The Supreme Sword

Chapter 854: 】Xuantian's strength

[Chapter 854] Xuantian's strength (2, ask for monthly pass)

Seeing Xuantian's arrival, the peak of Jianyang, the nine quasi-emperors, suddenly exploded. ()

The nine quasi-emperors released their breath at the same time, what kind of aura is that?

A violent wind blew in the void, and a huge wave was set off.

The nine essences rushed straight out of the sky, and within dozens of miles of Jianyang Peak, all the clouds were washed away, leaving only the nine essences billowing like wolves, which was terrifying.

Hundreds of miles away, some kings who watched the game couldn't help but narrate in their hearts.

The power of the nine quasi-emperors is extremely terrifying just because of their aura. Even if they are top kings, if they are close to the nine quasi-emperors at this moment, they may be crushed to death by the violent aura.

"The power of the legendary emperor is nothing more than that!" Someone among the kings who watched the battle guessed so.

The emperor is a legend in Tianzhou.

After the end of the ancient times, only three emperors have appeared in the entire Tianzhou in the past ten thousand years: the Sword Family, the Yinluo Sect, and the Yin Minggu, one each.

The most recent emperor was two thousand years ago.

Even if the king's birthday is two hundred, two thousand years is a very long time.

Two teleports, Xuantian came to the nine quasi-emperors more than 20 miles away, and stopped.

His gaze swept coldly from the face of the nine quasi-emperors one by one.

These nine quasi-emperors, Yin Huayu, Yin Lianxing, Mo Wubai, Mo Lingyou, and Yuntianlan, are all very familiar to Xuantian. They are either the former Patriarch, or they have hunted down Xuan. day.

However, Xuantian had never dealt with Li Qianhan, Zuo Qingming, Yun Liufeng, and Lian Yishui.

Zuo Qingming and Yun Liufeng both participated in the siege of Tianlongmen, but at that time Xuantian retreats in the fire dragon cave to practice. After coming out, he fought Yin Huayu, Jian Wuying, and Mo Lingyou once and left. He did not fight with Zuo. Qingming, Yunliufeng hit the face.

"Who is Lian Yishui?" Xuantian shouted in a deep voice.

"This seat!" The quasi-emperor who stood at the east side counted forward and shouted.

He looks about seventy years old, and he is already quite young.

As for the masked quasi-emperor in black and the identity of the masked man, Xuantian had already guessed in his heart, staring at Lian Yishui, and said, "Today, it's time for you to pay the price."

"Xuantian, if the animal blocked you that day, this seat could not take your life, and you will be killed in Huangquan today." Lian Yishui said coldly. He had heard Xuantian know his identity from Xuantian's words.

The last time he killed Xuantian, he masked his face because he didn't want others to know the whereabouts of the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.

Today, those hiding are completely unnecessary.

He took the water to escape, and Xuantian asked people casually, and it was easy to find out his identity.

"Who lived and who died? You'll know later!" Xuantian looked calm, glanced at Lian Yishui faintly, and turned his gaze to Yun Tianlan, and said: "I always thought it counted with Feiyunzong. The relationship is friendly, Sect Master Yun, you really disappoint me."

The corner of Yun Tianlan's eyes twitched slightly, and said: "Xuantian, the chaos saint cauldron is a treasure belonging to the son of god, it does not belong to you, if you hand over the chaos saint cauldron, I can spare your life."

"Hahahaha...!" Xuantian laughed and said, "Sect Master Yun, you remember, it costs your life to take my saint cauldron."

After that, Xuantian swept his gaze at the nine quasi-emperors, and then said: "You can all come to fight for an appointment. This is very good. I am a bridge to bridge and a person on the road. I don't want to be because of the hatred between us. , And the warriors who have affected the forces behind you, if you all die here, I will not find trouble with the forces behind you again, but...! If anyone escapes today, return to the sect to take the shelter of the mountain protection formation, So Xuan can only visit in person to break through the formation and kill people. How many people will die because of it is not the scope of Xuan's consideration."

In the distance, all the kings watching the battle burst their eyes, showing a look of surprise.

Hearing Xuantian's words, it seemed that a battle with the nine quasi-emperors had already been won, and this battle was actually to behead all the nine quasi-emperors.

The aura of the nine quasi-emperors was so terrible that some kings wondered if they joined forces to reach the level of the emperor, and they were still worried about Xuantian. As a result, Xuantian did not regard the nine quasi-emperors as the emperor. It shocked them.

Even Long Tianyou, Qu Qingxiao...and other quasi-emperors were shocked in their eyes.

They knew that Xuantian's strength must be very strong, but they never thought that it would be much better than the nine quasi-emperors.

After all, Xuantian used the power of Thunder Tribulation to destroy the sword family.

The powerhouses believed that Xuan Tian would not have been able to destroy the sword family if it had not been for Thunder Tribulation to split the sword family's formation air cover.

"Sure enough, geniuses are all arrogant, but don’t be too arrogant. Together with the nine of us, I am afraid that even the emperor will be able to contend, Xuantian, you think you are more powerful than the emperor, huh... …!"

A stern voice sounded, and Zuo Qingming, the quasi-emperor of Yinming Valley, took a few steps forward and said: "Today, our nine quasi-emperors will join forces to let you know that the arrogant end."

