The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1147: Enter Feiyun Village

Chapter 1147 Entering Feiyun Village (eighth more)

The big dragon head cast his eyes horizontally, and said, "What? The Lord of the Great Zhailand has taken a fancy to this little white face?"

The master of the village chuckled and said, "The old lady likes the heroic man like the big dragon head. However, occasionally it is good to use this handsome and tender little meat to lower his appetite, giggle...!"

The big leader laughed and said: "The master of Dazhai has this appetite, so the dragon head will temporarily spare this kid's life so that the master of Dazhai can adjust his appetite. However, when the master of Dazhai adjusts his appetite, the dragon head has to be watching ,"

The master of Dazhai cast his eyes horizontally, his expression charming, and said: "The big dragon head is really interesting!"

"Hahahaha...!" The big dragon head laughed. ()

Xuantian and Mo Guangchen had already arrived outside Feiyun Village, and the great leader and the owner of the Great Village were chatting and laughing, and did not put them in the slightest.

Not to mention that there are four low-level gods peak powers from the four great families in the distance. They are coming to Feiyun Village. Only in Feiyun Village, there are three low-level gods peaks. In the late stage of the low-level gods, there are more than a dozen people. Many, in the middle stage of the lower gods, there are more than a hundred people!

As for the early stage of the lower gods, Feiyun Village is extremely rare, it is not a special relationship, and the lower gods are not eligible to join the Feiyun Village in the early stage.

Mo Guangchen saw the big dragon head and Dazhai master talking and laughing, and the second village master also secretly sneered. He and Xuantian ignored him and shouted angrily: "The bandit of Feiyunzhai, quickly take me to the caravan of Mo family. Let go, otherwise Feiyun Village will be in catastrophe today!"

The second village owner laughed and said: "Mo family master, want Feiyun Village to release Mo family's caravan, first hand in 80 million **** crystals, and then interrupt the legs of the kid next to you, tying the five flowers!"

Mo Guangchen said angrily: "Release people quickly, otherwise you will level down on your Feiyun Village today!"

The owner of the second village sneered and said: "Take down Feiyun Village? Mo Guangchen, first of all you have to have the ability to enter my Feiyun Village. If you can't even enter Feiyun Village, what can you use to level down my Feiyun Village? "

The gate of Feiyun Village was closed. The gate was made of sacred gold, and ordinary artifacts couldn't be broken. To enter Feiyun Village, you could only enter by over the wall.

The city wall of Feiyun Village is about ten feet high. This height is nothing for the pinnacle of the lower gods. However, there are three strong people on the pinnacle of the lower gods on the wall. They are condescending and it is not easy to climb the wall.

Mo Guangchen glanced at the three low-level **** peak powerhouses on the city wall, with a stern look on his face. Even if he had the artifact in his hand, he was not sure to climb over the city wall in front of the three low-level **** peak powerhouses.

Mo Guangchen looked at Xuantian. It was Xuantian who had proposed stepping down Feiyun Village. At this moment, he could only rely on Xuantian's ability!

Xuantian’s gaze was locked on the master of the second village, and said: “It’s not easy to enter Feiyun Village. I jumped up first, then cut you down with a sword, and first split you in half, and then I fell on At your location, once again punched the head of the big dragon, and slashed out the last sword, killing the master of the Great Village who turned around in terror! Then, I swaggered into Feiyun Village!"



Dalongtou, Dazhaizhu, and Erzhaizhu were taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter, as if they had heard the funniest joke.

Mo Guangchen also looked at Xuantian with a look of astonishment. Although he didn't think that Xuantian was joking, he couldn't believe the scene expressed in Xuantian's words!

When the three of them were laughing, Xuantian jumped up from the beast!

With this leap, the strength was astonishing, and the sturdy monsters couldn't bear it. All of a sudden, they knelt on their knees and smashed the ground into four big holes.

Immortal golden body!

When Xuantian jumped up, it turned the indestructible golden body instantly, turning into a golden light, and rushing to a height of 100 meters in a flash!

This speed surpassed the reaction of the lower **** pinnacle, Mo Guangchen looked surprised, and the laughter of the three lower **** pinnacle powerhouses on the city wall stopped abruptly, with shocked expressions on his face.

The Law of Thunder!

The law of flame!

The law of wind!

The law of gold!


The power of various laws exploded at the same time, and Xuantian erupted from a hundred meters in the air with a terrifying power. Then, Xuantian descended from the sky, and the power of various laws mixed together and turned into a sword light, cutting towards The second village master of Feiyun Village.

The Lord of the Second Village instantly became cold, and the sharp sword aura made his whole body tremble, instinctively terrified!

The speed of this sword is too fast, and the second village master has no time to dodge, so he can only take out an artifact sword and move it up!

The Great Dragon Head and the Great Zhai Master looked horrified at this moment, and there was no time to resist Xuantian's sword, so they could only adopt the method of encircling Wei and saving Zhao, and quickly shot Xiang Xuantian.

The artifact of the big dragon head is a dragon-patterned spear, a spear pierced out, the void thorns, a golden dragon shadow flashes, the power is amazing!

The divine weapon of the Great Zhai Master is a long snake bone whip. With one whip drawn, the air explodes, a blue snake shadow flashes, and the giant tail sweeps!

The attacks of the Great Dragon Head and Great Wall Lord were very fierce, and Mo Guangchen, who was below, felt tight. Even if Mo Guangchen was the peak power of the lower gods, he could only use artifacts to resist the attacks of Great Dragon Head and Great Wall Lord. If the body resists hard, it will be hit hard in an instant!

