The Supreme Sword

Chapter 841: 】Xuantian God of War (four, supplement two)

【Chapter 841】Xuantian God of War (4, complement 2)

With this palm cover, the sky half turned into dazzling white and half turned into darkness. ()


With a crisp sound, the sky within a radius of several kilometers, like a real object in half, split in half instantly.

This is the powerful use of the profound meaning of Yin and the profound meaning of Yang, which separates the two profound meanings in the air in an instant, forming a powerful separation force for any object. It must be broken into two pieces along with the yin and yang.

And Xuantian's body happened to be within the scope of this ‘yin and yang splitting’. In an instant, the void became as solid as an entity, completely sealed off, almost inevitable.

This is the first time Tian encountered such a trick.

There are no sword-gang, sword-lights, or fist-gang palm prints, but this trick "yin and yang splits the sky" is more terrifying than any sword-gang sword-mansions or fist-gang palm prints.

Xuantian has seen the use of profound meaning power in a one-time attack, and it is him that can also run the three profound meaning attacks of thunder, fire, and chaos at the same time. Although the attack power is stronger than a kind of profound meaning power, The power is far from doubling, let alone doubling or even multiple times.

However, Sikongxiang's trick of "yin and yang splits the air", the combination of the profound meaning of yin and the profound meaning of yang, has doubled the power.

This is not a simple secret of Yin and Yang at the same time, but contains profound and profound principles, fused together, forming a powerful trick.

The fusion of the profound meaning, and the simultaneous use of the profound meaning, are completely two concepts, one is fusion as a whole, and the power is doubled, and the other is two in one. Although the power has increased a lot, it has not doubled.

It is already extremely difficult to comprehend the profound meanings, and it is a hundred times more difficult to integrate different profound meanings.

It is difficult for ordinary emperors to merge different profound meanings together. Only those who have reached the Dacheng emperor, that is, the four-level emperor or above, can the profound meaning merge.

Although Si Kongxiang sealed the cultivation base to the realm of Dacheng Ultimate King, the spirit body only had the strength of the second-order limit, while the strength of the profound meaning was able to exert the strength of the third-order limit.

However, he has already carried out the fusion of profound meanings, even if the cultivation base is limited, the fused profound meanings will not split.

If it is an ordinary Dacheng Ultimate King, it is absolutely impossible to have a fusion of profound meaning.

Therefore, even though Si Kongxiang sealed his cultivation base in Dacheng Ultimate King, his strength was much stronger than Dacheng Ultimate King. Even the top Ultimate King was far from him, Quasi-Emperor might not be his opponent.

Xuantian saw this attack method for the first time, and in a moment, the yin and yang cracks had already arrived in front of him, causing him to feel an irresistible feeling that his body would split into two with the yin and yang split.

When Xuantian thought, a three-legged ancient tripod suddenly appeared and surrounded him. The yin and yang crack split from the three-legged ancient tripod instantly, and a huge crack of five or six kilometers long appeared in the sky. But, that Among the cracks, a three-legged ancient tripod was still motionless.

Sikongxiang used this trick of "yin and yang to split the sky", even if he was in the realm of the ultimate king, the quasi-emperor would be difficult to resist, and he wanted to avoid the edge.

However, the chaotic saint cauldron is such a god, even if Sikongxiang does not seal the cultivation base, it is impossible to split the chaos saint cauldron. The nine saint cauldrons are all indestructible gods, even the supreme **** king of the gods will destroy them. No more.

The first move forced Xuantian to use the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, and Si Kongxiang was the first.

Even when fighting the Masked Life and Death battle, the masked man's cultivation was a realm higher than him, that didn't force him to use the Chaos Sacred Cauldron in an instant. This shows how terrifying Sikong Xiang is.

The sons of God were born in the God Realm, all of them are perverted evildoers, by no means ordinary people.

In their bodies, the blood of the **** God Realm is different from the blood of the mortal creatures, and the strength is a level higher, even if it is the same realm, but the strength has essential strength.

Seeing the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, Si Kongxiang's calm eyes suddenly shot out an extremely excited light, and said: "Such a god, falling on the hands of you ants, it is really a violent god, this **** son can be the first to find you. Ant, this is the good fortune of the son of God, haha...! With the help of the chaos holy cauldron, in the future, I can surpass my father and become the king of god, the ant. Let me see the method of the son of God-Yin and Yang are separated! "

While speaking, Si Kongxiang made a seal with both hands and stood on his chest. After a breath, he suddenly moved his hands to the sides, picking up the right handprint and pressing the left handprint downward.

The separation of yin and yang is another masterpiece.

Xuantian was in the chaotic sacred cauldron, but there was a force that violently provoke him, and the chaotic sacred cauldron seemed to be under tremendous pressure and sank downward.

In an instant, Xuantian involuntarily rushed out of the Chaos Saint Cauldron.

A biting cool air rushed from all directions, even if Xuantian used the Immortal Golden Body, but the place not covered by Jin Zhi, he felt a biting cold.

Xuantian was in a gloomy sky, and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron was in a dazzling white sky. The distance between them was getting farther and farther, and there was a huge space crack between them.

Picked him out of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron? What is this method?