"It's up to you to contend with the emperor?" Xuantian laughed suddenly, with disdain in his laughter, and said: "No--! You are far behind the emperor, I will let you feel it, the real How powerful is the emperor?"

None of the people present had seen the real emperor make a move, and they were all guesses about the emperor's power.

But Xuantian has seen it, in the middle of the continent, the emperor is like a cloud, he has seen a large number of emperors take action.

The emperor's spiritual body has reached the fourth-order strength, which is a qualitative leap. Only when the spiritual body breaks through to the fourth-order or higher, can the fourth-order power of the profound meaning be brought into full play.

The quasi-emperor and the emperor seem to be only half a step away, but in fact there is a world of difference.

According to the emperor Xuantian had seen, the aura was so strong that it was much stronger than the nine quasi-emperors combined.

As Xuantian spoke, his aura suddenly exploded. In an instant, the surrounding sword energy was horizontal and horizontal, and the space of several thousand meters was torn apart, and countless sword energy shuttled through the sky, piercing the void.

A huge qi sword rushed out of Xuantian's body and plunged into the sky. It stretched out for an unknown number of meters, and there was no end in sight.

It seems that when this huge sword fell, it would split the sky completely.

Xuantian's eyes looked at the nine quasi-emperors one by one, and every time they looked at them, the nine quasi-emperors' hearts tightened, as if a terrifying sharp blade pierced their eyes.

What is "potential"?

The power that Xuantian exploded at this moment was the real power.

No matter how violent the aura of the nine quasi-emperors were, it would not affect the distance of several thousand meters beside Xuan Tian.

On the contrary, as Xuantian moved forward, there seemed to be an invisible giant sword in front of him. One step forward, a wave of air of several kilometers in front of him was broken by the sword energy and turned into invisible.

Boom——! Boom——! Boom——! …………

Every time Xuantian stepped in the void, when he landed, there would be a sound like the beating of a giant drum.

Each of his footprints left a mark in the void, and there were countless ripples, which seemed to have a terrifying force, which was spreading in all directions with his every move.

"How powerful is this?" The hearts of all the kings were shocked, all of them dumbfounded.

"Dao Yun! This is Dao Yun! I come, only the emperor can have such a powerful Dao Yun!" The quasi-emperor Huo Fen exclaimed.

On Jianyang Peak, the nine quasi-emperors all changed color, and Xuantian's strength was far more terrifying than they expected.

However, the nine did not retreat. Since they dare to come to a battle, they naturally have a certain hole card.

咚————! Boom—! Boom-! Boom!咚咚咚咚............

The interval between each step of Xuantian's fall became faster and faster, and his figure rushed towards the nine quasi-emperors like a bolt of lightning.

After that, a series of footprints in the void spread a lot of ripples, like ripples on the water.

The distance between Xuantian and the nine quasi-emperors got closer and closer, and when he stretched out his right hand, five fingers suddenly popped out.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Between waving his hands, five flames of sword aura came out with a flick of five fingers.

As soon as the flame sword aura came out, a scorching aura immediately enveloped, within a radius of tens of miles, the temperature suddenly increased, like a heavenly oven.

At the same time that he flicked the five fingers of his right hand, Xuantian's left hand also flicked towards the sky and slashed fiercely.

With this split, there was a bang, and the sound of thunder exploded, and a thunder sword gang exploded and shot for more than ten miles, and straight down, a huge vacuum crack appeared in the sky instantly, completely split in half by the thunder sword gang .

With five flame sword auras and a thunder sword gang, Xuantian's forward speed remained unchanged, but his hands moved in accordance with the situation and then displayed.

The sound of thunder exploded, even the kings hundreds of miles away were shocked in their hearts, and many people shook their bodies.

Just the sound is so terrifying, the power of Jian Qi Jian Gang can be imagined.

Xuantian's power is undiminished, the sword helps the general trend, and the attack power is even more appalling.

Xuantian moved fast and attacked faster. In the blink of an eye, five sword auras shot in front of the nine quasi-emperors, and the thunder sword gang that was cut down from the sky almost came at the same time.

The nine quasi-emperors were not ordinary people. Facing Xuantian's offensive, they looked calm and did not take a step back, but at the same time shouted: "Kill--!"

The nine quasi-emperors shot instantly, blasting from the top and the front of all kinds of profound power.


All the attacks collided together and were completed almost instantly, with only a huge explosion.

In the next instant the huge bluestone on the summit of Jianyang Peak was shattered, and the entire mountain was cracking for hundreds of meters.

Everyone's heart jumped. The nine quasi-emperors seemed to block Xuantian's flame sword aura, but failed to block the thunder sword.

However, how fast the reaction of the nine quasi-emperors was. Except for the quasi-emperor, all the kings who watched the battle felt their eyes dizzy and the nine quasi-emperors were gone.

In the next instant, the nine quasi-emperors had appeared around Xuantian, and everyone was about ten miles away from Xuantian, surrounding Xuantian.

As soon as the handprints of the nine great quasi-emperors were knotted, suddenly an air envelope came out, covering a radius of 20 li, covering Xuantian.

"Formation? The nine quasi-emperors actually combined the formation?" Some king exclaimed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ek chocolate says

The second one is more, today four more small bursts, ask for monthly tickets at the end of the month,,,,,


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