The Supreme Sword

Chapter 858: 】Lei Zhi Sheng Ding

【Chapter 858】The Holy Tripod of Thunder (seeking monthly ticket)

"Hahahaha...!" Lian Zijun laughed, "Xuantian, you didn't expect it!"

"Xuantian, you destroy my sword family, today I want you to taste the blood and blood, and pay tribute to the dead soul of my sword family under the peak of the sword family. ( Jian Renhao shouted.

Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao are both the cultivation bases of top kings, and their strength is equal to that of the Quasi-Emperor.

However, the combination is more powerful than the two quasi-emperors.

Together, even the first-level emperor could not resist.

Xuantian's current strength was roughly equivalent to that of a first-level emperor, and he was shaken back more than a kilometer in an instant.

The most shocking is the strong man watching the battle from a distance.

Xuantian's strength has exceeded their vision and shattered their cognition.

In their hearts, Xuantian is simply the legendary emperor, supreme.

However, I never expected that Jian Renhao and Lian Zijun would knock Xuantian back more than a thousand meters in an instant.

This--! What kind of strength is it?

And now, only two of the three did it, and the most powerful King of Heaven hadn't moved yet.

The invincible image of Xuantian in the hearts of the powerhouses was instantly shattered.

Many strong men sweated for him and became worried.

But the powerful men of Yinluo Sect, Dark Moon Sect, Yin Minggu, Feiyun Sect, Lianjia... all were overjoyed in their hearts, their eyes shining, and they saw the hope of Xuantian being beheaded.

Although Lian Zijun didn't put Lian Jia in his eyes, but Lian Yishui died under Xuantian's hand, and of course Xuantian hated in their hearts.

Xuantian glanced over Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao, and landed on the heavenly king in the distance, saying: "Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao are mortal enemies. They can't know that the immortality will have such an effect together. It seems that you told them about the descendants of the Tianji line."

The look of the heavenly secret king suddenly moved his face and said, "Do you know the secret of heavenly secret?"

Xuantiandao: "Heaven’s secrets are one line, stealing heaven and earth’s luck to achieve one’s own body, insight into heaven and earth, peeping into the world, but if you peek into something that should not be peeped, and interfere with some people and things that should not be interfered, you will be plundered by heaven and earth. But it is very terrifying, the heirs of the immortal golden body————! People who should not interfere."

The face of the King of Heaven was suddenly startled, and his heart moved.

"I am also the descendant of the Immortal Golden Body. I will kill you. What's the matter with King Guan Tianji, Xuantian, today is your time to die, let me die!"

Lian Zijun shouted and continued to kill Xiang Xuantian.

Jian Renhao also shot at the same time, his immortal sword pierced through the world, and went hand in hand with the golden fist gang.

"Thunder Tribulation Transforms Dragon——!"

Faced with the attack of the two, Xuantian immediately used another sword move.

The imperial sword in his hand flashed with lightning and was extremely bright. It swept forward, and the violent thunder and lightning suddenly surged out and turned into a huge thunder dragon, rushing towards the immortal fist and the immortal sword.

Boom boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded, the sound was earth-shaking, and thunder was splashing everywhere.

The immortal fist gang was shattered and flew, and the immortal sword gang was also broken into pieces, but the huge thunder dragon also collapsed in an instant.

The collapsed Thunder Dragon was still a violent lightning, rushing forward, Lian Zijun turned a blind eye, his body rushed forward, the violent lightning was absorbed by his body.

To be precise, it should have been taken away by the Lightning Sacred Cauldron.

It is useless to deal with Lian Zijun with the profound meaning of Lei.



Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao shouted loudly at the same time, as fast as lightning, and continued to kill Xuantian.

Xuantian's eyebrows frowned, and neither of the two tricks of'Fire Seed Smallpox' and'Thunder Tribulation Transforming Dragon' could stop the two of them. The combined strength of the two was even more terrifying than the first-level emperor.

"The world is ignorant!"

For an instant, Xuantian's whole body was covered with a layer of chaotic light and became hazy, and the imperial sword in his hand pierced countless swords in an instant.

The chaotic light flew in all directions.

Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao felt the sky and the earth in an instant, and they couldn't understand or see clearly.

In an instant, Xuantian's figure flashed, avoiding the attacks of the Indestructible Fist Gang and the Undead Jian Gang.

In the next instant, two brighter gray lights flashed, and two chaotic sword auras, as fast as lightning, killed Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao.

This trick, ‘Heaven and Earth’s ignorance’, is not comparable to strength. With this trick, Xuantian can defeat the strong.

However, at this moment, a ray of light suddenly swept across.

It is the king of heaven.

He was holding an ancient bronze mirror, which shot out a clear light.

This light has no offensive power, but it is spotless, blasting away the chaotic light, returning the heavens and the earth to clarity, and the true colors of the heavens and the earth.

In an instant, Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao could see everything clearly.


call out--!

Unbreakable Fist Gang and Undead Sword Gang appeared at the same time, hitting Chaos Sword Qi.

The power of the two combined blows was too terrifying, the Chaos Sword Qi suddenly shattered, and the Immortal Fist Gang and the Immortal Sword Gang rushed to Xuantian in the blink of an eye.


Xuantian has a cold back!

Frost all over!

A bright light burst out from the center of Xuan Tian's eyebrows, and at the same time, the imperial sword in Xuan Tian's hand exploded with bright thunder light, using the most fierce thunder profound meaning.

The imperial spirit emperor and the imperial sword collided with the immortal fist gang and the immortal sword gang at the same time.


