The Supreme Sword

Chapter 890: 】The test of Emperor Danyuan

【Chapter 890】The test of Emperor Dan Yuan Jian

Spirit grass that is more than a thousand years old is called Medicine King, which is extremely rare. ()

Spirit grass that is more than two thousand years old is even more rare. Even the sword emperor can only live for a thousand years. Two thousand years of spirit grass is the lifespan of two sword emperors. Spirit grass has a longer lifespan, but two thousand years. It is too long. Few spirit grasses can live for more than two thousand years. This is simply an antique among spirit grasses.

Spirit grass that is more than three thousand years old is even more rare. There is no suitable environment. It is not a high-level spirit grass in itself. It can't grow for three thousand years. It triples the lifespan of the sword emperor. This is completely refined. It's almost the essence of medicine.

Essence of medicine over three thousand years, if it has a chance, can almost produce spiritual wisdom.

Once the spiritual grass develops the spiritual wisdom, it is not only the spiritual grass, but a cultivator, three thousand years of medicinal essence, once the spiritual wisdom is turned on, the three thousand years of accumulation of medicinal power is transformed into gang yuan, and the accumulation of perception is transformed into profound meaning, almost immediately You can become an emperor.

In the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden in Zhongzhou, Xuantian encountered a medicine emperor in the central restricted area, that is, the spiritual grass that has lived for three thousand years opened up the spiritual wisdom and became the emperor.

Only in the area seen by Emperor Xuan Tian’s eyes, there are eleven medicinal essences that are more than three thousand years old, and the entire island has a radius of two hundred miles. How many medicinal essences should there be?

I am afraid there are not one hundred, but dozens of them.

This is because the monster emperor Xiangqi of the demon clan entered here three thousand years ago, and he should have collected a lot of old spiritual grass, otherwise no one has come here for tens of thousands of years. Isn’t it even more than four thousand years or five years old? Thousands of years... or even longer spirit grass?

"There are so many medicinal essences that are more than three thousand years old, so it's not possible that they have also opened up the spirit and become the existence of the medicine emperor?" Xuan Tian sighed in his heart.

Although I sigh in my heart, it is different now.

When he entered the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion in the Central Continent, Xuantian was only a half-step king, and he had not yet become a king.

Now, Xuantian is the top king, and ordinary emperors are not in his eyes. Even if there is a spirit medicine to become emperor, as long as he is not an emperor above level four, he is not afraid.

"I have collected medicine kings, medicine antiques, and medicine essences that are more than a thousand years old. These are all of great use, especially medicine essences that are more than 3,000 years old. If I become a queen, I can rely on it to quickly accumulate energy and greatly increase my cultivation time. Only the spirit grass on this island is an invaluable treasure house. This time, I entered the Danyuan Emperor’s Mansion by mistake and it was worth it!"

Xuan Tian was overjoyed in his heart and quickly flew to the location of the spirit grass.

He had the emperor's heavenly eyes, saw the specific location of the spirit grass, and flew around, picking a precise one.

He didn't pay attention to some ordinary spirit grass, and if anyone could come in later generations, he would also leave some benefits for others.

Two hours later, Xuan Tian picked all the spiritual grass on the island that was more than 1,000 years old.

Last time in the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden, Xuantian obtained some Emperor Spirit Grass, and there were more than a dozen King Spirit Grasses more than a thousand years old, and there were tens of thousands of King Spirit Grasses under a thousand years, which is already a remarkable harvest. It is also priceless.

However, compared with the spiritual grass harvest this time, it was simply weak.

The Pill Emperor Medicine Garden opens every three hundred years, and every time some people will enter the central restricted area, and some extremely dangerous places cannot be visited at all. Therefore, although there are many spirit grasses in it, they can be picked. It is totally incomparable with this small island.

This small island, but no one has come for three thousand years, and there is no dangerous place to go, as long as it is the spiritual grass you can see, you can harvest it.

This time, Xuantian harvested more than three thousand years of medicine essence, a total of 73 plants, more than two thousand years of medicine antiques, a total of 591 plants, and a thousand years of medicine king, a total of 6,777 plants.

A medicine king is a huge treasure, even priceless, but there are totally 6,777 medicine kings. The value is really incalculable.

As for the six hundred and ninety-one medicine antiques and the seventy-three medicine essences, that is even more inestimable.

Spirit grass activates spiritual wisdom, the probability is extremely low, there is no one in a million.

Although there were seventy-three medicinal essences on this small island, they did not activate Lingzhi's existence as the medicinal emperor, and Xuantian picked them all.

After collecting the spirit grass, Xuantian came to the front of the mansion palace in the center of the island. There was a stone tablet with four characters engraved on it - Danyuan Emperor's Mansion.

There are three palaces in front, and you have to pass through them to reach the three-story palace.

The name of Emperor Danyuan's mansion came out because of the lettering on this stone tablet.

On the back of this stele, there are also some small characters:

"I am the Sword Emperor of Pill Yuan. I am good at swordsmanship in my life, and I will soon become a god. It is a pity that I have not found a person for three hundred years in this life. I have learned this emperor's sword pill technique. Sigh...!

I can't bear the sword pill art in the sword world. I leave this inheritance in the Danyuan Emperor's mansion. If I have a relationship with later generations, I can become my disciple. I can inherit the sword pill art and carry forward the sword pill technique...!

