The Supreme Sword

Chapter 844: 】The Will of God Emperor Underworld (2)

【Chapter 844】The Will of God Emperor Underworld (2)

"Chaotic Sword Qi————!"

Breaking the water and fire golden lotus, Xuantian's body has not yet fallen to the ground, but he has already launched a big counterattack against Si Kongxiang. ()

The chaotic light flashed, and a chaotic sword aura shattered the void in an instant, slashing towards Sikongxiang.

Although there was a sudden force of attraction coming from underground, this place might be dangerous, but Xuantian was chased by Sikongxiang for eight days and nine nights, and there was always a suffocation in his heart, waiting for the big counterattack, how could he let it go? This opportunity.

The power of attraction not only greatly reduced the strength of the water and fire golden lotus, and was shattered by Xuantian, but also frustrated Sikong's hands. Unexpectedly, when he reacted, the water and fire golden lotus had shattered, and a chaotic sword qi broke through a void in the void. The speed was extremely fast, and he struck him.

"Yin and yang crack empty——!"

Facing the Chaos Sword Qi, Si Kongxiang pressed it down with a palm.

No matter how powerful Xuantian's offensive power was, Si Kongxiang believed in himself. This yin and yang splitting technique was enough to split him in half and turn him into nothingness.

However, Si Kongxiang's expression was suddenly taken aback, the space here was a bit special, and he couldn't split the void with a palm of his hand.

The chaotic sword qi breaks the void because of its sharpness, speed, and attack power, while the Sikong phase splits the void, but it is the power of the fusion of the two profound meanings of Yin and Yang. By separating the Yin and Yang in the void, the effect of splitting is achieved.

The space here is a bit special, the yin and yang secrets are not under his control.

call out----!

Chaos Jianqi slashed in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Sikongxiang opened his hands together, and a curtain of water and fire appeared in front of him.


The Chaos Sword Qi split on the water and fire light curtain, instantly splitting it in half, but at this moment, Si Kongxiang had disappeared behind the water and fire light curtain, flashing hundreds of meters away, and fell to the ground.

Xuantian landed on the ground at almost the same moment. With a flick of his legs, he slid towards Sikong. He rushed out more than a kilometer in an instant. The imperial sword in his hand split two swords in succession, a thunder sword aura. , A flame of sword aura, one left and one right to Sikongxiang.

At the same time, there was a flash of light in Xuan Tian's eyebrows, and the Primordial Primordial Chaos Chaos Emperor Grade Spirit Sword quickly rushed out, more than twice as fast as Xuan Tian, ​​and it was three kilometers away in the blink of an eye, killing Si Kongxiang.

Xuantian is very familiar with the power of attraction. There are forbidden air restrictions here, and he has also encountered it in Prison Dragon Mountain.

In this area, it is impossible to fly, but the others are not affected.

Originally, Xuantian attacked Sikong in the opposite direction, and it would take an hour or so to wait for the power of the water and fire golden lotus to weaken to a certain level and be destroyed.

However, flying over this forbidden air zone was to advance Xuantian's opportunity.

Thunder sword aura and flame sword aura only flew more than 3,000 meters, without smashing into the Sikong phase, they became invisible.

This forbidden air restriction exerts great restraint on the power of Upanishad.

Sikongxiang's yin and yang mystery fusion is very powerful, but it doesn't seem to be of use here. He used the "yin and yang separation", just like the yin and yang splitting sky just now, but failed.

This space is restricted and will not be changed by other external forces.

Sikongxiang once again used the'Water and Fire Pregnancy Golden Lotus', but this time he was not attacking Xuantian, but protecting himself. The two lotus leaves of water and fire revolved around him rapidly, and the golden light bloomed, and his surroundings seemed to be blooming. Golden lotus.

The imperial spirit sword pierced into the water and fire golden lotus in an instant, but only pierced two-thirds of it, and was thrown out by the powerful rotating force.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Six bursts of air sounded, and suddenly, six golden sword auras flew out of the imperial-level spirit sword, and flew towards Sikongxiang together with the imperial-level spirit sword.

Indestructible sword aura is no better than Thunder Sword Aura and Flame Sword Aura. It is formed by the condensing of indestructible divine power. It is essentially different from the power of Profound meaning and will not be destroyed. There is still a powerful and incomparable attack power here.

However, the water and fire golden lotus spins around Sikongxiang, and the defense is indeed very strong. The six immortal sword auras are the same as the imperial spirit sword. Two-thirds of the water and fire golden lotus are split, and they are bounced and cannot penetrate into it.

This time, there were six immortal sword auras dispersing the power of the water and fire golden lotus. The imperial spirit sword pierced four-fifths of the water and fire golden lotus. It almost broke the water and fire golden lotus, but it was still thrown out by the force of rotation.

"Mortal, how can you break the defense of this **** son." Si Kongxiang snorted coldly.

call out----!

Xuantian didn't speak, but what answered him was a bright and hot sword light, which came in a flash.

The first style of the imperial swordsmanship with the rising sun instant killing sword-the rising sun.

The speed of this sword is unparalleled.

However, facing the sword of Xuantian, Si Kongxiang's eyes flashed brightly, revealing a hint of joy.

Sikongxiang's hands speeded up, and a golden lotus suddenly grew on the top of his head.

The Profound Meaning of Gold————!

It merges with the profound meanings of water and fire, and the three profound meanings merge.

The power of the fusion of the two profound meanings is extremely terrifying, and the fusion of the three profound meanings is even more shocking.