The explosion sound appeared at the same time, and Xuantian's body flew back more than two thousand meters away like a cannonball.

The imperial spirit sword also shook fiercely and shot back at his eyebrows.


When the person was in the air, Xuantian sprayed out blood.

The undead divine power and the immortal divine power unite, the power exerted is too terrifying.

Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao joined forces to increase their strength tremendously, which is incredible.

Although the two people's profound understandings were only in the early stage of Tier 4 and were not as good as Xuantian, their strength was a level higher than Xuantian.

This is the mystery of the combination of immortality and immortality.

"The King of Heaven, I have some friendship with the secret of Heaven. Even if you have calculated me, I can let you go, but you dare to directly interfere with my life and death. Heaven will not destroy you, and I will destroy you too!" Xuan The sky roared.

If it weren't for King of Heaven's use of the bronze mirror just now, Xuantian would not have been hit by the two of them and would have suffered this trauma.

"Dare to say more when you die!"

"Suffer to die--!"

Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao shouted at the same time, and once again killed Xuantian.

The immortal divine power and the immortal divine power are combined, and some are just pure power, which is indestructible.

The Lightning Sacred Cauldron confined the void, and Xuantian could not teleport.

The immortal divine power and the immortal divine power are combined, and the speed is extremely fast, faster than the speed of Xuantian dodge.

Faced with the attacks of the two, Xuantian could only resist.

The three sword skills of Tinder Smallpox, Thunder Tribulation Transforming Dragon, and Heaven and Earth Ignorance were unstoppable, and Xuantian was almost in desperation at this moment.

The immortal power and the immortal power attacked, Xuantian's situation was extremely dangerous, and he was threatened with death.

At this moment, Xuantian's spirit was extremely concentrated.

In ordinary battles, Xuantian is completely crushed, and even a stronger enemy can hardly threaten his life.

Rarely are such death threats.

At this time between life and death, a person's potential is most easily stimulated.

Xuantian lifted his left palm, and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron floated in the palm of his palm. With a palm forward, he slapped it against the Immortal Fist Gang and the Immortal Sword Gang.


The Chaos Sacred Cauldron suddenly became as big as a mountain, blocked in front of Xuantian, and rushed forward.

What a treasure the chaos saint cauldron is, no matter how strong the two divine powers of immortality are combined, it cannot be destroyed.

With a bang, the Chaos Sacred Ding shook violently, and immediately withdrew more than a hundred meters back.

Xuantian's cultivation base was more powerful than when he obtained the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.

Now, with the Chaos Sacred Cauldron in his hands, the volume can also become much larger.

The sacred cauldron of Chaos in front is as high as a kilometer, which is equivalent to a huge peak mountain, and I don't know how much.

However, he was still shaken back more than a hundred meters. It is conceivable how terrifying Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao combined for a blow.

"Get up!" Xuantian raised his hand, and the thousand-meter-high Chaos Sacred Cauldron flew up again.

"Go--!" He pushed forward, and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron once again rushed towards Lian Zijun and Jian Renhao.

For others, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron is extremely heavy, but Xuantian and the Chaos Sacred Cauldron are connected with their hearts, but they can move at will.

The chaos sacred cauldron is the supreme treasure. Xuantian poured the power of the profound meaning and the power of the Gang Yuan into the chaos sacred cauldron. With the heaviness of the chaos sacred cauldron, the rampage power was more than any attack he could exert powerful.

For Xuantian, the Chaos Sacred Cauldron was not only very helpful to his cultivation, but also a big killer in battle.

Even a first-level emperor, facing the rampage of the chaos holy cauldron, I am afraid he has to retreat.


Suddenly, a voice was uttered, like a thunderous sound, deafening, almost spreading thousands of miles.

Along with this terrifying "thunder" character, Lian Zijun's body suddenly burst into an extremely bright thunder, and his whole body was like the **** of thunder, with his hands up.

An endless thunder and lightning appeared above Lian Zijun. Among the thunder and lightning, there was a three-legged ancient ding, which instantly grew bigger.

In an instant, the three-legged ancient tripod became a kilometer tall, completely different from the chaotic holy tripod.

"go with--!"

Lian Zijun supported the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder and threw it at the Sacred Cauldron of Chaos.


The Thunder Sacred Cauldron carried the billowing thunder and threw it high, and then fell from the sky and crashed into the Chaos Sacred Cauldron.

"Sacred cauldron...! Another holy cauldron...!"

"How is it possible that Tianzhou also has a holy cauldron on Lian Zijun?"

"Several gods have come to Tianzhou to look for the sacred cauldron, but they have found nothing. Even Zijun has one?"

"No wonder Lian Zijun hides so deeply, it turns out that the Lightning Sacred Cauldron is on him!"


Seeing the strong man who watched the Lei Zhiding, he suddenly boiled and everyone was shocked.

Jian Renhao was not surprised when Lian Zijun took out the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder. Obviously, since the two had joined hands, he already knew about the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder.

"Lian Zijun already has the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder, kill Xuantian, and the Sacred Cauldron of Chaos is yours!" This is what the King of Heaven said to Jian Renhao. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ek chocolate says

The second one is here. Today, the eyes hurt and the codewords shed tears. I only coded two more during the day. Rest and wait for my eyes to get better. I will continue to update the codewords at night. . .

Brothers, it's the end of the month. Don't waste the monthly pass. Even if Xiang Jian reverses it, you will definitely repay the monthly pass this month. . .

It's not over yet, and the owed will be doubled next month. . . .


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