The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1124: 】Invincible

【Chapter 1124】The world is invincible

If Xuantian didn't make a move, he used the power of Rank Nine Golden Core to kill a demigod in seconds. ()

Because Xuantian had no plans to fight the opponent for a long time. Although his strength was strong, the opponent had four demigods and thirteen nine-star emperors who joined forces, and their strength was extremely strong.

Therefore, Xuan Tian acted first, and took the lead in beheading the demigod Prisoner Kong.

In this way, the opponent teamed up, but one demigod was missing, and there was a big difference in strength.

With Xuantian's current strength, a single demigod was not in his eyes at all, and only the cooperation of many nine-star emperors and demigods could make him feel a little pressure.

Of course, it was just a little pressure. Now that the demigod Prisoner Kong was instantly killed by Xuantian, Xuantian had already left an invincible impression in the hearts of the nine-star emperors and demigods in front of him.

Even if the opponent joins forces now, one is that there is no demi-god Prisoner, and the other is that he has a psychological shadow on Xuantian and will be a little afraid. For Xuantian, the sixteen strongest men in front of him are no longer a concern.

The whole body of Xuantian exudes golden light, like a **** descending on the mortal realm, the Emperor Profound Sky sword in his hand shook his finger at the nine-star emperors and demigods above the palace, and his voice sounded coldly: "Xuanmou today is only to destroy the Qin family. The royal family comes, who dares to stop him, he will end up like a demigod prisoner, I will send him a word of'death'."

"Qin... Brother Qin, I still have something to do, I... I'm leaving now...!"

"I'm really sorry, I...I also have important things, so let's leave first...!"

Suddenly, there were two nine-star emperors, unable to withstand the pressure of Xuantian, their faces paled back, and they made a complaint to Qin Zhengyuan and left quickly.

Seeing that there are other strongest people who are divorced, Qin Zhengyuan yelled and said: "Everyone, my great Father God, is looking at everything here through my eyes, you are doing my best for my Qin family, I The great God Father is in his eyes, and he will definitely compensate you in the future. Although Xuantian’s combat power is strong, he is only a mortal, not a god. As long as we join hands, we can fight with him. If we can kill Xuantian God, my great Father God is in a happy mood and will help you ascend to gods. From then on, you will live a happy life and live for a hundred thousand years. Why not be happy!"

The effect of Qin Zhengyuan's words is not weak, especially that sentence, his great Father God is watching everything here, making the hearts of the most powerful people surging.

Qin Budie, a legendary figure in the mortal realm, even in the **** realm, he is a supreme one, completely a generation of myths. There is no strong person in the mortal realm who does not admire Qin Fudie.

Now they are working for the Undead King, and the Undead King is watching here, how can they shrink back?

This is a great time to make great contributions!

"Brother Qin is right. No matter how strong Xuantian is, he is not a god. If we join hands, he will be killed by Huangquan...!" a demigod said loudly.

The other demigod immediately agreed and said: "Yes! Dare to be an enemy of the Undead King, Xuantian sin deserves ten thousand deaths, and the Undead King cannot come to the mortal world. We will help the Undead King to eradicate Xuantian, no The undead king works."

"Work for the King of Undead...!"

"Kill Xuantian...!"


The remaining nine-star emperors were mobilized to war and shouted excitedly.

"A group of idiots...!" In Xuan Tian's mind, a sword idiot sounded.

Xuantian put away the Emperor Profound Sky Sword, and replaced it with a black broken sword, a half Xuanyuan sword.

His eyes condensed, like the essence, turned into countless swords and blades, rushing forward, scanning at the nine-star emperors and demigods, and said: "Okay! Since you are going to die for the undead king, Xuanmou will perfect you, All die--!"


As soon as the voice fell, Xuantian's momentum soared and exploded once again, and the fierce sword aura rushed into the clouds of Nine Heavens, setting off endless waves of air, and the space of hundreds of miles around was turbulent.

This violent aura, like a **** descending to the mortal world, made everyone fearful, and there was an irresistible feeling.

Xuantian was located at the center of that violent aura, and the whole person was golden light blooming, radiant and dazzling, the Xuanyuan Broken Sword in his hand was no longer pitch black, but dyed into a piece of gold, and the golden sword light burst out. This is a broken sword if it does not come out.


