The Supreme Sword

Chapter 832: ]Help friends! breakthrough! (two)

[Chapter 832] Aid friends! breakthrough! (2)

The singing voice pierced the sky and shook the void, and all the quasi-emperors could hear their eardrums vibrating, showing that the strength of the singer was extremely amazing. ()

The quasi-emperors looked in the direction of the singing, and saw an old man with white beard and white hair and white clothes stepping out of the void.

The old man in white looks like a baby, making it difficult to judge his age. He is the King of Heaven. He has a dignified look and a fairy-like style. He looks like a **** outside the world.

If it were a mortal, he would definitely shout that the gods were coming, but the people who were in the battle were all quasi-emperor-level figures. How outstanding were their eyes, and one could tell at a glance that this was a quasi-emperor.

However, even though they were both quasi-emperors, when everyone saw the King of Heaven, they unconsciously looked down on themselves and felt that they were inferior to each other.

This is a strange feeling. The King of Heaven didn't reveal how powerful he was. He just walked out of the void, and the wind was calm, but when others saw it, he felt that he was a superior, superior.

The quasi-emperor present, only Jian Wuji looked at the King of Heaven, his eyes calm, calm, and he did not feel inferior to others.

"Who is your Excellency, what do you mean by coming here?" Jian Wuji had already spoken in shock.

"The old man has a bit of enmity with the Tianlongmen, today I am here to seek revenge!" Tianji Wang said.

Jian Wuji...waiting for the quasi-emperor on the attacking side, his expressions were all overjoyed.

No one could see that this new quasi-emperor was not easy. It was the time when the attacking team was frustrated. With their strength, they couldn't break the Tianlongmen's mountain guard formation. It was the time when foreign aid was needed.

But Long Tianyou and Liu Piaochen frowned. The more opponents there are, the stronger the attack will be, and the worse the situation will be for them.

However, they did not worry too much. Now Long Tianyou alone resisted Jian Wuying's attack, even if two more quasi-emperors came, Long Tianyou could resist it.

Long Tianyou said loudly: "Who is your Excellency and where did you come from? When did you have hatred with Tianlongmen?"

"I don't want to talk about the enemies of the past, don't talk about nonsense, break——!"

The Heavenly Jigsaw King soon came outside the Tianlongmen's formation gas mask and shouted loudly. With his voice, an ancient bronze mirror suddenly appeared in his hand.

call out----!

The light of the ancient bronze mirror rose sharply, shooting out a bright light, shattering the void, and shooting straight towards the sky dragon gate.

With a bang, the entire formation air shield shook fiercely, and the light penetrated the air shield without any hindrance, and shot towards the Tianlongmen Hall a few miles away.

There is the place where the king of the Tianlongmen is located, and he is controlling the mountain protection formation. If they are attacked, the mountain protection formation will lose their source of energy, the defense power will be greatly reduced, and the time to break the formation may be doubled. .

Long Tianyou was blocking Jian Wuying's attack and stretched out a claw to grab the attack from the King of Heaven.

A black dragon's claw was as big as a kilometer, and suddenly stretched out more than two thousand meters away, and blasted with the light emitted by the King of Heaven.


With a shocking sound, the black dragon black burst to pieces, and Long Tianyou's body trembled fiercely, and instantly retreated hundreds of meters.

Such a powerful attack power!

Heavenly Mystery King’s blow, the strength is not under Jian Wuji, it is even more terrifying than three quasi-emperors.

With one more Heavenly Mystery King, the attacking side is almost equivalent to four more quasi-emperors, and the power of both sides has once again been greatly reversed, and the attacking side suddenly turned from a disadvantage to an advantage.

All the quasi-emperors looked at Long Tianyou's upside-down figure, and then their eyes fell on the king of heaven, horrified, and their eyes were full of questions: Who is this person? There is such a quasi-emperor in Tianzhou, whose strength is so terrible, it seems that he is not under Jian Wuji?

After the attacking quasi-emperor was horrified, he was pleasantly surprised. With such a terrifying attack power, Long Tianyou was hard to resist, and could no longer be distracted to defend against Jian Wuying's attack.

In this way, a quasi-emperor would be able to attack the Tianlongmen's guarding formation wholeheartedly.

What's more, Long Tianyou was beaten back by the King of Heaven, unable to block all the attacks of the King of Heaven, and most of the attack power would be transferred to the formation gas shield, which would accelerate the protection of the mountain formation. time.

Long Tianyou frowned, and the sudden appearance of this unknown quasi-emperor caused a great reversal of the strength of both sides.

As soon as the King of Heavenly Journey shot, it was like thunder, the light from the ancient bronze mirror in his hand was extremely powerful, and he attacked the Tianlongmen in waves.

Long Tianyou was hit back again and again, and quickly retreated thousands of meters. It was difficult to defend for a while. All of the attacks of the Heavenly Jigsaw King slammed on the mountain protection formation, causing the formation gas mask to shake violently, like There was a huge wave on the water.

The attack of the Heavenly Mystery King was even more terrifying than Jian Wuji. Even if there was no more Jian Wuying, with his terror attack power, it was possible to break the formation gas mask.

Long Tianyou was angry and screamed at the sky. Suddenly, a dragon resounded through the sky, and his body turned into a black dragon with a length of kilometers.

The black flood dragon quickly flew towards the Heavenly Secret King with a monstrous black fog, opened her teeth and danced his claws, and grabbed the light wave attacked by the Heavenly Secret King. At the same time, the giant tail swept away, and the void exploded, and the light wave attacked and shattered to pieces.

