The Supreme Sword

Chapter 840: 】God child Sikongxiang (three, make up one)

【Chapter 840】The son of God Sikongxiang (3, complement 1)

Time passed, everything in Jianzong was as usual. ()

Soon, the sun went down, and it was almost dusk when the Jianzong staff had just had dinner.

To the north of Sword Sect, in the sky far away, a ray of light flickered, coming quickly towards Sword Sect.

Because it is so far away, the light is very dim and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"Brother...! Hug!" Xiao Tingting was very clingy. Just after dinner, she opened her hands and ran towards Xuantian.

Xuantian stretched out his hands, hugged Xiao Tingting's waist, and lifted her up.

"Hee hee hee...!" Suddenly rising rapidly, making Xiao Tingting laugh.


Xuantian just raised Xiao Tingting, his body seemed to be frozen, and his gaze toward the north suddenly brightened.

Some kings came from the north, but they did not give out any breath.

However, Xuantian cultivated the emperor's heavenly eyes, and his eyes were much sharper than other kings. Even if they were thousands of miles away, they could perceive the weak light of the king's teleportation.

The faint light flashed, gradually brightened, and quickly teleported towards the sword sect.

"What's the matter, Tian'er?" Xuan Hong walked over quickly, looking at the northern sky, but he didn't see anything.

Xuantian sent the grinning Xiao Tingting into his father's hands, and said, "Someone has teleported here, but unlike Uncle Mo and Xiaoxiao, they won't approach so quietly."

Xuan Hong said, "Could it be the king from Heaven?"

Xuantian said: "If it is the king from Heaven, how could Uncle Mo couldn't find out? If he finds out, why didn't he tell me? Things are a little strange, dad, let me take a look."

"Hmm--!" Xuan Hong nodded. At this time, the king who had teleported was close to Jianzong for three thousand miles, and Xuan Hong also saw the faint light of teleporting and jumping.

"I'll go with you!" Long Ziyan said.

Long Ziyan is the pinnacle king of Dacheng, and has the top bloodline of the purple blood dragon, and is extremely powerful.

Xuantian nodded, and rose to the sky with Long Ziyan, then disappeared for a moment, and teleported to the north.

The trip of Xuantian and Long Ziyan attracted the attention of all the kings of Jianzong. They all looked to the north, and they all saw the ray of light that was swiftly moving.

The light became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into a figure.

When they got closer, everyone's eyes showed horror, and the figure was holding two people from left to right.

Thousands of miles away from Jianzong, Xuantian and Long Ziyan stopped and looked at the visitor from a distance.

This is a young man who looks like he is about 20 years old, dressed in brocade clothes, and he holds one person in his hand. It is Mo Qianji and Xiang Tianxiao.

Xuantian frowned. Mo Qianji and Xiang Tianxiao were both kings, but they weren't able to escape from this person. It was really strange. It could be seen that the people here were very scary.

However, the land of Shenzhou is limited by heaven and earth, and the ultimate king of Dacheng is the limit of the martial artist. A strong person above this level cannot come from Tianzhou. As long as it is not a strong person whose cultivation level is higher than his own, Xuantian is not at all terrible. fear.

In the same realm, Xuantian had never encountered a real opponent.

"Who is coming?" Xuantian Xiu was released, shouting loudly, and the sound wave vibrated, pushing forward like a sea wave.

The young man carrying Mo Qianji and smiling to the sky stopped a hundred miles in front of Xuantian. The sound wave was already weak by this point. He took a breath, and all the air waves in front of him became calm. Si Kongxiang, you are Xuantian!"

Si Kongxiang's voice was very calm, but it was like a muffled thunder, even if they were separated by hundreds of miles, Xuantian and Long Ziyan could hear them clearly.

Seeing the content of this sentence seems to be interrogating, but in fact, Si Kongxiang's tone is categorical, and he has been identified as Xuantian.

Sikong Xiang came from Tianzhou and learned of Xuantian's whereabouts, so he came to Shenzhou to search for Xuantian.

The blocking barrier may have a blocking effect on the warriors of the mortal world, but for the gods who came from the gods, which one did not carry a piece of artifact? Although the **** emperor and the underworld emperor are powerful, but only relying on the remaining ten thousand years of fighting rules, they still can't stop the **** son.

The son of God is empty!

When Xuantian heard the word ‘God Son’, an anger rose in his heart.

"Did you kill them?" Xuantian gritted his teeth and said word by word, every word revealing a deep killing intent.

Sikongxiang threw Mo Qianji and Xiang Tianxiao to Xuantian, and said: "Two mortals, how can this **** son get dirty hands, Xuantian, present the chaos saint cauldron, this **** son has many rewards."

Xuantian grabbed Mo Qianji and Xiang Tianxiao in his hands and handed them to Long Ziyan for inspection. As expected, they did not die, but the two were seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Xuantian immediately took out the healing sacred pill and gave them to them.

This is the healing sacred medicine he obtained in the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden. It is made from the Chaos Sacred Cauldron. Even in Central Continent, it is very precious. It can be difficult to find, and the healing effect is very good.

Mo Qianji and Xiang Tianxiao conquered, their injuries quickly improved and woke up.

