The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1193: Donghae County

Chapter 1193 Famous Zhen Donghai County (first more)

The sword that Xuantian descended from the sky was terrifyingly powerful and terrifying. The gods were instinctively frightened and their hearts trembled. ()

Even Beichen Cool Breeze is no exception, this sword makes him have a life and death crisis.

The upper **** of Beichen Liangfeng Tangtang came to Donghai Juncheng to kill Xuantian. He never considered that he might face life and death danger. In his opinion, this is absolutely impossible, but Xuantian’s sword is beyond His surprise.

Before encountering this sword, Beichen Liangfeng had never thought about it, and never believed that a mere mid-level **** could attack such a terrifying sword in the early stage.

Seeing that the Jian Gang that descended from the sky was about to fall, Beichen Cool Wind was the upper **** after all. Although he was shocked in his heart, his actions were not slow.

"Black wind and rain!"

Beichen screamed in the cool breeze, and turned offense to defense in an instant. A high-grade magic sword swung impenetrably in an instant. Outside the entire body, a black wind cocoon was almost formed. Anything that came close to it was instantly covered. The wind cocoon was torn to pieces.

This black wind cocoon has a very powerful defensive power. As soon as the sword qi that was the first to fall close to the wind cocoon, it was instantly crushed and disappeared without a trace.

Speaking of late, it was fast, just in the blink of an eye, the sword that Xuantian had dropped from the sky had completely smashed and smashed onto the black wind cocoon outside Beichen Cool Wind.


With a loud explosion, Jian Gang was wiped out by the gust of wind blades in the wind cocoon at the moment it was in contact with the black wind cocoon.

But the power of this sword is indeed terrifying. Before Feng Yu could completely smash the sword gang, the sharp sword gang had already deeply cut into the wind cocoon, and in a flash, it completely split the wind cocoon.

The sword gang that split the wind cocoon was still terrifying, and fell on Beichen Liangfeng, suddenly blood splashing.

Beichen Liangfeng's chest was cut with a big wound by this sword, and his body burst back ten feet away like a heavy blow!

Around the ring, a burst of cold breath sounded.

The gods and spirits looked shocked one by one, and their eyes were filled with disbelief. Obviously, this result was never expected.

The upper gods are like the dragons who see the head but fail to see the end. The gods have basically only heard of the name of the upper god, but they are extremely rare to see. In their hearts, the upper **** is the existence of another class. They can't climb high, cannot be matched, and can be one. Seeing respect, it is fortunate!

But now, a strong high-ranking **** who has been famous for a long time and is famous and ranked second in the Donghae County master list, was actually defeated by a middle-ranked **** at an early stage, severely wounded and bleeding. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, this result is really incredible. .

The horrible true meaning of kendo followed Jian Gang into the body, madly destroying Beichen Liangfeng's divine body, causing Beichen Liangfeng to spit out a mouthful of blood immediately after landing.

The upper god, after all, is the upper god. Both the divine body and the gods are much stronger than the middle god. The true meaning of Xuantian's swordsmanship has not reached the upper **** level. The damage to the upper **** is limited. Beichen cool breeze spit out A mouthful of blood, a pressure on his body, immediately controlled the injury.

The true meaning of Xuantian's kendo was rejected by the true meaning of Beichen Liangfeng's sword, and he was excreted instantly. The sword wound on Beichen Liangfeng's body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the upper **** level, the healing ability of the **** body is very powerful, even if it is injured at the vital point, it can heal quickly, much faster than the middle god.

"The high-level god's divine body has a fast recovery power, but there is a limit. I wonder how many swords your divine body can withstand Xuanmou?"

Xuantian yelled coldly. The five laws inside his body flowed, all kinds of light bloomed, exuding extremely terrifying power, and extremely powerful.

While talking, Xuantian carried the middle-grade divine sword, step by step, walking towards the cool breeze of Beichen.

Beichen Liangfeng was shocked by Xuantian’s shocking sword just now. Although his divine body is strong in recovery and vitality is also very surging, Xuantian can only hurt him with one sword, and he can hurt his second and third sword. sword!

His vitality is not endless, and the recovery of his divine body is not eternal. With the strength that Xuantian has just shown, fighting for a long time is enough to cost his life.

"Xuan... Young Master Xuan, I think we have some misunderstandings. If you have something to say, please say!" Bei Chen said in a cool breeze. He finally became a high-ranking god, how can he die!

Compared with his own life, the death enmity of his son Beichen Guanying seems insignificant. His son is not only Beichen Guanying. Although Beichen Guanying is the most outstanding one, Beichen Liangfeng’s heart cannot On par with his own life.

"Ha ha……!"

Xuantian sneered and said, "Beichen Cool Breeze, if I lose, you won't let Xuan have a certain life. Now that you have lost, why should I spare your life?"

When the words fell, Xuantian attacked with a sword again, and the power of the five laws converged, and the power of Jian Gang was shocking and extremely terrifying.

Beichen Liangfeng's expression was horrified, and the high-grade magic sword in his hand, repeatedly chopped and cut, the defense was airtight, and the surrounding body suddenly turned into a black wind cocoon, fully defending.

Unfortunately, the black wind cocoon could not stop Xuantian’s Jian Gang, and was once again attacked by Xuan Tian. Jian Gang exploded forward, a sword pierced Beichen Liangfeng’s chest, Beichen Liangfeng retreated backwards, and shot again with blood. .

call out--

Xuantian stepped forward, with speed like light and electricity, and shot again. Although his law power was rough, but it could not stand strong, just the brutal attack of one sword after another, it was enough to slowly take Beichen Cool Breeze. Life!

