The Supreme Sword

Chapter 857: 】 Immortal

[Chapter 857] Immortality is immortal (seeking monthly pass)

Yin Lianxing can also be regarded as a generation of heroes, killing decisively and dying well. ()

Xuantian's gaze fell on the cloudy rain.

Compared with Yin Lian Xing's free and easy, Yin Hua Yu's eyes have more fear, which is the reluctance of life and the fear of death.

"Do you need me to send you on the road!" Xuantian said softly.

The reluctance in Yin Huayu's eyes is even more intense, but, as a generation of quasi-emperor, famous for hundreds of years in Tianzhou, he also has his dignity, which prevents him from laying down and begging for mercy.

Besides, begging for mercy may not be useful.

Yin Huayu gritted his teeth, breathing quickly, and said: "Xuantian, don't be proud, the holy cauldron is what the son of God is looking for, you can kill us, but in front of the son of God, you are not even with Mao...!"

"Son of God? Haha...!"

Xuantian smiled slightly and waved casually.

Ten bright golden rays burst out, an indelible sword energy.

Xuantian became a top king, and his cultivation of the immortal golden body was much more sophisticated, and he had four more immortal sword auras.

Ten immortal sword auras instantly smashed into the overcast and rain, and the third-order ultimate spiritual body could not stop the edge and sharpness of the indelible sword aura.

In an instant, the skin of the overcast rain broke into the flesh, the muscles and bones were broken, the blood was splashed, and the corpse fell downward.

This battle ended here.

The nine quasi-emperors all died.

In the distance, the strong men who watched the battle were still in shock, all stunned, and the scene was silent.

Even the five quasi-emperors Long Tianyou, Qu Qingxiao, Liu Yanchen, Huo Muchen, and Huomo Fen looked at each other, but they exceeded their expectations.

Behind Qu Qingxiao, Lin Luofu's expression was full of joy, his eyes shining extremely.

Fan Bing'er also looked blank, and turned into shock, with a hint of cleverness in his eyes.

Huo Feng behind Huo Muchen was covering her mouth with her hand, her fiery red lips widened behind her hand, her gaze fixed on Xuantian's body without blinking.

"Hey...! Quasi-emperor! The nine quasi-emperors...!"

Someone sighed.

For two thousand years, at the end of the martial arts of the Heaven Continent and Earth, the quasi-emperor has been.

Every quasi-emperor stands on the top of the mountain and the top of the cloud.

It can be said to be supreme.

In the realm of the quasi-emperor, unless there is a battle between the righteous and the evil factions, it is basically impossible to perish.

But this time, it was the nine quasi-emperors who died one after another.

"The Quasi-Emperor Patriarch...!"


"Valley Lord...!"




With that sigh, a large number of kings suddenly cried out.

Yin Luozong, Yin Ming Valley, Dark Moon Sect, Feiyun Sect... the four top king-rank forces, the quasi-emperors all fell, falling out of the top king-rank forces.

However, no one dared to say anything to Xuantian.

Even the quasi-emperor can be killed easily, and the other kings can be swept by Xuantian.

After Xuantian killed the Yin Huayu, his body remained unchanged, and his eyes turned to the far south.

There, two familiar forces are moving quickly toward this side.

Xuantian's undead golden body was affected.

"Is it the undead divine power and the immortal divine power?" Xuantian frowned.

The comers did not release their cultivation base, and other strong people could not sense their arrival, but they urged the immortal power and the immortal power, and only Xuantian's body could give birth to induction.

The two divine powers are gradually approaching. At present, it is not close to him, but it is not far away, about ten to twenty thousand miles.

Xuantian looked at the south, and gradually showed interest in his eyes.

Immortal inheritance? Immortal golden body descendant?

Xuantian was anxious to find them and fought to the death.

In the distance, the strong man watching the battle gradually recovered from the shock, but he was still surprised.

After Xuantian killed the nine quasi-emperors, he stood there motionless, as if he had settled down.

"What is he doing?"

"Is it hurt?"

"It's also possible that I learned something in battle, but I am now enlightening!"


Many strong people talked a lot.

However, the battle just now was too fierce, but no one dared to go and see what happened.

Even the strong ones who have made friends with Xuantian are somewhat unclear, but they didn't bother in the past.

This situation lasted for dozens of breaths, and many strong men followed Xuantian's gaze to the south, and finally found the answer.

At the end of the southern sky, there are three rays of light, which are flashing and teleporting here quickly.

"It's three people!" There was a flash of light in Xuan Tian's eyes.

None of the three of them had released their cultivation bases, and Xuantian could only sense the immortal power and the immortal power of two of them.

"It's so fast, another strong person is coming...!" Someone exclaimed.

Those three jumping rays of light got closer and closer, and quickly turned into human shadows.

The man in the middle, with white beard and white hair, is the king of heavenly secrets.

To the left of the Tianji King, there is a masked man wearing armor; to the right of the Tianji King, is the descendant genius who once named Tianzhou-Jian Renhao.

"Jian Renhao is not dead?"

"Who is that mask man?"

"It's the one who defeated Jian Renhao in the legend, my God, they are all here...!"

"The quasi-emperor in the middle appeared when he was besieging Tianlongmen. His strength was stronger than Jian Wuji, and he approached the emperor."


Seeing the three people, everyone talked a lot.

The King of Heaven had once besieged the Tianlong Gate, and Jian Renhao was Xuantian's great enemy, and the eyes of those who watched the battle showed excitement.

