The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1188: 0 billion crystals in hand

Chapter 1188 Ten Billion Crystals Obtained (Second)

The expressions of the Crystal Palace personnel froze, one billion crystals, this is not a small sum, even if the Crystal Palace Casino is rich and powerful, taking out one billion crystals is bleeding. ()

"Wait, I have to apply for our owner of the billion crystals!" The Crystal Palace staff said, leaving hurriedly.

He didn't go to the fighting arena to watch the battle, and he didn't know Xuantian's identity.

After a while, the Crystal Palace personnel brought a mid-level **** empire and came to Xuantian.

The middle **** said later: "I am the owner of the Crystal Palace Casino'Shuiyangqiu'. Did you buy the 100 million Crystal Sword Pavilion to win?"

As the host, Shui Yangqiu has been sitting in the Crystal Palace Casino. The one who went to the battle arena to watch the battle was the president of the Crystal Palace Chamber of Commerce. Shui Yangqiu didn't know that Xuantian was the "master of the sword pavilion."

Xuantian nodded to Shui Yangqiu.

Shui Yangqiu said: "One billion crystals is not a small number. You can't let others see it, lest someone harm you, you follow me."

After speaking, he walked to the back of the casino, Xuantian followed, and soon came to the backyard of the casino, which was far away from the front hall of the casino and was very quiet.

After passing through the two yards, Xuantian stopped and said, "The owner of the water farm, there is no one else here. You can give me a billion crystals!"

Shui Yangqiu in front also stopped and turned to look at Xuantian. His face was no longer gentle, but a fierce look, and he shouted:

"What kind of thing do you dare to ask for a billion crystals from the Crystal Palace Casino? You don't want to ask. The Crystal Palace Casino ranks first among the top ten casinos in Donghai County. You are a middle **** in the early days. Go one billion crystals?"

A mid-level god's late stage suddenly burst into a terrifying power, and a roar at the mid-level god's early stage will definitely scare the middle-level god's early stage.

Although Xuantian was in the early stage of the middle-level god, he looked calm and fearless at the moment, and said: "If I bought 100 million Shenjing Sword Pavilion in the Crystal Palace to win, at ten times the odds, Crystal Palace would have to pay me one billion Shenjing. , Does the Crystal Palace want to fall back on it?"

Shui Yangqiu sneered, and said: "You don't take a **** and take photos of yourself. You are dexing, and you dare to ask the Crystal Palace for a billion crystals in compensation? The Crystal Palace can give you 10% of the compensation, and you can get one. Hundreds of millions of crystals, close your beak after going out, if you dare to say more, the Crystal Palace will make you unable to live in East China Sea!"

While speaking, Shui Yangqiu waved his hand, and a large number of **** crystals appeared on the side, piled up like a hill, a total of 110 million **** crystals.

Xuantian glanced at the Shenjing next to him, and said, "One billion Shenjing has become 110 million, haha...Shuichangzhu, your Crystal Palace is the first of the top ten casinos in Donghai County anyway, even this Isn't there any tolerance? You are not afraid that this will be exposed and affect your Crystal Palace's reputation? Who will dare to come to your Crystal Palace to gamble in the future!"

Shui Yangqiu glanced horizontally and shouted: "Why, you are not convinced? The capital has been returned to you, and also given you 10 million yuan in compensation, the owner is not enough for you?

In the early days of your mere mid-level god, the owner of the game gave you 10 million crystals in compensation, which already gave you enough face. Could these ten million crystals still be unable to seal your mouth?

What do you want to do? In the early days of a middle god, what do you say you want to do?

Either obediently take the **** crystal and get out, and then shut your mouth to be a man, or you go outside and call for grievances, but as long as you dare to expose half a word, the host will let you not see the sun tomorrow! "

Shui Chenghe, the president of the Crystal Palace Chamber of Commerce, returned to the Crystal Palace Casino. He heard that his subordinates reported that someone had come to receive the one-billion crystal bet. When he learned that Shui Yangqiu had brought people to the backyard, he rushed to the backyard. .

Shui Chenghe came to the yard where Xuantian and Shui Yangqiu were, just to see Shui Yangqiu roaring at the betting man, his arrogance was very arrogant.


At first glance, Shui Chenghe, who didn't pay much attention to it at first glance, once again fell on the person who received the bet, and was shocked by an electric shock.

This gambling person is surprisingly the master of the sword pavilion!

Shui Chenghe witnessed the battle between the master of the sword pavilion and the twelve middle gods of the Medicine Trade Association in the fighting arena. How could he not recognize Xuantian, the ‘master of the sword pavilion’?

Suddenly, the water became cold and his back was cold, and a cold air rushed to the top of the sky, making his whole body like an ice cellar, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Lord of the sword pavilion, what a terrible figure this is. Even the twelve mid-level gods of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association teamed up to form a twelve days to seal the demon formation. They are not the opponent of the Lord of the sword pavilion. Shui Yangqiu unexpectedly... Roaring and cursing in front of the master of the sword pavilion?

The strength of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association is still higher than that of the Gambling Industry Association. Even the Pharmaceutical Industry Association must be recognized in front of the Jiange. What's more, his gambling industry association?

What's more, their Crystal Palace Chamber of Commerce is only one of the top ten chambers of commerce in the Gambling Association. This level of strength is indistinguishable from the lord of the sword pavilion.

Xuantian saw the arrival of Shuichenghe, Shui Yangqiu turned his back to Shuichenghe, naturally he did not sense that a middle **** peak had arrived nearby.

