The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1145: Middle god

Chapter 1145 The Lower God Mid-term (sixth)

Four days later, Xuantian left the attic and handed over 45,000 low-grade **** pills to Mo Guangchen!

Mo Guangchen was overjoyed. The cultivation speed of the lower-grade **** pill was ten times faster than that of the **** crystal. If there were enough lower-grade **** pill, the Mo family could have a few more pinnacles of the lower gods and become the top power of Sands City!

It is even possible to surpass the four top forces!

Xuantian was concerned about whether there were any new magical medicines for him to continue alchemy, and asked, "Mo Patriarch, I don't know how many magical pills the Mo family has received in the past few days?"

Mo Guangchen’s face was full of joy, and said: “A total of more than 57,000 plants have been collected. They are still being acquired and are in contact with major families. If they can also take down other family channels, they will be able to Receive more!"

The purchase price of the Mo family will certainly not be as high as Xuantian, but in order to compete for the supply of goods, the price of a ninety **** crystal is also offered, and it becomes a **** pill. One can earn ten **** crystals, although not much, but The victory lies in the large quantity. In just four days, he received more than 57,000 magical medicines and earned more than 570,000 magic crystals!

The wealthy family came forward. Compared to Xuantian’s own purchase, the speed was indeed much faster. Even if Xuantian offered a hundred crystals, but he could not receive too many magical medicines in Xichengfang alone. The family bought more than 57,000 plants in just over four days, or more than 10,000 plants a day on average. This is the gap!

With the help of the Mo family to purchase the magical medicine, Xuantian only needs to refine the pill in the Mo family, and then practice, and at the rate of absorbing 10,000 low-grade magic pill a day, he can break through the middle **** in about a year. This speed is simply horrible!

The magical medicine was quickly delivered to Xuantian, a total of 57,069 plants!

Xuantian returned to the attic, and in just over an hour, he all refined into **** pill, a total of 114,138!

After refining the pill, Xuantian split the pill into two halves, and then continued to practice the Seven Ding Sheng Wang Gong. ()

Every day except for alchemy is practice, which is very boring, but Xuantian has long been accustomed to this kind of life in the mortal world. Once on the top of the Conferred God Tower, Xuantian has been practicing in retreat for forty-nine years. Time comparison is nothing at all!

The road to the strong is always accompanied by loneliness. If Xuantian is eager to enjoy, he can live with a few sweet wives in the mortal world and lead a sweet life every day, but Xuantian does not!

He didn't want to turn into a pile of loess after a thousand years, and the sacred cauldron on his body would be taken away by others. Xuantian chose the path of the strong, and he was already used to being with loneliness.

In addition to the 5,000 remaining divine pills last time, Xuantian has a total of more than 62,000. After six days of retreat, he spent about 60,000 lower-grade divine pills. Only then did Xuantian leave the attic and remove 57,006. Nineteen low-grade **** pills were given to Mo Guangchen!

This time, the number of magic medicines that Mo Guangchen handed over to Xuantian was more than 130,000. The Mo family united several big families to not only purchase magic medicines in Sands City, but also sent caravans to other cities. , On average, more than 20,000 low-grade magic drugs were purchased a day.

The more magical medicine, the better Xuantian's mood will be. As long as he has enough low-grade magic pills, he will have the hope of breaking through the middle **** in about a year!

In Lingxutian, there is no main god, and the highest cultivation level is only the upper god. When Xuantian becomes the middle god, then in Lingxutian, he is really fearless of anyone, even the upper **** is hardly a threat to him. .

The days of Xuantian were spent in alchemy and cultivation. There was very little time for alchemy. Most of them were cultivating, and the cultivation base was progressing rapidly!

From the early stage of the lower gods to the peak of the lower gods, the lower gods who practice the god-level lower-grade exercises, absorb the crystals and practice, it takes a full hundred thousand years!

Xuantian absorbs 10,000 low-level gods a day, and it only takes a year to reach the peak of the low-level gods, and it is possible to break through the middle-level gods. This speed has been increased by 100,000 times!

One day of Xuantian's cultivation is equivalent to 100,000 days of cultivation for the most common lower gods. If other gods knew this speed of cultivation, they would have their eyes dropped.

In the days to come, from as long as ten days to as few as eight days, Xuantian would leave the attic once, give half of the **** pill to Mo Guangchen, and then obtain the new magic medicine from Mo Guangchen!

Every time, he could obtain more than one hundred thousand divine medicines. After refining the divine pill, Xuantian obtained more than enough for him to practice daily.

Time is like flowing water, and two months have passed in a blink of an eye. Xuantian’s cultivation base has long been consolidated to the middle stage of the lower gods. Not only does he have enough lower-grade gods to practice, there is also a large amount of surplus, and he has accumulated more than 300,000. Pieces.

If these more than 300,000 low-grade God Pills are sold into God Crystals, they are more than 30 million God Crystals, and Xuantian is definitely a rich man among the lower gods!

In Sands City, the average lower god’s work remuneration is only about three thousand crystals a month. If you don’t use one crystal each month, you need to work continuously for a thousand years to save more than 30 million crystals.

On this day, Xuantian left the attic and, as usual, gave the pill to Mo Guangchen, and then obtained a new magical medicine from Mo Guangchen.

