The Supreme Sword

Chapter 855: 】To you, I am the emperor (seven hundred twenty-five+...

【Chapter 855】I am the emperor to you (725+)

As long as it is a warrior, everyone knows the terrible formation. ()

Every sect is protected by formations, and the power of these formations is often stronger than the strength of a sect itself.

The formation method allows the martial artist to increase his strength.

And the warriors who set up the formation are themselves quasi-emperors, and there are nine in total, one can imagine what kind of power they will exert.

Therefore, the king exclaimed.

Even the quasi-emperors such as Long Tianyou, Liu Yanchen, Qu Qingxiao, Huo Mo Fen, Huo Muchen... are frowning at this moment.

The power of the formation is often not the most terrifying. What really makes the warriors above the king feel terrible is the imprisonment of the void.

Once caught in the formation, it will not even teleport. If it is defeated, it will be difficult to escape to the sky.

The five quasi-emperors who watched the battle were very puzzled. With Xuantian's speed, the other nine quasi-emperors surrounded him just now, and he could dodge and escape outside the encirclement.

However, Xuantian did not evade, but stood there without moving.

The rest of the kings couldn't see this. The nine quasi-emperors were so fast that they thought it was Xuantian too late to escape.

"Hahahaha...!" A frantic laughter sounded, Yin Luo Sect Master Yin Lianxing, "Xuan Tian, ​​did you ever think that you would be trapped by us, in order to kill you, the nine of us secretly combined this The formation, this formation is called the Nine Evil Combination Yin Formation, it is the great formation left by the emperor of the ancestor, who can kill the emperor, hahahaha...!"

Yin Lianxing and Yin Huayu stood opposite each other before and after Xuantian. The nine quasi-emperors formed the nine evil formations, allowing the two to gain powerful strength and double their strength. The strength of the two is more powerful than the sword. Promise is much stronger.

Coupled with the help of seven other quasi-emperors, their strength has more than doubled.

The strength of the nine quasi-emperors is very terrifying, more than doubled, that is equivalent to the strength of about twenty quasi-emperors.

Hearing Yin Lianxing's laughter, all the kings who watched the game moved in their hearts.

The battle is divided into two parties, and the spectators are naturally divided into two factions, one side supports Xuantian, the other side supports the nine quasi-emperors.

The complexion that supported Xuantian changed drastically, and he was sweating for Xuantian.

And the king who supported the nine quasi-emperors was overjoyed and extremely happy.

The nine quasi-emperors came from the right way, the evil faction, and the magic way, and they were able to get together to practice the formation, which is really unexpected.

Yin Luozong was willing to share the "Nine Evil Formation" with the quasi-emperors. This is even more unexpected. This is the secret technique of Yin Luozong, and it is the foundation left by the emperor.

The news about their combined formation method is kept secret very well, except for the nine quasi-emperors themselves, no one knows.

"Xuantian, even if you have the Chaos Sacred Cauldron? You can't exert its power at all. You are empty with treasures, trapped in the formation, and can only suffer death." Yin Huayu also laughed.

"Little beast, you also have today...!" Dark Moon Guru Mo Wubai snorted coldly, his voice revealing joy.

"Today is your death date...!"

"The dead soul of the sword family is waiting for you to go to the funeral, hahaha...!"



The nine quasi-emperors were very excited, and had regarded Xuantian as the turtle in the urn and the object in the palm.

"Have you laughed enough?" Xuan Tian said coldly.

The sound is not loud, but the penetrating power is extremely strong. Whether it is the nine quasi-emperors around or the strong spectators hundreds of miles away, they all heard this voice.

The nine quasi-emperors laughed.

Yin Lian Xinghan said: "Why, what else do you want to leave a last word?"

Xuantian snorted, and Emperor Daotian opened his eyes and swept around, saying: "If you work together for more than a year, you might be a little threatening to me.

However, you have too little time to practice together, one month? Twenty days? Half a month?

How long have you been practicing together?

Think that if a few people gather together to form a formation, they can leapfrog and kill the emperor?

In my eyes, your formation is nowhere to be a flaw. Although you are united together, you are not at all on the same path.

You are on guard against each other, if your hearts are not together, how can the formations match? Could it be that you think you can kill me with this battle?

Fortunately, you are people who have lived for more than a hundred years. I haven't died yet, so I just forget about myself and laughed wildly. Is it to play music for the death you are about to face? "

All the spectators were taken aback, and Xuantian actually refuted the formation of the nine quasi-emperors, which was ten percent wrong.

No matter how it is not, it is also a formation formed by the quasi-emperor, which is better than a messy direct teamwork. In any case, the strength of the nine quasi-emperors will double.

When the nine great quasi-emperors heard that, the joy just now vanished, and the handsome young man in front of him still felt terrifying.

"Huh -! Xuantian, we may not be able to kill the emperor, but you are not the emperor, killing you is enough!" Yin Huayu said affirmatively.

"Yes, it's enough to kill you!" Several quasi-emperors strengthened their faith.

"Really--?" Xuantian chuckled lightly, and said, "To you face to face, I----I am the emperor!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xuantian's momentum suddenly increased tenfold.

He revolves an indestructible golden body, his arms and legs instantly turned into pure gold, his body's gang yuan strengthened fifty to sixty times, and his strength exploded again.

