The Supreme Sword

Chapter 906: 】Instant Kill

[Chapter 906] Instant kill (1 more)

The formation can confine the void. In the eyes of Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming, as long as Xuantian is introduced into the formation, Xuantian will be unable to escape. ()

The powerhouse of the Demon Sect turned his head and glanced at Xuantian, but he had no interest and continued to attack the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain guard formation.

As for the warriors of the Azure Cloud Sword Sect, although their confidence in Xuantian is zero, many people still look at Xuantian. Even if they do not believe that Xuantian is the opponent of many powerful magicians, they are still eager in their hearts. A miracle.

Xuantian's Emperor Daotian's eyes were open. Although Geng Yuqing's formation was invisible, there was no way to escape under Xuantian's Emperor Daotian's eyes.

Xuantian knew at a glance where the formation area was, and stopped a hundred miles away from the formation under Geng Yuqing's cloth.

As long as Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming take the initiative to attack and approach Xuan Tian for a few miles, they will be restricted by the imprisonment of the holy cauldron. Xuan Tian is confident that the two will never escape back into the formation.

Although the emperor flew hundreds of miles, it didn't take much time, just ten or twenty breaths, but within this time, Xuantian was enough to behead them several times.

Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming are both three-level emperors. Although Xuantian's combat power is against the sky, the two do not think that if they join forces, they will be weaker than Xuantian. What they think is that they will defeat Xuantian outside the formation. Xuantian will Fleeing, so they have to pretend to be invincible and introduce Xuantian into the formation.

In their hearts, Xuantian's strength is not as good as theirs. When they advance and retreat, is it still not what they want?

"Jiao Brother, wait for the attack to leave some extra power, so that Xuantian feels that our strength is a little weaker than him, so that we retreat, he will chase into the formation." Shi Qing Jiao Zhengming Soul Nian said.

"Okay! Anyway, this kid is extremely arrogant. He thinks that his combat power is against the sky. He definitely doesn't know that we are deliberately lost. Hehe...!" Jiao Zhengming said with a sneer.

The two jumped in the air, and they soon came to Xuantian a few miles away. With Xuantian's current strength, the distance that the holy cauldron had imprisoned the void was at least sixteen or seven miles, with Xuantian as the center and a radius of sixteen or seventeen. Here is the range of imprisonment and the void, the total range is more than 30 miles.

Although Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming thought they were stronger than Xuantian, they were very cautious. They were still eighteen miles away from Xuantian, so they stopped and did not enter the confinement void.

It is no secret that the holy cauldron confines the void and cannot teleport. Every strong man knows that it is dangerous to approach Xuantian.

Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming glanced at each other, and the two shot instantly, and they attacked Xuantian after eighteen miles apart.

Yin Demon Handprint——

What the two of them displayed was the secret of the Yin Demon Sect.

The two palm prints are incomparably dark, revealing an extremely cold atmosphere, Snap! Snapped! With two loud noises, palm prints crossed the void and patted Xuantian.

The Yin Demon Handprint is a top-notch imperial martial arts. Once the palm print is produced, it can directly suppress the low-level martial artist to death. Even, together with the martial artist of the realm, if there is no top imperial martial arts resist, then Not a rival, but a powerful martial arts.

The palm print is not surprisingly large, only more than a hundred meters long, but it does not look like an enlarged human palm. The palm print is covered with scales, and the nails are more than ten meters long, shimmering and sharp.

The Yin Demon is an extremely powerful Demon Race in the Demon World. This Yin Demon Handprint is derived from the Yin Demon Clan. As soon as it performs a move, a real Yin Demon Handprint is photographed. It is not afraid of water or fire or swords.

However, Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming are 18 or nine miles away from Xuantian. This distance is very far. Although the emperor's attack may reach such a long distance, the farther the attack, the weaker the power.

Although the Yin Demon Mudra is extremely powerful, with the strength of two people, they can only maintain the strongest attack power within ten miles. Over ten miles, the attack power of Yin Demon Mudra will gradually decrease.

This is in line with Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming's intentions, and their purpose is to make Xuantian feel that their strength is weak, and despise the enemy in their hearts, chasing them into the formation.

Xuantian looked at the two dark handprints, and a smile of disdain appeared at the corners of his mouth. He suddenly smashed the three-turn sword pill, and his entire popularity exploded, becoming extremely sharp, like a peerless **** soldier standing in the void. Everything around will be broken by that edge.

Xuantian stepped forward, and the imperial sword in his hand cut out two swords in a row.

Two green sword gangs suddenly appeared, ten li, like two big Yin Demon handprints colliding together.

Xuantian's Jian Gang slashed forward about ten miles. At that time, the Yin Mo big handprint had not been ten miles away from Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming. It was the time when the strength was maintained at its peak.

But I only heard Bo! Boo! With two beeps, the two big handprints of the Yin Demon whose power was at their peak were instantly broken apart by Jian Gang, split into two, collapsed in an instant, and dissipated in the sky.

The big handprint of Yin Mo, not afraid of water or fire, not afraid of swords, is as strong as an imperial treasure, but under the mysterious attack of the sword of Xuantian Sanzhuan Sword Pill, it still cut in half instantly.

