The Supreme Sword

Chapter 831: ]Piaoxuege comes to help (1)

[Chapter 831] Piaoxue Pavilion comes to help (1)


Xiaohu's body moved forward, the huge tiger claws caught on the bright sword gang that Jian Wuji had smashed, and there were loud noises. ()

Although it looks like Jian Wuji's Jian Gang is still shining, it is actually weakened by the Tianlongmen's mountain guarding formation. The little tiger smashes Jian Wuji's Jian Gang, and the power is like a broken bamboo.

However, the power of breaking the bamboo only lasted for a blink of an eye, before the little tiger caught two thirds of Jian Wuji's Jian Gang, and Xiao Hu's speed of grasping the broken Jian Gang suddenly slowed down.

The strength of Jian Gang's staying power was very strong, but Xiaohu's power was exhausted when Xiaohu flew, unable to defeat all Jian Gang. It can be seen that the strength of Jian Gang exceeded Xiaohu's expectations.

Xiaohu's body changed from fast to slow, and quickly changed from slow to stopped.

But the explosion of Jian Gang's collapse still sounded.

Even if the little tiger does not take the initiative to defeat the sword gang, the sword gang stabs its tiger's claws, which is the result of fragmentation. The little tiger's claws can't be hurt by the emperor-class sword, and naturally he is not afraid of the sword gang's attack.

However, the huge attack power shocked Xiaohu's body. After all the swords were broken, Xiaohu's huge body suddenly retreated dozens of meters in the void.

All the quasi-emperors present were shocked, and had a general judgment on Jian Wuji's attack power.

The strength of the little tiger is comparable to that of the quasi emperor, but his body is countless times larger than that of the quasi emperor. It is almost the same as driving the quasi emperor back hundreds of meters.

It can be seen that Jian Wuji's attack power is much stronger than the sum of the attacks of the three quasi-emperors, almost comparable to the four quasi-emperors.

Thousands of miles away, the top of the mountain!

The effects of the sword Wuji, the King of Heaven and Water, were all in their eyes.

Wearing black clothes and a black scarf, King Yishui had only two eyes exposed. At this moment, his eyes were shocked.

King Yishui said in shock: "Sword Wuji has not yet become an emperor, and his spiritual body is still at the third-order limit. His power can only be increased by the power of Profound meaning. The sword just now is even stronger than the three quasi-emperors combined. Come to his profound understanding and reach the pinnacle of Tier 4."

The power of the profound meaning in the early stage of Tier 4 corresponds to the mind-cultivation of the first-time emperor, while the power of the profound meaning of the fourth-tier peak corresponds to the mind-cultivation of the emperor. There is a realm difference between them. The power gap.

The realm of the emperor, like the king, has nine small realms: the new emperor, the small emperor, the small emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, Top peak emperor, top ultimate emperor.

The nine realms are divided very carefully, based on the spiritual body cultivation base.

In layman's terms, nine realms are nine levels, the first-time emperor is the first-level emperor, and the young emperor is the second-level emperor.... By analogy, the top ultimate emperor is the ninth-level emperor.

Among them, the first, second, and third-level emperors are the emperor’s initial cultivation base, corresponding to the fourth-order spiritual body, the fourth, fifth, and sixth-level emperors are the emperor’s mid-term cultivation base, corresponding to the fifth-order spiritual body, seven, eight, The ninth-level emperor is the emperor's later cultivation base, corresponding to the sixth-level spiritual body.

For the vast majority of emperors, mind cultivation and spiritual body cultivation go hand in hand in the same realm, but for some geniuses, the realm of mind cultivation surpasses spiritual body cultivation. The more they exceed, the greater their combat power. powerful.

Of course, geniuses are not the only ones who have the cultivation of mind surpassing the cultivation of the spiritual body. If you get an adventure, such as obtaining a peerless spiritual grass such as the Five Elements Flower, eating it will greatly enhance the understanding of the profound meaning and the cultivation of the mind will greatly exceed Spiritual body cultivation.

For another example, due to the limitations of heaven and earth, when the cultivation level reaches a certain level, the spiritual body cultivation level can no longer be improved, but after a long period of cultivation, the constant accumulation of the profound knowledge and understanding may exceed the spiritual body cultivation level.

Tianzhou is limited by heaven and earth, and the highest spiritual body can only cultivate to the third-order limit. Since the end of the ancient times, only a few people have won the heaven and the earth for good luck, and the spiritual body has broken through the fourth-order and become the emperor.

Those who have attained the top limit in their cultivation level will have a lifetime of cultivation, and the strength of the spiritual body is not able to advance, but the understanding of the profound meaning is constantly deep. Over time, some quasi-emperors appeared, and their mind cultivation exceeded the spiritual body cultivation, reaching four. Early stage.

Jian Wuji is a prominent figure among the quasi-emperors. After entering the quasi-emperor for nearly a hundred years, although his spiritual body has not changed, his profound understanding has broken through again, reaching the fourth-order peak.

The spiritual body cultivation is the same as other quasi emperors, but the mind cultivation is one level higher than theirs. Naturally, Jian Wuji's strength is stronger than other quasi emperors. Three quasi emperors are not as good as his attack power in a combined blow. Strong.

Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, and Zuo Qingming wrinkled their foreheads slightly, and they looked at each other in shock.

Jian Wuji's strength is so strong, coupled with the help of Jian Wuying, his strength is much stronger than the three of them together. This time, he broke through the Tianlong Gate and seized the Chaos Sacred Cauldron. The sword family has a great advantage.

