The Supreme Sword

Chapter 879: 】Heavenly centipede! Qingpeng! Cover the sea!

[Chapter 879] Celestial centipede! Qingpeng! Cover the sea!

"Iron Lion Crazy! He is my friend of Yangtian!" Yangtian said, his voice a little cold. ()

Although he and Xuantian are not close friends, it is his Yangtian's face to come in together and sit here.

If someone hit Xuantian, that would be hitting his Yangtian face.

The iron lion madness is the quasi-emperor opposite Xuantian, and to be precise, the quasi-demon king.

"Hey...! The one sitting here is not the emperor, or the quasi-emperor, Yang Tian, ​​you can sit here because you are qualified, and he...!" The iron lion's eyes were like a sword, nailed to Xuantian On his body, said: "It's just an unnamed casual cultivator, I want to see what qualifications he has, and he's on an equal footing with me."

The sound is not loud, but the hall is full of powerhouses above the Dacheng King. They all heard it, and everyone looked over.

"The single seats there are only for the quasi-emperor. There is not enough space. Some quasi-emperors have to squeeze the table with us...!"

"Although the Yangtian in True Yang Continent has only the cultivation base of the top limit king, it is a genius of my monster race, with extremely strong combat power. Several quasi-emperors are not his opponents, and are qualified to sit there."

"Yes, but who is that Huang Tian, ​​who is only the top king and can be equal to the quasi-emperor?"

"Look, he will be blasted down by the iron lion, and sit at the big table like us, hehe...!"


Many Demon Kings talked a lot.

Xuantian didn't pay attention, he actually committed many people's taboos in his position.

But since he has sat down, it is impossible to be forced to rise by others.

Unless he stands up voluntarily, who can make him move!

Since the other party thinks he is not qualified, let the other party see if he is qualified.

Xuantian smiled slightly and said, "If you are qualified, you will know if you try it!"

Although today is the 400th birthday of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor, it is not suitable for a battle, but it is not a problem to take a shot and compare it.

After the demons were transformed, they still retained their warlike nature. What's more, even if they were humans, there would be conflicts and disputes as well as fights.

"Hahahaha...! Since you said that, if I don’t want to try you, I really don’t have the face to stay here today." The iron lion chuckled madly and said: "Friends of Tianwuling, It's because I'm disrespectful to Senior Tianwu Demon Emperor, forgive me...!"

"It's okay!" A voice came from Xuantian's right.

Xuantian looked over. It was the first seat under the high platform, and there was a second-level emperor.

To be able to say this, it seems that this second-level emperor is one of the masters of Tianwuling.

Tianwuling is an imperial power, and Tianwu Demon Emperor is the first master, but there are other emperors, which are equivalent to the supreme elders of other imperial powers.

"Hey...!" With Tianwuling's approval, the Iron Lion gave a violent smile, and suddenly grabbed Xuantian with a claw, "Give me aside!"


As the iron lion mad grabbed this claw, there was a sudden strong wind, and the wind blade was like a knife, coming out to Xuantian.

Moreover, this claw light flashed, and a lion phantom appeared behind Iron Lion Kuang, tens of meters long, stretched out a huge lion claw, and caught Xuantian at once.

This man took no mercy and wanted a claw, so he blasted Xuantian into the air, embarrassing Xuantian.

However, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Xuantian sat in the position, motionless.


The huge lion's claw shadow was caught three meters in front of him, but he couldn't catch it anyway.

It seemed that there was an invisible gas mask that blocked the attack of the iron lion mad.

what----! ! !

The strong monsters suddenly dilated their pupils and looked shocked.

The iron lion mad is a quasi-emperor, and the quasi-emperor who sits at the forefront is the emperor before him.

His strength is absolutely formidable, among the quasi-demon emperors, one of the best.

However, even Xuantian's body shield could not be broken.

Xuantian was sitting there, smiling, like wind and clouds.

The eyes of some emperors were surprised, Xuantian's strength was beyond their imagination.

Yang Tian beside him had a calm expression. As a junior genius, it was normal for his strength to exceed his cultivation base.

Xuantian secretly operated the indestructible golden body, and the Gang Yuan was strengthened fifty or sixty times, compared with the first-level emperor, it was even better.

An invisible shield of vitality energy, how can the quasi emperor be able to break through.

Xuantian smiled madly at the iron lion, and said, "Is this qualification enough?"

The powerhouses all saw that Xuantian's strength was not under the iron lion madness.

If the iron lion stopped violently, the matter would be over.

However, the Iron Lion Kuang felt hot on his face at the moment. Under the eyes of everyone, he spoke provocatively, but it was the result of this, which made him feel embarrassed and a bit hard to get off.

From different angles, there are different choices.

The iron lion mad did not stop, but thought: If I put more power, maybe! He was defeated.

"Three combos of a mad lion——!" The iron lion roared wildly.

There was a violent wind blowing in the entire hall, the iron lion's madness, soaring rapidly, using the power of uprightness, to use the martial arts of the world.