Mo Guangchen was still under the city wall, with a look of consternation, and he had no time to resist the attacks of the Great Dragon Head and the Great Wall Lord for Xuantian.

The sword that Xuantian descended from the sky was so powerful that anyone could see that it was difficult for the master of the second village to resist. If it was cut directly, the master of the second village would either die or be injured.

However, if Xuantian smashed this sword, he would also have to be attacked by the Great Dragon Head and Great Wall Master, which would also be the result of death or injury.

If Xuantian stops and resists the attacks of the Great Dragon Head and Great Wall Lord, the danger of the Second Wall Lord will be resolved!

Whether it is the Great Dragon Head, the Great Wall Lord, or Mo Guangchen, the guess in his mind at this moment is that Xuan Tian was first concerned about his own safety and withdrew the attack on the Second Wall Lord, first resisting the Great Lead and Great Wall Lord.

call out--

The dazzling sword light descended from the sky without a pause, and slashed on the magic sword that the master of the two villages blocked!

Mo Guangchen, Dalongtou, and Dazhaizhu were all shocked when Xuantian didn't stop!

With a loud clang, the artifact sword in the hands of the master of the second village landed instantly!

The power of Xuantian’s sword was too terrifying, and the master of the second village could not contend at all. The dazzling sword glow continued to be cut down, and the divine body of the master of the second village was vulnerable to a blow in front of the sword glow, and was instantly split into two. Half-life!

As a result, it was exactly the same as what Xuantian had said before. Xuantian jumped up, a sword fell from the sky, and he killed the master of the second village!

However, killing the second village master with one sword also has to pay a price, and the attacks of the big dragon head and the big village master fell on Xuantian at the same time.

The artifact spear and the artifact long whip all contain terrifying power, enough to destroy the divine body in an instant!

Mo Guangchen's heart trembled, and he secretly said, "It's over."

The big dragon head is shocked and happy. He is not very familiar with the second village master. He doesn't care about the life and death of the second village master. As long as Xuantian dies, even if he is out of breath for the three dragon heads of the Longyuan gang and the King Kong. He feels comfortable!

The master of the great village was shocked and angry. The master of the second village lost her life, making her extremely angry, and her killing intent exploded. This whip was pulled and exhausted!

clang! clang!

The sacred spear and the sacred long whip attacked Xuantian's body with two crisp sounds, like gold and iron strikes, like an attack on an indestructible piece of gold!

Immortal golden body, physical vajra is not bad, the sixth level is trained, even the upper god, it is not easy to hurt Xuantian, let alone the big dragon head and the big village master, both are the pinnacles of the lower gods. The artifact in his hand was only a low-grade artifact, and it fell on Xuantian's body, naturally it would not hurt a single hair!

This result was beyond the expectations of all the lower gods present!

Mo Guangchen was leaping up to the city wall, fearing that Xuantian would be severely injured, so that he could rescue him. At this moment, he saw this scene in mid-air and his eyes were huge, as if he had seen an eternal wonder.

The big dragon head, the big village master, and all the lower gods in Feiyun Village were even more shocked. They turned into a pure golden Xuantian, and their body was so terrifying that no artifact could be hurt. How could such a person be defeated?

As soon as I thought of this, the hearts of the lower gods began to panic.

Especially the big dragon head and the big village master, at this moment, they are even more unhappy. The two attacks fell on Xuan Tian, ​​not only did not hurt Xuan Tian, ​​but the force that came back from the shock made the palms numb. People suddenly retired.

"Thunder God Fist!"

Xuantian yelled, lightning flashed from Jin's body, and his body rushed towards the dragon's head like a bolt of lightning. With a punch, the thunder sound exploded.

The Thunder God Fist is a martial arts that Xuantian realized from the thunder sacred cauldron after becoming a god. Its power is invincible and its speed is as fast as lightning.

The sound of thunder sounded shockingly, and in an instant, the punch came!

When the big dragon head was in a panic, he just retreated and was startled by the explosion of thunder. I saw a flash of lightning in front of me, and a giant fist with thunder and lightning hit the big dragon head face. unit.


How could the head of the big dragon head withstand Xuantian's thunder **** fist blow, and with a loud bang, the head of the big dragon head exploded into pieces of flesh and blood, killing him instantly!

First the second village master, then the big dragon head, under Xuan Tian, ​​they were all killed in one blow!

The big dragon head was killed, and the big village master on the side was even more frightened, and quickly turned and fled!

" can you escape!"

Xuantian shouted loudly, the second village master's magical sword had already arrived in his hand, and Xuantian turned into a sword **** with the magical sword in his hand. The terrifying sword power rose to the sky, and the sharp aura swept across the square!

Xuantian is a sword world warrior, a generation of peerless swordsmen, when he arrives in the gods world, he is the sword god, and the divine sword is in his hands, and the real power has erupted!

Xuantian throws a sword, the power of various laws, the comprehension of swordsmanship throughout his life, all the power is injected into this sword, Xuantian attacked the first sword to use the magical sword after reaching the God Realm!

The divine sword turned into a dazzling light that was so dazzling that the lower gods would not dare to look at it. At the extreme speed, it caught up with the great village master, pierced from the back, and pierced the heart with a sword!

This sword's power, peerless horror, far surpassed Xuantian's power when he killed the second village master and the big dragon's head. It was the first demonstration of Xuantian's true strength!

Even if it was only pierced by a sword, the terrifying power contained in this sword instantly wiped out the entire life of the main village master, causing the main village master to instantly die and transform into a huge green snake. Zombie!


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