Xuantian now cuts down with a single sword, even if it is an ordinary imperial treasure, it will be broken into two pieces and destroyed instantly.

The technique of the Nine Turns Sword Pill, represents pure attack power, and is the first sword technique of attack.

The attack power is the first, coupled with the concentration of power, the sharpness will reach a terrifying level.

Perhaps the fifth and sixth-level emperors have more attack power than Xuantian, but it is difficult to cut off the emperor-level treasure in an instant, because there is no sharpness and sharpness of the sword.

It is like a sword that can cut a wooden stick flatly, but if it is a hammer, even if its power is doubled, it cannot be cut off. Unless the power reaches a terrifying level, it can only smash the wooden stick into pieces, which cannot be flattened. Cut, this is the difference in sharpness.

The same is Jian Gang, Xuantian has practiced the technique of sword pill. The sword's profound meaning is contained in Jian Gang, and the sharpness is several times or even ten times that of others.


Such a terrifying attack power——?

Whether it was Shi Qing, Jiao Zhengming, or Lianyun Peak in the distance, they looked at the Qingyun Sword Sect martial artist here, their eyes glared, and their hearts jumped fiercely.

Especially Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming. They knew the power of the Yin Demon Mahamudra, and knew how strong the Yin Demon Mahamudra was. Less than ten miles away from them, they were cut in half by Zhan Yi. No doubt, that The attack power of the two swords is very terrifying and can easily kill them.

At this moment, they knew that there was no need to deliberately pretend to be invincible, because their strength was far from the original Xuantian.

"Retreat!" Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming glanced at each other, and the two quickly rushed to the rear formation area.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

When Xuantian took his sword, he stepped forward, teleporting in the void. When the green sword gang slashed out the two large handprints of Yin and Demon, Xuantian had already emerged from the void and was ten miles ahead of Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming.

As the three-level emperor, the two of them have a defensive force field enough to block the emperor below level five that is teleported to ten miles away.

Even if the opponent facing the two is a fifth-level emperor, they will have enough time to teleport and retreat back to the formation area under Geng Yuqing's cloth.

But unfortunately, their opponent is Xuantian.

There are two sacred cauldrons on Xuantian's body, and the range of the imprisonment void is centered on him and has a radius of 16 or 7 miles.

The distance between Xuantian and Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming was only about ten miles, proving that the two of them had penetrated into the void of the holy cauldron.

Want to teleport? It's totally impossible.

In an instant, there was a feeling of fear in the two of them. If they began to teleport and retreat when they used the Yin Demon Handprint, then there would still be a chance, but now, there is no chance.

"The demon's grandson--death!" Xuantian's voice came from behind the two, like a reminder.

call out--

call out--

With a wave of the imperial sword in Xuantian's hand, two green swords burst out instantly, slashing towards Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming.

In an instant, Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming's spine trembled, and a cold breath rushed to the top of their heads along their spine. The cold in their hearts and the crisis of death enveloped the two.

In the distance, the martial artist of the Qingyun Sword Sect was already dumbfounded, and at the same time, his eyes revealed extremely shocked joy.


They really saw a miracle!

The stronger Qingyun Sword Sect who reacted even more cheered: "Kill——! Kill——! Kill——!"

The green Jian Gang came too fast, Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming had no time to dodge, and once again displayed the Yin Demon Handprint, and patted them against the two Jian Gang.

The result was destined. The two Yin Demon handprints instantly broke into two halves, while the two green sword gangs died unabated, directly slicing the two bodies.

First, the palm of the hand that slapped forward, both of them wore imperial-level treasure gloves, and they were also broken by Jian Gang.

In the next instant, the green sword gang directly slashed the bodies of the two of them. Although they were blocked by the big handprints of the Yin Mo and the imperial weapon glove, they still split most of their bodies, and all the vital points were broken open. Heart, throat, eyebrow...

Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming, two three-level emperors, died instantly.

It's too late to say, then soon!

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, from Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming's use of Yin Mo big handprints to attack Xuan Tian, ​​to Xuan Tian's sword counterattack, and after catching up to kill the two, it only took two or three breaths.

With a few blinks of the eyes, the two third-level emperors died in Huangquan, and Xuantian's terrifying offensive power was heart palpitating.

This is the Domo Continent. Xuantian will soon leave Yunzhou via Domo Ridge and go to and no longer care about revealing his cards. Before leaving Zhongzhou, he must teach the Momen a big lesson. .

The magic sect powerhouses are all attacking the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain guard formation. For the two third-level emperors to kill Xuantian, they all think that they are caught by hand, and basically no one looks back.

It wasn't until the Qingyun Sword sent a small group of powerful people to cheer and kill..., the hearts of the demon sect powerful people were shocked, suddenly shocked, feeling bad, and looking back.

From this look, I just saw two green sword gangs, slashing through the bodies of Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming, and the two third-level emperors instantly fell downward, dying.

At this time, the black cat on Xuantian's shoulder jumped down and instantly grew in size in the air, turning into a length of tens of meters, and ate the two third-level emperors one by one.

ek chocolate says

On the 18th, it was a really good day. Jianni has been writing for 365 days and 2 days. Today, it broke out at the fifth hour. Thank you for your support.

The first is more. . . . . .


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