The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1146: 4 big families

Chapter 1146 The Four Great Families (seventh)

Seeing Mo Guangchen's sincere expression, Xuantian continued to stay in the Mo family to make alchemy. Although there were fewer magical medicines than the previous days, there were more than 50,000 plants. Xuantian could obtain more than 50,000 when he became a godly pill. ()

Xuantian has also accumulated more than 300 thousand magic pills. Even if he buys less than 10,000 magic pills a day later, that is, if Xuantian earns less than 10,000 magic pills a day, he can still use the previous ones. The **** pill moved in and maintained the cultivation speed of absorbing 10,000 **** pill a day.

Six days later, Xuantian left the attic and met Mo Guangchen again.

This time, Mo Guangchen's emotions were no longer happy, but rather angry.

Xuantian handed the **** pill to Mo Guangchen and said, "Patriarch Mo, but what happened?"

Mo Guangchen sighed and said: "The four great families have slapped the Mo family. The caravan sent by the Mo family did not come back this time. They were all robbed by bandits from Feiyun Village, and even the people were taken away. .

The several caravans in the Mo family all have a caravan of gods and animals that travel thousands of miles a day, and it is impossible to rob them all with people and goods without knowing the route of the caravan.

Moreover, it is a coincidence that one caravan was robbed. Eight caravans were robbed at the same time. It is definitely not a coincidence. Moreover, the bandits in Feiyunzhai did not have the strength to rob eight caravans at the same time. Collusion, give the Mo family a black hand! "

Xuantian was also angry when he heard this. Now the main source of the Mo family’s magical medicine is these caravans. All the caravans have been robbed, so the magical medicines that the Mo family bought in the past few days are very few. , I am afraid that there is not even the last fraction.

Xuantian said: "Bandits are rampant, the City Lord's Mansion should take care of this matter!"

Mo Guangchen said: "This matter was done by the four great families. Even if the City Lord's Mansion knew about it, it would probably just behave. Moreover, the bandits in Feiyun Village sent a letter and asked the Mo family to take 80 million. Shenjing ransoms the people, and is not allowed to report the matter to the City Lord’s Mansion, otherwise the votes will be torn up and the eight caravans will be wiped out."

Xuantian said: "Since the four great families behind the scenes are behind the scenes, it's impossible for the Feiyunzhai bandits to not mention me in the request?"

Mo Guangchen looked embarrassed, and said, "Master Xuan is aware of Qiuhao and can't hide anything from you. They did mention you, Master, and asked the Mo family to give you to them."

Xuantian took a few steps, with the back of his hand behind him, his temperament suddenly became unpredictable, and said: "I was in Jinsha City, I wanted to be a low-key person and live a stable life. However, there are always people who come to ask for trouble. Long Yuan Gang, now it is the four great families, hey... I really think that Xuantian is a living Bodhisattva and can't kill people!"

Mo Guangchen heard the words and saw Xuantian revealing his murderous aura, and said in surprise, "What does Young Master Xuan want to do?"

Xuantian said: "Chixia Caravan is your Mo family's caravan, right?"

Mo Guangchen nodded!

When Xuantian was seriously injured, it was Chixia Caravan who brought him to Sands City. Although with his strength, even if he was seriously injured, he was not afraid of any lower gods, but after all, he was benefited by Chixia Caravan. Old man Xia is also quite good, and Xuantian will not let them suffer or die because of him.

Around Xuantian, suddenly the sword aura was intense, and a sharp aura broke out, saying: "Go to Feiyun Village, kill people, save people by the way!"

Mo Guangchen said in shock: "The strength of Feiyun Village is not inferior to that of the Mo family, and since there are four great families behind, even if the Mo family is all out, I am afraid that Feiyun Village can't be helped!"

Xuantian said: "There is no need for the Mo family to move out, a single sword from a certain person is enough to defeat Feiyun Village. As for the four great families, they had better not show up, otherwise, together with the four great families, I will be flat!"

Mo Guangchen looked at Xuantian with a look of surprise, obviously surprised that Xuantian was only in the middle stage of the lower god, and he had such thoughts.

The two masters of Feiyun Village are both the pinnacles of the lower gods, and the four great families are even more powerful. Each family has the pinnacle of the lower gods, but when there are more than three, Xuantian actually said that he will step down Feiyun Village and be flat. Mo Guangchen couldn't believe the four great families.

Xuantian is in the mortal realm, the honor of the whole world, invincible in the world, the son of the **** will also be killed in anger, and the inheritance left by the undead king is also uprooted. Now that he is angry, the lower gods, how can they not pay some price ?

Xuantian said, "Patriarch Mo, please tell me, where is Feiyun Village?"

Mo Guangchen said in shock: "Young Master Xuan, what you just said is true, do you really want to go to Feiyun Village alone?"

Xuantian said: "Do you think what I said looks like a lie?"

Mo Guangchen remembered what Mo Yunzhen had said that Xuantian defeated the three dragon heads of the Longyuan Gang and several King Kong in the early stage of the lower gods, and his strength was not below the peak power of the lower gods!

Now, Xuantian's cultivation level has been promoted to the middle stage of the lower god, is it possible that his strength has been greatly improved, and he has surpassed the peak power of the lower god?

Mo Guangchen thinks about it, there is only this possibility!

Thinking about it this way, Mo Guangchen felt that Xuantian's words just now might not be rants!

Mo Guangchen said: "The eight caravans robbed by Feiyun Village belong to my Mo family. Young Master Xuan killed Feiyun Village in order to save my Mo family caravan. I, Mo Guangchen, as the Patriarch of the Mo family, why Can I sit on the sidelines and remain indifferent? I will lead the way for the son to Feiyun Village!"

