The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1159: 1 Sword was born

Chapter 1159

City Lord Jinsha was a little silent, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Obviously, some worry forced Xuantian to the point where the dog jumped over the wall!

Although the city lord of the Sands had confidence in his city guard, Xuantian's performance was really against the sky, and one did not dare to take it lightly. ()

Jinsha City Lord said: "Xuantian, you want to frighten the city lord with a few words of threats, it is impossible! The city lord can ignore the affairs between you and the four great families, but the city lord is granted by the court and should not be humiliated. , You hurt me in public, it is a small matter to make me bleed, and a serious matter to despise the court, if the city lord let you go easily, the court will blame it, this matter cannot be lightened!"

Although the Lord of the Sands spoke hard, Xuantian heard the retreat from his tone and asked, "What do you want?"

The city lord of the sands said: "The lord of the city is insulted, and the city guards are self-determining the rebels. If you can get away from the city guards, it means that the city lord can't help you and buy and sell the things that hurt me. The city lord will imprison you for a hundred years as a punishment!"

Xuantian chuckled lightly and said: "I won the city guard, we canceled it, and the city guard won me, but I will suffer a hundred years of jail, haha... you have a good calculation in your heart, no matter what you are Don't suffer!"

The Sands City Lord said: "This City Lord is not immortal with you. If you win, the benefits are not small. This Sands City relies on you and respects you!"

Xuantian waved his hand and said, "Well, Xuanmou doesn't want to have trouble with the Great Han Kingdom, so he can compare with your city guard!"

Xuan Tian held a sword in his hand, leaving only one divine sword in his hand. The divine gang inside his body revolved, his breath exploded, but the sword power became stronger and stronger.

Sha Zhixing waved his hand, and more than a hundred sergeants all swept the magical sword in his hand and shouted, "Kill--!"

The voice was loud and uniform, shaking the eardrums of the lower gods.

When the sergeants moved, violent auras erupted one after another, and the surrounding void was immediately pulled by Mo Ming's force, and a violent wind blew up. An invisible force instantly enveloped all sides, pressing people out of breath.

It's military!

As soon as the army came out, it enveloped all directions, and the lower gods only felt that the void was countless times heavier, and it seemed that a mountain was pressing down on them.

The strength of the army is related to the strength of the army. This is just the most ordinary city guard. If it is a large number of elite troops, the next **** will have to lie on the ground instantly and can't even move.

With a wave of the magical sword in Sha Zhixing's hand, his ten teams dispersed and formed a battle formation, making the army more victorious.

The sky above the sergeants, the void is distorted by the powerful army, faintly visible, the appearance of a tiger, this is the soul of the battle!

The battle formation formed by the sergeants is the'tiger formation', which is the most common battle formation in the army, and it can be formed by only a hundred people.

Xuantian's sword was sharp and sharp, and an invisible sword aura soared into the sky. The invisible military force was overwhelmed by the sword's strength, and it did not affect Xuantian.

The light of chaos was revealed in Xuan Tian's eyes, using the eyes of chaos, he could see the mystery of the battle formation ahead.

Normal lower gods can only vaguely see the shape of a tiger in the void, but Xuantian can clearly see a huge tiger entrenched.

Ten teams, the four legs, head, and tail of the Tigers, the power of the Tigers' battle formation poured into the bodies of the sergeants, making their auras stronger than usual.

What the battle formation pays attention to is the cooperation between the sergeants!

The coordination between people is divided into the degree of fit. The more proficient the battle formation, the more fit the coordination between sergeants.

But no matter how high the fit is, different people control the battlefield together, and there is always a difference compared to the reaction of the same person.

Therefore, no matter how skilled the battle formation is, it is not perfect, but there are gaps to be found.

Ordinary lower gods can only vaguely sense the strength of the battle formation. It is impossible to find the weakness of the battle formation. Xuantian has the eyes of chaos, but he can see it at a glance.

After all, battle formations are no different from ordinary formations. For example, the Lower Demon Slayer Formation composed of the pinnacles of the lower gods of the four great families are all formations composed of people!

The difference is that the battle formation is enveloped by military forces, and the degree of coordination is better, and it is more difficult to find flaws. Even if there are flaws, there are military guards, and it takes a certain amount of strength to break!

Whether it is looking for flaws or having enough strength, Xuantian has these two conditions!

Xuantian only glanced at it, then laughed, and said, "The fierce tigers are in battle, Xuan certain sword will break it!"

When the lower gods heard the words, their eyes widened and their faces were full of consternation. They thought they had heard it wrong, and Xuantian actually said that he would break the tiger battle with a sword?

All the sergeants heard this, and there was anger in their eyes. Although they were mostly in the middle of the lower gods, they were combined through battle formations, but they had the strength to despise the average middle god.

Sha Zhixing shouted angrily: "This lower **** despise us in the middle stage, how should we respond?"

The sergeants shouted in unison: "Kill—!"

The military strength is closely related to the morale of the sergeants themselves. Together with the killing sound, the sacred swords in the hands of the sergeants burst out with brilliant light, and the military is prosperous.

In the surroundings, some lower gods retreated again and again, wanting to be farther away from the battlefield. The terrifying aura and coercion already made them unbearable, and they felt like they were about to crawl.