At this moment, Xuanyuan Broken Sword vibrated slightly, as if it had been affected by something.

Xuantian thought that his strength was too strong, which caused Xuanyuan Duanjian's resonance, but Jianzhu exclaimed: "There are Xuanyuanjian fragments here, otherwise this half of Xuanyuanjian would not have reacted like this, I didn't even have it. Feeling the aura of Xuanyuan sword fragments, it seems that it has been sealed, and it is in the Great Qin Palace."

Xuantian smiled slightly and said: "Very well, it is really nowhere to find a way through the iron boots. It takes no effort to come. This time I came to destroy the Daqin imperial family, but I did not expect such a gain. Waiting for me to destroy these people. , Turn the Great Qin Palace upside down, and find out the Xuanyuan Sword fragments."

On the opposite side, the three demigods and the eleven nine-star emperors have also developed their strength to the limit, their aura exploded, like fourteen terrifying storms, extremely frightening.

However, compared with Xuantian's golden light and powerful sword energy for hundreds of miles, it was still inferior.

However, a total of 14 strongest people have joined forces, and their strength has reached an incredible level. If many people are together, they are more courageous. In this way, although Xuantian is very strong, the 14 strongest people do not feel terrible. .

The three demigods are at the forefront, forming a formation with the eleven nine-star emperors, making their joint power even stronger.

The three demigods glanced at each other, with fierce killing intent in their eyes, and at the same time shouted: "Kill--!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish!

The three demigods were in front, and the eleven nine-star emperors were behind. All of them rushed towards Xuantian like lightning, and they displayed their masterpieces. There are top emperor-level martial arts and god-level martial arts. Xuantian attacked.

"Jie Zun Jian Jue, the fifth style-the world is invincible!"

In an instant, Xuan Tian half-sword in Xuan Tian's hand swung, and the golden sword light burst out, cutting through layers of void, cutting the air in all directions to pieces.

Xuantian used the power of the Nine Ranks Golden Core to perform the last style of the Jie Zun Sword Fight, which was also the ultimate skill-Invincible under Heaven.

The ancient realm respects Tianchen, and fights invincible hands all over the world. He is invincible at the same time. Perhaps, his combat power may not be as good as the invincible sword emperor Danyuan of the same time, but Xuantian is a master of the two invincible powers in the ordinary world. In one body, and also cultivate the supreme magical skill and immortal golden body, the Gang Yuan is extremely vigorous, making the power of swordsmanship even stronger.

At this moment, when this type of invincibility appeared in the world, Xuantian really had a kind of invincible atmosphere and power. The whole person was like an inviolable overlord. The horrible aura naturally spread to all directions, breaking the aura of the 14 most powerful opponents. It's all done.

Xuantian uses this style of "the world is invincible", and it is the real world invincibility. No matter the current era or the ages, there is no way to find a mortal martial artist that can compare with his combat power, even a demigod at the level of the ancient world. The fighting power is a grade worse than Xuantian.


Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo——

The golden sword light stretched for hundreds of miles, and everything it passed by was turned into ashes and smoke. The ground was split by the golden sword light, and in an instant appeared a tens of meters wide, hundreds of meters deep, and more than a hundred miles long. Terror gully, all the buildings on the ground are shattered.

The attack of the fourteen strongest men met Xuantian's golden sword light, just as Baixue met Chunyang, melting one after another.

In an instant, all of the 14 strongest attacks were completely broken.

However, the horrible golden sword light has not yet cast its momentum, and is overwhelming.


The three demigods eleven nine-star emperors retreat quickly.

While retreating, do not forget to use the most powerful defensive means to defend.

However, the speed of the retreat was so high that Xuantian's golden sword glow was so fast that in an instant, there were ten sword glows that caught up with everyone and cut down directly.

A burst of flesh and blood flew, and screams continued to sound.

There are a total of nine nine-star emperors who failed to block these golden sword glows. They were either directly split in half by the sword glow, and died, either their hands and feet were broken, or they were left with a terrifying wound on their bodies and suffered heavy injuries.

With a move of ‘the world is invincible’, Xuantian broke through the sword moves of ten strongest men in succession, and killed nine nine-star emperors in seconds, or wounded them severely. Such strength is almost frightening.

The remaining three demigods and two nine-star emperors were simply horrified at the moment.

The strength of Xuantian's combat power was even more terrifying than they had imagined.


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