Everyone looked startled, and the iron lion was really frantic.

I saw the Iron Lion mad with his hands forward and grabbed three consecutive times.

Passing one after another, the huge lion shadow above his head quickly grabbed the lion claws.

boom--! boom--! boom--!

Three consecutive explosions in the void.

The lion shadow's claws hit the same position in an instant, trying to break through Xuantian's defense and directly grabbed Xuantian's body.


At this time, a soft snort sounded like a muffled thunder.

Down the steps of the other party, the other party will become more vigorous if it is not lower, Xuan Tian's heart is also angered.

I saw him move his right hand, **** together, and a stroke forward.


An electric light, like a sword, suddenly slashed forward.

In an instant, the lion shadow claw Gang was split in half by Thunder Sword Qi like tofu, and then the entire lion shadow was split apart.


In the next instant, Thunder Sword Qi broke through the iron lion mad's body protection Qi Gang, and then exploded fiercely.

boom--! The iron lion mad was blown up by the power of thunder and flew back tens of meters away.

There were many round tables behind him, and many Demon Kings sat there, but there were also many gaps. The Iron Lion Madness just landed in an open space. Obviously, Xuantian had a precise distance to the Iron Lion’s retreat. budget.

This thunder sword aura was extremely sharp, if it hadn't turned into a thunder and lightning, it would definitely split the iron lion mad in half instantly, killing it with one sword.

But Xuantian didn't come here to pick things up, just to teach the other party a lesson.

In the whole hall, there was only the sound of the iron lion falling wildly, and there was silence.

The performance of Xuantian just now surprised everyone, but now it shocked them even more.

They thought that they had a high enough judgment on Xuantian's strength, but they didn't expect that Xuantian's strength was much stronger than they thought.

With a flick of his hand, the sword qi flew a quasi-emperor, at least an emperor, to do it.

And Xuantian was only a top peak king, a level lower than Yangtian.

Moreover, someone with a clever vision saw that Xuantian deliberately controlled the magnitude of his power, causing the iron lion to fall wildly in the open, without colliding with other people, nor damaging the tables and chairs behind.

Even the table in front of the Iron Lion Kuang was unharmed, only the chair he sat on fell to the ground.

This time, even Yang Tian next to him was surprised.

Yang Tian's combat power is far better than the quasi-emperor, but..., he does not have the confidence to be undefeated against the emperor.

But Xuantian's casual stroke just now was completely comparable to the emperor.

"Good means." The voice of an emperor sounded. It was the emperor in the ninth seat on the left, who happened to be sitting next to the iron master. "The emperor hasn't made such a clean move, and the little friend has a bright future."

A demon king expressed his appreciation, and the gazes of all the demon kings looking at Xuantian changed. The jealousy became less and more envy.

"Let you all laughed...!" Xuantian smiled faintly, looked at the iron lion who was standing up tens of meters away, and said: "Brother, this position, I think I should be qualified to sit! "

The iron lion mad was smashed by Xuantian's finger sword, and his heart was too shocked, and he said in a daze, "Enough! Enough!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the hall, and the iron lion mad reacted instantly, a little bit ashamed.

"The Qingpeng Demon Emperor is here............!"

"Overlay the Sea Monster Emperor to......!"

At this moment, outside the hall, two loud shouts suddenly sounded.

The entire hall was suddenly silent.

Two powerful and unmatched auras suddenly rushed in from outside the hall, making everyone feel palpitation.

Three-level emperor!

"My old friend Tianfang, we two old immortals came to see you. We haven't seen each other for many years, and we are having a good time, haha...!" A loud voice came from outside the hall, trembling in the void.

"Hahahaha...!" Suddenly, a loud voice rang from the back of the hall, and it spread to the front in an instant, "Old friends Qingpeng, old friends covering the sea, come here, make the house full of glory, welcome ...!"

Another powerful breath came, and the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor appeared.

Only the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Demon Emperor were worthy of being greeted by the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor himself.

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor hadn't shown up, and it was just waiting for the two of them. As long as Qingpeng Demon couldn't pass it, and as soon as the Sea Demon Emperor arrived, the birthday feast would begin. The rest of the people were not worth the wait.

"Congratulations to the old friend of Tianfu's four hundred birthday, UU reading Haha... In a blink of an eye, you are all four hundred years old, and old friend Qingpeng is the same age as you. In a few months, it seems that it will also be four hundred Now." Another loud voice sounded, covering the Sea Monster Emperor.

"My old friend Fuhai, you are coming soon, it's only more than ten years, and it will pass in a blink of an eye." Tianwu Demon Emperor and Qingpeng Demon Emperor laughed at the same time.

"Two old friends, please inside, please inside...!" The voice of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor rang again.

Immediately, the powerhouses in the hall felt three surging breaths quickly approaching.

The three demon emperors Tianwu, Qingpeng, and Fuhai came to the hall.

Huh! Huh! Huh!唰唰唰............

To show respect, all the demon kings and demon kings in the hall stood up.

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