In the past two months, Xuantian made a lot of money, and the Mo family also benefited. Every time Xuantian met with Mo Guangchen, Mo Guangchen was radiant and smiling.

This time, Mo Guangchen's mood was going to be much calmer. After receiving the pill that Xuantian gave him, he took out the most recently purchased magic pill, only more than 53,000!

Xuantian said in surprise: "How come there are so many less magical medicines this time?"

The first few times, every time there were tens of thousands of magic medicine, this time it has shrunk by more than half.

Mo Guangchen sighed and said: "The Mo family has purchased magic medicine at high prices in the past two months, and the four top families have bought less and less magic medicine. They told Mo family to stop purchasing magic medicine. I did not agree. Up their dissatisfaction.

A few days ago, under the oppression of the four top families, the big families that cooperated with the Mo family all changed their minds. In Sands City, the four major families also spoke out, not allowing others to trade with the Mo family.

Due to the power of the four top aristocratic families, fewer and fewer magical medicines were sold to the Mo family. Now the magical medicines mainly rely on the several large caravans cultivated by the Mo family to go to other places to purchase them, naturally a lot less. "

Xuantian frowned. He used the inexhaustible low-grade **** pill cultivation every day, and his life was beautiful. Now it seems that it is not easy to maintain such a good life.

Xuantian said: "The Mo family is also a top-notch giant in Sands City, and is oppressed by their four great families. Wouldn't the City Lord's Mansion just ask?"

Mo Guangchen said: "The reason why the four great families are the top powers of Sands City is because there are strong people in their clan who hold important positions in the city lord mansion. They have a very close relationship with the city lord mansion. It is not a matter of murder and arson. I will take care of it."

Xuantian thought briefly, and said: "Then I can discuss with the four great families, and I can also refine alchemy for them. It is also a magical medicine and one magic pill. Although the Mo family has part of the interests, it has the interests of the four great families. Sharing, we should always be in peace."

As far as Xuantian is concerned, no matter which family he is making alchemy for, as long as there is a magical medicine, he can earn a magical pill!

Mo Guangchen sighed: "This method won't work either. If it is feasible, my Mo family will not monopolize this benefit. The four major families have low-grade divine pill masters, and the divine medicine can become a divine pill in their hands. Occasionally, the alchemy failed, but it was close to the ratio of one magical medicine to one magical pill, so they did not accept it, saying that if a magical medicine was exchanged for 1.5 magical pills, they would be willing to cooperate with the son."

Xuantian squinted slightly, and a flash of light flashed. Although the sacred cauldron of Primordial Chaos could refine a magical medicine into two magical pills, even if he made a profit at a ratio of one to one and a half, he was still angry.

A middle-grade **** alchemy master only has a ratio of 1:1.5. The four great families don’t know that Xuantian has a chaotic cauldron. It should also be guessed that Xuantian might be a middle-rank **** alchemist. Ask Xuantian to work for them in vain.

Xuantian said: "Since the four great families dared to say the ratio of 1:1.5, they obviously knew that I was a middle-ranked **** alchemist. The four great families sounded so famous, but they were only the lower **** families. The middle grade **** alchemist is disrespectful?"

Mo Guangchen said: "As for the identity of Young Master Xuan, the four great families have already conducted investigations. They have interrogated the Chixia Caravan. They learned that the young man was seriously injured and was taken back to Jinsha City by the Chixia Caravan and went to several nearby cities. After investigating the identity of the son, they dare to be disrespectful to the son, maybe... maybe they think that the son has no background!"

Xuantian raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Chixia Caravan? Haha... It seems that they think I have no background, so I am bullied. Do you think I have a background?"

Mo Guangchen said: "Young Master Xuan is already a lower god, and even a mid-level **** alchemist. Even if he has no background, he is still a great person. Master Xuan has brought benefits to the Mo family, and the Mo family definitely does not Will succumb to the four great families and hand over the son."

Xuantian couldn't help smiling, and said, "Oh... the four great families still want the Mo family to hand me What do they want me to do? Capture them and become slaves and make alchemy for them in vain?"

Mo Guangchen said: "As far as I am concerned, I am afraid that I have fallen in love with the identity of the middle-ranked **** alchemist of Xuan Gongzi. I want my son to point their lower-rank **** alchemy masters to make alchemy so as to break through the middle-rank **** alchemist!"

Xuantian smiled and said: "Yes, if someone from the four great families breaks through the middle-ranking **** alchemist, it doesn't matter whether I have them or not, they are doing pretty well!"

Mo Guangchen said, "What do you plan to do? Do you want to continue to make alchemy in the Mo family, or leave Jinsha City to avoid it? Every six months, Feizhou will pass by Jinsha City once, next month on the 7th, it will be Feizhou On the passing day, if the son wants to leave, he can leave by flying boat."

Xuantian is in no danger in Jinsha City, so naturally he will not leave, saying: "No, I will continue to make alchemy in the Mo family. Of course, if I cause trouble to the Mo family and cause the Mo family to suffer losses, I can leave the Mo family. Patriarch Mo don't have to be embarrassed!"

Mo Guangchen continued: "What did Young Master Xuan say? In the past two months or so, the Mo family has benefited a lot from Young Master, but now it's just a little bit less profit. There is no loss. Young Master is willing to stay in the Mo family to make alchemy. It is the honor of the Mo family."


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