The Supreme Sword

Chapter 905: 】Grandpa Xuantian is here too!

[Chapter 905] Grandpa Xuantian is here too!

The goddess and goddess have artifacts that travel through various areas on his body, and can walk around the sword world. ()

The sword world is very vast. I don’t know how many areas there are like Zhongzhou and Yunzhou, especially small areas like Tianzhou and Shenzhou.

When walking in a certain area, the goddess and goddess may stop at a certain sect. For example, Xuanyuan Chuxue once stopped at the Piaoxue Pavilion in Tianzhou.

It seems that Sikong should have stayed in Qingyun Jianzong for a while while walking in Yunzhou.

The goddess and goddess are looking for Jiuding. They have the ability to walk in various areas. Naturally, they will not stay in one place for too long. The sword world is very vast. Some areas are adjacent, and some areas may be separated by billions of miles, or even billions of miles. It may be several years or even ten years.

Sikongxiang, the only **** son Xuantian had ever met, had fought in Shenzhou.

At that time, Sikong Xiang was already a fourth-level great emperor, but because of the limitations of Shenzhou Heaven and Earth, he could only control his cultivation at the same realm as Xuantian. As a result, he was defeated by Xuantian.

Sikongding brought Princess Yingyue. Sikongxiang and Sikongding belonged to the Sikong family, and had a battle with Xuantian. Whether it was Sikongding or Sikongxiang, Xuantian had no favor.

Xuantian and Chi Youzi parted ways, Chi Youzi continued to go to Bixia Palace to climb and rescue soldiers, while Xuantian sent directly to Qingyunjian.

Although Xuantian is very confident that the three-turn sword pill can kill the fourth-level emperor, and the emperor's eyes can see through the formation, but he can't give Chiyouzi a ticket. In case a more powerful emperor arrives at the magic gate, then Xuantian You also have to run away, so let Chiyou Azusa continue to climb for the rescue.

Qingyun Sword School is located in Qingyun Mountain, Lianyun Peak.

In the early morning of the next day, Xuantian came to the Qingyun Mountain. After thousands of miles, he could see the towering Lianyun Peak.

There are four lower peaks in the four directions of Lianyun Peak, separated by one or two hundred miles, but they are also more than 5,000 meters high.

The Qingyun Sword Sect is divided into five veins, which are located on five mountain peaks.

At this moment, Xuantian is thousands of miles away, and you can see the entire Qingyun Sword Sect's five mountains, of which the main peak is covered by a huge light cover, and the light outside the light cover is shining brightly and continuously.

Xuantian knew that it was the gang mang caused by the strong demon sect besieging the Qingyun Sword Sect guarding the mountain formation.

The size of a person is too small to be seen at all tens of thousands of miles apart. You can only see the thousands of feet of light when you move, which is very bright and dazzling.

The distance of tens of thousands of miles is not too far for Xuantian, and the time of twenty or thirty breaths has arrived.

From a closer look, the fighting here is fierce.

The mountain guard formation of the Qingyun Sword Sect has already begun to shatter, and sometimes large holes with a radius of tens of meters and hundreds of meters will appear.

Of course, this cracked hole is very short-lived, and it is fleeting, and the magic door powerhouse cannot rush into it.

Moreover, even if you can rush into it, you will soon have no retreat and you have to fight directly with the strong of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect. Therefore, unless the mountain guard is broken enough to accommodate most of the magic gate powerhouses to pass, the magic gate powerhouse Only then will they be unified into the Qingyun Sword Sect.

By that time, it was basically time for the Great Mountain Protection Formation to be destroyed.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not far from the destruction of the guarding formation.

Fang Yuanbo was right. With Geng Yuqing's formation skills, it would only take two days at most to break through the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain guard formation. Today is the day of breaking the formation.

The strongest demon sect besieging the Azure Cloud Sword Sect has thousands of people, and the weakest is also the Dacheng King. On the Dove Demon Continent, there are three imperial powers of the demon sect: Sky Splitting Sword Sect, Frozen Cloud Palace, and Golden Sun Valley.

In each imperial rank power, there are thousands of kings. In addition, there are also some demon king rank forces. They have selected more than one thousand to besiege the Azure Cloud Sword Sect. They are all elites among the kings, and their strength is not bad.

As for the emperor on the magic gate, there are eight, among them, one is the fourth-level emperor, three are the third-level emperor, two are the second-level emperor, and two are the first-level emperor.

The fourth-level emperor is Geng Yuqing, from the Yin Demon Sect, one of the Seven Demon Sects. It can be said that he has a lot of background, but his formation skills are even more terrifying.

Together with Geng Yuqing from the Yin Demon Sect, there are two third-tier emperors: Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming, both of whom are also powerful.

Another third-level emperor is Pei Lie, the supreme master of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, and the other second-level emperors and first-level emperors are all the Supreme Elder of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect.

As for the two imperial-level powerhouses in Frozen Cloud Palace and Golden Sun Valley, they took some of the kings to go to the Dove Demon Continent, another imperial power, the Nine Heavens Sect.

Even though the Nine Heavens Sect knew that the Qingyun Sword Sect was in danger, he was too busy to take care of himself and naturally did not have the energy to save the Qingyun Sword Sect.

If there is no accident, the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain protection formation will be completely destroyed in a while.

Now the four secondary peaks of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect have been lost, and everyone retreats to the main peak. Moreover, the formation gas mask has shrunk to the point where it only covers the main peak. The scope is reduced, which can make the formation gas mask stronger and supportive. Take longer.