"Be careful! An enemy is coming!" Mo Qianji awoke and said loudly when he saw Xuantian and Long Ziyan.

Xuantian nodded and said, "We know."

From a distance, Si Kongxiang's voice came, "Presenting the chaos holy cauldron to this **** son, didn't you hear me?"

"It's him, he can confine the void--!" Mo Qianji said in surprise.

"He can still track teleportation!" Xiang Tianxiao's tone also revealed surprise.

Imprisoning the void, tracking and teleporting, no matter what kind, it sounds like a night talk, which is unreasonable.

Even Xuantian, possessing the sacred cauldron of chaos, can only confine the void, track and teleport, and has never heard of it.

Xuantian made a gesture and told Long Ziyan to take Mo Qianji and Xiang Tianxiao to retreat. He took a few steps forward and said, "Who is Sikongding?"

Long Ziyan knew, and immediately retreated to Jianzong with Mo Qianji and Xiang Tianxiao.

Sikongxiang’s voice began to reveal a hint of coldness, and said: "Mortal, you don’t understand the words of the son of God? Present the chaos saint cauldron, the son of God has many rewards. If not, mortal, even if you are an ant, Ben The son of God does not bother to take your humble life, and that will crush you to death."

"Sikongxiang, in the **** realm, you are the son of god, in the mortal realm, you are no different from me. If I am humble, why are you noble and want the chaos holy cauldron? It depends on your qualifications." Xuan Tian Leng Soundtrack.

Sikongxiang's anger burned and his aura began to be exposed. Xuantian saw it, and the aura he revealed was only at the level of Dacheng Ultimate King.

At the same realm, Xuantian is not afraid of anyone, and the Son of God is no exception.

The belief in invincibility is unshakable in Xuantian's heart, no matter who the opponent is, whether he is a **** son or a **** son.

"Hmph...! Why is noble than you? Although I was sent to the mortal realm when I was born, I was born in the **** realm, and I was destined to become a **** in the future, and my father is a master god, and you are a mere mention Mortals, the supreme ancestors are also humble mortals, in the eyes of this god, they are no different from ants."

Sikongxiang's expression was calm, his head raised slightly, and there was a kind of contempt in his eyes. It was an innate noble expression. Looking at the beings in the mortal world, it was like looking at a group of ants, "Xuantian, I have heard of you. Deeds are outstanding among mortals.

But the ant is the ant, and it's just a strong ant to stand out among a group of ants!

What does this mean to this **** son? Although the land of Shenzhou is restricted by heaven and earth, the highest realm of warriors can only be the ultimate king of Dacheng, and the cultivation base of this **** child can only be shown in the realm of the ultimate king of Dacheng, but trampling an ant to death is still easy. "

When speaking, Si Kongxiang always maintained a superior air.

This is not pretending to be deliberate, but an innate mentality. He who was born in the **** realm, anyone in the mortal realm, is just an ant in his eyes.

Xuantian said coldly: "Noble god, then you die under my ant's hands!"

"Hahahaha...!" Sikongxiang suddenly laughed wildly, and said to the sky: "Everyone in the gods, have you all seen it? Hahaha...! An ant, he said he wants to kill the gods!"

After smiling, Si Kongxiang’s gaze was suddenly locked on Xuantian, with murderous aura, "God, located on the top of the sky, high above the sky, the ants can only touch and worship, as the ants, saying this, you are a treason, this is To go against the sky, you are going to go against the heavens above the sky."

"You think you are a noble god, I am a humble ant, do whatever you want, you walk your Yangguan Road, I cross my single-plank bridge, our well water does not interfere with the river water, and has nothing to do, but you should not pretend to be in front of me Noble, in my eyes, there is only the difference between the living and the dead. If you want to oppress me, I will turn you into a dead person! Understand?" Xuantian picked his chin.

Sikongxiang sneered and said, "You also know the difference between the living and the dead. As an ant, if you want to live, you should have the consciousness of the ant. Otherwise, the noble **** son will not mind getting his hands dirty and crushing a humble one. The ant, the holy cauldron, is not something that the ant can encroach on. It is your urging talisman. For mortals, if you want to live, you can obediently sacrifice the chaotic holy cauldron, dare to rebel against the gods, and die without a place to be buried.

"The Chaos Sacred Cauldron is my If God wants to seize it, I will go against it, so what!" Xuantian strode forward as he said, walking forward.

Suddenly there was an imperial sword in his hand, and the sword pointed at the sky and said: "I swear with this sword, whoever dares to take my holy cauldron, I will kill it, against the sky, and punish the gods, and I will not hesitate!"

"Enough...! Ant, you are looking for death!" Si Kongxiang shouted, his figure flashed, and he teleported forward dozens of miles.

In the next instant, Si Kongxiang's figure appeared six kilometers in front of Xuantian.

His body was affected by the imprisonment of the chaos holy cauldron and could not be teleported. If Xuantian's defensive force field is used, it can block the teleporting person at most three kilometers away.

"Yin and Yang are split...!"

Sikongxiang pressed down with a palm, and a huge phantom palm print appeared in the sky, which was more than a kilometer long, and covered it towards Xuantian. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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