In the face of Shui Yangqiu’s arrogant intimidation, Xuantian just smiled coldly and said: "Xuanmou will naturally not complain to others, but the Crystal Palace dares to black my 890 million crystals, so I am not afraid of Xuanmou’s Crystal Palace. Take it down?"

Shui Yangqiu glared at the words and laughed: "In the early days of a mid-level **** of yours, you dare to say that you demolish my Crystal Palace, haha... if you have the ability to demolish, the owner of the game can slap you to death with one palm. , I will keep you from leaving the Crystal Palace today!"

Hearing Shui Yangqiu's words, Shui Chenghe almost weakened his legs and fell to the ground, saying: "Shui...Shui Yangqiu!"

Shui Chenghe felt a little trembling with fear in his heart.

Shui Yangqiu turned around when he heard the words and saw that it was Shui Chenghe, and he quickly said with a respectful expression: "President, are you back? It just so happened that this mid-level **** dared to ask for a billion crystals in the Crystal Palace in the early stage. I plan to just... !"


Before Shuiyangqiu's words were finished, Shui Chenghe shot angrily and knocked Shuiyangqiu to the ground with a slap.

Shui Yangqiu was confused, got up, and said, "President, what are you doing against me? It was this middle **** who didn't give me the face of the Crystal Palace in the early days...!"

Shui Cheng Hesheng was afraid that the evil star Lord of the sword pavilion would be angry, and he slapped it out again, and Shui Yangqiu was knocked to the ground again.

When Shui Yangqiu looked incredulous, Shui Chenghe already pointed at him and yelled: "Asshole thing, do you know who this son is? How dare you yell in front of the lord of the sword pavilion, arrogant, Are you earning your life too long?"

After cursing Shui Yangqiu, Shui Chenghe turned to Xuantian, with a smiling face, and said: "The lord of the sword pavilion, the owner of the crystal palace has no eyes on Mount Tai, and has offended you, the lord of the sword pavilion. I hope your forgiveness. Your Excellency, don't worry, the Crystal Palace will pay you a lot of compensation for your billion crystals. Please don't be like this shortsighted person!"

Shui Yangqiu's expression was shocked, and Xuantian's eyes were horrified: What? In the early stage of this mid-level god, was it the master of the sword pavilion who defeated the pinnacle of the twelve mid-level gods of the Pharmaceutical Trade Association? Is there a mistake?

Shui Yangqiu couldn't believe it. How could it be possible for a mere mid-level **** to have such strength against the sky?

He did not personally watch the battle between Xuantian and the peak of the twelve middle gods of the Pharmaceutical Industry Association in the fighting arena. It is hard to believe that the middle **** before him was the prestigious ‘master of the sword pavilion’ at the beginning.

Xuantian glanced at Shui Chenghe faintly, and said, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't know me, it doesn't matter if he offends me, but he wants to black my 890 million **** crystals. This matter can't be lightened! His mouth is so stinky, first Slap yourself ten times!"

Shui Yangqiu was stunned at the same place. When Shui Chenghe saw Xuantian didn't do anything, he sighed in relief and shouted angrily: "Shui Yangqiu, I told you to slap ten times and didn't you hear it? It was loud, I personally shot your mouth!"

Shui Yangqiu reacted after being roared by Shui Chenghe. Even the Shui Chenghe at the peak of the middle **** was so afraid of this middle **** in the early stage. It seems that this person is indeed the master of the sword pavilion, and it is impossible for him to admit his mistake.

Shui Yangqiu groaned secretly in his heart, wishing to beat himself up. Seeing that Xuantian was only the middle stage god, he thought he was determined.

In order to avoid the compensation of one billion **** crystals, I wanted to black out Xuantian’s 890 million **** crystals, so that in addition to the principal, Xuantian only had 10 million yuan in compensation, and the purchase of the sword pavilion and the sword pavilion within three days. The odds of losing to the Pharmacy Association are the same.

In this way, the Crystal Palace Casino's betting on the sword pavilion and the Pharmaceutical Industry Association will not lose money, but will make a lot of money.

I never thought that the middle **** he didn't care about in the early days was such a promising figure that he really kicked the iron plate.

The lord of the sword pavilion, who can defeat even the twelve mid-level gods of the Pharmaceutical Trade Association, wants to kill him, Shui Yangqiu, can't it be solved with a finger?

The more Shui Yangqiu thought about it, the more he was afraid, with a cold sweat on his back, he quickly slapped himself.

Bang bang ......

Ten loud voices sounded in a row, Shui Yangqiu slapped himself ten times before stopping, and the blood in his mouth flowed.

Xuantian said, "For the sake of you playing so I will spare your life and get out of here!"

While talking, Xuantian waved his big hand, and a sword beam burst out like light and electricity.

Shui Yangqiu hit the gun instantly, and his body shot out to the rear, directly out of the courtyard, leaving a long string of blood in the void.

Knowing that Xuantian had opened his mouth, Shui Chenghe would not take Shui Yangqiu's life. He held his fist to Xuantian and said, "Thank you, the master of the sword pavilion, for your mercy. Please wait a moment. I will bring one billion crystals.

Xuantian left after receiving one billion crystals in the Crystal Palace Casino, and then went to the Bishui Palace, Jin Ingot, Shen Cai Duo... and other casinos one after another.

After he stayed in the Crystal Palace Casino for a while, the gods who watched the battle in the fighting arena have been scattered everywhere. The reputation of the'Master of the Sword Pavilion' is spreading rapidly in Donghae County. When he arrives at other casinos, he will soon be killed. Recognizing it, naturally no unpleasant things happened.

There are ten casinos, each with one billion crystals, a total of tens of billions of crystals, a lot of them, this battle, Xuantian net profit of 9 billion crystals in the gambling association.


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