The windy sacred cauldron assisted, Xuantian’s speed was no slower than Beichen Cool Wind, Jian Gang attacked one after another, continuously killing Beichen Cool Breeze, so that Beichen Cool Wind could only passively defend, and there was no way. .

Every time Xuantian attacked a sword, Beichen Liangfeng would have an extra wound on his body. Before the wound healed, Xuantian's second sword had already been killed, and Beichen Liangfeng was injured again, and the injury was worsening.

Soon, Xuantian attacked eighteen swords in a row. Beichen Cool Breeze retreated and then retreated. Both of them hit the square from the ring. The whole body of Beichen Cool Breeze was wounded by swords. There were several holes in the blood. Hit hard.

"Xuan Tian, ​​do you really want this seat to fight you hard?" Bei Chen roared coolly, he was still fully defending, although his voice was angry, but his eyes were more regretful.

He is a magnificent upper god, and he is well-known in Donghai County, and is admired and worshiped by thousands of gods. If he hadn't taken the initiative to provoke Xuantian, his life would be very comfortable.

But now, Beichen Liangfeng was passive, and Xuantian didn't stop, his injuries would get worse and eventually he would die.

Rather than being depleted little by little, Beichen Cool Wind thought that it would be better to burn his life, turn life into strength, perform short-term sublimation, and drag Xuantian to death.

Once life is burned, there will be no way out, life will be exhausted, and death will undoubtedly occur. If it is not a last resort, Beichen Liangfeng really doesn't want to use suicidal methods.

Xuantian has an indestructible golden body, defense is invincible, and he is not afraid of Beichen Cool Breeze desperately, shouting: "Xuan has reminded you long ago not to take Beichen Guanying’s old road, Beichen Cool Breeze, but you have to choose this dead end. What nonsense are you talking about now, is that you are going to have a life-and-death battle with Xuanmou. This battle is not over, regardless of life and death!"

Beichen Liangfeng's heart is both regretful and anxious. He said the battle of life and death. He came to Donghai County City to kill the sky. If he wins, there is indeed no reason not to kill Xuantian. Change it. From a perspective, Xuantian won, and it's not wrong to have to take his life.

However, Beichen Liangfeng didn't want to die. If he must die, then he must not let Xuantian live alone, he must take Xuantian to bury him!

Beichen Liangfeng said: "Xuantian, if you don't stop, I will fight for this life, and I will pull you to death!"

Xuantian laughed and said, "You may try your best, I'm afraid you won't be able to get rid of a certain fuzz of Xuan!"

Bei Chen was cold and anxious, and his eyes glared. He had no other choice but to burn his life. In a short time, he exploded an attack far exceeding his own strength, and died together with Xuantian!

At this moment, a voice came: "Two stop!"

The sound is not loud, but it resounds in everyone's ears, straight into the mind, and it is more terrifying than the sound of Beichen Liangfeng that was like a torrent of torrents just now.

Xuantian frowned, and he sensed that an extremely powerful aura was coming here quickly, the aura of the middle stage of the upper god.

In Donghae County, there is only one person in the middle stage of the upper god, and that is the prince'Liu Hui' of Donghae County.

Xuantian immediately took his hand away and stood back ten feet.

The Beichen cool breeze, who was about to desperately, was overjoyed when he heard the words, and Xuantian stopped his hands. He also lost his aura. The divine body hurriedly adjusted his breath to heal himself, but his eyes were looking in the direction of the sound.

A medium-grade flying artifact was suspended in the air, and Donghai County Wang Liuhui stood on the flying artifact.

Beichen Liangfeng hurriedly clasped his fists and thanked him: "Thank you, Junwang Zhuangyan, for your help."

"It's the lord of the county!" Some of the gods exclaimed.

"Master Gunner!"

"Meet the Lord Shire!"


Suddenly, all the gods clasped their fists and worshiped, showing that the prestige of Donghai County King Liu Hui was very high.

"Donghai County King!" Xuantian also held a fist to Liu Hui, Donghai County King, as a salute, and said: "I have a life and death confrontation with Beichen Liangfeng. I don't know why the county king told us to stop!"

Liu Hui, the king of Donghai County, seemed to have seen his 60s, dressed in a golden robe, with a powerful aura.

He looked at Xuantian and said: "The master of the sword pavilion, it is not easy for the upper gods to cultivate. My Donghai County has a radius of 100 million li, and there are only four upper gods. Each one falls is a huge loss. Can you give the king a face? Let Beichen cool breeze a way of life!"

Xuantian said: "It's rare for the county king to speak, and Xuanyou should obey it. However, Beichen Cool Wind wanted to take my life and had an enmity with me. I can spare him his life. Should he mean it and compensate me? A little loss?"

Donghai County King Liu Hui nodded and said: "This is right, what compensation do you want, as long as it is not too excessive, this county king can promise you for him!"

Xuantian said: "Compared with Beichen Liangfeng's life for one million middle-grade magical medicines, is this compensation not high?"

"Although one million middle-grade miraculous medicines are difficult to obtain, they are indeed not high in terms of value!"

Donghai County King Liu Hui nodded slightly and said, "I promised you for Beichen Liangfeng, Beichen Liangfeng, do you have any opinions?"

"No opinion, no opinion!"

As long as Beichen Cool Breeze can save his life, one million middle-grade miraculous medicines are nothing, and he continued: "Thank you Junwang, thank you Xuantian!"

In this battle, Xuantian defeated Beichen Cool Breeze. Under the interference of Donghai Junwang, Beichen Cool Breeze escaped a catastrophe, but he had to compensate Xuantian one million middle-grade magical medicine for his life!

The news spread, and the entire Donghai County was terrified. After this war, Xuantian was the real famous Donghai County!


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