The Supreme Sword

Chapter 880: 】10,000 high-grade spirit stones (complement five)

【Chapter 880】Ten thousand high-grade spirit stones (supplement 5)

Soon, the three third-level demon emperors walked into the hall. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

The man in the middle was an old man over 60 years old, wearing a Taoist robe, his hair neatly coiled, and a hairpin pierced by a hairpin, slightly draped behind his head, looking like a Taoist priest.

This is the Tianwuling Mountain, and the Tianwu Demon Emperor is the master, so this old way of walking in the middle should be the Tianwu Demon Emperor.

To the right of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor, there is an old man in a green robe who looks almost the same age as the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor. This old man is tall and thin, with a high and pointed nose, and his eyes are as deep as an eagle. Like a bird, it is the Qingpeng Demon King.

To the left of the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor, naturally the Sea Demon Emperor was covered. He was dressed in a black robe, and his figure was as tall as the Qingpeng Demon Emperor, but he was stronger, and looked a little younger than the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor and Qingpeng Demon Emperor.

"Congratulations to the Tianfu Demon King, four hundred birthdays, longevity...!" Suddenly, many demon kings and demon emperors shouted.

The Celestial Demon King smiled, clasped his fists and arched his hands to the strong, saying: "Thank you for your face, and come to the emperor’s birthday banquet. Tianfuling is very welcome. Today, the emperor’s birthday is very happy. Drink it well, if there is any lack of hospitality, please forgive me...!"

"Where...!" The strong people clasped their fists one after another, how dare to hold big.

Those emperors are better, being able to deal with the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor, and have some friendship.

And these demon kings, in front of the Tianwu Demon Emperor, are nothing at all. If it weren't for today's birthday, they would definitely not say anything to them.

On weekdays, these demon kings would find it difficult to reach the sky when they wanted to see the demon king.

With a few words of kindness, the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor and the other two demon emperors continued to move forward, heading to the three largest seats on the high platform.

"Hey...!" Suddenly, Demon Emperor Qingpeng gave a startled sound, his eyes were sharp, and he saw the iron lion mad seat from a distance, and his chair fell to the ground.

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor pointed to the chair that fell to the ground, and said, "What's going on? Today is the day of my old friend Tianwu's birthday. Someone knocked over the chair. Huh..., who was sitting here just now? ,get out."

The Demon Emperor Qingpeng went wild, and all the strong monsters throbbed in their hearts. Some people looked madly at the iron lion, and more people looked at Xuantian.

Everyone knows that the Iron Lion Madness is the quasi-emperor of the Qingpeng Continent, and the Qingpeng Demon Emperor is the number one powerhouse in the Qingpeng Continent. That piece of land has been named after him for hundreds of years.

"Master Qingpeng, it's... it's the seat of the little lion." The iron lion squeezed out of the crowd with a respectful expression.

As he spoke, Iron Lion glanced madly at Xuantian, with a vicious meaning.

It seems to be saying: My patron is here, boy, you are done.

Qingpeng Demon Emperor's face became cold, and he said, "Iron Lion Madness, why are you overturning your chair and disrespectful to the old friend Tianhu?"

"Master Qingpeng clearly learned that this is not the little lion overturning, but the little lion being knocked off by someone else, so the chair turned over." Tie Lion said madly. At this time, he said his own flying incident, without feeling at all. To shame, but a little cheerful.

He knew that Qingpeng Demon Emperor would definitely help him.

"Oh...! Who is such a bold person, who did it at the birthday banquet of an old friend of the centipede?" Sure enough, Qingpeng Demon Emperor's voice began to improve, a little changed.

"It's him-Huang Tian!" The iron lion pointed madly at Xuan Tian, ​​his eyes full of excitement.

A top pinnacle king?

The three demon emperors Tianwu, Qingpeng, and Fuhai looked at Xuantian at the same time, all of them were slightly surprised.

Xuantian stood up at this time, did not look at the iron lion madness, nor the Qingpeng Demon Emperor, but the owner of this place, the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor, clasped his fists and said: "In the next practice, I have heard about the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor. Da Ming, I went to Tianwu Island today, and learned that Tianwu Demon King’s 400th birthday, I would like to congratulate him, and I was taken here to sit down by a friend of Guiling. Who knows that the iron lion mad is very dissatisfied with Guiling’s approach. He shot at me and wanted to get me out of this seat. At first he didn’t make a shot, but the iron lion mad did not stop. Instead, he turned into a bonus. He had no choice but to return a finger sword. He turned his chair back and turned over. Please Mingjian, the emperor."

"Really?" Tianwu Demon Emperor said, and looked at Iron Lion Kuang with displeased expression.

Today is his birthday banquet. All the demon kings and quasi-demon emperors are all exposed to the light of his birthday banquet before they can eat and drink in Tianwuling. If the iron lion violently knocks over the chair, it is not Xuantian who took the initiative. , But the iron lion mad first shot, Xuantian then retaliated, then...who overturned the chair, of course the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor knew.

"Huang Tianxiongtai's words are extremely true, everyone present saw it with their own eyes." Yang Tian stood up and said.

"Yes...! The Iron Lion madly provoked it."

"The first time he shot, Little Friend Huang Tian didn't fight back, and then he shot the second time and used martial arts, Little Friend Huang Tian only stroked two fingers, and the iron lion flew madly."


The people present could not all be friends of the iron lion mad, and suddenly many demon kings made their voices.


