The Supreme Sword

Chapter 878: Demon King's Birthday

【Chapter 878】The Demon Emperor's Birthday

Xuantian concealed his cultivation, stopped and stopped all the way, inquired about the news, and learned that he was being chased by the Seven Demons. ()

Xuantian just smiled faintly at this, the greater Yunzhou Demon Sect's reaction, the better.

Xuantian knew that it was probably not the most important reason for him to be able to make the Demon Sect issue the seven demon chasing orders and he killed the emperor of Ghost Yuezong. Those two holy cauldrons were.

Twenty days later, Xuantian had left the Xiling Continent for tens of millions of miles, and had penetrated into the territory of the Demon Race in Yunzhou.

On this day, Xuantian landed on a place called Tianwu Island.

This is an island that is more than eighty thousand miles long from east to west and sixty thousand miles wide from north to south.

Xuantian inquired that on this day centipede island, there lived a demon emperor of the demon race——the demon emperor of the demon clan.

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor can be regarded as an old antique. It is said that he has lived several hundred years, is well informed and has visited many places.

This place is far away from the demon sect forces, Xuantian is going to ask the Tianfu Demon Emperor to inquire about the whereabouts of Zhongzhou.

When the monster reaches the king state, it begins to be divided into two parts. One part transforms into shape, which is indistinguishable from human beings, leading a human life, and the other part continues to maintain the animal shape, has a longer life span, and embarks on a long life.

There are many kings in Yunzhou, and there are a lot of demon kings transformed.

In addition, the transformed demon king, the offspring born in human form, is also in human form.

Therefore, in the sphere of influence of the demon race, it is not that demon beasts are rampant.

However, those monster races who have been human from birth are fundamentally different from human beings. They have a natural ability-transformation.

What is their parent's body, they can change at any time. This is different from being a monster beast and then having to cultivate until the monster king can transform into form.

It is precisely because there are so many demon kings in Yunzhou that have developed over countless years, so the number of demon races who were born in the beginning is very, very large, hundreds of millions.

Although Tianwu Island is called an island, it has a very large area, and it is difficult for warriors under the king to fly from one side to the other for a month.

Tianwu Demon Emperor, located in Tianwu Ridge of Tianwu Mountains in the middle of Tianwu Island.

Xuantian teleported all the way and soon came to the vicinity of Tianwuling.

This is a huge mountain range, if it weren't part of the entire Tianwu Mountain Range, it would be a mountain range if it was drawn separately.

Tianwuling is more than 10,000 meters long, and there is no protruding peak in the middle, but the mountain is slightly undulating, but there are some small peaks standing on both sides, which looks like a huge centipede, with many feet protruding.

Tianwuling is low on both sides and high in the middle.

The highest point is four to five kilometers, close to the cloud, and higher than some big peaks. Because the entire mountain is so huge, it is difficult to see that it is straight and steep.

"Hey...!" Standing in the sky hundreds of miles away from Tianwuling, Xuantian let out a startled cry, "What day is today?"

He saw several rays of light, coming from a distance, and then falling on the highest point of Tianwuling.

After a while, another escape light leaped from a distance and moved in a teleport, proving that the person who came was at least the king, and soon, it fell on the highest point of Tianwuling.

Xuantian stood there and watched for half an hour. In such a short period of time, hundreds of people came from all directions and arrived at Tianwuling.

Among them, most of them are kings, but there are also some who are particularly powerful and may be kings.

At this time, another ray of light came from a distance and went to Tianwuling, not far from Xuantian.

The visitor looked relatively young, but his cultivation level was not low, he was a realm higher than Xuantian, and he was a top ultimate king.

Xuantian greeted him and said, "This Xiongtai, is it also going to Tianwuling!"

The young top extreme king looks like a twenty-seven-eight-year-old, with a slender figure and a full 1.9 meters. His appearance is perfect, he can hardly pick out his shortcomings, just like the person in the picture.

Xuantian guessed in his mind that this demon king was born as a human body, because the appearance of this demon clan is basically handsome males and beautiful females, otherwise the humans would not call them fairies.

And the demon king in front of him, looks even more outstanding among the fairies.

The young Demon King was very gentle, and when he saw Xuantian's arrival, he smiled slightly and said, "Yes, your Excellency is also going to participate in the 400-year-old birthday of the Tianwu Demon King?"

400 years old birthday?

Sure enough, he lived for hundreds of years, but it was long enough for two generations of kings to be born until they died.

Having lived for four hundred years and is the emperor again, how many places should I have been to? How many secrets have you heard of?

Xuantian nodded and said: "Exactly, meeting is destiny, is it better to go with you?"

"it is good……!"

The young Demon King nodded, clasped his fist and said, "In Xiayangtian, from the True Yang Continent, I wonder if Xiongtai is?"

The metamorphosis monsters learn from human social life, and pay more attention to etiquette.

Xuantian smiled faintly, and said: "It just so happens that in Xia Huangtian, there is also a ‘天’ in the name, haha...!"

The Demon Sect was chasing him down, so Xuantian naturally didn't want to reveal his whereabouts. Of course, he wouldn't stay in hiding forever. When the Demon Sect knew about it, Xuantian would naturally reveal his whereabouts.

The two moved forward, and Xuantian asked: "The Demon Emperor Tianwu has lived for so long, and he must have a wide range of contacts. This time he has a 400th birthday, I don't know how many powerful people will come. There should be many emperors!"