I have 36 transmission channels in all directions in the sword world. If someone who is destined for later generations enters the channel, he will instantly transmit to this place and become my prepared disciple. From this forward, through three courtyards, you can enter the original In the imperial palace, inheritance!

I have been proficient in kendo all my life, and the disciple whom I teach must be kendo wizards. There are three trials in the three courtyards in front. Those who pass will become the disciples of the emperor, and those who lose will die!

The three trials are all projections left by the emperor, and they will change according to the cultivation level of the trespassers, maintaining the same realm!

In the first level, the emperor’s projection has the power to challenge beyond a realm!

In the second level, the emperor’s projection has the power to challenge the two realms!

In the third level, the emperor’s projection has the power to challenge the three realms!

The descendants of this emperor must be geniuses of swordsmanship, evil spirits, sword pill art, which is definitely not a vulgar generation can practice. Those who have confidence in themselves can go forward, and those who have no confidence can walk directly into the stone monument. Where to come, where to go back!

Once you enter the courtyard, you can't turn back when you pass through the barriers. You must live or die, remember! Remember! "

Xuantian was shocked after reading it!

"Fortunately, after I picked the spirit grass, I didn't take it immediately and let the cultivation base break through to the quasi-emperor. It turns out that this breakthrough is based on the cultivation base of the passer, and will release a projection of the same cultivation base.

Now I am the cultivation base of the top pinnacle emperor. It is no problem to challenge the three realms, but I become the quasi emperor. If the profound understanding does not break through, the third level is much more difficult.

This is the projection of Danyuan Sword Emperor. The third level has the power to challenge the three realms, and I also have the power to challenge the three realms, but I may not be able to beat him. "

Xuantian felt fortunate.

Now he is the top king of the pinnacle, whether it is the profound meaning of chaos, the profound meaning of thunder, or the profound meaning of fire, all have reached the limit of his body.

Regarding the ability to leapfrog challenges, at this time, Xuantian is the strongest. If his cultivation base makes a breakthrough, he must also break through a realm with his mental cultivation base to be comparable to the current leapfrog challenge ability.

Therefore, now, Xuantian is the most suitable time to break through.

"This Pill Yuan sword emperor has soared to become a god, and Tianchen is only the supreme sword world, not a god. This sword pill art, the subtle and profound horror lies not in the'Ultimate Attracting Star Technique' and the'Jie Zun Jian Jue'. under."

Xuantian looked excited, and was very interested in the sword pill technique of the Danyuan Sword Emperor.

Xuantian had never heard of the sword pill technique.

This is the original technique of the Danyuan Sword Emperor, but it is a must.

"The sword emperor Danyuan is a figure in the ancient times. This Danyuan Emperor Mansion must have existed for more than ten thousand years. For such a long time, I don't know how many people have accidentally entered this place through 36 teleportation formations.

I don't know if anyone has passed the test and obtained the inheritance of the Danyuan Sword Emperor, but it is not easy to pass the third level. It is no easy task to defeat the Danyuan Sword Emperor projection who can challenge the same realm but can cross three realms.

Even if I have the ability to challenge across the three realms, there is only 50% hope. It is very likely that the inheritance of Sword Emperor Danyuan is still there!

The descendant that the sword emperor Dan Yuan was looking for must be a genius of swordsmanship. My understanding of swordsmanship should be regarded as an evil evildoer. Perhaps, I can meet the requirements of the sword emperor Dan Yuan. "

Xuantian believed in his heart, smiled slightly, and walked forward.

Ten meters away from the first courtyard, Xuantian felt that there was another formation enveloped, which was a restricted airspace restriction.

Xuantian had already expected that if there were no air restrictions, why would those who cross the barrier need to break through? Just fly over it.

Soon, Xuantian came to the gate, stepped forward, and entered the courtyard.

However, the little tiger on his shoulders suddenly flew backwards, and a translucent light curtain suddenly appeared at the empty gate, and it was this light curtain that the little tiger popped up.

A voice rang from the light curtain: "This emperor inherits only the human race!"

Xiaohu is a monster beast, and the Sword Emperor Danyuan will not let him in at all.

"Roar————!" Xiaohu stood dozens of meters away, his hair erected and let out an angry roar.

Xiaohu's temper was not very good. He sat down on Xuantian's shoulder and was suddenly bounced out. How could he not be angry.

Seeing that Xiaohu seemed to be rushing over again, Xuantian hurriedly shouted: "Little tiger...! You are waiting outside. This is a restriction placed by a strong man who is about to become a god. You can't rush in!"

"Huh--!" Xiaohu nodded the temperament came down, standing outside, looking at Xuantian.

Xuantian gave Xiaohu a victory sign, and then moved on.

In fact, as soon as the translucent light curtain came out, Xuantian couldn't go out anymore, and when he started to break through the barriers, he would either live or die!

Sword Emperor Dan Yuan had already reminded him, and he also gave future generations a way out. If you feel that you can't do it, you can walk into the stele and leave here.

After walking for more than ten steps, Xuantian came to the center of the courtyard. Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed and the space instantly changed...


Outside of the forbidden area of ​​Emperor Danyuan's mansion, Qingpeng Demon Emperor and Sea-covering Monster Emperor were still waiting. They believed that Xuantian could not stay in Emperor Danyuan's mansion for too long.

At this time, the first-level emperor of the Demon Gate and some monster emperors had arrived.

Everyone was shocked to learn that Xuantian used the holy cauldron to enter the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion.


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