The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1161: Medium **** blood scorpion

Chapter 1161: Middle God Blood Scorpion (Fourth)

Blood Scorpion waved his hand and said: "It's right to be a middle-grade divine alchemist. My blood crow sect just needs a middle-grade divine alchemy master for help, haha... other middle-grade divine alchemists are hard to find, I heard this kid He's a lower god, isn't it okay to invite him? Where is Xuantian, go... take Lao Tzu to see him!"

The divine alchemy master can refine the divine alchemy, and his status is noble and prominent, but if there is no big background and his own strength is not strong enough, the identity of the divine alchemy master is not necessarily noble, but it will cause a lot of trouble. ()

If the previous four great families were just a small trouble, then the current Blood Crow Sect is infinitely more troublesome.

The four great families only dominate in the city of Sands, and the highest cultivation level is the pinnacle of the lower gods. The Blood Crow Sect is the leader in the entire Nanchuan area. There are even strong mid-level gods in the religion, far from the four major aristocrats. Can be compared.

Mo Guangchen knew that there must be nothing good for the Blood Crow to find Xuantian, and he even said: "Blood Scorpion, Master Xu is not good to ask. Although he is a lower god, he is extremely powerful, and ordinary middle gods are incomparable. , Even the city guards of Jinsha City were defeated by Young Master Xuan...!"

Blood Scorpion glared, and shouted: "What kind of bragging, a lower god, no matter what special ability, the strength can compete with the middle god, even if it is against the sky, it can break the battle of the city guard with one sword. Formation? Haha... Although the battle strength of the city guards in Sands City is not very good, it is not something that the lower gods can break!"

Blood Scorpion was chased out of Jinsha City by the city guards of Jinsha City. If he is facing a confrontation, he will suffer a loss in the hands of the city guards of Jinsha City. If Xuantian can break the battlefield of the city guards with one sword, Doesn't it mean that Xuantian's strength is stronger than his blood scorpion?

Blood Scorpion never believe it!

The blood scorpion can learn that Xuantian is a middle-ranking **** alchemist, and it can be seen that what Xuantian has done in Jinsha City has spread outside of Jinsha City.

However, the fact that Xuantian's sword broke the battle formation of the city guards was not confirmed by the city guards. Moreover, it was harder than the feelings of the city lord's mansion. Most of the news about Xuantian and the news of Xuantian were said. How he defeated the four great families is rarely circulated about Xuantian's defeat of the Lord of the Sands and the Battle of the City Breaking Guards.

Even in the city of Sands, most of the lower gods did not believe that Xuantian could break the battle formation of the city guards with a single sword, not to mention the characters such as Blood Scorpion, even less.

Mo Guangchen said: "Momou dare to use human heads as a guarantee. What I said is true, blood scorpion, Xuan Gongzi is a person who can't provoke Xuan Gongzi. The four great families provoke Xuan Gongzi before, and then the four great families disappeared. Four ordinary families.

The city lord of the Sands made his forehead for the four great families and was severely injured by Young Master Xuan. Even the city guards were defeated by Young Master Xuan and provoked Young Master Xuan. None of them would end well. Blood Scorpion, you have to think twice! "


Blood Scorpion laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke, and said: "Mo Guangchen, you said that my dignified Blood Crow Sect can't provoke him as a little lower **** in the middle stage?"

Mo Guangchen said: "Young Master Xuan has already broken through the lower **** stage three months ago, and his strength is definitely stronger. Blood Scorpion, really don't cause trouble to the upper body!"

Blood Scorpion snorted and said, "Even if it breaks through to the late stage of the lower god, it is still a lower god, even if it is compared with the protector, it is still a thousand miles away, let alone compared with the master of the religion. Mo Guangchen, take Lao Tzu to see him quickly, otherwise, Lao Tzu will let you see blood in the Mo family!"

Mo Guangchen knew that the blood scorpion absolutely did what he said, and couldn't persuade the blood scorpion to go to Xuantian with the blood scorpion.

Mo Guangchen can be said to be the only person who has witnessed all of Xuantian's legendary achievements. In his eyes, Xuantian is almost impossible to be defeated, unless the upper gods show up.

Otherwise... Mo Guangchen felt that Xuantian should not be afraid of anyone. At least, with his golden body's defense against the sky, even if it is the pinnacle of the middle god, I am afraid it will be hard to get it!

Therefore, when he discouraged the Blood Scorpion, he really didn't scare people, but he thought that way.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Blood Scorpion, Mo Guangchen's opinion is extremely ridiculous!

The dignified Blood Crow Sect, the number one in Nanchuan, can't afford to provoke a lower god? It's impossible!

Even if it is rumored that the strength of Zhong Xuantian is really strong, not weaker than the middle god, as the protector of the blood crow cult, the middle **** of middle stage power, the blood scorpion did not put Xuantian in his eyes.

Mo Guangchen and Blood Scorpion soon came to the attic where Xuantian lived.

"The breath of the middle god——?"

Before the two approached the attic, Xuantian who was practicing in the attic opened his eyes.

With the saint cauldron in his body, Xuantian's induction power is very strong. Through the power of rules, Xuantian can sense the difference between heaven and earth, and the aura of the gods' cultivation base can naturally be sensed.

"Where did a middle-level **** come from? Why come to the Mo family to find me?"

In an instant, a few thoughts flashed through Xuantian's mind. Although his eyes did not see it, the cultivation base of the mid-level **** could not be Jinsha City Lord.

