The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1192: 1 Jian Zhu Shen

Chapter 1192 One Sword To Kill God (No. 13 Third)

Not to mention that the gods who watched the game were shocked, even Beichen Cool Wind was shocked. ()

Although he just slapped a palm at random, his power was already an irresistible force for the middle god. Even in the early stage of the ordinary upper god, he did not dare to resist it at will.

However, Xuantian stood in place, and with just one sword, he broke his palm!

Beichen Liangfeng’s eyes burst with sharp rays of light, and the breath that burst out instantly became a bit terrifying, and there was a trace of dignity in his expression. Only with the sword Xuantian just now, he knew that he wanted to kill Xuantian. Must show real ability.

Beichen's cool breeze kicked the ground, his body flashed like an electric light, disappearing from Xuantian's vision.

The gods who watched the battle could see the entire arena area, but because Beichen Cool Wind was too fast to see his figure clearly, it was not until Beichen Cool Wind appeared behind Xuan Tian and took a palm to react.

Although Xuantian could not see behind him, he reacted faster than the gods watching the battle around him. Although Beichen Cool Wind was fast, but Xuantian had chaotic eyes, but he could clearly see his movement. Turning around is a sword.

The surging flames exploded, and a flame sword gang cut out in an instant, and it touched the palm prints shot by Beichen Cool Wind.


There was a burst of sound, and the light burst into flames.

This time, the power of Beichen Liangfeng's shot is much stronger. The khaki palm print is only a length of a length, far less than the first palm. However, the strength is gathered together to make the palm gang stronger and indestructible.

The Flame Sword Gang just broke through the palm of the palm for less than an inch, and couldn't go deep. On the contrary, it was the Flame Sword Gang, which collapsed in the blink of an eye.

The palm gang drove forward, Xuantian kept a sword sweeping posture unchanged, and the palm gang smashed on the middle-grade divine sword. Xuantian felt a terrifying force impact, and his body was immediately uncontrolled, and he flew backward.

After flying back more than ten meters, Xuantian landed, his body still retreating.

The palm that Beichen cool wind cleaved, after the new divine gang was injected into it, still mighty power, flew straight forward, and continued to pat Xuantian.

boom! boom!

There were two muffled noises in Xuan Tian's body, and two more terrifying auras erupted, causing Xuan Tian's power to explode.

The sacred cauldron of thunder and the sacred cauldron of wind was destroyed by Xuantian, making Xuantian's use of the law of thunder and the law of wind instantly increased by a big level.

In addition to being covered with a layer of divine flame, Xuan Tian was covered with a layer of electric light, and there were wind blades surrounding him.

The three laws of fire, thunder, and wind are all powerful, blending into the power of Xuantian's sword, Xuantian swings a sword, and the bright sword beam bursts.

In the sky, a phantom sword shadow was almost visible to the naked eye, rushing into the sky in an instant, tearing the black cloud covering the sky instantly.

In an instant, the world was bright.

The power of this sword was extremely terrifying, the sword was cut down, and the indestructible palm print was instantly split into two and was split into two halves.

All the gods who were watching the battle were shocked. They never expected that Xuantian hadn't exhausted all his strength before, and the strength he had displayed now was about to explode.

The nervous expression of the leader of the blood crow suddenly eased. It seems that Xuantian has not completely revealed his hole cards, and no one can judge the extent of his strength limit, and he may not be able to fight Beichen Liangfeng.

Beichen cool breeze, frowned, he had already taken it seriously, using his true skills, and the palm that was attacked was still broken by Xuantian's sword, which was simply beyond his expectation.

"The knife is coming--!"

Beichen yelled in the cool breeze, lifted his right hand, and a magical sword appeared in his hand.

The Sacred Knife, revealing an extremely terrifying power, made all the gods feel heart palpitations, and it was a high-grade magic weapon.

With the top-grade magic sword in hand, Beichen Cool Wind burst into a horrible sword force in an instant, and the true meaning of the powerful swordsmanship filled the void. A huge illusory shadow in the sky confronted the illusory sword shadow and made an invisible collision.

"Xuantian, you are only a mid-level **** in the early stage, and you can actually force this seat to use a high-grade magic sword. This is really remarkable. If you didn't kill my son Guanying, this seat would appreciate you a little...!"

Beichen Liangfeng's posture is like a mountain, and his aura is like a sword. He watched Xuantian Tiger's eyes alive and said: "But unfortunately, you really killed Guanying's life. I can't spare you anyway. Today... you No doubt he will die!"

Xuantian stood up with his sword, the sword power overwhelming the sky, smiled slightly, and said: "Beichen Cool Breeze, you are too high on yourself. Do you think that you can kill me, but I can't kill the upper gods!"

The gods and spirits who watched the game looked at each other and were shocked one by one.

Facing a high-ranking **** and Beichen Liangfeng, who was ranked second in the Donghai County master list, Xuantian didn't want to save his life, and even said that he wanted to kill the high-ranking god?

How easy is it to kill the upper gods?

Beichen Liangfeng sneered and shouted: "I want to kill this seat, really arrogant, Xuantian, let you see and see, this seat is well-known for the true skill of the East China Sea-the black wind knife!"

When the words fell, Beichen Cool Wind swept the high-grade magic sword in his hand, and in an instant, the surging wind laws gathered, almost condensed into substance, and the entire blade was covered with a dark shadow.