Moreover, after being singled out, a space crack appeared between him and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, which seemed to be separated by countless miles, located in the two sides of heaven and earth.

This trick of ‘separating yin and yang’ is even better than ‘yin and yang splitting the void’.

The operation of the two profound meanings of yin and yang has reached the state of transformation.

Seeing that Xuantian and Chaos Sacred Cauldron were successfully separated, a smile appeared on Si Kongxiang's calm face. His hands changed, his left hand grasped, and he directly grabbed the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, his right hand turned into a palm, and Xiang Xuantian Press.

The right palm used the yin and yang to split the sky. Now Xuantian was no longer protected by the chaotic saint. Sikongxiang used this trick again to split Xuantian in half and kill him.

In an instant, Si Kongxiang wanted to go to Xuantian's death with his right hand, and his left hand wanted to grab the chaotic sacred cauldron.

The void is like a solid body, not to mention teleporting and shuttle, even moving is difficult, but the huge crack, in the blink of an eye, split towards Xuan Tian.

This time, there was no further resistance from the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.

Xuantian had an experience once, this time he didn't froze again, but had a countermeasure in his heart instantly.

The imperial sword in his hand suddenly burst out of chaotic light, and a sword grabbed Sikongxiang to the left hand of the chaotic saint cauldron and cut it over.

At the same time, a ray of light flashed in his eyebrows, and the Primordial Primordial Chaos Chaos Imperial Emperor Grade Spirit Sword shot out, splitting a dazzling sword gang, and slashing towards the split to crack.

The void splits, and there must be the alternation of the two powers of Yin and Yang. The Emperor-level Spirit Sword cuts to this crack, which seems to help the crack to open quickly, but at the same time it must also break the Yin and Yang between the cracks. Two powers of profound meaning.

After breaking the two powers of yin and yang, the splitting power naturally does not exist, and Xuantian will not be split into two.

Although Sikongxiang's power of secret power is fused together, it is only the power of the third-order limit. His power is limited by the spiritual realm, and can only be used to the third-order limit.

And Xuantian's power of profound meaning, thunder, fire, and chaos all reached the early stage of fourth-order.

With the imperial spirit sword slashing, shooing..., six golden sword qi slashed out in an instant, six indestructible sword qi.

The splitting void in front of him instantly turned into two halves, but the splitting place was cut off by Xuan Tian's body as far as the splitting force of Yin and Yang.

The imperial spirit sword burst back in an instant and returned to the center of the eyebrows. The six immortal sword auras quickly bounced for hundreds of meters. The power of the fusion of the two profound meanings of Yin and Yang is extremely powerful, despite the profound meaning of Xuantian. The power is a realm stronger than that. It was the early stage of Tier 4, but it was only matched. It can be seen how powerful the power is after the fusion of the profound meaning.

As for the Chaos Sword Qi that Xuantian slashed, directly smashed the gap between him and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron. The Chaos Sword Qi was Xuantian’s strongest attack, the attack power was the absolute first, and there was Chaos ahead. The sacred cauldron dragged, this chaotic sword aura was even more terrifying, and instantly broke through the cracks and smashed to the side of the chaotic sacred cauldron.

The Gang Yuan palm print grabbed by Sikongxiang's left hand was instantly hit by the Chaos Sword Qi, and the bowl was broken.

In an instant, Xuantian's Chaos Sword Qi and Indestructible Sword Qi, coupled with the imperial spirit sword's attack, completely defeated Si Kongxiang's two ultimate skills.

Gang Yuan's palm prints all over the bowl and broke, and instantly collapsed.

The space gap between Xuantian and Chaos Sacred Cauldron had disappeared. With a stroke of his hand, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron turned into a stream of light and returned to his hands.

Si Kongxiang frowned, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

In the same realm, he has never encountered an opponent in the mortal world. Even if Xuantian has the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, he still thinks that it is just a matter of effort to win it. However, after performing two tricks in a row, Xuantian also used Chaos Sage Kanae avoided, the second time, it turned out to be an instant counterattack, defeating his two unique skills.

This is not in line with common sense!

Si Kongxiang was unbelievable: How could an ant have such a powerful force?

He has always thought that he is a son of god, aloft, never put mortals in his eyes, but ignored one thing, as Xuantian said, no matter how big his background is, how good he was In the God Realm, he is a son of God, in the Ordinary Realm, they are all warriors of the Ordinary Realm, there is no difference.

It's like the emperor's son. In his own country, he is the emperor. When he goes to a place that the emperor can't manage, he is no different from ordinary people. At most, he has more treasures.

Divine Land, limited by the world, the highest martial artist's strength is the Dacheng Ultimate King, so Si Kongxiang can only seal the cultivation base in the realm of Dacheng Ultimate King.

The only effect of the artifact on his body is to suppress the cultivation base for him, allowing him to pass through the barrier. If he uses the artifact to reveal his true cultivation base, he will be immediately restricted and may be obliterated.

The law of battle that the **** emperor and the dark emperor survived for thousands of years may not be able to stop the footsteps of the **** son, but no one can challenge the will of the **** emperor and the dark emperor. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ek chocolate says

Two days off, four chapters short, this is the second chapter, and it will break out after the completion.


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