These three came together, definitely not Xuantian's friends, it can be said that the one who came is not good.

However, the powerhouses are not optimistic about the trio of Heavenly Mystery Kings at all. Xuantian even beheaded all the nine quasi-emperors to form a formation. Although the Heavenly Mystery King is stronger, it is only more powerful than Jian Wuji. One point, it can't be compared with the nine quasi-emperors.

And Jian Renhao and the Mask Man don’t know about the powerful Mask Man, but Jian Renhao, as early as two years ago, the Tianzhou powerhouse thought he was inferior to Xuantian, and now, in their opinion, he is even worse. Up.

Xuantian destroyed the sword family, and the world warriors thought that Jian Renhao had been destroyed.

Jian Renhao was severely injured and decapitated by Xuantian that time, but he cultivated the third level of the Immortal Body, which is not dead, which is not fatal. After he escaped into the sword family formation, he teleported and fled and entered Wan The demon cave healed his wounds and survived.

Three months later, Jian Renhao's head grew again, looking at Xuantian, his eyes were full of bitter hatred.

"It's late...!" As soon as the King of Heaven arrived, he saw the quasi-emperor's body on the ground.

In just three months, the King of Heavenly Ji changed his fate against the sky, seized the luck of the Heavenly Continent, created the cultivation base of the masked man, and broke through to the top king.

Once the masked man became the top king, the three rushed to Jianyang County, hoping to catch up with this battle.

Unfortunately, when they arrived, the battle was over, and all the nine quasi-emperors were killed.

Xuantian did not seem to be injured.

"The blood is fresh, it seems that the battle has just ended soon, and we are not too late. He has just fought with the nine quasi-emperors, and he must have consumed a lot of physical strength. This will be very beneficial for us to kill him!" The mask man said.

Although Lian Yishui also died in this battle, but the tone of the mask man seemed to be no pity.

"Lian Zijun, even Yi Shui didn't wear that fig leaf today. Do you still wear a mask to deceive yourself?" Xuantian stepped forward in the void and said, "Lian Yishui seems to be your great grandfather, for him You don’t seem to feel a bit of death."

The look of the strong spectators in the distance was all surprised!

Lian Zijun, the mask man turned out to be Lian Zijun?

The genius of the younger generation who ranked the most backward, Jian Renhao, as the number one genius of the previous younger generation, had often laughed at him.

Huo Feng, Fan Bing'er, Cao Qingteng...and other geniuses of the younger generations were all shocked in their eyes, apparently extremely surprised by Lian Zijun's identity.

"Ha ha ha ha...!" Behind the mask, Lian Zijun's laughter came, "Xuan Tian, ​​you are also a person who cultivates indestructible golden body, don't you know how you came? Lian Yishui, what does it matter to me!"

Lian Zijun was a person from two lives, has memories of his previous life, and never thought of himself as a Lianjia person in his heart.

Lian Jia regarded him as hope.

As soon as this remark came out, the powerhouses in the distance Lianjia looked shocked, but he did not expect that Lian Zijun would say such things.

In this battle, Lian Zijun beheaded Xuantian and seized the Chaos Sacred Cauldron, and then used the power of the two sacred cauldrons to slay Jian Renhao, and after that, he left Tianzhou with the King of Heaven, hiding himself and avoiding the divine son's search.

For the future plan, Lian Zijun has already made a detailed plan, leaving Tianzhou on the scene, naturally he no longer cares about Lianjia.

Lianjia was just a springboard for him. When he was in Tianzhou, Lianjia was able to provide him with resources. After he left Tianzhou, Lianjia was nothing for him.

Lian Zijun's words made Xuantian stunned and said, "Lian Zijun, looking at your usual appearance, you are gentle and elegant. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless. Are you not raised by your mother's father? You don't even recognize your ancestor. "

"Hahaha...!" Lian Zijun laughed and said: "A heir to an immortal golden body, tell me about my ancestors? The soul is the essence of man, and I am me, regardless of past and present, Xuantian, you abandoned Lost your soul?"

"You only care about your soul, then, today I will destroy your physical body and let your blood return to Tianzhou." Xuantian shouted coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, Xuantian accelerated fiercely, stepping into the void, thunder on the soles of his feet.

Xuantian used the profound meaning of thunder, and the speed was almost like electric light, leaving a string of lightning footprints in the void.

The imperial sword appeared in Xuantian's hands instantly, with flames and sparks bursting.

call out--!

With a wave of the Xuantian sword, a trace of flame suddenly cut through the void and shot Lian Zijun directly.

"Bloodline? My immortal blood is given by Emperor Ming, not Lianjia!" Lian Zijun also shouted.

As he spoke, Lian Zi stomped his feet handsomely, the void burst, and the thunder sounded He shot straight forward like a cannonball and blasted a punch.


A golden fist cut through the sky.

Almost in sync with Lian Zijun, Jian Renhao also shot in an instant, and a pitch-black immortal sword gang broke out, parallel to the golden fist gang.


The flame traces were suddenly blasted to pieces.

Xuantian's horizontal sword slashed, blocking the fist and the sword, but his body shook violently and retreated more than a thousand meters.

"Undead and immortal, together with such power?" Xuantian's voice was surprised. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ek chocolate says

Monthly pass, monthly pass, the last two days, ask for a monthly pass. . . . . .


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