Long Tianyou turned into a black dragon, the power of the profound meaning has not changed, but the power of the spiritual body has more than doubled, the same Tier 3 ultimate spiritual body, the larger the body, the stronger the natural power.

Originally, Long Tianyou couldn't stop the attack of the King of Heavenly Secrets, but after turning into a dragon, he was able to resist it.

However, even if it blocked the King of Heaven, it would not be able to reverse the disadvantage, and there was a Jian Wuying attacking the mountain guard with all his strength, Long Tianyou was weak, unable to separate the strength but resisted.

And Liu Piaochen blocked the attacks of Yin Huayu, Mo Lingyou, and Zuo Qingming, and reached her limit. Xiaohu coped with Jian Wuji's attack, just like Long Tianyou coped with Tianji King's attack. They were not strong enough. Going to resist another quasi-emperor, therefore, Jian Wuying's attack was 100% blasted on the mountain guard, destroying desperately.

"Friends from Tianlongmen, worship the fire and teach Huomofen to come to help."

A voice broke through the air from a far north.

When everyone looked around, they saw a flash of fire coming from the north at great speed.

The quasi-emperor who worships Zoroastrianism-Huomo Burn.

He came to Tianlongmen to ask for help, all because of the words of Huo Muchen, the worship master:

"Uncle Mo Fen, the ancient times are over. Ten thousand years have passed. The Heaven Continent and the Earth will definitely usher in a major transformation, and the protagonists who caused the transformation are the geniuses of the younger generation.

In the past, Mu Chen thought that Jian Renhao of the sword family would be the real protagonist who caused the transformation of Tianzhou!

However, since the birth of Tianchen, he changed Mu Chen's opinion. In just one and a half years, this person has become the ultimate king from childhood, breaks through to the ultimate king, and his cultivation speed is unprecedented!

The strength of combat power can be challenged across the three realms. Yin Wanluo and Jian Shangjian, these are the characters with great fortune among the younger generations and the strong, but they have all died by the hands of Xuantian, so Yi Muchen In my opinion, the real protagonist who triggered the transformation of Tianzhou should be Tianchen!

He was born out of nowhere. He didn't know where he came from. He should not be from Heaven Continent, but coming to Heaven Continent by mistake, there must be a chance for trouble.

If he does not die, it will not take long. Once he has the power of the emperor, he will completely change the pattern of the heavens. Now is the time for the forces of the heavens to make a choice, if they want to survive this great change. , The best way is to get along with Tianchen.

With Tianchen's current strength, if he wants to escape, I am afraid that all the quasi-emperors in the world will chase and kill him, and he will be inevitable in the future.

Uncle Mo Fen, if the Zoroastrian Sect is to live forever, perhaps to continue to maintain its peak position after the transformation, it must have a good relationship with Tianchen!

This time he was chased and killed by the quasi-emperor. It was his last ordeal and the last opportunity for Zoroastrians to lend a helping hand. It was the best chance for Zoroastrians to survive forever...! "

As a quasi-emperor, Huo Mofen was his greatest desire to become an emperor, but he also had to consider the future of the sect.

The words of the fire worship master moved Huomo Fen. In his opinion, Tianzhou has undergone a major change, and there may be an opportunity to become an emperor. Huo Muchen's vision is good. If'Tianchen' really triggered Tianzhou The true protagonist of the transformation, then, his opportunity to become an emperor should also be in Tianchen.

Therefore, Huomo burned out!

With the addition of Huomo Fen, the pros and cons of the offensive and defensive sides have once again changed.

This time, most of the quasi-emperors of Tianzhou appeared. In the siege of Tianlongmen, two different camps were completely formed, breaking the previous pattern of righteousness and evil factions.

Among the offensive quasi-emperors, there are both the righteous quasi emperors and the evil quasi emperors, and the defensive quasi-emperors also have the righteous and evil quasi emperors.

Invisibly, the righteous and evil factions are splitting. With the emergence of Xuantian, a new opposing faction appears. The situation in Tianzhou has begun to change. The pattern that has continued for thousands of years is bound to change. The sky broke.


Time is like water, half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

The identity of Xuantian has been spread across the heavens, not only in the Valley of Yin Ming, but more and more people know that he is Xuantian, carrying a chaotic saint.

Because of this news, another quasi-emperor joined the team besieging Tianlongmen, Yun Feiou of the Righteous Flying Cloud Sect. Unfortunately, his addition did not change the situation.

Fire Dragon Cave is an underground molten cave with a radius of one hundred li, filled with flames everywhere, and the flame intensity varies from the initial stage of the third order to the limit of the fourth order.

However, every year the flames of the Fire Dragon Cave have a weak period of one month, and the intensity of the flame inside will be reduced by one level. At this time, the most powerful flame in the Fire Dragon Cave contains the level of the profound meaning of fire at the Tier 4 peak.

In a molten cave, Xuantian sits on a crimson rock in the center of the lava. The flame here is the initial strength of Tier 4, and Xuantian uses thunder's profound defense to resist it. He has already realized half of it continuously here. The profound meaning of the fire of the moon.

The profound meaning of fire in the fire dragon cave is very profound, and Xuantian retreats in the dragon veins for half a year, laying a solid foundation. After half a month of insight, the profound meaning of fire finally keeps up with the footsteps of the profound meaning of chaos and the profound meaning of thunder. Entered the early stage of Tier 4.

"Successful...!" Xuantian opened his eyes and revealed a smile, his voice revealed joy: "My fire has reached the early stage of Tier 4, I don't know if Zi Yan has found dragon blood, what's the chance?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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