The Supreme Sword

Chapter 922: 】Will the demon

【Chapter 922】Ask the way demon race

The land of the Central Continent is respected by the human race, and the monster race is rampant in the four seas. ()

Although the human race has an innumerable population, but in terms of quantity, the demon race is even more. If the demon race is divided into two factions, the transformation and the non-transformation, the overall strength is stronger than the human race.

When Xuantian and Geng Yuqing came to Zhongzhou, they were in the northeast sea area, which was the territory of the monster race.

Compared with the non-transformed monsters, the transformed monsters are no different from humans, and they can communicate with each other. Although they are rivals, they are not to the point of life and death as soon as they meet. In some places, even the transformed monsters. There will be contacts with human races, such as Yunzhou.

However, the untransformed monsters can only see human beings have two results: they are weaker than themselves and eat more powerfully than themselves.

Therefore, Xuantian was naturally willing to choose the territory of the Transforming Demon Race.

After slaying a few invisible monsters in the sea, Xuantian came to a huge island. There were many transformed monsters living on the island, and the king was like a cloud.

"This Xiongtai, do you know how to walk to the middle continent?"


On the island, Xuantian asked ten demon kings.

Xuan Tian was surrounded by the Demon Emperor Xiaohu, the fourth-level emperor Geng Yuqing, and the demon king was extremely jealous and respectful.

It's just that the Middle Continent is extremely far away. These Demon Kings have never left the area of ​​tens of millions of miles here. They only know the general direction of the Middle Continent, which seems to be east or southeast.

Xuantian knew this in his heart, but he didn't have a specific route. He just walked in the approximate direction. It was easy to get lost, and he might accidentally break into some forbidden areas of intransformation monsters.

Just imagine, if you break into the territory of the eighth, ninth-level demon emperor or even the quasi-emperor demon beast, it is quite dangerous.

Monsters do not transform their forms, they are closer to nature, and have a deep understanding of the laws of space. Basically all of them will confine the void, their strengths are too far apart, and the hope of escape is very slim.

"If you want to know the way to the Middle Continent, you can ask Master Qinghu. Master Qinghu is a demon emperor. He has traveled many places and should know it." After Xuantian asked a dozen demon kings, a demon king reminded him. Tao.

The Demon King didn't know the way to the Middle Continent, but the Demon King knew that the Demon King had a five-hundred-year life span, which was much longer than the Demon King, and his strength was much stronger.

"Where is this Blue Tiger Demon Emperor?" Xuantian asked.

"Go to the north, walk 300,000 miles, and then 130,000 miles to the east, you will find Weihu Mountain, the residence of Master Qinghu!" The Demon King reminded.

"Thanks for your advice!" Xuantian gave the demon king a fist and said to Geng Yuqing: "Go, go to Weihu Mountain."

The two made a tiger and teleported northward.

For the distance, they will have an accurate judgment, each teleport is controlled within 400 miles, and the teleportation is 750 times, which is 300,000 miles.

"Master, the words of these demon kings are not reliable. I don't know the cultivation base of the green tiger demon emperor. If it is a demon emperor above level 5, what should we do against us when we see that we are human?" On the way, Geng Yu Qing asked worriedly.

In this land full of monsters, he was unfamiliar with the place of life. Although Geng Yuqing was a fourth-level emperor, he was also very jealous.

"If you come, you will be safe!" Xuantian said indifferently: "The soldiers will come to block, the water will come and the soil will be flooded. It is better to know that the route to Zhongzhou is better than rushing to the ground. In the imperial territory, it is difficult to even escape, that is the real danger."

Geng Yu nodded his head. It was true. Although the untransformed Demon Kings above level 7 were rare, the boundless seas were all like Demon Race, and the chances of encountering one end were still high.

With bad luck, he broke into the territory of the Quasi-Emperor Monster Beast, and it was even more mortal.


Yunxi Island, Yuhu Mountain!

Just as Xuantian and Geng Yuqing were heading to the Tiger Mountain, a Demon King had already arrived here through the teleportation formation.

"Fairy Jade Fox, the human race has come to Yunxi Island!" A demon king knelt down on one knee and said respectfully to a woman wearing white fur, who was about double ten years old.

This woman has peach blossoms in her eyes, charming and charming, with a melon-seeded face, a jade nose, and her skin is as white as jade.

The man's eyes fell on her, and it was difficult to look away.

Although the woman sitting here is Fairy Meiruo, all the Demon King and Demon Emperor present did not dare to look at her directly for fear of being seduced.

At this moment, the woman named'Jade Fox Fairy' suddenly brightened her eyes, and said: "Oh, Human Race? The young master needs the flesh and blood of a strong human race to practice, although he went to Central Continent last time. I caught some, but it was not enough. Now the Central Continents are tightly guarded. It is very difficult for the son to go to Central Continent to arrest people. The humans come to my Yunxi Island, chuckle..., don’t you throw yourself into the net?"

Fairy Yuhu laughed for a while, and then said: "How many human races are there, and what are they?"

The demon king below bowed his head and said: "There are two in total, one is the fourth-level emperor, the other is the quasi-emperor, and the black cat is the first-level demon emperor."

Walking in the monster clan, Xuantian and others naturally have to show their strength to deter, so their cultivation bases are all released.

However, whether it can shock the Yaozu depends on the reaction of the strong Yaozu.