The Azure Cloud Sword Sect is the same as the Sky Splitting Sword Sect. There are five emperors. The strongest is the third-level emperor. On the Momen side, there are eight emperors. There are not only three third-level emperors, but also Geng Yu Qing is a four-level emperor who is proficient in formation.

It is conceivable that once the mountain protection formation is destroyed, the disaster of the Qingyun Sword Sect will come, and the strength of the two sides is very different.

If it were to follow normal development, the Qingyun Sword Sect’s calamity would not survive this time.

However, with the arrival of Xuantian, there will be some changes in the future.

From a distance, Xuantian opened the eyes of Emperor Dao Tian and carefully observed the powerful masters of the demons, and made sure that there were no real masters lurking in the crowd. He stepped in the air and walked in the direction of Lian Yunfeng swaggeringly.

"The demon's grandson, your grandfather Xuantian is also...!" Xuantian stepped a thousand meters away, and shouted loudly.

Geng Yuqing is the master of the formation technique. He has deployed powerful formations around the Azure Cloud Sword Sect to restrain the mountain protection formation of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect. Secondly, it can enhance the attack power of the powerful demon sects. In more than two days, he broke through the mountain guard formation of the Qingyun Sword Sect.

This is a breakthrough.

When Xuantian's voice rang, the sound waves lined up, and he rushed forward, thousands of miles away, besieging the strong masters of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect and the warriors of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, all clearly heard.



The strong demon and the warriors of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect were all taken aback.

Some people who have never heard of Xuantian do not know what character Xuantian is, and where is it sacred. In front of so many powerful magic sects, they dare to speak like this. Is it an emperor above level five?

But they looked at Xuantian, just a quasi-emperor, and suddenly looked disappointed, and showed contempt. If a quasi-emperor dared to speak like this, it would be completely arrogant and seeking death.

Those who had heard of Xuantian were even more surprised.

Didn't Xuantian enter the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion and never come out again?

After half a year, why did it come to the Dove Demon Continent?

The distance between the two places is so far apart, which is too unexpected.

Xuantian killed the emperor of Ghost Yuezong, although it spread widely, but it was not yet known to the entire Yunzhou world.

But since he killed Fan Shaoxiao, the seventh Shao Xiao of the Demon Sect, his name has spread throughout the Demon Sect, the Right Way, the Demon Race...especially the emperor. Basically, he has never heard of Xuantian's deeds.

Among the kings, those who have heard of Xuantian's deeds also account for the vast majority.

There is no greater mood swing than the three powerhouses of the Yin Demon Sect.

As the emperor of one of the seven demon sects, he was very familiar with Xuantian, who was the target of the Seven Demon Hunting Order.

As soon as the Seven Demon Hunting Order came out, no matter when, where, anyone, as long as they saw the target, they had the obligation to kill.

The fourth-level emperor Geng Yuqing's eyes were shocked and then delighted, "Xuantian was the one who was chased by the Seven Demon Hunting Order. Once the Seven Demon Hunting Order came out, the pursuit and killing remained the same for a lifetime. He actually lived from the Danyuan Emperor's residence. It came out, really unexpected... But, he wants to save the Azure Cloud Sword Sect? Hehe... This is simply a snare, if the emperor can kill Xuantian, then he has completed the seven demon chase. Will be recorded in the history of the magic door, and has the most generous rewards, and if you can win two sacred cauldrons, it will be able to make the Brahma Mingzi dragon face joy, not only my magic door has no bounds for this benefit, the emperor will also get great The good thing is, if the Bharatanatyam child cultivates me, teaches me the supreme Dafa, and takes me to the devil world, maybe this emperor still has the hope of breaking through and becoming an emperor, hehe...!"

The more Geng Yuqing thought about it, the happier he was, and the corners of his mouth curled up and couldn't help smiling.

"Junior Brother Shi Qing and Junior Brother Jiao Zhengming, you two go and kill Xuantian. It is best to introduce him into the formation, so that he cannot escape with his wings." Geng Yuqing Xiang Xuanqing and Jiao Zhengming two third-level emperors The speaker said.

He wants to preside over the formation, break through the Qingyun Sword Sect, gain the land of the Emperor Yan, open the passage of the Demon Realm, and let the Mingzi Boluosu come to Yunzhou. This is also a big matter. The most important thing is that the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain guard formation is broken. At this time, he is not easy to get away.

Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming both showed vicious and excited looks in their eyes, and they were obviously very satisfied with Geng Yuqing's arrangement.

"Hehe..., don't worry, brother, this kid has thrown himself into the trap, and we will let him taste the consequences of opposing the devil." Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming said through the soul.

" Are you seeking your own death?"

"I was chased by the seven demon chasing orders of my magic door, and I dared to show up here. I am really impatient to live. We will let you taste what you want, haha...!"

Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming said loudly, flying towards Xuantian as fast as lightning.

They flew out of the formation range made by Geng Yuqing cloth, prepared to fight Xuan Tian first, and then deliberately pretended to be defeated and retreated, so as to trick Xuan Tian into the big formation.

Everyone knows that Xuantian has a holy cauldron and cannot teleport close. If Xuantian teleports and escapes, no one can catch up. Unless Xuantian is chased until he is physically exhausted and cannot teleport again, he can catch up. Possible.

But the change of chasing like this is too great, like last time Xuan Tian was chased into the Danyuan Emperor's mansion, but Xuan Tian did not die, and half a year later, his cultivation level has been greatly improved.

ek chocolate says

Tomorrow on the 18th, there will be a small outbreak,,,,,,,, everyone, please drop the recommendation votes, thank you. . .


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