The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1160: Break through the lower stage

Chapter 1160 Breaking Through the Lower God Stage (third more)

Sands City Lord bowed his head!

From now on, Jinsha City respects Xuantian, even if he is the city lord!

This means that as long as Xuantian is in Jinsha City for one day, Xuantian will be the real master of Jinsha City. ()

The city lord of Jinsha took the city guard and left quickly. The last hopes of the lower gods of the four great families were shattered, and their faces were bloodless and gray.

From today, the four great families that have been in Sands City for hundreds of thousands of years have been cut off. From now on, the four great families will become four ordinary families in Sands City, and they will remain ordinary families with poor and white people.

The lower gods who watched the battle gathered more and more, looking at Xuantian with amazement and incredible expression.

They never expected that Sands City would one day be transformed by a lower god.

The four great families lost the peak of the lower gods and lost the protection of the city lord’s mansion. The one billion **** crystals that compensated Xuantian were naturally presented obediently. The ten-meter space box with a box of one million stones was packed in a whole. Thousand boxes.

Xuantian collected one billion sacred crystals into the space sacred ring, left the Xia Mansion, and returned to the Mo family with Mo Guangchen!

Before, Mo Guangchen only respected Xuantian. After this battle, when Xuantian left Xia Mansion, Mo Guangchen's attitude almost became respect!

Regarding the battle between Xuantian and the four great families, Mo Guangchen was on Xuantian's side from the beginning, and he was optimistic that Xuantian would win!

In Mo Guangchen’s expectation, Xuantian could only suppress the four great families to bow their heads and compensate for a little loss. In the future, the four great families will remain the four great families. Because of this, Mo Guangchen is afraid that the four great families will retaliate against Mo in the future. Family, did not dare to stand with Xuantian and fight against the four great families!

But the result was far beyond Mo Guangchen’s expectations. Xuantian not only suppressed the four great families, but also the City Lord’s Mansion. In front of the Sands City Lord, he slaughtered the four great families. Rolling, there is no lower **** peak!

The former four great families are now just four ordinary families, not even rich families, and without the four great families, the first-class rich family like the Mo family has become the top family in Sands City in one fell swoop.

From now on, the Mo family can stand at the peak of the interest chain in Sands City, and will develop better and better, and grow into a truly top family comparable to the four great families.

As long as the Mo family does not make the same mistakes as the four great families, the Mo family will be passed on for a long time in Jinsha City!

For this, Mo Guangchen was very grateful to Xuantian. Without Xuantian, there would be no Mo family today.

In the Mo Mansion, Mo Guangchen said: "Master Xuan, with your prestige as the first person in Sands City, it is easy to establish a powerful family in Sands City. All it takes is a matter of time. Son Xuan has not married yet, right? The unmarried girl in the family, is there anyone Xuan Gong Zi to see? As long as Xuan Gong Zi likes it, you can marry anyone!"

Xuantian looked embarrassed, and said: "Mo Patriarch, Xuan has no intention of establishing a family in Sands City, and Xuan has married his wife and will not marry again. I still have many things to do. Stay for a while and leave after breaking through the middle god. In Sands City, I will continue to help the Mo family refine the magic pill, so I also ask the Mo family to continue to buy magic medicine, the more the better!"

Mo Guangchen said in a pity: "Sir Xuan is so young, has he already married a wife? Then the women of my Mo family are really not blessed.

The magic drug Mo family will continue to purchase. Xuan Gongzi can rest assured that without the obstacles of the four great families, the number of magic drug acquisitions will definitely increase, and it will not be less than the previous two months! "

Xuantian nodded and said: "Then there will be Lao Mo's house, Xuanmou will go back to the attic first, and I will find the master of Mo to get the magic medicine in seven days!"

Xuantian still had more than 300,000 lower-grade divine pills remaining, and there was no problem for one month in a row. As soon as he returned to the attic, Xuantian began to retreat and practice the Seven Ding Sheng Wang Gong.

In the Sands City, Xuantian killed the pinnacles of the ten lower gods of the four great families in the Xia Mansion, but at this time it really became lively, and the news was spreading throughout the Sands City at a very fast speed.

"The four great aristocratic families, who have dominated the Sands City for hundreds of thousands of years, were actually destroyed by a lower god?"

"The Lord of the City is a strong mid-level god, and he was hurt by a lower mid-level god?"

"The army of the City Lord's Mansion was dispatched for a middle stage of the lower god?"

"A mere mid-level **** has changed the entire Golden Sands City? Is it so scary?"


In Jinsha City, there were hundreds of thousands of lower gods, and most of them did not personally witness Xuantian's battle in Xia Mansion. After hearing the news, they were shocked and unbelievable.

I don't know how many lower gods were skeptical when they heard the news. They didn't begin to believe until one news after another was confirmed.

For a time, the entire lower **** of Jinsha City remembered the name of that lower **** in the middle stage-Xuantian!

In Sands City, this name is a legend, a myth, and an existing legend!

Xuantian's goal is to collect nine sacred cauldrons, to avenge revenge for the king of swords, and to reunite with his family. Before the goal is completed, he has no time to rest or enjoy.

Every day, Xuantian is in Mo's family, except for practicing alchemy!