"Tinder smallpox!"

Suddenly there was an imperial sword in Xuantian's hand. Sparks splashed all over the person, like the **** of flames, waving the sword in his hand like the **** of fire wielding a scepter.

With a sword swung, a trace of flame appeared in the void instantly.

The flame traces are very small and the trajectory is tortuous, which is elusive.

However, the flame traces were like flame seeds, wherever they passed, sparks suddenly exploded, sparking one after another.

The place where the sparks bloom is the flaw of the'Nine Evil Array'.

As these sparks appeared, in an instant, countless holes appeared in the formation gas mask surrounding Xuantian.

"What kind of flame is this——?" Sect Master Feiyun Yun Tianlan exclaimed, and the sparks bloomed one after another, spreading towards him.

"Skyfire--, this is a king-level skyfire...!" Dark Moon leader Mo Wubai's expression suddenly changed, astonished.

Xuantian’s fire has already comprehended the Tier 4 pinnacle. This time, he not only comprehended the profound meaning, but also created the comprehend profound meaning into a sword move, and its power doubled.

The profound meaning of the fire of the fourth-order peak, the profound rhyme of the Tao, the flames that turned into, burning the warriors under the emperor, easily, completely comparable to the top king-level sky fire.


Soon, the sparks bloomed around Xuantian, and the formation gas mask collapsed directly, burning completely.

This trick of ‘Tinder Smallpox’ broke through the nine evil spirits, like a line of fire, and shot directly at Sect Master Feiyun Yun Tianlan, because it happened to be closer to him.

The formation is broken.

Yun Tianlan felt an extremely hot aura, as if it was about to melt him, his body suddenly retreated.

However, the trace of flame that shuttled through the void was faster than his speed, and caught him in the blink of an eye.

His defense is in vain in front of this flame trail.


With a miserable scream, a spark suddenly bloomed on Yun Tianlan's body. The petals completely surrounded him, covering him layer by layer, and immediately scorched him with blue smoke all over his body.

The flame seemed to have grown seeds on Yun Tianlan, which Yun Tianlan could not extinguish and resist.

In an instant, the flame burned through his clothes and through his flesh, and under the severe pain, he could only scream.

Everyone's heart beat fiercely.

A quasi-emperor was burned so miserably, the power of that flame sword stroke shocked everyone.

‘Tinder Smallpox’ planted a fire on Yun Tianlan’s body, and without stopping, it continued to slash traces of flames in the void, and flew towards the nearby Yunliufeng.

"Quick—! Kill him!" Yin Lianxing and Yin Huayu shouted at the same time.

Just now the nine evil spirits were formed together, and the combined power of Yin's profound meaning gathered on the two of them, multiplying their strength. Although the formation was broken, the power obtained by the two still existed.

One after the other, Yin Lianxing and Yin Huayu simultaneously killed Xuantian.

Both of them are like everlasting ice, cold and biting, and the space of several thousand meters in the past is covered with a layer of frost.

However, that frost can't get close to the spark of the fire.

Even if the two of them had gained the power of the profound meaning of Yin, they were still not as profound as Xuantian's profound meaning of fire.



Two bursts of air sounded, Yin Lianxing and Yin Huayu, and pointed out a finger at the same time. The light green finger shattered all the void in an instant, and shot hundreds of meters away beside Xuantian in the blink of an eye.

Several other quasi-emperors also started to attack Xuantian.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Xuantian's strength is so powerful that the quasi-emperors want to use crowded tactics to beat Xuantian to death.

Except for Yun Liufeng who was desperately evading the attack of'Tinder Smallpox', the other seven quasi-emperors all attacked Xuantian.

"Thunder Tribulation Transforms Dragon——!"

With a loud shout, Xuantian used the second sword technique, Lei Zhi's Profound Dao Yun sword technique.

In an instant, the flame of his body turned into electric light, as if he had transformed from a **** of fire to a **** of thunder, he carried an imperial sword and swept it all around.

Bright lightning bursts out.

A long ling sound, shaking the earth.

A Thunder Dragon suddenly appeared around Xuantian, forming a circle, expanding continuously.


Thunder Dragon's speed is extremely fast, and wherever it passes, all the attacks of the seven quasi-emperors have turned into nothingness, and the fingers of Yin Huayu and Yin Lianxing are no exception.

Lei’s violent, fierce, and speed are all top-notch. After the thunder dragons scattered around and shattered the attacks of the crowd, without losing power, he immediately collided with the nearest Lord Li Qianhan of the Valley of Underworld. Together.

There was another scream!

Thunder Dragon blasted all of Li Qianhan's defenses, even the top king-level treasures in his hand were shattered, and his body was also broken everywhere by the Thunder Dragon, and blood surged.

There was no more good skin all over his body. More importantly, the power of Thunder's Profound meaning rushed directly into his body, destroying his vitality. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ek chocolate says

The third one! ! !

Today, there will be four smaller bursts, and I will go to the fourth chapter later, it will take more than two hours, and it should be updated between nine and ten.

There are only the last three days left this month, brothers, please don't waste it if you have a monthly pass, Jianni is just the time you need it. . . Ask for a monthly pass. . .


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