Qingpeng Demon Emperor slapped the iron lion mad face with a slap, and shouted: "Asshole thing, go back to Qingpeng Continent, and fine you not to go out for ten years."

There was a blood-red slap mark on Iron Lion Kuang’s face, and several teeth were shot, but how could he dare to resist, endure the pain, and nod his head repeatedly: "Yes...yes...!"

This time, the Iron Lion was completely embarrassed and walked out with a low head.

"Wait...!" the Tianwu Demon Emperor said, "hold up the chair first."

"Yes...!" The Iron Lion madly didn't even dare to put one fart, and quickly walked back to lift the chair, and then rushed out.

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor looked at Xuantian and said, "You are a young hero. At a young age, he has such strength and has a boundless future."

Xuantian smiled slightly and said, "Thank you Tian Fu Demon King for your praise."

"Humph!" Qingpeng Demon Sovereign snorted softly. There was a lump in his heart, suppressed and could not escape. Although he slapped the iron lion wildly, he had great opinions on Xuantian.

Qingpeng Demon King said: "Is it called Huang Tian? Come to celebrate your birthday, but you want a gift. I don't know what gift you brought, but don't come to Tianwuling to eat for nothing...!"

"Haha! There are no good gifts below, only 10,000 top-grade spirit stones, please take it with the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor." Xuantian smiled slightly, and then waved his hand.


A large pile of spirit stones appeared in front of his table, piled up like a mountain.

These spiritual stones contain amazing heaven and earth auras, and each one is a top-grade spiritual stone.

High-grade spirit stones are items needed for the emperor's cultivation.

Although Yunzhou is suitable for the emperor's cultivation, its spiritual energy content is not comparable to that of the upper-grade spirit stone.

After becoming the emperor, if there is no resources, the speed is very slow by simply absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and it may only be promoted to the second-level emperor in a lifetime, and it is good to be the third-level emperor.

It would be impossible if it were not for a genius with outstanding qualifications to become a four-level emperor.

However, if there are high-grade spiritual stones for cultivation, it will be different. Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones are enough for the emperor to cultivate for ten years.

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor has these ten thousand high-grade spirit stones, and maybe a few years later, his cultivation will break through and become a fourth-level emperor.

If there is no high-grade spirit stone, just by absorbing the heaven and earth aura, the cultivation base can be maintained at most. When the emperor reaches 400 years old, he is also in his old age, and there will be a loss of vitality and blood.

Ten thousand high-grade spirit stones, this is a great gift.

Lingshi, for Xuantian, is inexhaustible.

Yunzhou is vast and boundless, with strong spiritual energy, naturally there are many spiritual stone veins buried deep underground.

It is difficult for others to find, but Xuantian's emperor's eyes can see 10,000 meters underground.

These days, Xuantian encountered many spirit stone veins along the way, one of which was a high-grade spirit stone vein, which Xuantian dug out some.

With Xuantian's current strength, a huge hole was punched into the earth, and it was very simple to mine a vein of spirit stone.

This high-grade spirit stone vein is located under 8,000 meters in a shallow sea area, and stretches for hundreds of miles. Xuantian only excavated some densely packed spiritual stones. There are hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, and some scattered places. , Xuantian found it troublesome and didn't move it.

The geology is destroyed and the spiritual energy leaks out. If the strong pass by, you will definitely find the spiritual stone veins below. Although the dense areas have been dug, there are scattered spiritual stones distributed in hundreds of miles, and at least you can dig out. Tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones.

There are tens of thousands of spiritual stones, and they are also high-grade spiritual stones.

Everyone looked at the pile of high-grade spirit stones with their eyes shining.

Even the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor are no exceptions. They may obtain these spirit stones and their cultivation base may go further.

However, when the Centipede Demon King was there, no one dared to **** these spirit stones.

Although Xuantian took it out, it was given by Xuantian to the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor. Who would dare to shoot? Isn't this fighting the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor?

With a wave of Xuan Tian's hand, he collected ten thousand high-grade spirit stones into a space ring, threw it at the Tianwu Demon Emperor, and said, "Please accept it."

The space ring flew away smoothly and was taken by the Celestial Demon Emperor. He laughed and said: "Little friend Huang Tian gave such a great gift, making it difficult for the old to live, and the collection is too expensive, but these spirit stones are bad for the old. It's a great effect. It's a pity that you don't accept it. You should accept it. If you need help from Xiaoyou Huang Tian, ​​just say it."

Xuantian just wanted the Tianwu Demon Emperor to speak.

He first asked the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor for help, and the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor first opened his mouth to help Xuantian. This is completely different.

Xuantian said: "I don't know the Heavenly Centipede Demon can you know Zhongzhou?"

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor invited the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Demon Emperor to sit down, and he also sat on the main seat, and then said: "Zhongzhou, but a remote place."

Xuantian was overjoyed. It seemed that the Demon Emperor Tianfu did know the whereabouts of Zhongzhou: "How to get to Zhongzhou from Yunzhou, please enlighten me!"

"Little friend Huang Tian is going to Central Continent?" The Tian Fu Demon Emperor's voice was surprised!

Qingpeng Demon Emperor, Sea Covering Demon Emperor, and many other Demon Emperors and Demon Kings, Qi Shushe looked at Xuantian.

Of course, there are only a few who know Zhongzhou, and most of them are really surprised by the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor, and followed the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor to look at Xuantian.

Xuantian nodded and said, "Yes!"

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