The Supreme Sword

Chapter 873: 】7 Demon Hunting Order

【Chapter 873】The Seven Demon Hunting Order

The elder Ghost Yuezong Great Master looked slightly surprised!

Unexpectedly, his desperate blow by burning Gang Yuan and increasing his strength several times failed to injure Xuantian. ()

On the contrary, Xuantian was like a dragon and a tiger, with the ability to fight back.

He didn't know that the sacred cauldron was of surprisingly high quality and its defense power was very high. Moreover, Xuantian was not only in the sacred cauldron of thunder, but also in the cauldron.

Therefore, even if the elder of the Great Ghost Moon Sect burns Gang Yuan, and the combat power has doubled several times, that blow is even more terrifying than the power of the third-level emperor, it can't help Xuantian.

Seeing the holy cauldron of thunder rushing with violent thunder and lightning, the elder of the Great Ghost Moon Sect yelled: "Ghost Moon Minglun——!"

While drinking, he stroked his hands.

With both hands, each draw a dark half-moon arc.

Both hands draw from the same starting point and end at the same end point. The two and a half-moon arc-shaped heads and heads, tails and tails are connected together to form a dark circle.

The depth of Dao Yun is more than twice that of a half-round crescent.

This ‘Ghost Moon Underworld Wheel’ is definitely a terrifying trick, and it is even more powerful when it is displayed by the elder of the Ghost Moon Sect when he is desperate.

As soon as the ghost wheel appeared, it instantly expanded, and in half a blink of an eye, it turned into a radius of 100 meters, spinning rapidly, and hitting the holy cauldron of thunder.

If it weren't for Xuantian to'see' and see that this Ghost Moon Moon Wheel was a trick by the elder of the Ghost Moon Sect, he would definitely think it was an attack by a treasure.

"Thunderfire spiral thorn--!"

Xuantian's cold voice sounded from the thunder sacred cauldron, and at the same time, a rapidly rotating sword gang pierced out of the thunder sacred cauldron.

call out----!

With the sword energy for more than ten miles, a huge vortex was produced, and the fast-rotating force caused everything in the air to splash in all directions, producing a terrifying force.

A sword move formed by the fusion of the profound meaning of thunder and the profound meaning of fire.

The power of the fourth-level limit is equivalent to the profound understanding of the third-level emperor.

The power of Xuantian's sword is no less than the desperate blow of the Great Master Ghost Moon Sect when the elder burns Gang Yuan, and it is a combination of profound meaning and double power, which is even more terrifying.

In an instant, the thunderfire spiral thorn collided with the ghost wheel, making a sound.

The Guiyueming Wheel Road rhyme is extremely deep and natural, but after all, the thunder and fire spiral thorn is more powerful. In the blink of a mark, it was penetrated and shattered, and was thrown into all directions by the power of rotation.

But the thunderfire spiral stabbing only stopped for an instant, and then continued to stab forward.

A big hole appeared in the void instantly, and the speed of the sword gang was like electricity, especially the sword qi directly passed through the void, already locking the elder of the ghost moon sect.

"It's impossible--!" The Great Elder of Ghost Yuezong exclaimed.

He has now performed a magical skill ‘Nine Heavens of Ghosts and Fire’, burning Gang Yuan, and temporarily increasing his strength, which is completely comparable to the third-level emperor.

The attack power of the three-level emperor!

And Xuantian was the top pinnacle king, not the half realm of the quasi emperor, there was a difference of four realms in between.

If it was before the King Realm, fighting across the four realms would be extremely rare, but the genius of the Yunzhou Earth is like a cloud, and it may not be absent.

However, after the king's realm, there is no one who can fight across the four realms.

Even Yunzhou's most dazzling genius could not do it.

The elder of Ghost Yuezong Great Master was shocked, and the thunderfire spiral thorn had pierced his eyes.

He performed the'Ghost Moon Great Shift' again, his body flashed, and an arc was drawn in an instant, containing a profound rhyme, and his speed increased to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, he flashed ten miles away.

This time, the thunderfire spiral thorn was blocked by the ghost wheel, and the thunderfire spiral thorn made him avoid it.

Of course, it just avoided the thunder and fire spiral thorns.


The dazzling electric light struck in an instant, and the Lightning Sacred Cauldron slammed into it.

The elder of the Great Ghost Moon Sect had just finished using the Ghost Moon Great Shift, and he didn't mention it in one breath.

He slammed his hands forward, pressing on the thunder sacred cauldron.


There was a loud bang, shaking the earth.

The effect of the "Wild Fire Brilliant Blue Sky" is still there, and with the full blow of the elder of the Ghost Moon Sect, the power is still terrifying, and the Thunder Sacred Cauldron instantly retreats thousands of meters.

However, how heavy the thunder sacred cauldron is, coupled with the power of Xuantian's profound meaning and the power of Gang Yuan, the force of collision is also terrifying to the extreme. The elder of the ghost moon sect was in a panic to resist, his body shook, and he was instantly The earthquake retreated hundreds of meters.


A screaming scream suddenly sounded.

When the thunder saint cauldron exploded backwards, a bright sword light flew out of the cauldron, it was the Chaos Primordial Emperor Emperor-level spirit sword.

The Thunder Sacred Cauldron was repelled, but the Emperor Spirit Sword was not shocked, and it stabled forward like lightning.

The elder of the Great Ghost Moon Sect was shocked to retreat, his blood was empty, and he was about to vomit blood, how could he stop the assassination of the Emperor Spirit Sword.

In an instant, the Emperor-level Spirit Sword pierced through the layers of his defenses, pierced directly from the center of his brows, and penetrated instantly.