Today, the Mo family is already the most powerful force in Sands City, and Xuantian, the first person in Sands City, is behind it. Naturally, it is smooth sailing for the acquisition of magical medicine. Every day, a large number of magical medicines are acquired by the Mo family. Xuantian's hand became a double **** pill.

Time is like flowing water, and every day, Xuantian's cultivation base is improving at an extremely fast speed, making rapid progress.

With the cultivation speed of absorbing 10,000 low-grade **** pills a day, more than three months later, Xuantian's cultivation base made another breakthrough, reaching the lower stage gods.

It took only half a year for Xuantian's cultivation base to break through after arriving at the God Realm Lingxutian. Maintaining this speed, he reached the pinnacle of the lower gods within a year without any problems.

The cultivation base reached the pinnacle of the lower god, which meant that he could break through to the middle god. Xuantian was looking forward to this day!

In Lingxu Heaven, there is no main god. As long as Xuantian becomes a middle god, with the power of the seven cauldrons, he fears no one in Lingxu Heaven, and will have the power to protect himself against the most powerful opponent.

Until then, Xuantian will have the strength to travel the world, go to different places, collect resources, strive to become the main **** as soon as possible, and leave Lingxutian.

In the God Realm, only one who becomes the main **** can be considered a strong one, who can fly into the sky and escape!

The God Realm is vast and boundless. At that time, the ocean will leap with fish and the sky will be high enough for birds to fly. Even if Xuantian reveals his identity in the God Realm, he still has a little capital to deal with the kings of the heavens.

As long as there are enough low-grade gods, Xuantian will not have a bottleneck in the cultivation of the lower gods. After breaking through the lower gods, Xuantian's life will remain the same. If there is no accident, Xuantian will cultivate to the peak of the lower gods in the Mo family, and then think Way to break through to the middle god!

After breaking through the late stage of the lower god, the peaceful days lasted for nearly three months, and this calm was broken by a foreign middle god!

Mo family, guest house!

Mo Guangchen stood aside respectfully, and in front of him was a strong mid-level god!

This middle **** was wearing a black robe and a black cloak on his head. His aura was even more terrifying than the Sands City Lord, and he was in the middle stage of the middle god.

Mo Guangchen clasped his fists in both hands and said: "I don't know the middle-ranked god, what are the important things to come to the Mo family, please give me instructions!"

The middle **** in the black robe took off the cloak on his head, revealing a bald head with a blood-red scorpion tattooed on his head.

His age seems to be in his early forties!

When the cloak was uncovered, Mo Guangchen saw the appearance of the middle **** in the black robe, his expression was shocked, and he exclaimed: "Blood Scorpion, it's you? How dare you come to Sands City again?"

Blood Scorpion, a famous title, a mid-level powerhouse, is not only famous in Jinsha City, but also famous in dozens of nearby cities!

Of course, the prestigious name of Blood Scorpion is not only his mid-level god's strength, but also his identity-the blood crow guardian!

The Blood Raven Sect is a great religion in Nanchuan. Its influence covers dozens of cities, and Jinsha City is one of them!

The Blood Raven Sect was one of the cults ordered by the court to be suppressed. However, the Blood Raven Sect was secretly located and far away from the power center of the Great Han Kingdom. After several times of suppression, the imperial court could not stop the Blood Raven Sect. .

The city forces in Nanchuan alone were unable to eliminate the Blood Crow Sect. As long as the Blood Crow Sect did not openly act, the major city lord’s mansions would also turn one eye and close one eye, and were unwilling to fight with the Blood Crow Sect.

The lower **** in Sands City hardly knows the name of Blood Scorpion, because Blood Scorpion is the only one who has acted with the Sands City Guards and escaped safely.

Three thousand years ago, a wealthy family in Sands City offended the Blood Raven Cult. As a result, the blood scorpion came to Sands City to kill and bloodbath the wealthy family. The city guards failed to capture him, and the blood scorpion escaped. Sands City.

Because of that battle, the blood scorpion was famous in Jinsha City, and it was also famous throughout Nanchuan. Some people listed him as one of the top ten in Nanchuan.

The blood scorpion smiled and said, "Lao Tzu of Sands City can come and leave as long as he wants. Who can stop Lao Tzu!"

Mo Guangchen breathed a little bit faster, but Blood Scorpion had blood-washed a wealthy family in Jinsha City, with blood on his hands, and came to the Mo family today, which made Mo Guangchen feel bad.

Mo Guangchen said: "What did you come to my Mo family to do? The Mo family has never offended you or the Blood Raven Cult!"

"Ha ha……!"

The blood scorpion was full of smiles, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said: "Yes, the Mo family didn't offend Lao Tzu, so don't be so scared. Lao Tzu's grievances are clear, not for you!"

"Then what do you come to my Mo family for...?"

Mo Guangchen said, his expression was astonished, and Xuantian's figure flashed across his heart, and he was surprised: "Are you here because of Master Xuan?"

The blood scorpion nodded and said, "Yes, Lao Tzu is here for him. I heard that he is a middle-grade divine alchemist, right?"

Mo Guangchen nodded. It is no secret that Xuantian is a middle-ranking **** alchemist. As early as six months ago, the four great families wanted to enslave Xuantian because of his identity.


ps: There is a fourth update in the evening, the author is working hard in the code word!



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