The Supreme Sword

Chapter 889: 】Priceless

【Chapter 889】The priceless treasure

Not that the attack power is not strong enough. ()

But the sacred cauldron of Thunder is too strong.

This Danyuan Emperor Mansion was the cave mansion of a sword emperor in ancient times, and it was no secret in Yunzhou.

For tens of thousands of years, there have been countless strong men who wanted to enter the Danyuan Emperor's mansion to explore.

It's a pity that even if it is as strong as Emperor Zhun, he can't pass through the forbidden formation outside Emperor Danyuan's mansion. The attack that Xuantian encountered just now was enough to smash Emperor Zhun into pieces instantly.

Especially three thousand years ago, a quasi-emperor of the demon clan made a breakthrough and became a demon emperor. Because he was near the water tower, he had come to visit the palace of Emperor Danyuan.

As a result, the world was shocked, and even a generation of Demon Emperors failed to enter it, only breaking through the outer restrictions and bringing out some rare grass on the island.

Seeing Xuantian breaking into the forbidden area of ​​the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, Qingpeng Demon Emperor and Fuhai Demon Emperor thought that Xuantian would definitely die. Unfortunately, the result was beyond their expectations.

Xuantian's body is in the sacred cauldron of chaos, and the sacred cauldron of chaos is in the sacred cauldron of thunder, which is equivalent to laying two layers of protection, each layer is indestructible.

Even the prohibition left by the sword emperor Danyuan in the ancient times could not cause any damage to the holy cauldron.

"Boy, the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion is a forbidden place in the forbidden area, and the emperor quasi will die if he enters. You quickly come out and hand over the holy cauldron, and there is a chance to survive!"

"The restriction on the sea is only the outer restriction. On the island, there are even more terrifying formations. Three thousand years ago, the demon emperor almost died. Xuantian, if you enter it, you will die. We only need the holy cauldron and hand over the holy. Ding, you can continue to live, and the emperor can also let you borrow the teleportation formation of Qingpeng Continent and let you go directly to the east of Yunzhou!"

Fuhai Demon Emperor and Qingpeng Demon Emperor shouted loudly.

"Hahahaha...! If you want to come out, dream, you can't get in here, but Xuanmou has the saint cauldron protector, and he has no fear. If he wants the saint cauldron, he has the ability to come in and grab it, haha...!"

Xuantian's laughter came out from the thunder saint cauldron.

Danyuan Emperor Mansion's prohibition could not help him, but other people could not resist it, it was simply his amulet.

Let Xuantian come out to offer a tripod? It's a joke.

"Xuantian, if you go deep into it, you will definitely die!"

"You will die without a place to bury your body, and your soul will be scattered!"

Seeing that Xuantian was not intimidated, the two demon emperors were furious and shouted at the same time.

"You just wait outside, Qingpeng, Fuhai, when my cultivation base breaks through, I will find you to settle the account, and your head will be temporarily stored on you, and I will come to pick it up in the future."

The Thunder Sacred Cauldron was like Ye Guzhou, heading towards the island ahead, and Xuantian's voice came from the cauldron.

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor felt chills in their hearts, and they heard an extremely determined killing intent from Xuantian's voice.

The Thunder Sacred Cauldron advanced about a hundred meters on the surface of the water, and countless water blades struck it again. The void where the water blade passed by instantly split open and slashed on the Thunder Sacred Cauldron.

The attack power is very terrifying, and the quasi-emperor can beheaded.

However, the sacred cauldron of Thunder is indestructible, and these attacks come from all directions, while slashing on the sacred cauldron of thunder, there are terrifying powers coming from every direction, and the results are mutually offset.

No party had a particularly strong offensive power, so the Lightning Sacred Cauldron was not cut off.

Xuantian controlled the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder, approaching the island in front of him, and he would face a terrifying attack every 100 meters, but Xuantian couldn't help it.

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Sea Covering Demon Emperor stood in the sky outside the restricted sea area, and saw the Thunder Sacred Cauldron getting farther and farther away from them. There seemed to be a layer of mist in front of them, and the image of the Thunder Sacred Cauldron became lighter and lighter. When separated by dozens of miles, they completely disappeared.

This forbidden formation not only has a strong attack power, but also has a psychedelic effect.

Although there seems to be a small island in the distance, in fact, it is just an illusion. People are outside the formation and can't see the real island where the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion is located.

The two demon emperors looked at each other, and said, "What should I do? This kid is hiding in Emperor Dan Yuan's mansion, and we have nothing to do with him."

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor had a deep gaze and said, "Wait...! This emperor doesn't believe how long he can stay in Emperor Danyuan's mansion. Three thousand years ago, even the Demon Emperor Xiangqi couldn't get into it and was blasted out."

The Sea Demon Emperor nodded and said, "Xuan Tian is like fireflies and the sun compared to Xiangqi Demon Emperor. Even with the help of the holy cauldron, it is infinitely inferior to Xiangqi Demon Emperor, hehe... …It seems that he will not last long in Emperor Danyuan's mansion."

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor's eyes showed a cold color, and said: "It won't take long for the powerful Demon Sect to catch up. The news of Xuantian entering the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion will soon reach the Iron Wood Demon Sect. It will not take a few days. At the time, the Iron Wood Demon Sect will send a strong person to come, huh..., I hope that Xuantian will be bombed out earlier, if we wait for the Iron Wood Demon Sect strong to come, the two of us will have no share. "


In the forbidden formation of the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, Xuantian did not control the movement of the Thunder Sacred Cauldron very fast. After half an hour, Xuantian passed through the sea and the island was already in front of him.

