperors and demigods.

The strongest of Daqin Palace, but gathered the strength of several worlds.

The undead king went down through the sound, but only passed the voice to his son Qin Zhengyuan, and then Qin Zhengyuan told the other nine-star emperors and demigods intact.

Although it’s strange that Xuantian killed the two nine-star emperors, they didn’t know that Xuantian was an easy seckill unless they saw it with their own eyes. Therefore, the nine-star emperors were extremely jealous of Xuantian, but several demigods did not. Didn't take Xuantian too much.


Immediately, a demigod walked out of the seventeen strongest men.

This person is holding a dazzling spear, the whole person is extremely domineering, and there is a spear phantom above his head, straight into the sky, piercing the sky.

He was the demigod prisoner of the gun world. When Xuantian returned to Jianzhou, he was the first and only person to intercept and kill him in the outer starry sky.

Prisoner Kong had a sneer on his face, and said: "Xuantian, I heard that you haven't seen you for more than a year, and your strength has increased dramatically. Even the Nine Star Emperor is not your opponent? Humph! Even so, you are not my god. The opponent of the gun-hole prisoner, do you dare to fight to the death with me today? Whoever runs away is the grandson...!"

Xuantian escaped twice under Kong Prisoner. Kong Prison knew that Xuantian traveled through the void very well, and neither the Imprisonment Void nor the trapped formation could restrain him.


Xuantian looked at Prisoner Kong and didn't say another word. In an instant, the Emperor Tianxuan sword appeared in his hand.

call out--

Xuantian's body was full of golden light, running the power of the Nine Turns Sword Pill, instantly splitting a bright golden sword light, and cutting it to Prison Kong.

Not even a tenth of a blink of an eye came, the golden sword light slashed in front of Prison Kong.

Kong Prison was shocked in his heart and shocked in his eyes. He instinctively carried the spear and went up to one.


With a crisp sound, the top emperor-class treasure spear instantly split into two halves.

At the same time, blood splashed, and Kong Prison's body was split into two by the golden sword light.

Ahead, thirteen nine-star emperors and three demigods, their hearts all twitched fiercely at this time.

The martial artist in the capital city of Daqin also turned pale in an instant, and the demigod Prisoner Kong, who failed to get off with a single move at Xuan Tian's hand, was instantly killed and killed.

The golden sword light broke through the prisoner's body still castrate, exploded forward and shot hundreds of miles away.

There was a rumbling sound, and the Great Qin Palace broke a huge crack from the entrance, which was more than a hundred miles away. I don't know how many palaces were destroyed by this sword.

One sword killed the demigod in a second, while breaking through the palace for more than a hundred miles. Xuantian's sword shocked everyone's hearts.

At this moment, when Xuantian took out his sword, the ordinary and ordinary aura disappeared. It was replaced by a sharp aura, sharp to the extreme, like a true divine weapon falling into the mortal realm, exuding everyone All feel the terrible breath of horror.

The two halves of the demigod Prisoner Kong and the broken spear of the imperial soldier fell to the ground, making continuous noises.

Although these noises were not loud, they awakened all the nearby warriors, fleeing in all directions with horror, never daring to stay again.

At this moment, no one felt that Xuantian's words "come to destroy the Qin clan today" was a joke.


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