Sikong was very confident in his defense. He used the rotation of the water and fire lotus leaves to resist Xuan Tian's attack, and then attacked Xuan Tian with the golden lotus, killing him.

The gold master kills——!

As soon as that golden lotus came out, it was a powerful killing technique.

Xuantian’s emperor’s eyes opened, and one could see that the golden lotus was inconsistent with the water and fire lotus leaves. It can be seen that Si Kongxiang had not yet fully integrated the three profound meanings of gold, water, and fire, except for one more golden lotus. Except for increasing attack power, defense power has not changed.

Seeing that Sikongxiang was about to use the worldly killing technique to kill him when he was approaching, Xuantian's mouth curled slightly, revealing a smile.


Just when Xuantian was about to stab the water and fire golden lotus outside Sikongxiang, suddenly, a three-legged ancient cauldron appeared and enveloped Xuantian, but Xuantian's speed did not decrease, and he continued to maintain the extreme speed of the'rising sun' trick. He rushed forward, and in an instant, he hit the water and fire golden lotus.

At this moment, the golden lotus flower suddenly bloomed, and its petals whirled like a sharp blade, and slew towards Xuantian.

However, Xuantian had already entered the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, and all these golden light blades were smashed on the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.

Although this golden lotus is a killer technique for the world, it can't destroy the sacred cauldron of chaos, it can't hurt Xuantian at all, and it is in vain.

On the contrary, Xuantian's impact power was really appalling.

Sikongxiang's body was like a cannonball, and he was instantly knocked away for a kilometer. Only two crisp sounds were heard, and the water and fire lotus leaves split at the same time.

And the Chaos Sacred Cauldron is extremely heavy, only being thrown away by the force of that rotation for twenty to thirty meters, the battle of strength immediately distinguishes itself.

With the help of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, Xuantian's impact was so terrifying that Sikong Xiang couldn't resist it.

However, Sikongxiang's Yin-Yang separation was useless here, and could not separate Xuantian from Chaos Sacred Cauldron. Therefore, Xuantian occupied the right time and place and broke the deadlock at once, counterattack Sikongxiang, and succeeded in one blow.

call out----!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The imperial spirit sword carried six indestructible sword auras, as fast as lightning, and flew towards the exploding Sikong Xiangfei.

At this time, the water and fire golden lotus was destroyed, and Si Kongxiang was still in the retreat, without self-control. When he stopped, the Emperor-level Spirit Sword and the Six Immortal Sword Qi had already been cut in front of him.

Any obstacles are too late.

The Chaos Sacred Cauldron imprisoned the void, unable to teleport and avoid it.

Sikongxiang immediately made his handprints, and swiped forward, a curtain of water and fire light formed, blocking the Emperor Grade Spirit Sword, and then his body flashed to the side.

The water and fire light curtain blocked the imperial spirit sword in an instant, but the six immortal sword auras were scattered at various angles, unable to block, Sikongxiang's evasive body collided with the two immortal sword auras.

With a scream, Sikongxiang's blood swayed, and the unquenchable sword qi cut two wounds on his body.

A more terrifying attack is still to come. The greatest effect of the two immortal sword auras is not to injure Si Kongxiang, but to stop his evasive body.

In just the blink of an eye, the Emperor-level Spirit Sword and the other four immortal sword auras had already attacked.

Sikongxiang had four more sword wounds on his body, and the four indestructible sword auras smashed his body from four directions.

The most important is the Emperor-level Spirit Sword, which has the heaviest lethality. It pierced directly from the back of Si Kongxiang, pierced out of the heart socket, penetrated the heart, and hit the key.

Si Kongxiang suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, let out a scream, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.

His anger could not be suppressed, as a son of God, he was wounded in the hands of a mortal!

"Kill————!" Sikongxiang shouted!

The imperial spirit sword and the six immortal sword auras were shocked by an unstoppable force for thousands of meters in an instant. In the distance, the body of Xuantian in the chaotic saint cauldron shook, and immediately spewed blood.

At this moment, Si Kongxiang's cultivation base broke out, using the power of the emperor.

A mouthful of pitch-black Heavenly Sword in his body suddenly slashed out.

Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo————!

The space was instantly shattered, and the limitation of the forbidden space to the power of the profound meaning disappeared almost completely.

Xuan Tian felt the breath of death in the chaos holy cauldron.

However, the void suddenly shook, the pitch-black sword energy suddenly shattered, Si Kongxiang's body burst instantly, and dozens of blood pillars burst out of his body.


Si Xiangkong let out a terrible scream.

In an instant his spiritual body and martial soul were greatly damaged.

His cultivation level exceeded the limit of the Divine Land and was sanctioned by Heaven and Earth.

He couldn't resist the thought of provoking the will of God Emperor and Ming Emperor.

The pitch-black Heavenly Sword flashed, instantly enveloping Si Kongxiang's body, disappearing, and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron could not stop him from teleporting.

It was a divine tool, very terrifying. If it weren't in the land of Shenzhou, restricted by heaven and earth, and placed in any area higher than Shenzhou, Si Kongxiang didn't need to use divine tools to suppress cultivation bases. Xuantian had ten lives, and it was not enough to kill.

Sikongxiang disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood. It can be seen that he was extremely injured. If the will of the **** emperor and the underworld emperor hadn't been hit, if he hadn't been resisted by a divine weapon, it would have turned into blood mist on the spot. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ek chocolate says

Is there really no monthly pass?


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