The Supreme Sword

Chapter 888: Emperor Danyuan

【Chapter 888】Pill Yuan Emperor Mansion (make up the second change yesterday)

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor followed closely behind Xuantian, like two tails. As soon as Xuantian teleported, they also teleported at the same time, appearing ten miles or dozens of miles behind Xuantian. outer. ()

However, because the sacred cauldron imprisoned the void, the two demon emperors could never teleport directly to the vicinity of Xuantian, at least ten miles apart.

At such a great distance, it was impossible to attack Xuantian at all. It was impossible for the two of them to keep Xuantian behind.

The two of them exchanged thoughts: "He has the holy cauldron in his body. We can't get close to him by teleporting, and we can't stop him at all. But he is not an emperor yet. He is far worse than our physical strength. See if he can continue. We can keep teleporting for several days and nights as long as we move. When his physical strength is exhausted, he can't teleport, and he can't even fly. That's when he will die."

Both of them are the third-level demon emperor, the Gang Yuan is surging, and the physical strength is very sufficient.

Although the consumption of teleportation is not a big deal to Xuantian, long-term continuous teleportation is definitely a huge consumption.

Generally speaking, if you teleport continuously for more than one day, your physical strength will begin to decline, and you must rest at night.

If you continue to teleport for a day and a night, the consumption is too severe, the strength will be reduced, and it will not be able to maintain the peak state.

The heavier the consumption, the lower the strength.

It is not impossible to teleport for several days and nights in a row, but it is completely desperate. Continuous teleportation consumes more than battle.

If the physical strength is completely consumed, even the emperor will become as weak as an ordinary warrior, let alone teleport, and can't even fly.

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor are not slower than Xuantian, so they plan to bite behind Xuantian and chase after Xuantian's physical strength is completely exhausted.

This is another contest, no different from combat.

In a few blinks, Xuantian, Qingpeng Demon Emperor, and Sea Covering Demon Emperor had already left Tianwuling a thousand miles away.

Looking at the three rays of light in the sky farther and farther away, the strong magic door suddenly rose into the sky, and all of them chased up.

Some strong monsters also flew into the sky and teleported away in the direction where Xuantian was fleeing.

Everyone wants to know the result of this battle.

In terms of teleport speed, Xuantian, Qingpeng Demon Emperor, and Sea Cover Demon Emperor were far ahead.

Xuantian had already put away both the Chaos Sacred Cauldron and the Thunder Sacred Cauldron. As for Xiaohu, he fed it the healing sacred pill and let it heal in the Sacred Cauldron.

Xuantian was covered by thunder and lightning, like a thunder god, passing through the void, the speed was extremely fast, it was four or five hundred miles in the blink of an eye.

Thunder violent, also possesses the ultimate speed, comprehend from the profound meaning of the thunder of Xuantian's fourth-order limit, the speed is extremely fast compared to ordinary third-tier emperors.

Unless it is a third-level emperor who understands the profound meaning of the fourth-order extreme wind, he can slightly win over Xuantian.

Unfortunately, the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor both understood the profound meaning of the wind and realized the Tier 4 limit.

Therefore, the two of them can always catch up with Xuantian. If they hadn't been imprisoned by the holy cauldron, they would have been chased within ten miles and could attack Xuantian.

"Hahahaha...!" Qingpeng Demon Emperor flapped his wings, followed closely behind Xuantian, and laughed: "Xuantian, you can't escape. Although your speed is fast, you can't compare with us. You must die this time."

The sea monster emperor also smiled and said: "I heard that every sacred cauldron is a treasure of the sky, the **** son of the gods and the underworld are all looking for it. Your speed is so slow, it is a pity that the saint cauldron is in your hands. Now, old friend Qingpeng, killed Xuantian, these two sacred cauldrons are not as good as ours. With our speed, and the sacred cauldron’s defense, hehe... The magic door wants to chase us and it’s difficult to reach the sky. Perhaps, the two of us can continue to advance in the martial arts with the two saints and become emperors in the future, haha...!"

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor's heart suddenly throbbed, and said: "My old friend Fuhai, this is a wonderful remark, haha...!"

As soon as Qingpeng Demon Emperor made a move, he had the thought of taking Xuantian's holy cauldron as an existing one, otherwise, he would not provoke an enemy like Xuantian because of the magic door.

Although the Iron Wood Demon Sect is powerful, it is a demon power after all, and it is impossible to blame Fan Shaoxiao's death on the monster clan. However, in the monster clan, it will cause a war between the monster clan and the demon clan.

Although the strength of the Demon Race is not as good as the Demon Sect, it is also a huge monster. There are top imperial powers. Once the fight is initiated, even if the Demon Sect can win, it will have to pay a great price.

Therefore, although these strong monsters are very jealous of the Ironwood Demon Sect, it is indeed impossible to follow the orders of the Ironwood Demon Sect.

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor attacked Xuantian and wanted to seize Xuantian's chaotic cauldron and thunder cauldron. That was the main reason.

"People die for money, birds die for food... Qingpeng, Fuhai, you two remember, this time if Xuantian doesn't die, it won't be long before your end will come soon." Xuantian's voice , Coming from the front.

"Hahaha...! Don't be ashamed, Xuantian, this time I want to see how you escape our palms, haha..." Qingpeng Demon Emperor and Sea Demon Emperor laughed loudly.

