The Supreme Sword

Chapter 843: 】Who killed who?

【Chapter 843】Who killed who?

The sun sets and disappears completely!

The sky is dim, and the night is approaching. ()

In the sky, a huge water and fire golden lotus, shining light, shining ten thousand meters, quickly moved to the northwest direction of the beast waste.

"Mortal, you can't escape. In the water and fire golden lotus of this **** child, wring it into pieces——!" Sikongxiang sealed his hands and kept the water and fire golden lotus running, shouting, the invisible sound wave penetrated everything and hit Xuantian. soul.

Xuantian kept dodge and defend in the water and fire golden lotus, with the help of the emperor's heavenly eyes, it was not difficult to deal with the strangulation power of the "water and fire pregnant golden lotus".

The corner of his mouth curled up, dismissing Si Kongxiang's blow.

As time passed by, the sky gradually darkened, and dusk turned into night.

However, the water and fire golden lotus was shining brightly, shining tens of miles around like the day, especially the twenty-mile space within the water and fire golden lotus.

When Xuantian dodged, he took time to take out a high-grade Wang Ling Pill and swallowed it.

According to the current level of consumption, Xuantian can support the attacks of the water and fire Jinlian day and night.

However, Xuantian had to plan for a longer period of time. There was ample aura in the Wang Ling Pill. One Wang Ling Pill was enough for him to cultivate for ten days and ten nights, which was stronger than a hundred middle-grade spirit stones.

With a top-grade Wang Ling Pill, Xuantian was in the water and fire golden lotus, supporting it for seven days and seven nights.

Xuantian possesses a large number of Wang Lingdan, no matter how long Si Kongxiang can persist on the offensive, Xuantian is not afraid.

The only one who persists to the end can only be him!

When the night passed, a little dawn appeared in the eastern sky, and the morning light lit up, and a new day began.

One night, Xuantian and Sikong moved four to five thousand miles to the northwest, and the two still maintained the momentum of one offense and one defense, and the situation remained unchanged.

Sikongxiang was a **** son, and Xuantian knew that the opponent was strong and would definitely be able to maintain the offensive for a long time, so he took a high-grade Wang Lingdan early.

But compared to Xuantian, Sikong was a little surprised: "A humble mortal can actually support it for so long!"

In the water and fire golden lotus, it consumes a lot of energy to deal with that powerful rotating strangulation attack. Even the quasi-emperor can hardly support it for so long. Xuantian's endurance is obviously better than that of the quasi-emperor.

It's not that Xuantian's Gang Yuan is thick and vigorous, surpassing the quasi-emperor, but that his emperor's heavenly eyes can see the many changes and trajectories of the rotating strangulation power, which makes him avoid a lot of attacks and reduce consumption.

Moreover, although Xuantian's spiritual realm is not as good as that of the quasi-emperor, his immortal golden body is indefatigable. Regarding the time to resist in the water and fire golden lotus, of course, Xuantian will drag it longer.

The two have been in a battle, and time is like sand, passing between your fingers.

I saw the sunrise rising eastward, slowly rising, standing in the sky, and then gradually slanting westward, and finally the sun sank to the west, dusk came, and the night enveloped...

Unconsciously, the whole day passed, and it was time for the second night.

The water and fire golden lotus gleamed, and it was not until the distant sky was pitch black that Si Kongxiang realized that Xuantian was in his water and fire golden lotus and supported him for another day.

"Humble mortal, see how long you can support it! This son of God will break your corpse to pieces!" Sikongxiang shouted coldly, "The chaos saint cauldron will belong to this son of God!"

"Hahaha...! With your slight attack, I won't be able to do anything for the rest of my life. The Chaos Sacred Cauldron is in my hands, but unfortunately, you are not qualified to get it!" Xuantian's laughter came from the water and fire golden lotus.

"Hmph...! Soon, you won't be able to laugh." Si Kongxiang said calmly. He could continue to attack for a few days and nights, and he never believed that Xuantian could support it for so long.

The second night passed quickly, and the second day came.

Sikongxiang's offensive continued, Xuantian continued to resist.

Unconsciously, the sun began to sunset, another day passed, and the third night arrived.

The battle has been going on for two days and two nights.

At this time, Si Kongxiang began to frown, Xuantian's persistence exceeded his expectations.

In fact, with the energy accumulated in Xuantian's body, it can last one day and one night at most. Even if it is supernormal, it can't support two days and two nights. Obviously, Si Kongxiang obviously did not expect that Xuantian has a large number of high-grade Wang Lingdan.

This is not the **** realm, but the mortal realm. The high-grade Wang Lingdan is a legendary treasure in the heavenly continent. Even in the middle continent where the emperor is like a cloud, it is extremely rare.

A high-grade king spirit pill can allow ordinary kings to practice for several months, and the cultivation speed is much faster than absorbing medium-grade spirit stones. Although the mysterious sky consumes a lot, a high-grade king spirit pill can also support his consumption for ten days. Even if he consumes a lot of money in battle, it is enough to support him for six or seven days.

With so many high-grade Wang Lingdan, Xuantian is naturally not afraid to consume it compared with Sikong.

Time passed without being stagnated by anyone. Soon, the third night, the third day, the fourth night, and the fourth day passed one after another...

