The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1187: Destroy

Chapter 1187

A dazzling sword gang shot a hundred meters and fell from the sky. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

Above the sky, the terrifying sword power was condensed and formed, and a sword shadow was faintly visible, straight to the celestial pole, followed by a sword cut down, with a vast and infinite power, multiplying the power of this sword.


Before the sword gang fell, the terrifying sword aura had already fallen, and it impacted in all directions. Whether it was the peak of the twelve middle gods on the ring or the gods around the ring, all of them felt a cold in their necks, and then suddenly appeared. Cold sweat.

On the ring, the twelve mid-level gods of the Pharmaceutical Trade Association all looked terrified. The power of this sword was indeed extremely terrifying, which made their hearts tremble instinctively.

In the early stage of a mid-level god, such a terrifying sword was able to burst out, making people feel like a higher-level **** shot, which is really shocking and incomprehensible.

In the face of such a shocking world, the sword of the Weeping Ghosts, the peak of the twelve middle gods, all exploded their breath to the limit, and at the same time, they flew out with a blow, almost using 12 points of power.

The twelve gang awns instantly turned into a whole, rising to the sky, facing the bright sword gang falling from the sky.

This sword was so terrible that Si Mingyuan and the others dared not let it fall and counterattack with offense as defense.


There was a burst of sound in the void, like a firework blooming, and countless glowing lights bloomed.

But the Jian Gang that descended from the sky did not show the slightest damage, and continued to descend from the sky, slashing down fiercely, and slashed on the mask of the formation.

Jian Gang cut into butter like a knife, slashed into the formation mask, and cut to the end.


The entire formation mask was completely split by this sword, disappearing in an instant, and the magic formation was sealed for twelve days, completely breached.

Si Mingyuan waited for the twelve mid-level gods to peak, and all the power of the formation on his body disappeared. He felt a terrifying force impact. The twelve people vomited blood at the same time, and their bodies exploded backwards.

This sword is so powerful that it not only broke through the Twelve-Day Enclosure Formation, but also wounded all the twelve mid-level gods peaks, vomiting blood, even if the gods were shocked and shocked, they were almost numb, seeing In this scene, my heart trembled again instinctively.

What a terrifying sword is this?

Is this really a sword that the mid-level **** can attack in the early stage? The gods and spirits focused their eyes on Xuantian, and they were very puzzled. In their opinion, anyone other than the upper gods could attack such a sword. All the gods doubted whether Xuantian was a higher **** or not, but the cultivation base aura could not be wrong. It is really the beginning of the middle god.

Xuantian broke through the twelve-day capital formation with a single sword, and shouted: "The Pharmaceutical Industry Association, now you know, what is the end of the deceitful sword pavilion?"

As he spoke, Xuantian stepped forward, like a flash of golden light, his body turned around, and the mid-grade divine sword in his hand cut out a dazzling sword in an instant, sweeping across the square.

Xuantian's speed is so fast, much faster than the speed at which the middle gods such as Si Mingyuan retreat, and he rushed into the twelve people in the blink of an eye.

That dazzling sword swept across, and all the twelve mid-level **** peaks of the Medicine Trade Association were within the attack range of this sword.

Xuantian's strength is so terrifying. Although it is not a high-ranking god, the displayed combat power is no different from that of a high-ranking god. After a sword broke through the Twelve Heavens Sealing Formation, the peak of the 12 middle-ranked gods in the Pharmaceutical Industry Association was already shocked. Fear, knowing that this time I kicked the iron plate and provokes an offending person!

"The lord of the sword pavilion calms down his anger!"

Just as Xuantian swept through with a sword, the twelve middle **** peaks shouted at the same time, unable to beat the opponent and could only beg for mercy.

At this time, the dazzling Jian Gang had swept across, and the twelve mid-level gods looked terrified, all of them destroyed the artifacts and fully defended.

Clang clang clang...

A series of explosive noises rang in the blink of an eye, and the bright sword gang swept across the circle. The twelve middle gods of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association all flew to the rear, blood shot in the void, and surrounded Xuantian. ring.

All the twelve mid-level gods were injured under this sword, except for Si Mingyuan, Lu Hongguang, Lian Yixin, and Sheng Chunlan who were slightly injured, and the remaining eight were all seriously injured.

In particular, a few of those whose strength was at the normal level in the mid-level god's peak, their bodies were almost cut off at the waist, and they were already hard to move when they fell to the ground and suffered heavy injuries.

At this moment, all the gods present in the Pharmaceutical Industry Association turned pale. I never thought that today’s battle would be such a result. The peak of the twelve middle gods of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association was actually destroyed by a middle **** in the early stage. I can't believe it.

The gods who watched the battle were also stunned. Except for a few of the faces with surprises, most of their faces were full of gloom, like a bereaved concubine. In this battle, the sword pavilion won, and the gods who bought the medicine association lost a panty. Upturned.

The gods of the Gambling Association also frowned and frowned. The result that Jiange won was the last thing they wanted to see.

Because of this result, they will lose more than 10 billion Shenjing, and the total bet received is less than 5 billion Shenjing, which means that the gambling association will lose more than 5 billion Shenjing, which will be allocated to the top ten. The gambling industry chamber of commerce, each of them has to lose more than half a billion yuan, the gods of the gambling industry association, how can they be happy!

