The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1195: Middle God Middle

Chapter 1195 Mid-Level God Mid-term (No. 14 Third)

"The Great Han Kingdom is located in the eastern part of the Lingxu Continent, bordering the vast ocean to the east, the Sata Desert to the west, endless ice fields to the north, and wild ancient forests to the south. It is divided into ninety-nine counties and is governed by each county king. "

When Donghai County King said this, Xuantian asked: "Is the county king of each county the strongest?"

The King of Donghai County shook his head and said: "The Great Han Kingdom was a powerful Kingdom that was already standing in the sky a million years ago. The division of ninety-nine counties was a matter of millions of years ago. Wang, most of them belong to the Dahan imperial family, and part of them are the gods of different surnames who have made great contributions to Dahan God!

These county kings can be passed down hereditary after being entrusted. Millions of years ago, there were many gods, and the upper gods were like clouds. The enfeoffed county kings were at least the pinnacle of the upper gods, and some were even the main gods. Because of the great changes in the sky and the earth, there are fewer and fewer strong people, passed down from generation to generation, and the cultivation base of the county kings is getting lower and lower.

The middle stage of the upper gods like this king is more common. There are also some of the later stages of the upper gods. The peaks of the upper gods are rare. There are also many in the early stage of the upper gods. There are no county kings lower than the upper gods. If the county family does not have a new upper **** to succeed, it will be taken back by the court, and the court will establish a new county king!

Millions of years ago, there were many main gods. Not all the powers took refuge in the court as officials. Some powerful main gods lived in the mountains. As time passed, the main gods of these powers also passed away. Some of them broke their inheritance, and some others. The power has been passed down to this day, although the strength has been greatly reduced, but among them are also the top gods.

In some counties, the king of the county is only the early stage of the upper god, but in the county there are the later stage of the upper god, and even the strongest of the upper god, naturally it is impossible for every county king to be the strongest. Some of these forces surrender to the court. Some are not necessarily, some even openly opposed and are classified as a cult by the court! "

Speaking of this, the leader of the Blood Raven behind Xuantian shrank his neck. The Blood Raven Sect he established was classified as a cult by the court and was within the attack range of the Donghai County Palace.

Xuantiandao: "Speaking of cults, my servant, the Blood Raven Master, the Blood Crow Sect that was once built is a cult. However, Xuan has already killed the five guardians of the Blood Crow Sect. After the Blood Crow Master became Xuan's slave, After disbanding the Blood Raven Cult, Xuanyou will let him live a peaceful life from now on, and ask the county king to talk about it."

The Donghai County King waved his hand and said: "Compared to the Great Han Kingdom, he is just an ant-like figure. Since Master Xuan has taken the leader of the Blood Raven into a slave, then his future life and death will be determined by Master Xuan. Will not interfere."

Xuantian has an extremely heavy reputation. The leader of the blood crow was indeed heavily indebted in the past. With Xuantian's original intention, he originally wanted to get rid of the leader of the blood crow.

But Xuantian agreed to the leader of the blood crow, as long as his news of the Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit was true, he would spare his life and take him as a slave. The Yuqing Purple Spirit Fruit Xuantian got it, and he should keep the promise.

The leader of the Blood Raven is a slave by his side and can help purchase magical medicine. This will save Xuantian a lot of time and can be regarded as a helper. It has some effects. Moreover, with the discipline of Xuantian, the leader of the Blood Raven has no chance to harm others and let him To continue to live is also a bit meaningful.

The king of Donghai County skipped this topic and said: "Ordinary cults can't make much waves. As long as they are safe, every county and county government will keep one eye open, but some cults are very powerful, even more than one. The prefectures can directly compete with the imperial court. These are the most important things we must guard against!"

Xuantian listened to his heart, and asked, "I don't know which cults are they?"

Donghai County Wang said: "There are not a few, but there are four major cults that need to be paid the most attention-Sunyang Sect, Fawang Sect, Blood God Sect, Demon Sect!"

Xuantian remembered these four cults in his heart, and said, "I wonder what is special about these four cults?"

Donghai County Wang said: "The general cults are only forces within the Great Han Kingdom, or forces related to some small Kingdoms. It is not a concern, but Sunyang Sect, Fawang Sect, Blood God Sect, and Demon Sect. , Its own strength is strong, and behind it is the second-class kingdom of God, it exists exclusively for the disaster of my Great Han kingdom!"

Xuantian frowned and said in surprise: "As one of the three strongest kingdoms of God, Dahan God Kingdom is afraid of several second-class kingdoms? With the strength of Dahan God Kingdom, let alone the four major cults, Even the four great kingdoms behind them can be destroyed!"

The king of Donghai County shook his head repeatedly and said, "Master Xuan, you think everything is too simple. Although the Great Han Kingdom is strong, there are still two strongest kingdoms, the Ice Wolf Kingdom and the Heavenly Beast Kingdom. , Sun Yan God Kingdom behind Sun Yang Sect, Heaven Fa God Kingdom behind Law King Sect, and Ancient Demon God Kingdom behind Demon Sect are all subsidiary forces of Heaven Beast God Kingdom.