With the emperor's heavenly eyes, Xuantian can see outside the cauldron even in the holy cauldron.

When Xuantian controlled the Thunder Sacred Cauldron to rush to the coast, he felt a slight change in the heavens and the earth.

"Hey...! The formation has disappeared?" Xuantian felt how sensitive, even though he was in the cauldron, he noticed it in an instant.

He immediately controlled the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder, and returned to rush into the sea.

As soon as it rushed into the sea, countless water blades smashed into the saint cauldron of thunder, and Xuantian also felt that the world was covered with a layer of terrifying power.

Soon, Xuantian controlled the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder and rushed back to the shore. All the attacks were gone and the power of the formation disappeared.

"Could it be that this restriction is only in the waters around the small island, and this island is not covered by the restriction?" With a move in Xuan Tian's heart, he controlled the Holy Cauldron of Thunder to fly upward.

Immediately, the Lei Sage Cauldron flew up.

Sure enough, not only the powerful forbidden formations disappeared, but even the forbidden air was not restricted, and they could fly.

It seems that the danger of the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion is in the waters around the island, but there is no danger after boarding the island.

"My God, there is such a rich aura here. The emperor will cultivate for a long time here, and he will definitely be able to break through his cultivation base. The concentration of aura contained in the weather is almost the same as that of the high-grade spiritual stone. It is a peerless treasure." Xuantian's emperor said. The eyes of the sky could clearly see the aura of heaven and earth, and Xuantian was shocked.

Only the concentration of aura in the air can be compared with the high-grade spirit stones. Yunzhou is a more suitable place for emperors to practice, but the concentration of aura is not even half of that on this island.

The concentration of spiritual energy has an inevitable relationship with the cultivation trend of all warriors in a region.

The higher the concentration of aura, the higher the cultivation base trend of all warriors.

Yunzhou's aura concentration is better than that of Zhongzhou, so the trend of martial arts cultivation here is stronger than Zhongzhou.

Of course, this refers to all warriors, not to individual warriors. Perhaps some small places can give birth to devilish geniuses, such as Xuantian and Undead Kings who were born in Shenzhou.

Xuantian flew up to a height of one thousand meters and put away the two sacred cauldrons. He looked hundreds of miles and almost looked at the entire island.

This is a small circular island with a diameter of about two hundred miles. The entire island is round as if it were drawn by a person, very round and regular.

In the center of the island, there is a three-story palace, and there are many buildings nearby.

In other places, there are flowers and trees, a fragrant fragrance.

Sitting on Xuantian's shoulder, Xiaohu showed an expression of enjoyment when he breathed. He was very satisfied with the concentration of heaven and earth aura here.

"The mansions in the center of the island should be the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion mentioned by Qingpeng and Fuhai. They can be used as a forbidden land, and even the Emperor Zhun can't enter. This must be the remains of the sword emperor in the ancient times."

"I don't know how the master of this emperor mansion compares to the sword world supreme Tianchen in the Middle Continent. There may be the inheritance of the ancient sword emperor in the pill yuan emperor's mansion. Anyway, this is my chance. It's better to explore it."

"However, according to Qingpeng and Fu Hai, a generation of Demon Emperors three thousand years ago broke through the external restrictions, but almost died in the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion. It seems that there is still greater danger in there. Can the Ding and Thunder Sacred Ding make it through?"

"In any case, if my own strength can be stronger, I hope it will definitely be greater. The spiritual energy here is so strong, there must be spiritual grass growing. The last time the demon emperor came in three thousand years ago, after three thousand years. , If there are spirit grasses growing, how many medicine kings should there be? Even, longer than medicine kings, more than two thousand years old? Three thousand years of peerless spirit grass?"

"My cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the top king, and the mind cultivation is far ahead. What is missing is the cultivation of the spiritual body, which requires a lot of energy accumulation. The cultivation of the mind needs to be comprehended by myself, but the accumulation of energy is OK. Relying on some of the best old spirit grass to make up quickly...!"

"The spirit body of the third-tier peak, if you want to break through, I am afraid that it will take a lot of rare spirit grass of more than two thousand years...!"

Xuantian scanned the entire island, changing his mind continuously.

"The third eye, open!" Xuantian shouted softly.

His eyebrows suddenly opened a vertical The khaki light swept out, and Xuantian glanced at it and saw it 10,000 meters away.

As far as the emperor's eyes are, even if they are 10,000 meters apart, they can be seen clearly, and they are not blocked by others.

Xuantian's emperor's eye is like an accurate scanner, searching for the spiritual grass within sixty miles ahead.

The island is full of aura, but there are still some places where the aura is even stronger. Xuantian felt the places with a particularly strong aura, and the emperor's eyes looked at it.

Sure enough, there are spiritual grasses growing in those locations.

"My God, there are so many spirit grasses. The king of medicines over a thousand years has no fewer than a thousand, and there are more than a hundred spirit grasses over two thousand years. There are no less than ten of the peerless spirit grass over three thousand years, too many. The spirit grass here can be called a priceless treasure, absolutely priceless...!"

Xuantian exclaimed, his expression shocked.


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