Xuantian squinted his eyes slightly, his gaze tightened, and he shouted: "Let's see how Xuan can break it!"

As he spoke, the sacred stone under Xuan Tian's feet shattered, and his body turned into a golden light to rise to the sky, instantly rising to a height of 100 meters, with one arm, like an eagle spreading its wings.

The power of the chaotic sacred cauldron, the wind sacred cauldron, the fire sacred cauldron, the thunder sacred cauldron, the water sacred cauldron, the wood sacred cauldron, and the earth’s sacred cauldron, exploded in Xuantian's body.

In an instant, Xuantian's body burst out with various rays of light, and a cloud ring appeared instantly, centering on his body, instantly spreading more than a hundred meters in all directions, and the void was shocked.

The explosion of the power of the seven sacred cauldrons, coupled with Xuantian's leap, caused Xuantian to pause for two or three breaths in the air at a height of 100 meters. For a time, it was like standing in the void.

I saw the divine sword in Xuantian's hand slammed toward the sky, and the light containing various powers poured into this sword in an instant, and Xuan Tian shouted: "A sword is born and the world is shocked!"


A voice of void shattering sounded, Xuantian descended from the sky, a sword attacked, and the bright sword light tore the solid void into a crack.

The air current in the sky was instantly divided into two, and the sharp sound penetrated the soul.

In the sky, all kinds of light bloomed, beautifully beautiful, but under this beautifully beautiful scenery, every lower **** who watched the battle trembled in his heart, and only the sword power that came from afar had already caused They were so frightened that they couldn't think of resistance.

All the lower gods knew in their hearts that if this sword attacked them, they couldn't evade or resist, they would be suspicious of death!

Even the Jinsha City Lord who is a middle-ranked god, his pupils shrank at this moment. This sword is far more terrifying than the sword that Xuantian used to break him before, even his middle-ranked god. At the beginning, I felt a strong life and death crisis.

Below Xuantian, possessed by the sergeant's army, and with the might of the battle formation, it did not change the color of this sword that made the middle **** capital's heart afraid.

Sha Zhixing was in the front of the battlefield. Seeing the sword light slashed, he shouted, "Strike!"

In an instant, Sha Zhixing slashed out. Under the might of the battle formation, his sword was as powerful as a mid-level god, slashing into the sky.

A hundred sergeants, ten team leaders, cut out a knife at the same time, in an instant, more than a hundred swords shot up into the sky, densely packed, like a knife array!

In the battle formation, the invisible tiger raised its head and screamed at this moment, and its power was overwhelming, making the power of the swords of all the sergeants multiplied, like a divine help.

In an instant, the shocking sword that fell from the sky collided with the sword gang that slashed towards the sky!


The sound exploded, the sword light passed, and the knife gang exploded. In the blink of an eye, the knife gang was cut off for a dozen times.

Xuantian descended from the sky, where he attacked, he faced the least sword-gang attack. Ten sword-gangs were cut apart, and the dazzling sword light had already been killed in the battle formation, and a sword slashed across the body of the invisible tiger.

In the eyes of Xuantian's Chaos God, this fierce tiger was lifelike, and was chopped by Jian Gang and howled.

The power of this sword is too terrifying, the huge body of a fierce tiger, which was cut by the sword gang, was divided into two, and was instantly cut into two.

The tiger that had been cut in two let out a mournful cry, and soon disappeared.

The majesty of the battle formation that enveloped the sergeants also disappeared at this moment, and the breath of the sergeants suddenly fell.


The dozen or so sergeants who were cut off by Xuantian received the horrible counter-shock force. Without the power of the battle formation, they couldn't bear it. They fell to the ground one after another. The armor of the artifact collided with the stone on the ground, giving off metal ll.

Sha Zhixing was the first to hit the sword, and Dao Gang took the lead to collide with the sword light attacked by Xuantian, and fell to the ground at this moment, his expression full of horror.

The hundred-man army he led, although not many in number, had once defeated the mid-level gods, and was broken by the sword of Xuantian. The power of that sword just now was really shocking!

Xuantian attacked this sword, but did not take advantage of the situation to attack, his body turned back and fell ten feet away from the front of the sergeants.

His gaze swept over the sergeants, then moved to the Sands City Lord, and said: "Sha Zongyuan, you can see the sword just now! Can I win?"

At the moment, the Lord of the Sands City was a little bit stunned, looking at the front dumbfounded, the sword just broke through the battlefield, like a sword pierced in his heart, which shocked his mind.

Such a terrifying sword was enough to kill him!

The thought of Xuantian's strength was so strong that the resentment in the heart of the Sands City Lord was greatly reduced, and instead he was frightened and awed!

If Xuantian is really pressed by him, even in front of the city guards, he has the strength to kill him, as soon as he thinks about this, Jinsha City Master will be afraid for a while!

A person always senses the fragility of life only when his life is truly threatened.

At this moment, the Jinsha City Lord felt that his life was extremely fragile. Xuantian was angry, and the sword in his hand could harvest his life!

Hearing Xuantian’s voice, Jinsha City Lord came back to his senses. He no longer had any arrogant arrogance and no condescending attitude. He even said:

"You won, you won. From now on, Sands City will respect you, and this city owner will absolutely keep his promise!"


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