The Blood Peak Divine Kingdom behind the Blood God Sect is also a subsidiary of the Ice Wolf Divine Kingdom. If Dahan acts strongly against these four great divine kingdoms, the Ice Wolf Divine Kingdom and the Heaven Beast Divine Kingdom will intervene. Within the kingdom of God, guard against these four cults. ,"

Xuantian thought for a while and said, "With the strength of the Great Han Kingdom, wouldn't it be possible to expel these four Great Crow Sects from the territory?"

The Donghai County King couldn’t help laughing, and said: “My son Xuan, your personal strength is strong, but you don’t know much about the strength of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is very powerful, but the territory is vast. It is difficult to gather all the strengths together. .

Of course, these four cults know not to fight hard with the imperial court. They will not do things openly, but covertly sabotage. Most of the time, each county and county mansion alone guards against these cult forces. Once the powerful cult is found Unable to contend, they will apply for support from the court.

Every county palace has the responsibility to guard against the invasion of cults, especially the counties that are far away from the central court of Dahan and are located along the coast, such as Donghai County, are the most vulnerable to the invasion of the four cults.

The power of the county palace is limited. Facing the cult forces, the higher gods in the territory have to help, so this king asked Xuan Gongzi to plead and let Beichen cool breeze a way of life. The number of upper gods in Donghai County is not many, and one loses one. The strength of Donghai County will decrease a lot, and the probability of being invaded by the four cults will increase by one point!

Since ancient times, the four great cults have been invaded many times. Many prefectures have been breached by cult forces. The prefect also died in battle. This king is the king of Donghai prefecture. Naturally, he must consider the safety of Donghai prefecture. The upper **** is To guard against the cutting-edge combat power of the four great cults, try to have as many as possible. "

Xuantian nodded and said: "It turns out that the princess had such difficulties. Before Xuanmou thought that the princess had an unusual friendship with Beichen Liangfeng. It seems that Xuanmou was wrong. Since Xuanmou is also in Donghai County. Life, then, naturally also has the responsibility to protect the safety of Donghae County. If cult forces invade Donghae County, Xuan will definitely help and fight the enemy together with the Prince's Mansion!"

The Donghai County King laughed and was in a good mood. He invited Xuantian to come to the banquet, waiting for Xuantian's words.

In the past, Beichen Liangfeng was the number two figure in the Donghai County master list. The Donghai County King naturally regarded Beichen Liangfeng as his right-hand man, because if he encounters a cult invasion, Beichen Liangfeng will be his strongest helper.

Now, Beichen Cool Breeze was defeated by Xuantian, and Donghai County's master list became Xuantian second. Naturally, the person most valued by Donghai County King has changed from Beichen Cool Breeze to Xuantian, even if he is the king of a county, The upper gods were also extremely polite to Xuantian.

The king of Donghai County said: "For the compensation of your one million middle-grade magical medicine, Beichen Liangfeng has gone to other counties to find medicine. When he comes back, he will return the middle-grade magical medicine. He also asks Mr. Xuan to show his face. No matter how difficult it is for him, you will all be the patron saints of Donghae County from now on. The real enemies are those cult forces. Please cooperate."

Xuantian smiled slightly and said: "The county king, please rest assured, as long as Beichen Liangfeng puts those one million middle-grade magical medicines in my hands, the grievances between me and him will be bought and sold, and he will never be embarrassed."

"Okay, Young Master Xuan is happy!"

The Donghai County King was in a happy mood, took his wine glass, and said: "Come on, Commander Feng, Lord of Tibetan Region, let's respect the Master of the Sword Pavilion together!"


After the banquet, Xuantian returned to Jiange.

Through this banquet, Xuantian established a relationship with the prefectural palace, and changed from a stranger to an acquaintance with the prefectural king of Donghai. He also met two other high-ranking gods, "Feng Tai" and "Tiang Guihai".

In Donghae County, Xuantian truly entered the highest circle and stood at the top.

Returning to the sword pavilion, Xuantian continued to practice in retreat. He now had enough mid-level **** pill, and his cultivation base could reach the mid-level **** mid-level.

As time passed day by day, Xuantian's cultivation base was rapidly improving every day.

Jiange is famous in Donghai County. Except for the prefectural palace, there is no other force in Donghai County that is more famous than Jiange. This has made Jiange's business prosperous.

It's just that the quantity of mid-level magic medicine is scarce, and the market in Donghae County is limited. With the large-scale acquisition of Xuantian, the daily purchase of mid-level magic medicine gradually began to decrease.

It is difficult to maintain enough middle-grade **** pill cultivation in Donghai County!

Beichen Liangfeng’s compensation for the one million middle-grade magical medicines did not arrive. After he left Donghai County, he did not come back again. This is also normal. Xuantian purchased it in Donghai City for nearly a year. The total number of mid-level magical medicines received was less than one million. Beichen Liangfeng wanted to make up one million mid-level magical medicines. Even if it was purchased at a high price, it would take many counties and a lot of time.

Time passed in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, a few months later, the year was coming to an end. With the rapid improvement of Xuantian's cultivation base, he finally made a qualitative breakthrough and entered the middle stage of the middle god.

It has been nearly three years since I came to Lingxutian. It has been nearly a year and a half since I won the Yuqing Purple Lingguo in the Jinchuan River Region a year and a half ago and then broke through the middle god.

Even the middle-level god, I don't know how long it takes to cultivate before he can enter the middle-level god. Xuantian only took less than one and a half years. This speed is shocking, and Xuantian is quite satisfied!


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