Ahead, Xuantian snorted, took out a high-grade Wang Lingdan, and ate it.

He has a large number of high-grade Wang Lingdan, flying for ten days and ten nights is not a problem, compared with his consumption?

When he was in Shenzhou, the **** son Sikongxiang also wanted to consume Xuantian, but in the end he couldn't consume it.

It is only a matter of time to get rid of the pursuit of the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Demon Emperor. Even if the two chase them, their physical strength will be greatly exhausted, and their strength will decline, Xuantian will seize the opportunity and directly counter the two. Kill, let the two bear the consequences sooner.

Xuantian teleported all the way to the east from Tianwuling. From noon to evening, he had already flown two million miles away. He had already left Tianwu Island, shuttled over the boundless sea, occasionally encountered below islands.

Soon, night fell and the sky turned dark, but the speed of Xuantian, Qingpeng Demon Emperor, and Sea Demon Emperor did not decrease.

"Old friend Qingpeng, this kid is heading east all the way to your Qingpeng continent." The Sea Monster King said.

"Yes, at his speed, probably tomorrow morning, he will reach the Qingpeng Continent, huh, he should be consumed almost at that time, and he will be killed in the Qingpeng Continent." Qingpeng Demon Emperor said coldly.


Continuously teleporting again and again, time passed by.

Below, one island after another appeared, and even a continent with a radius of nearly two million miles appeared on the way.

Xuantian teleported to the east, and the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Demon Emperor were chasing after him.

Xuantian ate the high-grade Wang Lingdan, and the stamina that he had consumed had been recovering quickly, without feeling tired at all.

It was almost early in the morning when Xuantian ate the second high-grade Wang Lingdan. He wanted to keep his physical strength at the peak of his stamina, and just keep teleporting for a few days and nights. After the two bodies behind him were greatly exhausted, Good to come back to the carbine.

It didn't take long for Dongfang to turn white, and the sky began to dawn.

"Hehehehe...! After flying for a long time, and flying all night, this kid's physical strength is almost exhausted!" The Sea Monster Emperor said with a smile.

As the third-level demon emperor, teleporting continuously for one or two days, the combat power will not degenerate in the slightest.

"It's about one million miles away, and it's about to reach the Qingpeng Continent. The Qingpeng Continent is four million miles long from east to west, hehe...he can't fly to the Qingpeng Continent, and that is the end of his life." He laughed and said, teleporting for a whole day, although his spirit was a little tired, his mood was very excited.

Soon, the sky was bright.

Xuantian saw that another island appeared more than 3,000 miles ahead.

It was a small island, probably only more than two hundred miles in radius, but the island was very round, as if it were drawn by a person, and it seemed that the distance was the same whether it was in the southeast, northwest, or northwest.

For a Xuantian whose teleportation is four to five hundred miles, three thousand miles is just a few breaths.

Just when Xuantian saw this island, the Demon Emperor Qingpeng and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor behind him also saw it.


"Emperor Danyuan Mansion——?"

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Demon Emperor suddenly exclaimed.

After exclaiming, the bodies of the two demon emperors suddenly stopped.

"Boy, stop--!" The two demon emperors drank at the same time.

"Stop your daddy...!" Xuantian's voice came from the front, the speed unabated.

"The front is a forbidden place--!"

"You are looking for death--!"

Qingpeng Demon Emperor and Fuhai Demon Emperor shouted at the same time.

"Forbidden air restriction?" When the two of them finished speaking, it was too late, and Xuantian's exclamation sound came from the front.

Xuantian was flying at an altitude of one thousand meters, and at this moment there were still about three hundred miles away from the island in front of him, but suddenly the void became as solid as iron, unable to teleport.

Moreover, he couldn't even keep flying and fell downward.

"This kid is dead, but even the Emperor Zhun can't get through here."

"His mother, the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion is within a radius of a few hundred miles. How could he be dead or alive and hit him? He is dead, but the Holy Cauldron fell in the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion. Who can enter the world? come out?"

"No one can take it. This is the cave house of the Danyuan Sword Emperor in the ancient times. The Danyuan Sword Emperor is a very powerful sword emperor. Three thousand years ago, the Demon Emperor wanted to go in, but he failed!"


"What--! The holy cauldron blocked the strangulation of the formation?"

When the two sighed, they suddenly exclaimed at the same time, dumbfounded.

Seeing Xuantian falling downward, he immediately noticed the danger, and the Holy Ding of Thunder immediately surrounded him.

Soon Lei Zhishang fell to the surface of the sea.

At this moment, the sea shook, and suddenly countless water blades burst out, cutting from all directions.

There was a broken voice in the void, and there was an invisible killer move.

The ultimate move here can kill a quasi emperor instantly.

In an instant.

All the water blades and invisible killer moves were cut on the sacred cauldron of thunder, but they failed to make the sacred cauldron of thunder a slight damage.

Moreover, the attacks from all directions were smashed at the same time, and the power seemed to cancel each other. Xuantian was located in the chaotic sacred cauldron in the thunder cauldron, and did not feel much vibration.

ek chocolate says

Xuantian has another adventure,,, what would it be? ? ? ? ? ? Seeking praise Seeking recommendation votes. . . Xuantian wants another bull, haha. . . .


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