After attacking this sword, Xuan Tian closed his hand, and did not rush to kill the pinnacle of the twelve mid-level gods of the Pharmaceutical Association. When he took the middle-grade divine sword, the monstrous sword power disappeared in an instant, and the mysterious atmosphere was restrained and became ordinary again. stand up.

However, all the gods had seen Xuantian's fierceness just now, and no one dared to think that Xuantian was really ordinary.

The pinnacle of the twelve middle gods of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association fell around the ring, and Xuantian glanced around and said, "What else can you say?"

At this moment, only panic remained in the eyes of the peak of the twelve middle gods. What a terrible event was it to provoke a presence with a combat power comparable to that of a higher god?

The combat power of the upper gods can easily crush the entire Pharmaceutical Industry Association with one's own power. Not to mention that the Pharmaceutical Industry Association has only twelve mid-level gods. Even if it is several times more, it will not help to face the upper gods.

"The lord of the sword pavilion calms down. I have eyes and no beads and offended your Excellency. This is a mistake made by the Pharmaceutical Trade Association. Please, your sir, please don't have general knowledge with the Pharmaceutical Association!"

Si Mingyuan said quickly, the rest of the middle gods also nodded again and again. At this moment, there was no arrogance on their faces, and they were terrified when they looked at Xuan Tian.

Xuantian said: "How much price does Jiange offer to purchase magical medicine? Does your Association of Medicine Dealers ignore it?"

The middle gods of the Pharmaceutical Trade Association said at the pinnacle: "Don't dare!"

Xuantian said: "Jiangge purchases magic medicine, do you still need to apply to the Pharmaceutical Industry Association?"

The pinnacle of the middle gods of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association shook his head again: "Dare not!"

Xuantiandao: "Seeing your sincere acknowledgment of your mistakes, I will let you survive this battle. However, as the loser, your Pharmaceutical Association should always pay Jiange some compensation before it is worthwhile for me to fight the ring. Isn't it?"

The peak of the middle gods nodded their heads: "It should be, it should be!"

They spoke happily, but they were bleeding in their hearts, and they took the initiative to invite others to beat them. They were injured one by one, but in the end they had to compensate each other. This is not about lifting a rock and hitting their own feet. Ask for trouble?

Xuantian said: "The Pharmaceutical Industry Association, the twelve chambers of commerce, each chamber of commerce compensates Xuanmou for one hundred thousand middle-grade magical drugs...!"

"One hundred thousand middle-grade magical medicine?"

The twelve mid-level gods were all shocked when they heard the words.

Si Mingyuan said: "The master of the sword pavilion, how can we get so many middle-grade magical medicines at a time? How about we compensate you for the magical crystals? Each chamber of commerce compensates you 100 million magical crystals, 100 million magical crystals than 100,000 middle-grade crystals. The value of magic medicine is only high and not low."

Xuantian shook his head, and said, "I only need middle-grade magical medicine, and I will give you one year. This is my condition. If you think it can't be done, then we will continue to fight...!"

Seeing Xuantian said that he would continue to fight, the mid-level **** pinnacle was shocked and said quickly, "No fight, no fight...we can do it, we can do it!"

"That's good, come to Jiange once a month to hand in the middle-grade magic medicine, until it is finished, it will not be finished within a year, I will dismantle the medicine dealers association!"

After Xuantian said, his body leaped, he got off the ring, and walked forward without looking back.

The leader of the Blood Crow immediately followed him. Seeing Xuantian's mighty power, he increasingly felt that being Xuantian's slave was not a bad thing. He was not ashamed of his status as a servant, but raised his head. , Very proud.

The gods in front saw Xuantian coming and quickly dodged to both sides. An existence that was almost on par with the upper **** was terrifying for the lower and middle gods, and they all felt awe of Xuantian.

Xuantian left, and the twelve middle gods of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association slumped to the ground one by one, looking at each other, their eyes full of regret.

Good point, why do you have to go to Jiange for trouble?

It's okay now. Not only does the Pharmaceutical Trade Association lose face, but it also pays 1.2 million middle-grade magical medicines. It really pays for his wife and breaks down. It is completely asking for trouble.

The gods and spirits left with a sigh and This time the sword pavilion and the Pharmaceutical Industry Association had a miserable loss, and they finally accumulated hundreds of millions of **** crystals. I think this is 100%. For the chance to win Shenjing, he invested all his savings in his hands and turned into a pauper!

"My son, should I go to the casinos to collect the bills now?" Leaving the square, the leader of the Blood Raven asked.

"Go to the Crystal Palace Casino first!" Xuantian nodded, and said: "You don't have to follow, go back and continue to buy the magic medicine. This battle sword pavilion is famous, and there should be more gods going to the sword pavilion to sell the magic medicine."

Crystal Palace Casino.

Xuantian kept introverted and walked into it, just like last time, without attracting anyone's attention.

After Xuantian left the square, he came directly to the Crystal Palace Casino. The result of this battle was passed back, but the gods who watched the battle did not come here so quickly. They all lost and naturally there was no need to come.

Xuantian found the Crystal Palace personnel who placed the bet last time, took out the receipt, and swung in front of him, saying, "Jiangaku has won, I will collect my billion crystals!"


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