Moreover, Mo Guangchen brought the middle-level **** to the attic, and only Xuantian lived in the attic, and Xuantian could naturally guess that it was because of him.

"Master Xuan!"

Sure enough, Mo Guangchen came to the outside of the attic and cried out with his fists.

Xuantian didn't get up to go out, and directly responded in the attic: "What is the cause of Patriarch Mo looking for Xuan?"

Normally, Xuantian would go to Mo Guangchen to hand in a batch of magic pills every seven days or so, and then take a batch of magic medicine. It has never happened when Mo Guangchen came to the attic to look for Xuantian!

Since Mo Guangchen broke the case today, there must be a reason.

Mo Guangchen said: "Master Xuan, the blood crow teaches the guardian of the blood scorpion, you have something to do with the master."

Blood Scorpion looked at the attic ahead and said, "Xuan Tian, ​​the middle **** is coming, and he won't come out to greet him!"

Even though Blood Scorpion is a mid-level **** and has a higher cultivation base than Jinsha City Lord, Xuantian didn't take it too seriously and said, "What's the matter with Xuanmou, just tell me!"

Xuantian didn't even see him when he was a mid-level god, and Blood Scorpion was slightly angry, saying, "Blood Crow Sect needs the help of a middle-ranked alchemist, Xuantian, let me go!"

Xuantian has been cultivating most of the time this year, and his understanding of Lingxutian is very general. If you want to talk about which divine kingdom, Xuantian knows, but if you want to talk about how many cities and masters there are in Nanchuan, Xuantian is I don't know.

Although the blood cult is a tyrant in Nanchuan, Xuantian has never even heard of it.

Xuantian said: "If you ask me to practice alchemy, just give me the magical medicine, Xuanmou is practicing alchemy here, not going out!"

What kind of character is Blood Scorpion? Saying two or three polite words to Xuantian has already given a great deal of face. Xuantian didn't see him and didn't agree to let him go to the Blood Crow Sect, and the anger broke out in his heart.

The blood scorpion said: "I let you go, you can go happily, so much nonsense!"

Mo Guangchen's heart tightened, and he said, "It's awful...!"

Mo Guangchen still had some understanding of Xuantian's character, and talked to Xuantian well, even if the words were not speculative, they would still be in peace. If the tone is not good, disputes will arise.

Mo Guangchen knew the strength of Xuantian, and Mo Guangchen knew the strength of Blood Scorpion. He had watched the battle between Blood Scorpion and the Jinsha City Guards. Both of them were very powerful. Beginning, his Mo House will probably be demolished!

As expected by Mo Guangchen, the tone of the blood scorpion changed, and Xuantian's attitude immediately changed, saying: "What are you, dare to force Xuanmou to do something! Fuck!"

Blood Scorpion is a cult protector, so his temper is so good. He suddenly became angry when he heard the words, and shouted: "Good boy, toast and drink fine wine. If you don't go, I will tie you away. If you dare not be obedient, I will strip you. Your skin!"


A thunder sound exploded, the windows of the attic shattered in an instant, a bright sword light, with a sudden burst of terrifying sword force, instantly killed the blood scorpion!

Don’t be speculative!

If someone asks Xuantian to practice a pill, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron can make a double portion, no matter what kind of pill, Xuantian will help refine it.

However, when he came to ask for help and still had such a temper, he looked like a Tianwang Laozi, Xuantian would not be polite. Blood Scorpion dared to speak rudely. Xuantian answered Blood Scorpion with a stunning sword of light!

The speed of this sword was too fast, and it was the same as the sound. When I heard the explosion, the sword light had already pierced the blood scorpion.

The blood scorpion was taken aback. He never expected that a lower **** could stab such a lightning fast sword!

However, after all, he is the mid-level powerhouse of the gods, and his strength is even better than that of the Sands City Lord. In a flash, he has an extra artifact pliers in his hand.

The blood scorpion fights with people, and likes to use the pliers of the magic weapon to clamp the magic weapon of the side, and then either fly a kick or release the hidden weapon to defeat the opponent.

However, facing the sword of Xuantian, he didn't have any other thoughts. He didn't have time to grasp it with pliers. The only thought was to hurry...

At the moment of Qianjun’s firing, the **** pliers in the blood scorpion’s hand blocked the sword light, making a loud bang!

This sword is not only fast, but also extremely powerful. The Blood Scorpion felt a sharp shock from the pliers in his hand, and his body involuntarily exploded back, dragging his legs to the ground, and withdrawing more than ten feet in the blink of an eye.

call out--

Xuantian repulsed the blood scorpion with a single sword, but did not stop, the power of the thunder sacred cauldron within his body exploded, and he attacked a thunder and lightning——!

The sword light was sharp and sharp, as the thunder sound exploded, the air flow was torn apart, and the lightning sword light had attacked the blood scorpion in an instant.

The blood scorpion had just stabilized his body, and before he could change positions, Xuantian's attack came again, which surprised him. He never expected a lower **** to have such a fast speed.

At this moment, the blood scorpion still felt the forceps in his hand vibrate, and his palm was slightly numb. There was no time to resist, and only time to move his body to one side.


The sword light flashed across the shoulders of Blood Scorpion, and in an instant, blood shot, and Blood Scorpion groaned, his body exploded again, and he was already injured!


ps: Another outbreak in the fourth shift, the author is already tired to cramps, so please ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!



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