The battle lasted for four days and four nights. Even though Sikongxiang was a god, and the cultivation base was sealed, the skill of maintaining the water and fire pregnant golden lotus was extremely expensive. At this time, I felt that my stamina was a little weak, and I took a pill to restore energy. .

"It's been four days and four nights, how could he still persist? He couldn't have persisted longer than me!" Si Kongxiang couldn't calm down for a long time. He couldn't imagine what kind of pill could hold Xuantian for so long.

If it is absorbed by spirit stones, it cannot be compared with the consumption of Gang Yuan. It can be supported for a while, but it is impossible to rely on spirit stones for too long.

As for the pill, there is only one kind of Wang Ling Pill that can be supported. Moreover, it is not an ordinary Wang Ling Pill. Wang Ling Pill is a rare item that cannot be found in Shenzhou. Tianzhou only exists in the legend. Sikong Xiang really can't understand it, Xuantian. How could it be.

Sikongxiang didn't have Wang Lingdan on his body. His pills were all imperial-level holy medicines. Taking one pill can maintain the offensive for several hours, one day and one night, and only three pills are needed.

Two more days and two nights passed. The battle had lasted for six days and six nights. Sikongxiang had already taken six emperor-level holy medicines, each of which was a scary pill, but Xuantian still persisted, although Surrounded by water and fire golden lotus, but not defeated.

"Did he eat a high-grade Wang Lingdan? Otherwise, how could it last for so long?" Sikong was very knowledgeable and had already guessed what Xuantian had eaten, but he felt incredulous, "I walked in multiple areas, even if it was Jianzhou, high-grade Wang Ling Dan are extremely rare, in short supply, a mortal from China is pregnant with a high-grade Wang Ling Dan, this is incredible, the high-grade Wang Ling Dan is so precious, you have one of your good fortune, you can never have a second one. Under the attack of this **** child, seven days and seven nights are the limit you can hold on. There is only one day and one night left. I still have five emperor pill, which can support two days and one night, and it will definitely consume you!"

Another night passed, and it was the seventh day.

The battle has lasted for six days and seven nights.

Xuantian took the time to swallow a high-grade Wang Ling Dan again, sneered in his heart, "Compared with me, I have countless high-grade Wang Ling Dan, depending on how you compare."

Although the effect will gradually diminish after repeated use, even if one eats one later, it can only last for four or five days, or two or three days. If a large amount of high-grade Wang Ling Pill is eaten, Xuantian can persist for a month.

The seventh day passed, and the battle lasted for seven days and seven nights. Xuantian was still resisting. Si Kongxiang believed that Xuantian was already at the end of the battle and stepped up his attack.

Xuantian's Emperor Daotian's eyes opened, and any attack trajectory was in full view, while resisting and avoiding, he was still at ease.

Until the eighth night passed, and the eighth day followed, Si Kongxiang still failed to kill Xuantian.

For eight days and eight nights, this was almost at the limit of Si Kongxiang, he had already eaten nine emperor yuan pills, and only two were left on his body.

He ate the last two as well. The Chaos Sacred Cauldron was in Xuan Tian's hands. In any case, he was unwilling to give up, and wanted to fight Xuan Tian to the end.

The ninth night passed, and the ninth day arrived.

The battle has been going on for eight days and nine nights, Xuantian is still alive, but Si Kongxiang is fighting to the point of exhaustion.

Through the eyes of the emperor’s heaven, Xuantian keenly perceives that the strangulation power of the water and fire golden lotus is slowly decreasing. Although the reduction is very weak, it will be greatly reduced over time. Xuantian believes that it will only take half a day. , The water and fire golden lotus will weaken to the extent that he can burst.

This is a sign that Si Kongxiang is exhausted and there is no energy supplement.

As long as he smashed this trick of "water and fire conceived golden lotus", then it was time for him to fight back.

When the battle began, the two were still thousands of miles north of Jianzong, fighting for more than eight days and nine nights, and the two had moved more than seven hundred thousand miles to the northwest.

Here is the depths of the animal wasteland, with endless peaks and mountains, and deep gorges and valleys everywhere.

The two have been fighting at a height of one thousand meters, sometimes passing through some peaks that are more than one thousand meters high. The mountains that are more than one thousand meters high are directly crushed by water and fire golden lotus.

The gods fight, and the mortals suffer. To the monsters in the wild, the two of them are similar to the gods, destroying mountains and mountains along the way, many monsters died in the water and fire golden lotus, but there has never been a monster that dared to come out Attacked two people.

Throughout the fight, the two did not encounter any accidents.

But by the morning of the ninth day of the battle, an accident happened.

When the two flew over a huge canyon, a huge force of attraction suddenly appeared from below.

The power of this attraction was extremely shocking. Even if the strengths of Xuantian and Sikongxiang were both terrifying-level existences, they couldn't control them for an instant, and their bodies suddenly fell downward.

Sikongxiang was inhaled by that power, and his body fell uncontrollably. The water and fire golden lotus shook for a while, losing Sikongxiang's source of power, and the water and fire golden lotus suddenly lost his strength.

Xuantian seized the opportunity to use the profound meaning of thunder to the limit during the fall, and cut it down with a single sword.

With a bang!

The Thunder Sword Gang, which was more than ten miles long, was suddenly cut out. This time, the power of the water and fire golden lotus was greatly reduced.

The huge water and fire golden lotus suddenly split into two. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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