The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1194: Invitation from the King of Donghae

Liu Hui, the king of Donghai County, is a mid-level powerhouse of the upper gods, the royal family of the Great Han Kingdom, and the absolute overlord of Donghai County!

Xuantian was planning to live in Donghai County for a long time. Of course, he couldn't ignore the opinions of Donghai County King. Donghai County King wanted to keep the cool breeze in Beichen, and Xuantian sold this face without saying a word.

Of course, the Donghai County King is also a very important reason for being the middle stage of the upper god. Xuantian is currently unable to compete with the middle stage of the upper god.

Besides, even if the Beichen Cool Wind is killed, Xuantian can obtain various precious treasures such as large crystals and artifacts, but in fact, it is not as effective as medium-grade magic medicine for Xuantian.

Xuantian has seven sacred cauldrons in his body, and he cultivates the seven sacred kings. It is inevitable that he will become the main **** and the **** king in the future. When the cultivation level is up, what is the use of the treasures of the higher gods?

Therefore, Xuantian’s best treasure right now is the middle-grade magical medicine. As long as there are enough middle-grade magical medicines, Xuantian can refine more middle-grade magical pills and absorb tens of thousands of middle-grade magical pills every day. Cultivation, the speed of cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds like riding a rocket.

The battle between Xuantian and Beichen Cool Breeze spread across the entire Donghai County City and spread to the entire Donghai County at an extremely fast speed. The name of Xuantian shocked the entire Donghai County.

Every day, I don't know how many gods are in shock, discussing the battle between Xuantian and Beichen Liangfeng. Even though that battle has ended, the results still shocked the gods.

As the party and victor of this battle, Xuantian didn't have any surprises. For him, this battle was just a small step in his life, and it was a very small step!

Xuantian's true mission is to collect nine saints, and to avenge the sword **** king. He will face the **** kings in the future!

Everything now is just a small scene in the process of growing up. The battle with the gods and kings in the future will be the real big scene. Defeating a Beichen cool breeze naturally makes him feel no sense of excitement.

Back at the sword pavilion, Xuantian continued to practice in retreat to improve his cultivation level, which is the most important thing for Xuantian.

Xuantian fought Jiang Wanli in order to get his name in the first battle, so that those who were not convinced by the pinnacle of the middle gods would dispel the idea of ​​challenging him. As a result, after the battle with Jiang Wanli, he was second to the Donghai County master list. The Beichen cool breeze fights.

Xuantian won Beichen Cool Breeze, and accidentally moved up a few places on the Donghai County Master List, becoming the second, second only to Donghai County King.

With the record of defeating Beichen Liangfeng, this Donghai County will no longer be qualified to challenge him unless the king of Donghai County has his hands itchy someday and finds him. it is good.

There are still a lot of middle-grade magic pills in Xuantian's hands, plus this time one million middle-grade magic pills compensated by Beichen Cool Breeze, enough for Xuantian to cultivate for a long time!

Time passed day by day, and soon more than half a month passed.

Jiange, third floor.

"My son, the county mansion has issued an invitation, please invite my son to go to the county mansion for a banquet in three days!" The leader of the blood crow respectfully sent an invitation to Xuantian.

Ever since Xuantian defeated Beichen Liangfeng, the leader of the Blood Crow has become more and more respectful of Xuantian. He has been very sure that being Xuantian's servant is the greatest fortune and greatest honor in his life!

Xuantian accepted the invitation and said, "It's really troublesome!"

The leader of the blood crow said: "The son is not boring to practice in retreat every day. You should also go out for a walk. The invitation from the county palace is not something ordinary people can get. Only the upper gods are worthy of a banquet at the county palace. Wait, son, the county mansion treats you like a superior god."

Xuantian smiled slightly and said, "Alright, it will be long in the future. In order to be anxious, I will take a day off and visit the Prince's Mansion. I should be familiar with the world too!"

Three days later, the county palace.

Xuantian came with the leader of the Blood Raven, and was invited into the main hall of a mansion by the guards of the county palace.

The king of Donghai County held a banquet in the hall. In addition to the king of Donghai County, there were two early upper gods in the hall. Their banquets were placed on the left and right of the hall.

On the right hand side of the Donghai County King, there was a banquet. Xuantian paid homage to the Donghai County Queen and was arranged to this table. The Blood Raven Master was the accompanying servant, and the County Mansion set up a small banquet reception behind Xuantian.

Liu Hui, the king of Donghai County, took the top spot, picked up the wine, and said, "Come, introduce each other to you!"

He first introduced Xuantian to the two upper gods, saying: "This is the master of the sword pavilion who has recently risen to fame in Donghai County, son Xuantian!"

After that, he introduced the two upper gods to Xuan Tian, ​​from left to right: "The one on the left is the leader of the army of the mansion, the upper god'Feng Tai', and the one on the right is the lord of the Yangqing domain. God'hidden to the sea'."

Xuantian, Feng Tai and Zang Guihai bowed to each other and nodded slightly.

The King of Donghai County continued: "Lord of the sword pavilion, please come over. One of them is to let you know the upper **** of this county. There are four upper gods in this county. Except for the three of us, the other is Beichen Liangfeng. You know this!"