The black shadow contains the terrifying law of the wind, and the screams are heard, and the surrounding void is blew violently. The high-grade magic knife in the hands of Beichen Liangfeng is the source of this hurricane and the center of the hurricane.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the terrifying hurricane has formed a huge wind vortex, and this knife is already terrifying and frightening before it is shot.

Xuantian's expression is solemn, and the three laws of fire, wind, and thunder converge on the middle-grade sword. The three kinds of rays of light on the middle-grade sword flow, and the power is extremely powerful.

"Slaying Gods Black Wind Knife! Killing Gods and Butchering Demons!"

Beichen yelled in the cool breeze, and the high-grade divine sword in his hand slashed down angrily, with endless hurricanes and endless sword force, slashing towards Xuantian.

This sword has only the power of the law of wind, but Beichen Liangfeng has a very high comprehension of the law of the wind, and the skills used in the law of the wind are also superb, perfectly integrated into the sword moves, and erupted with a peerless and terrifying blow.

Although Xuantian used the power of the three laws, he relied on absolute strength and had no mysterious and profound sword moves, which was tantamount to the brute force of the laws.


With a loud shout, Xuantian swung out the middle-grade divine sword in his hand, cleaving a terrifying sword gang, and the power of the three laws erupted, containing supernatural power.

In an instant, swords and swords collided, and the sky was like the destruction of the world. In an instant, the terrifying gang mang enveloped a radius of hundreds of meters, and the entire ring area turned into a gang mang turbulence.

The gods around the ring hurriedly resisted and retreated back. The battle between Xuantian and Beichen Liangfeng was too fierce, and only the aftermath made the hearts of the gods horrified.

In the splashing turbulent flow, Jian Gang was completely suppressed by Dao Gang, and Xuantian backed away again and again!

Although Beichen Cool Breeze only uses one rule, he has a deep understanding of this rule and has extremely deep research. The power that has erupted, Xuantian cannot contend with the three rules.

The sword power completely suppressed the sword power, and the terrifying sword energy was cut into the sword power, like a magical attack, constantly falling on Xuantian.

Xuantian’s immortal golden body is strong. If the high-grade divine sword is dropped directly, it may damage his golden body. The sword energy is not harmful. It is just the terrifying power coming from the sword. Xuantian cannot resist. Not refundable.

Beichen Cool Wind kept the momentum of a slash and cut, aura was surging, and he strode forward, the power of the high-grade divine sword in his hand was endless, and he continued to slash, to cut Xuantian under the sword in one fell swoop.

Beichen cool breeze shouted: "Xuantian boy, you can't stop this sword killing the gods and demons!"

Around the ring, all the gods' eyes widened, knowing that this battle is at a critical moment, if the master of the sword pavilion cannot stop the sword, he will be severely injured by the sword and be beheaded.


Every time Xuantian took a step back, there was a tremor, and the entire ring was shaken. It can be seen how terrifying the force of Beichen Cool Wind's blade cut is. The power shock is enough to hurt him.

At this moment, Xuantian was at an absolute disadvantage, but there was no fear in his eyes, but his fighting spirit was amazing.

Xuantian yelled: "Beichen Cool Breeze, I thought you could be so powerful, but that's the only result? Even the high-grade magic sword can be used, can't it hurt my cold hair?"

The expressions of the gods were surprised, and thought that the ‘master of the sword pavilion’ was stupid, right? He was beaten to a streak of losing streak and had little strength to fight back, and he was still clamoring for the cool breeze of Beichen?

boom! boom!

The sound of Xuantian's words fell, and there were two muffled noises in his body. Two terrifying powers burst out. The sacred cauldron of water and earth destroyed at the same time, and Xuantian's power exploded again.

The space around Xuantian shook, and the sharp sword energy instantly shattered, and a terrifying sword force rose into the sky.

Tear it--

As if the sky had been torn open, the hurricane that swept across was instantly cut in half, greatly diminishing in power.

The medium-grade divine sword in Xuan Tian's hands burst into a burst at this moment, blending into the law of water and the irregularities of soil, and its power exploded.

Although Xuantian didn't have too many skills in applying various laws, the power of the five laws converged, and the power of each law reached the power of the higher gods. What a terrifying power is that?

Even if Beichen Cool Breeze has a deep understanding of the law of wind ~ ~ no matter how skillfully it is used, it can't compete.

Xuantian made a sword towards the sky, and the sword gun that was suppressing downwards instantly collapsed.

In an instant, the situation turned around, and Beichen Liangfeng's body burst back with a loud sound.

Xuantian is like the birth of a divine dragon, his body leaps, rises to the sky, and instantly jumps to a height of 100 meters, slashing with a medium-grade sword in both hands.

"Wind, thunder, water, fire and earth, a sword to kill God!"

Xuantian shouted loudly, and the five laws of power were gathered in a sword, and attacked with the most powerful blow.

Jian Gang smashed down, the void was turned into two halves, the hurricane vortex was completely split, and in the blink of an eye, this peerless and terrifying sword hit Beichen Liangfeng's head and cut it down with unstoppable power.

Beichen cool breeze, his expression turned into panic instantly!

The gods watching the battle were also stunned at this moment!


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