The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1191: The first battle of the upper god

Chapter 1191 The First Battle of the Upper God (Second)

Jiang Wanli's eyes were incredulous. ()

The gods who were watching the battle were also stunned, and took a breath.

Xuantian cut off nine water dragons with a single sword, breaking Jiang Wanli's fame and fame, and this result was beyond everyone's expectations.

With Jiulong Shengjiang's move, Jiang Wanli exhausted all his strength, and the gods moved to the extreme. As a result, nine water dragons were cut off by Xuantian's sword. In an instant, Jiang Wanli was severely injured and suffered backlash, so he vomited blood.

After taking a full ten steps, Jiang Wanli stopped, looked at Xuantian in disbelief, and said, "Your strength... unexpectedly... has reached such a level, you are completely based on the upper **** level?"

Xuantian received his sword power, the aura in his body also calmed down, his whole person became ordinary and ordinary, and said: "Jiang Wanli, can you take it?"

Jiang Wanli nodded and said, "Serve! Your strength is no less than that of the upper god, Jiang Mou is convinced."

Standing on the arena, Xuantian swept his gaze, glanced at the peaks of the middle-ranked gods with strong aura, and shouted: "But there are still people who are not convinced, even if they come up to fight Xuan Mou!"

Feeling Xuan Tian's sharp gaze, the gods quickly turned their eyes, not daring to look directly.

Even Jiang Wanli was defeated by Xuantian Yijian, and someone who was ranked lower than Jiang Wanli on the Donghai County master list would dare to challenge Xuantian again, and Xuantian was already shocked into heaven.

In the early stage of a middle-level god, it was surprising that the upper-level **** had the strength that was not inferior to that of the upper-level god. Who would dare to be an enemy of the upper-level gods?

"Unexpectedly, when the lord of the sword pavilion fought against the pinnacle of the twelve middle gods of the Medicine Trade Association, he didn't seem to have exhausted all his strength!"

"The lord of the sword pavilion actually has the strength of a higher **** level, this is what Jiang Wanli said personally, is this too bad?"

"Tsk tusk... the strength of the middle **** in the early stage, there is actually the combat power of the upper **** level, these characters have only been seen in their lives, and have never heard of it!"

"What is the origin of the master of the sword pavilion? Suddenly he was born in Donghai County City. There was no news before. It stands to reason that these characters shouldn't be unknown?"


The gods and spirits were shocked, and their hearts were extremely shocked. They were extremely shocked at Xuantian's strength, and extremely full of Xuantian's origins.

Xuantian asked, naturally no one signed, at this moment, no one dared to challenge Xuantian again.

This is exactly the effect Xuantian wants. He is busy practicing every day, and he doesn't want to waste time in the endless challenges of others.

Seeing no one answered, the corner of Xuantian's mouth curled slightly, preparing to leave.

At this moment, a loud voice came from the sky: "Xuantian, this seat will fight with you, let's fight for life and death!"

This sound is like a rolling torrent, impacting in the ears of every god, and the sound waves in the void are impacted by layers of sound waves, spreading for dozens of miles.

Most of the gods in Donghai County heard this loud shout, and their hearts were shocked.

All the gods looked up at the sky when they heard the sound, and saw a light and shadow in the sky coming from a distance at an extremely fast speed. It instantly came to the sky above the square. It was a black giant bird with its wings spread out for more than ten feet.

What a fast speed, it is a mid-level flying artifact!

On the mid-grade flying artifact, an extremely vast aura radiated out, suppressed, and every **** felt an invisible mountain crushed down, and their expressions changed in shock!

The upper god!

This is the breath of the upper god!

In Donghai County City, only the upper gods are qualified to fly in the air. Under the upper gods, even if they have flying artifacts, they have no right to fly over Donghai County City.

All the gods trembled in their hearts, and when the dragon saw the upper **** who had not seen the end, unexpectedly appeared, and he was going to have a life and death duel with Xuantian?

This caused those gods who were dissatisfied with Xuantian to be shocked and surprised at the same time: Lord of the sword pavilion, aren't you very strong? Can you be stronger than the upper gods?

The mid-grade flying artifact descended from the sky, and just about to land on the ring, suddenly disappeared and was put away. A middle-aged man with black clothes and black hair who looked about 40 years old fell on the ring.

A middle-aged man in black, his eyebrows are somewhat similar to Beichen Guanying. As soon as Xuantian saw this person, he knew his identity-Beichen Liangfeng!

In Lingxutian, Xuantian’s only high-ranking **** was Beichen Liangfeng, and on Hexin Island in the Jinchuan River region, Xuantian killed Beichen Guanying, the son of Beichen Liangfeng.

Beichen Liangfeng and Xuantian had a murderous hatred. After hearing the news of Xuantian, he rushed from Beiliang Mountain to Donghai County City to kill Xuantian. Naturally, he had to fight Xuantian.

The Beichen cool breeze fell not far from Jiang Wanli, glanced at Jiang Wanli, and shouted: "Get out!"

Jiang Wanli was ranked fifth in the Donghai County master list, and now is sixth, but in front of Beichen Cool Wind, he has no temper at all. Beichen Cool breeze uttered a'roll', he couldn't take care of continuing to adjust his injuries, so he hurriedly Out of the ring.