Xuantian said: "What about the second?"

Donghai County Wang said: "Secondly, I want to have a chat with the Lord of the Jian Pavilion. I don't know how much the Lord of the Jian Pavilion knows about Donghai County and Dahan Kingdom?"

Xuantiandao: "It is true that Xuanmou is not a person from the Great Han Kingdom, nor is it a person from Lingxutian. Because of an accidental shuttle through the void, he came to Lingxutian by accident. He doesn't know much about Lingxutian, just know It is the space opened up by the Lingxu God King. At present, Lingxutian does not have a main god, and the great kingdoms of God stand side by side. The Great Han Kingdom is one of the three strongest kingdoms."

After hearing Xuantian's words, the expressions of Donghai County King, Feng Tai, Zang Guihai, and the blood crow leader behind Xuantian were all surprised.

Xuantian is not actually a person of Lingxutian, but from another world. This sounds like a heavenly night talk, incredible!

The strange thing is that Donghae Jun Wang believed!

Donghai County King said: "You really are not a person of Lingxutian, Beichen Liangfeng reported your situation to this king. At that time, this king was thinking, you are very strange, maybe you are not a person from my Great Han Kingdom, or maybe not. People of Lingxutian, it seems that I guessed right!"

Xuantian knew that his origin was mysterious. When others checked his experience, he could only go to Jinsha City. He appeared suddenly, and then he was born. In just over two years, he became a mid-level god. The initial cultivation base defeated the upper god, named Zhen Donghai County.

This kind of experience is too abnormal. Xuantian has almost reached a height that most gods can't reach in a lifetime in just over two years. There has never been a history of Ling Xutian.

Smart people would definitely wonder where he came from, so Xuantian didn't hide it. This was not from shameful origin.

Feng Tai and Zangguihai two high-level gods should have discussed this issue with Donghai Junwang. Knowing this speculation, the color of surprise is also the kind of surprise that really is so.

Among the four, the most surprised was the leader of the Blood Raven. He only knew that Xuantian was too defying, and he had never thought that he would come from another world.

Xuantian has cultivated the immortal golden body, the divine body is indestructible, and there are seven holy cauldrons in his body. He can go nowhere. He is not afraid of exposing his origins and being targeted by others. Now he has enough strength in Lingxutian Wings, fear no one.

Xuantian said: "I have come to Lingxutian for a short time. I just know a little about Lingxutian and Dahan Divine Kingdom, and I would like to ask the princess for advice!"

Donghai County King said: "Ling Xutian has changed since millions of years ago, and no new main gods have been born so far. The upper gods are the limit of cultivation. The former main gods gradually disappeared with the passage of time. The huge powers of the main gods also perished, slowly forming a situation where the major gods compete for hegemony!"

Xuantian nodded. He knew that Lingxutian's change of heaven and earth a million years ago was due to the fall of the Lingxu God King. Lingxutian was originally not a complete world. Without the creator, the rules began to degenerate and naturally appeared. Not the main god!

Moreover, as time becomes longer and longer, the rules will degenerate more and more severely. In the future, even higher, middle, and lower gods will gradually fail to be born. When the rules degenerate to a certain level, the world will eventually collapse completely. !

Donghai County Wangdao: "At present, UU Reading has hundreds of kingdoms of God, of which three kingdoms are the most powerful. One of them is my Great Han kingdom, with a territory of hundreds of millions. Here, the other two strongest kingdoms are Ice Wolf God Country and Heaven Beast God Country!

The two **** kingdoms are both monster kingdoms, Dahan **** kingdom is the human **** kingdom, the tide **** kingdom is opposite to the ice wolf **** kingdom and the sky beast **** kingdom, and the ice wolf **** kingdom and the sky beast **** kingdom are also because The internal contradictions of the Yaozu are hostile, and the three strongest kingdoms stand together and are rivals!

Under the three strongest kingdoms, there are also some very powerful kingdoms. Although they are not as strong as the three strongest kingdoms, they can not be contended by personal power alone!

These divine kingdoms are divided into second-class divine kingdoms, including Sun Yan Divine State, Yingyu Divine State, Ancient Demon Divine State, Xuande Divine State, Heavenly Law Divine State, Blood Front Divine State... and so on!

In the second-class kingdom, there are also the largest number of small kingdoms. They are not strong. Some strong people can contend with their own strength and survive between the big kingdom and the second-class kingdom. "

Xuantian listened quietly. He knew that the Donghai County King called him to talk about these things, and it must have something to do with the following words, otherwise he would not introduce it so clearly.

Xuantian said: "If a small country can contend with its own strength, how much power does it need?"

Donghai County King said: "At least it must be the combat power of the upper gods. No matter how small the kingdom is, there are also armies. The large number of elite troops can hardly compete with the upper gods. However, the upper gods are alone and the goal is too small. , Come and go freely, the army can do nothing, it is enough to threaten the little kingdom of God!"

Xuantian nodded and said, "The princess told me this, I don't know what to advise!"

Donghai County King smiled and said: "Teaching is not counted. There are some things you don't understand. This king can only tell you in detail. Now, I will tell you about the situation of the Great Han Kingdom!"

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