The eyebrows penetrated, the soul was stabbed, and he was stricken to death.

In an instant, the aura of the elder of the Great Master Ghost Yuezong, like a punctured balloon, went down.

"The Great Elder...!" Someone exclaimed, the king of Ghost Moon Sect, and several rushed out of the Great Mountain Guardian formation of Ghost Moon Sect.

"Roar————!" Xiaohu roared, and Yinbo immediately shook half of them to death. The other powerful expressions were shocked, and they rushed back.


The Lightning Sacred Cauldron soon collided again, and the elder of the Great Ghost Moon Sect was hit, his spiritual body was broken and blood splashed.

Another demon king, a powerful hero, died.

Little Tiger flew over quickly, bit the body of the elder Ghost Yuezong Great Master, and ate it.

The warrior under the emperor, Xiaohu disdain to eat it, but the emperor's body is still like a panacea to him.

What's more, this is still a second-level emperor, with sufficient blood and energy, which is very helpful to Xiaohu's cultivation.

In this battle, Xiaohu has eaten two emperors, one of which is still a second-level emperor, and his aura is much stronger. It seems that his strength has improved.

All the kings of the Ghost Moon Sect were horrified in the protection of the mountain. The strength of this person and tiger was too strong, and the Emperor of the Ghost Moon Sect was dead. If Xuantian attacked the Ghost Moon Sect, there would be no imperial resistance. This mountain protection formation won't last long.

However, Xuantian did not attack Ghost Yuezong.

"Report to the Demon Sect, I have come to Xuantian, and vowed to turn the Yunzhou Demon Sect upside down, and the whole world will be turned upside down--!"

Xuantian yelled loudly, and the sound was thunderous, spreading hundreds of miles away, and then, with the little tiger, he left.

As soon as he arrived at Yunzhou, he picked a demon-door imperial rank power and killed the two emperors of Ghost Yuezong. This time, Xuantian could be regarded as a big hole in the sky.

Although Xuantian's words are fierce, he still knows the power of Yunzhou Demon Sect very well, and is far from what he can contend. Not to mention the superior quasi emperor, the seventh, eighth, and ninth emperor, only It was a fourth-level Dacheng emperor, and Xuantian had to escape.

I picked the Ghost Moon Sect, only to tell the Yunzhou Demon Sect that his Xuantian had come and attracted the attention of the Yunzhou Demon Sect.


Naturally, it is about to escape.

This Xiling mainland must not stay.

When Xuantian is here, those secluded quasi-emperors may not come out, but the seventh, eighth, and ninth-level emperor old antiques are likely to be dispatched because of the two holy cauldrons.

Therefore, Xuantian wants to leave Xiling Continent as far as possible.

Seventh-level emperor, that is the top emperor, the spiritual body cultivation has reached the sixth level or above, the mind cultivation may be higher, it is definitely a very terrifying existence.

Xuantian searched the soul of the Supreme Elder of the Ghost Moon Sect, and he was quite clear about the distribution of Yunzhou's power.

Now to escape the chase of the magic door, it is natural to avoid the magic door forces far away.

In the western part of Yunzhou, in addition to the power of the Demon Clan, the power of the Demon Race has become stronger. It is located in the northwestern direction of Yunzhou.

Xuantian ran away in a hurry, but when he beheaded the two emperors of Ghost Yuezong, just as he expected, set off a huge wave.

The news was quickly passed to the demon sects one after another through the teleportation array, and within three days, the major demon sect forces located in the middle of Yunzhou all received the news.

At the same time, news spread outside the magic gate.

The emperor, in Yunzhou, it is completely aloof.

Ghost Moon Sect, is the overlord in Xiling mainland.

The two emperors of Guiyuezong were killed by a person named Xuantian. The news was so explosive that no one would talk about it.

Who is Xuantian?

right way? Yaozu?

Or belonged to the Demon Sect, and had an internal battle with Ghost Moon Sect?

No one knew that Xuantian had never heard of the name, and he had no idea which power he belonged to.

However, it was mentioned in the news that Xuantian was a handsome young man who looked very young, about twenty or so, not very old.

Moreover, Xuantian has not yet become an emperor, but is just the top king.

The young king of the top pinnacle, beheaded two kings, and one of them was a second-level king.

Such news made almost everyone who heard it couldn't believe it.

They doubt the truth of the matter.

If the news is true, then Xuantian will be an evil genius that has never been seen before.

The news was too shocking, and most people were skeptical about the news, did not make a conclusion, and were still waiting for other news to prove it.

Soon, a big event made everyone believe the news.

This major event has not happened in Yunzhou for hundreds of years.

The seven most powerful sects of the Demon Sect-Sky Demon Sect, Corpse Demon Sect, Yin Demon Sect, Iron Wood Demon Sect, Black Water Demon Sect, Blood Fire Demon Sect, and Underworld Demon Sect, jointly issued a chase order.

Known as-Seven Demon Hunting Order!

Seven Demon Pursuit The Supreme Demon Pursuit Order.

The last time this order appeared was eight hundred years ago, when a young genius from the righteous power was born.

At that time, the seven demon hunting order expired and failed to kill the young genius. A hundred years later, which is now 700 years ago, the young genius became an emperor.

Today, the Seven Demon Hunting Order has appeared again.

Will it fail this time?

ek chocolate says

There are two shifts today, and something is going on in the evening. I don’t know when I will come back. There may be a third shift or not. Please don’t expect it.

Regarding the update owed last month, before the 18th of this month, the chocolate will be all paid back, so don’t worry.

The 18th is a good day, after that I will break out again,,,,,


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