Xuantian laughed and said, "Okay, as the lord of the wealthy family, Patriarch Mo is willing to take personal risks for the several caravans under the family of Mo family. Xuanyou admires it, so we will kill him together in Feiyun Village. The earth turned upside down!"

Mo Guangchen picked two of the beasts with the best legs. The two left Jinsha City and rushed all the way to Feiyun Village!

Mo Guangchen and Xuantian left Jinsha City, and the news soon spread to the four great families.

Soon, the heads of the four great families of Jin, Meng, Xia, and Hu gathered together.

Jin Family Patriarch Jin Dingjiang said: "Mo Guangchen did not respond to Feiyun Village's request, and left the city with Xuantian, what on earth did he want to do?"

Meng Family Patriarch Meng Shiyuan said: "At this time, I want to send Xuantian away from the city, don't you want him to escape? For an irrelevant kid, doesn't Mo Guangchen care about his eight caravans?"

Xia Family Patriarch Xia Chongyun said, "Hey, even if I send Xuantian away, Xuantian can't escape from my palm. As soon as I heard the news, I had already sent Xia Chongxiao out of the city to chase him."

The other three people all smiled at each other, with a well-deserved look. Family Patriarch Hu Sandao said: "I have also let Hu Jiudao chase him down. Seeing Patriarch Jin and Patriarch Meng, obviously they are also allowed to go. Chasing it?"

Jin Dingjiang nodded slightly!

Meng Shiyuan laughed and said: "It seems that the four of us really have a good heart, hehe... there are four lower gods who have chased after them, and see where they can escape!"

Xia Chongyun thought for a while, and said, "Xuantian's guy is quite strong. He and Mo Guangchen have joined forces, and they are even more powerful. You said, will they go to Feiyun Village to save people?"

When the other three heard this, they couldn't help being stunned, it seemed that it was really possible.

Meng Shiyuan said: "Even if you go to Feiyun Village, it’s useless. Feiyun Village has two pinnacles of lower gods, and the dragon head of the Longyuan Gang is also in Feiyun Village. There are three pinnacles of lower gods in Feiyun Village. There are many lower gods in the middle and late stages of the village. Two of them want to save people? Daydreaming!"

Hu Sandao laughed, and said, "If they go to Feiyun Village, they will simply fall into the trap. When the next four lower gods can catch up, they will face the peaks of the seven lower gods. Haha, even if Mo Guangchen is At the pinnacle of the lower gods, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get out, let alone Xuantian."

Jin Dingjiang and Xia Chongyun also laughed, as if everything were under control.


Feiyun Village is more than 12,000 miles away from Sands City.

Shenxing beasts travel thousands of miles a day. The Shenxing beast that Xuantian and Mo Guangchen ride is a middle-to-high grade, much faster than ordinary Shenxing beasts. They set off on the same day and arrived at dusk.

In the wild mountains, Feiyun Village is located between two steep mountain peaks, the terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack!

As a bandit, the City Lord’s Mansion will also be wiped out in Feiyun Village, but every time Feiyun Village gets news early, he retreats into the depths of the mountains and disappears. When the City Lord Mansion retreats, he returns to the cottage.

The sight of the lower gods was far away. As soon as Xuantian and Mo Guangchen entered the mountain, the bandits guarding Feiyun Village had already discovered them.

"Enlighten to the second village master, two people are coming to Feiyun Village riding on the beast, one is the head of the Mo family, Mo Guangchen, the other looks young, who is it?"

The sentinel soon reported to the cottage hall.

Above the hall, there are two main seats. The Lord of the Second Village sat on the main seat on the right and said: "That young man should be the **** pill master Xuantian mentioned by the four great families.

Mo Guangchen brought Xuantian to Feiyun Village. Could it be that he agreed to the terms of this Village and handed over Xuantian to the Village for distribution, and exchanged Shen Jing for the eight caravans of the Mo family?

No, if Mo Guangchen agreed to the conditions, he should have notified Benzhai long ago. Why should he come in a hurry without even reporting? I am afraid that there is any intention, go and inform the master of the great village, please come quickly! "

"Yes, the second village master!" The sentinel quickly left.

The second village master got up quickly walked out of the main hall, and soon went to the Zhaizhong outpost. His eyesight was even sharper than ordinary lower gods. Not only did he see Xuantian and Mo Guangchen, but also Seeing further away, Siqi followed Xuantian and Mo Guangchen towards Feiyun Village.

The master of the second village smiled slightly and said to himself: "People from the four great families are here, Mo Guangchen, no matter what your intentions, you can't eat it, hehe...!"

The sacred beast climbed the mountains and rivers as if walking on the ground, and it didn't take long for it to climb over a dozen short mountain peaks and came to Feiyun Village.

At this time, the main leader of Feiyun Village and the dragon head of the Longyuan Gang all came to the outer wall of the cottage. The city gate was closed tightly, and the three lower gods, peak powerhouses, looked down from the ten-foot-high wall. , Looked at Xuantian and Mo Guangchen sneered.

The big leader of the Long Yuan Gang, sneered revealing the murderous intent, fixed his eyes on Xuantian, and shouted: "Xuantian boy, you came to Feiyunzhai, but did you die?"

The master of Feiyun Village, a woman with a coquettish appearance and a half-aged mistress, put one hand on the shoulder of the big dragon head, and said: "The big dragon head, the person who harmed you the three dragon heads of the Dragon Yuan Gang and the big King Kong, is This kid is handsome and tender!"


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