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor is a third-level demon emperor. Xuantian came to him and asked him something, and it was still safe.

However, today is the 400th birthday of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor. If a powerful demon emperor comes, such as a fifth-level or sixth-level demon emperor, Xuantian thinks it is better not to go to the muddy water.

The fourth-level demon emperor, Xuantian will run away when he meets it, the fifth-level and sixth-level demon emperor, it is even more difficult to fight.

Xuantian is a human race, if any contradiction arises, here is an unfamiliar world, and there is a world of fairies in all directions, I am afraid it will hardly have a good result.

Yangtian Demon King said: "The main reason is that the strong people in this area of ​​tens of millions of miles of sea area are at least the Dacheng King or above, and the number of emperors should be a lot. However, the real big people should be regarded as the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering. Demon emperor..., these two demon emperors are also third-level demon emperors, and the Celestial Centipede Demon emperor are the three strongest experts in this area of ​​tens of millions of miles, and they should be three to four hundred years old.

Xuan Tian settled down in his heart. Without the fourth-level Demon Emperor, he was not afraid of anything in case.

Even in the unlikely event, it would not threaten him.

"Brother Yang is already a top ultimate king at a young age. It seems that it won't take long to break through to become the emperor. In the future, the strongest person in this area of ​​the sea for thousands of miles will be Brother Yang." Xuantian smiled slightly.

The Yangtian Demon King smiled happily and said, "Brother Huang is not bad."


The two talked and laughed, they had flown hundreds of miles, came to the sky above Tianwuling, and landed on the highest point of Tianwuling.

Here, there is a huge palace, very luxurious, one hundred meters high, behind the palace there are thousands of meters of houses.

Tianwuling is an imperial power, and Tianwu Demon Emperor has passed down many disciples, thousands of disciples and grandchildren.

In front of the palace, there is a square with a radius of one thousand meters. There are several top demon kings who are responsible for receiving visitors.

"Yangtian of the True Yang Continent, come to congratulate Senior Tianfu Demon King on his birthday!" Yang Tian landed, clasping his fists to the top Demon King he received.

Xuantian also said: "Huang Tian, ​​come to congratulate Senior Tianfu Demon Emperor on his birthday!"

"Two, please come in!" The top Demon King closest to the two was immediately moved when Yang Tian reported himself to his house, thinking that Xuantian was also from the True Yang Continent, and invited the two into the hall.

Yang Tian, ​​only thirty-seven years old, is already a top extreme king. Some people predict that he might become an emperor in his early forties. Not to mention this area of ​​tens of millions of miles, looking at the entire Yaozu descendants, that is also a ranking. A genius at the forefront.

Xuantian entered the main hall and found that the inside of the main hall was very wide, with a length and width of more than two hundred meters. There were many tables and chairs inside, which could accommodate thousands of people to eat and drink.

It seems that the birthday banquet of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor is in this hall.

On both sides of the main hall, there is a round table, and there are eight chairs next to it, that is, eight people sit at a table.

And in the middle, there is a passage that leads to the deepest part of the palace, where there is a high throne, which is the seat of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor.

The throne is located on a high platform, with two seats on the left and the right. A rectangular stone table is placed in front of it, which is about the same size as the seat of the Celestial Demon Emperor.

Then, under the high platform, on both sides of the passage, there are tables and chairs every two meters or so, and there are 20 tables and chairs on each side.

This is a table for one person, which is completely different from a table for eight people on both sides of the main hall. It is obviously a VIP table.

Yang Tian was invited to the ninth table and chair on the right, soaked in the light of Yangtian, Xuantian was also invited to sit down on the tenth table and chair on the right.

There are many guests in the hall, there are kings and kings.

The emperors are all sitting on separate tables and chairs on both sides of the passage under the high platform, and some quasi emperors are sitting here.

The rest of the kings were all sitting on the round tables on both sides of the hall, watching Xuantian and Yangtian sitting on the VIP seats, many people were a little jealous.

As for the three seats on the high platform, they are still vacant.

"The main seat on the high platform is the position of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor, and the other two are the positions of the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor. Now that the guests have not come, it should be almost half an hour later. ."

Yang Tian introduced to Xuantian that the two-meter distance did not affect the communication between the two at all.

Xuantian nodded, his gaze shifted away from the three seats on the high platform, and he looked at everything in the hall, using the cultivation of the powerful.

"Who is this Xiongtai? The face is very angry!" Suddenly, a voice rang from the opposite side of Xuantian.

A ripple appeared in the void There was a momentum, and it rushed towards him.

On the opposite side is the tenth position on the left, seated is the Emperor Wei, who looks less than forty.

"In Xia Huangtian, I will make a casual repair without a name, and come with Brother Yangtian...!" Xuantian smiled faintly.

There seemed to be an invisible sword aura flowing around him, and the imperial quasi-emperor's aura on the opposite side was close to three meters in front of him.

The top pinnacle king, can actually stop the oppression of the imperial quasi-emperor?

The nearby emperor, the quasi emperor looked over.

In the main hall, many kings' eyes turned to here.

ek chocolate says

Yesterday’s chapter name was wrong, it should be 876.877,,, Khan, the chapter name cannot be changed, it can only be that. . . .


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