"Fourth-level emperor?" Fairy Jade Fox was overjoyed, covered her mouth and smiled, eyes curled like half a month, and said: "There is a fourth-level emperor, and the son's blood cicada magical skill must be completed. If you are in Zhongzhou, catch a fourth-level emperor. It's too difficult, it's impossible, but on Yunxi Island, giggle..., it seems I can give the son a good gift."

Fairy Jade Fox, a descendant genius of the demon race, became the demon emperor at the age of forty, and now at fifty-one, she is already a third-level emperor, and she is very powerful, but she can challenge beyond a realm. Her opponent.

Fifty-one years old, for the life span of the Demon Emperor's 500 years, he was naturally very young, and it looked like he was just an adult, about twenty.

In addition, Fairy Jade Fox has a close relationship with the son of Xuechan Island.

Blood Cicada Island, but the monster clan super power, almost equivalent to the five super families of humans.

Although Fairy Jade Fox himself is very powerful and his combat power is even more amazing, Young Master Xuechan sent two fourth-level emperors as guards to protect Fairy Jade Fox.

Fairy Jade Fox asked, "Where is the Human Race now?"

"I'm asking about the way to Zhongzhou, now I'm heading to Weihu Mountain to find Master Qinghu." The Demon King below said with his head down.

"Snake, Cicada, follow me to Weihu Mountain, capture the human race, and give it to the son." Fairy Yuhu stood up, her body is slender, her small waist is not enough to hold her hands, but her hips are high. At the end, there is a snow-white foxtail behind, which is a completely charming fairy.

It stands to reason that this jade fox fairy can completely transform into a human form, but, perhaps because he loves the fox tail, he also keeps it.

Snake, Chanjie is the two guards sent by Master Xuechan to Fairy Jade Fox. One is the Snake Clan Demon Emperor and the other is the Cicada Clan Demon Emperor. Both are four-level emperors and have lived for more than three hundred years. Old fairy.

Snake's body is long and thin, and his eyes are cold, like a poisonous snake. Cicada's body is small and thin, but his movements are light and flexible.

The two of them flashed to the front of Fairy Yuhu from left and right, holding their fists and saying, "Yes, Fairy."

At the scene, only the two of them dared to look at Fairy Yuhu, but they dared not look much.


Yunxi Island has a radius of more than five million miles. It should be called Yunxi Continent in Yunzhou. However, in the land of Zhongzhou, except Zhongzhou, all the land in the four seas is called islands. After all, Zhongzhou is too big, six thousand nine hundred. It is more than 10,000 miles wide and more than eighty-three million miles long.

Yunxi Island is very large, so Demon Emperor is not uncommon.

Weihu Mountain is the lair of the Blue Tiger Demon Emperor. As a third-level demon emperor, it can be regarded as the No. 2 force on Yunxi Island, only slightly worse than Yuhu Mountain.

Xuantian and Geng Yuqing came to the front of Weihu Mountain. This is a huge mountain, resembling a tiger lying prone, with a majestic aura and the tendency of a tiger on a dragon.

"Qinghu Demon Emperor, please see me if I have something!" Xuantian shouted, standing in front of Weihu Mountain.

The sound was gentle, but very loud, spreading hundreds of miles around.

"Who?" After a while, a middle-aged man with a height of two meters flew out of Huwei Mountain. He was wearing a tiger coat and his face was full of beard, like strong grass.

The Azure Tiger Demon Emperor looked at Xuantian and Geng Yuqing dozens of miles away, his expression changed: "Two human races?"

Xuantian said: "Cyan Tiger Demon Emperor, we want to know the path, we want to know the path, if you have trouble telling it, we must thank you."

"Roar--!" The Green Tiger Demon Emperor roared loudly, and shouted: "Your human race slaughtered my monster race wantonly, and you dare to come to my Huwei Mountain to ask for directions."

Xuantian and Geng Yuqing didn't think anything about the roar of the Azure Tiger Demon Emperor, the reaction of the Azure Tiger Demon Emperor was still in their expectations.

However, the little tiger, who had been lying on Xuantian's shoulder, suddenly raised his head, looked at the Qinghu Demon Emperor, and jumped off Xuantian's shoulder.


Xiaohu's body instantly grew bigger, and he uttered a long roar to the sky, and the sound spread thousands of miles, and the ground in a radius of hundreds of miles was shaking.

Little Tiger's origin is very big, and other monster beasts may be provocative, but in the tiger clan, that is the supreme existence.

An ordinary green tiger yelled in front of it, making Xiaohu very angry.

Xiaohu roared, the expression of the Demon Emperor Qinghu changed drastically, and the blood pressure of the same clan suddenly pressed him crazily.

The Green Tiger Demon Emperor's mind was trembling, his body changed instinctively, and he became a huge green tiger.

Although this green tiger is much bigger than, in front of Xiaohu, he lowered his head to show respect.

On Huwei Mountain, a large group of tiger demon kings or other little demon all bowed down to the little tiger respectfully.

"Huh, bluff, bluff............!" Little Tiger screamed at the Green Tiger Demon Emperor again and again, as if speaking the language of the tiger clan.

Xuantian and Geng Yuqing didn't understand, but the Azure Tiger Demon Emperor nodded repeatedly.

Soon, Xiaohu became smaller and returned to Xuantian's shoulder like a kitten.

The terrible pressure on the Qinghu Demon Emperor disappeared, and he stood up and turned into a human form, looking at Xiaohu with fear and respect.

"The two of you, please, I, Huyan, will draw you a map of the path to Zhongzhou...!" Qinghu Demon Emperor said, no more anger.

ek chocolate says

Make up the second update yesterday. . . . . There are four changes today. . .


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