"You still don't take action? This beast has blocked most of my attack power. It is the only way to break through the Heavenly Dragon Gate's guarding mountain formation. Only you can attack!" Jian Wuji shouted.

"Go--!" Jian Wuying yelled, his heart was so happy, a shadow sword pierced through the sky and through the clouds, piercing into the Tianlongmen's great formation.

"The strength of the sword family is indeed strong, but to obtain the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, it is also by chance. If I succeed, once I am gone, no matter how powerful Jian Wuji is, I can't help me...!" Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, Zuo Qingming and the three people thought so in their hearts, and they all acted.

Xiaohu blocked Jian Wuji's attack. Although he was inferior, he was still able to withstand it.

Long Tianyou had to resist the attacks of the four quasi-emperors Jian Wuying, Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, and Zuo Qingming, and he was shaken back hundreds of meters by the opponent's attack power.

The combined attack of the four quasi-emperors was too terrifying. Long Tianyou couldn't resist it. A large amount of attack power hit the Tianlongmen's mountain guard array, causing the formation gas mask to vibrate violently. If they keep attacking like this, In a few hours, the guarding mountain formation will be forcibly broken.

boom--! boom--! Boom boom boom!

The explosion sounded again and again, and Long Tianyou was bombarded back again and again.

All the kings of the Tianlongmen gathered in the main hall and injected their power into the mountain protection formation to increase the defense of the mountain protection formation. However, their strength is too far from the quasi-emperor, although they can increase the defense of the mountain protection formation. One point, but it can't stop the quasi-emperor's attack at all, and can extend the defense time for one or two hours at most.

During the fierce battle, snow fluttered in the distant sky, and an old woman with white hair stepped on the snow. A hundred miles away, all the quasi-emperors present looked over, and another quasi-emperor arrived.

Whether it is the attacker or the defender, the heart is tight.

Yin Huayu and other quasi-emperors thought that there was another competitor, so they felt nervous.

Long Tianyou, on the other hand, is because the attacker has an extra quasi-emperor, which will greatly shorten the time for the opponent to break through the formation.

"Friends of Tianlongmen, Piaoxue Pavilion Liu Yanchen is here to help!" From a distance, the white-haired old woman shouted.

As soon as this statement came out, Long Tianyou's expression suddenly turned into a surprise.

It turned out to be here to help the Heavenly Dragon Gate, as long as there is one more quasi-emperor to guard, then the other party will never want to break the mountain protection formation.

Jian Wuji, Jian Wuying... and so on, the quasi-emperor who was attacking, all frowned, Jian Wuying said coldly: "Liu Yanchen, as a man of the right way, you have to help Tianlongmen to deal with the right way. Where is the law of heaven?"

Liu Yanchen said: "The sword has no shadow, righteousness and evil do not stand between righteousness and evil. Someone from the evil faction is attacking Tianlongmen. As a member of the righteous way, how can I not help? You and Jian Wuji attacked you. I will ignore it. , Mo Lingyou, Zuo Qingming these demons crookedly, I blocked them."

While talking, Liu Yanchen had already reached the Tianlongmen's guarding mountain array, and Long Tianyou shouted: "Let her in!"

Anyway, there is no Liu Yanchen, the formation will be broken sooner or later, it is better to gamble, if Liu Yanchen really comes to help, then the other party will not be able to attack, if Liu Yanchen is telling the truth, the real purpose is to attack Tianlongmen, let her come in. It was just breaking the formation earlier.

In the Tianlongmen main hall, the Tianlongmen master waited for the king to get the order, and immediately opened the formation Qi Gang in front of Liu Yanchen, Liu Yanchen flashed in without any obstacle.

"Brother Long, Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, and Zuo Qingming leave it to me to deal with. As a righteous person, it is my duty to resist the evil demon way." Liu Yanchen said.

"Okay, Long, thank you very much." Long Tianyou said gratefully, no longer paying attention to Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, and Zuo Qingming, and only responded to Jian Wuying's attack.

One-on-one, Long Tianyou easily turned Jian Wuying's attack into invisible in the formation, and Jian Wuying's attack had no effect on the mountain protection formation.

The attacks of the three quasi-emperors Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, and Zuo Qingming were all blocked by Liu Yanchen. With the help of the formation, they are both quasi-emperors. Liu Yanchen can completely resist the attacks of the three quasi-emperors.

In this Jian Wuji has Xiaohu to resist, Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, Zuo Qingming has Liu Yanchen to resist, Jian Wuying has Long Tianyou to resist, but the defender has the upper hand. Wuying was shocked by Long Tianyou's attack and retreated in a row.

At this moment, Jian Wuying almost burst out with a gulp of old blood. He wanted to suppress Liu Yanchen as a righteous way, but Liu Yanchen justified his righteous status, resisting evil factions and the quasi-emperor of the evil way, leaving him empty. I can't express my anger.

Xuanyuan Chuxue once lived in Piaoxue Pavilion for a period of time, and taught some techniques of Piaoxue Pavilion. After leaving Piaoxue Pavilion, he told Piaoxue Pavilion that if Xuantian came to Tianzhou one day, let Piaoxue Pavilion take care of it. .

Therefore, this time many quasi-emperors wanted to kill Xuantian and besieged Tianlongmen, and the quasi-emperors of Piaoxue Pavilion came out to help.

"The avenue spreads to the world, the secret of heaven determines the universe, transforms the yin and yang in one gas, and the emptiness allows me to swim...!"

Just when the attacker was at a disadvantage, a melodious and loud singing came from the east. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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