Beichen Cool Breeze ranks second on the list of masters of Donghai County, surpassing the other two high-ranking gods, "Zangguihai" and "Feng Tai", and second only to the middle-ranking king of Donghai County "Liu Hui", showing his strength Strong, belonged to the best in the early days of the upper gods.

In the eyes of Beichen Liangfeng, the upper gods are all ants. No matter where Jiang Wanli ranks on the Donghai County master list, he doesn't care about it.

"It's Beichen Cool Breeze!"

"On the Donghai County master list, Beichen Cool Breeze ranked second!"

"My God, Beichen Liangfeng is going to have a life and death battle with the master of the sword pavilion. Isn't the master of the sword pavilion bound to die?"

"Beichen Liangfeng is the second strongest in the Donghai County master list. The general high-ranking **** is not his opponent in the early stage. Even if the master of the sword pavilion has the strength equivalent to the upper god's early stage, he is far from Beichen Liangfeng's enemy. Right?"


The cool breeze of Beichen shocked the entire Donghai County. In Donghai County, it was equally famous, and it was immediately recognized by some gods.

Those who had never seen Beichen Cool Breeze, heard the exclamation of the nearby gods, and looked surprised one by one. They had heard of the name of Beichen Cool Breeze a long time ago, and they saw a living person today.

When Jiang Wanli stepped off the ring, Beichen Liangfeng's eyes locked on Xuantian, and he shouted: "Xuantian, you kill my son Guanying, today you will go to Huangquan Road to bury him!"

If it were elsewhere, Beichen Cool Breeze would not be verbose with Xuantian at all, but this is the Donghai County City, the city directly under the jurisdiction of the Junwang Mansion, and Beichen Cool Breeze must give the Donghai Junwang a face.

Therefore, he just said one more sentence, explaining his reason for killing Xuantian.

This reason was not explained to Xuantian, nor was it explained to the gods present, but to the king of Donghai County. He and Xuantian had a murderous enemy, so it was only natural to kill Xuantian.

The sudden arrival of the Beichen cool breeze made Xuantian a little surprised, but that was all, Xuantian's expression quickly returned to normal.

Xuantian has become a middle-ranked god. Even today, he has enough confidence to face any upper-ranking god. Although Beichen's cool breeze is famous, it is only in the early stage of the upper-ranking god, and Xuantian has no fear.

Xuantian said: "Beichen Guanying wants to seize my divine talent, kill my life, kill my hand, I will die, Beichen cool breeze, you dignified upper god, you can't step on the old road of Beichen Guanying!"

The gods were shocked, and never expected that Xuantian would dare to say such things when facing the prestigious upper **** Beichen Liangfeng.

The leader of Blood Crow was also a little nervous at the moment, Beichen Cool Breeze, how powerful his reputation is, this is a powerful upper god, even he does not have full confidence in Xuantian.

Beichen Cool Wind was furious when he heard the words. In the scene he expected, Xuantian should be frightened and humbly when he saw Beichen Cool Wind. Instead of being so calm, he threatened him.

The upper **** was angry, the wind and clouds in the sky changed color, thunder and lightning flashed, and black clouds pressed on top, and the sky over a radius of several kilometers was much dim.

Around the surroundings, the gust of wind swept, and the humming sounded straight, even the gods below the ring felt the gust of wind like a knife, causing pain on the body, and backing back again and again, showing the horror of Beichen Cool Wind's momentum at this moment.

Beichen Liangfeng shouted angrily: "When I saw this seat, I didn't know how to repent, and even dared to speak wild words, Xuantian, you are more than dead!"

When the words fell, Beichen Cool Breeze had already taken action, and he saw his right hand lifted, flipped and pressed, and the surging gods condensed into a huge palm print, slammed down.

This huge palm print is like a hill, blooming with earth-yellow light, and contains extremely strong laws of soil. The palm print is extremely heavy when photographed by this palm, and it is much heavier than a hundred-zhang mountain, and it is powerful.

The strength of this hand shot was far beyond the mid-level god's expectation. Looking at this palm print, the mid-level gods were all horrified. If this palm was shot at them, none of them could stop them. , Will be photographed into a meatloaf in an instant.

Even Jiang Wanli and other mid-level gods who ranked Donghai County's master list, looked pale and couldn't resist.

Inside Xuantian, the power of the holy cauldron of fire exploded, and a layer of divine flame emerged from his divine body, revealing an extremely terrifying flame aura.

Immortal golden body!

In an instant, Xuantian's whole body turned into pure gold, his divine sword beams bloomed, a sword swung out, and a bright flame sword beam burst out.

A terrifying imaginary sword shadow rushed straight into the sky, tearing all the black clouds in the sky into a hole, and the power of this sword was earth-shattering.

The scarlet flame sword gang and the huge khaki palm prints instantly collided in the air, making a loud and loud noise.

The flame sword gang was extremely sharp, and instantly cut into the khaki palm prints. The force of the two laws collided fiercely, and the sky was everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, the huge earth-yellow palm print was cut in half by the Flame Sword Gang, and the Flame Sword Gang was also shaken by the terrifying power of the palm print, and completely shattered at the moment the palm print was broken.

Crimson and ocher glow splashes, like a burst of bright light rain, scattered all over, turning into vitality and disappearing.


At this moment, the sound of inhaling air-conditioning sounded.

This round of fighting against each other, Xuantian actually broke through Beichen Cool Wind's palm attack with a single sword, and did not retreat for half a step, and did not let the wind fall!


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